My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 194 Dragon King and Latias

Rubbing between his brows, Guo Zhang sullenly lit a cigarette.

Seeing Liu Shengnan walk in, Guo Zhang nodded and said, "Brother Liu!"

Liu Shengnan slapped the document on the table with a dark face, and said, "Boss, the superiors have urged us many times to escort Wu Ye and Li Yixing over there."

The arrest operation in Modu ended with Wu Ye's arrest.

No one could have imagined that Wu Ye, who was expected to become the national champion, was actually a member of the Galaxy Group.

However, his strength is also unquestionable.

The fast dragon in the reverse scale state, the dragon's dive that bites the land shark... These two quasi-god-level elves have brought great damage to the Armed Forces.

Seeing that the situation was about to become irretrievable, Jiang Ziqian, the king of dragons guarding the demon capital, made a move.

This heavenly king is the man who successfully climbed to the top of the Eastern Battle Tower that year.

He came late riding the three dragons, and with just one move of "Dragon Stars", he seriously injured the biting land shark raging in the sky.

And his other elf, Guo Zhang swears, he has never seen it in the illustrated book in his life.

With a streamlined body and glazed feathers, this red and white flying elf first used its powerful mental will to forcefully pull the fast dragon down, and then erupted with extremely powerful dragon waves.

This is the strongest fluctuating energy that Guo Zhang has ever seen, even Li Yixing's Lucario can't match it.

Throwing the unconscious Wu Ye into Guo Zhang's hands, Jiang Ziqian just glanced at it silently, and then flew away with three evil dragons.

What kind of powerful force is this?

With such strength, why do they need to sacrifice for no reason?

Rao Guo Zhang, who has served for more than ten years, is also caught in such a question at this moment.

Liu Shengnan spoke bluntly, frowned and said, "Boss, that Jiang Ziqian can obviously..."

Guo Zhang waved his hand and interrupted Liu Shengnan's words.

"Have someone escort Wu Ye up. As for Mr. Li, just tell the superiors that he has handicapped legs and feet, and we have assigned someone to take care of him."

Liu Shengnan nodded.

"Also, did you ask for leave this weekend to go on a blind date?" Guo Zhang changed the subject.

Liu Shengnan was taken aback, his pretty face flushed slightly, and he coughed immediately: "Boss, you're joking again."

Liu Shengnan, who has kneeled ninety-nine times in a row, is really embarrassed to mention the blind date with others.

Guo Zhang glanced at her and said, "If you want nothing to do, go to Jiangnan University, anyway, you are familiar with that place."

"Why go to Jiangnan University?" Liu Shengnan asked in amazement.

"Look for Professor Liu and ask him to study the matter of giant elves." Guo Zhang frowned and said, "Recently, many people at home and abroad have witnessed the case of giant elves, and this is no longer an exception."

"Also, let Lu Cheng, that stinky brat, settle down a bit. It's been a troubled time recently, let him study hard, and don't wander around like Shui-kun did last time!"


"Boss, Wu Ye has been arrested."



There was no regret on the half of the man's face.

He just played with the high-grade ball on his fingertips, turned the chair, and tapped his fingers on the table deftly and crisply.

"Who made the move, the ghost mother-in-law, the fire lunatic, or the ice beauty?"

"Dragon King, Jiang Ziqian." Xiang Dong said in a deep voice.

The man stopped spinning, and suddenly laughed and said, "This is interesting, the strength of his three-headed dragon has recovered?"

"According to the information, Jiang Ziqian has also mastered a more powerful dragon spirit."

Xiang Dong handed the photo to the man.

The man looked at the photo, pondered for a moment, and pressed the button on the table.

The metal door was opened, and a short, fat man walked in with a greasy face.

First, he unscrupulously glanced at Xiang Dong from top to bottom, that lewd gaze made Xiang Dong feel a chill.

"Welcome, my friend." The man's voice was distorted and full of magnetism.

The fat man chuckled and said, "My lord, it's better to see once than to hear a hundred times. You are really magnificent."

"It's just that, compared with my office, you are still a bit worse." The fat man said cheerfully.

"It's okay." The man smiled and showed the photo, "I heard that you are a famous collector."

"So, have you ever seen this elf?"

The collector looked at the photo, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"It's just Latias!" The collector shouted, "I've been tracking it for three years, but I didn't expect it to be captured!"

A hint of shock flashed in Xiang Dong's eyes.

She had also heard of Latias, but it was only a mythical beast that appeared in legends, and no one had ever seen it.

Who is this fat man, and why is it so easy to reveal the real name of the divine beast?

Besides, judging from his tone, did he try to capture a divine beast?

The smile on the man's face grew stronger. He threw the photo to the fat man, knocked the elf ball on the table, and said:

"Then you must know what kind of elf is in my elf ball, right?"

The collector hurriedly picked up the photo, stuck out his tongue without hesitation, and licked the picture of Latias on it, which immediately made Xiang Dong feel a chill.

He said happily: "Shui Jun, it's a pity, it doesn't meet my aesthetics."

"Oh? Then what do you like?" The man narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Mighty and domineering!" The collector laughed happily, and the cold light in his eyes flashed away.

"Like Flamingo, Registeel, and... Emperor Yan!"


Jiang University's school team training is still in full swing.

The training content this time is a team competition, and the emphasis is on the tacit understanding and tactical cooperation between teammates.

In order to let everyone better understand the training content, Chen Dayong specially took the team competition videos of the Elf League over the years as teaching materials.

"This is the final video of Yuan Hongliang's session the year before last." Chen Dayong explained:

"The opponents are Imperial University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. Both sides are very strong."

Everyone looked at the video with serious expressions.

In the picture, a huge Benjira is screaming with blood-red eyes. With its appearance, the whole field is full of yellow sand.

At the same time, a bulge of earth quickly moved towards the enemy formation, and the sandstorm became its best shelter, almost imperceptible.

Chen Dayong pressed the pause button, pointed at the screen with a teaching stick and said, "This is the leading gopher of the Imperial University. In the team competition, he acts as the assaulter and forward."

The dragon-headed gopher flew out of the hole, but a huge piece of concrete had been waiting for it for a long time, and it was sent flying with a powerful swing.

This scene, which was similar to whack-a-mole, made everyone present burst into laughter, but Chen Dayong said seriously: "This is a veteran builder of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Strong restraint."

Just after the old builder hit the target, with the dull bell, a flickering spiritual force rushed out from the side, immediately forcing the old builder who was striding back.

"This is the bronze bell of the Imperial University. It has good resistance and physical defense. It can play a joint defense effect with Bangira." Chen Dayong explained.

Looking at these incomparably powerful elves, everyone immediately quieted down and studied the game seriously.

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