My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 281 Best Individual Award

The news that Jiangnan University won the championship instantly detonated the Elf Forum.

Want to raise a fierce biting land shark: @今日九尾Win the championship, congratulations to Lu Cheng, congratulations to Jiangnan University!

Ruthless poster Rotom: Damn, Jiangnan University actually won the championship.

Thousand Faces: The strength of this year's team is ridiculously strong, and Jiangnan University is really the dark horse among the dark horses!

Tyrannosaurus, head of the independent group: One thing to say, Lu Cheng from Jiangnan University is ridiculously strong.

Meatballs and Scallion Chicken: Lu Cheng is still a freshman, this year's best newcomer is gone, take off!

The competition has ended, and the final list of awards has not yet been announced.

In addition to the champion, runner-up and third runner-up, this year's competition also has Best Individual Award, Best Newcomer Award and Best Team Award.

One of the most eye-catching, or best individual award.

Because the best individual award in almost every competition can be regarded as the leader of that generation.

Even Jiang Ziqian and Tu Ming won the best individual award back then.

This is the best proof of the gold content of this award.

In the eyes of everyone, the award ceremony was officially announced.

The head of the competition department of the association, Qian Zhen, appeared on the stage in a suit and leather shoes, took the list from the master of ceremonies, and said loudly:

"I declare that the winner of the 26th National College League Championship is—"

"Jiangnan University!"

Even though they were mentally prepared, everyone was still very excited when they really had to lift the trophy.

As for the reward of the champion university, besides 30 million cash, there is also a purple master ball.

Lu Cheng stared at the master ball with burning eyes.

In theory, a master ball with a 100% catch rate!

"Coach." Lu Cheng whispered, "Can you lend me this thing for two days?"

Chen Dayong stared and said, "How can I do that?"

Lu Cheng looked away angrily, but saw Chen Dayong smiling.

"However, you are allowed to bring it back to Jiangnan University!"

Lu Cheng immediately understood and smiled.

Although you can't own it, it's good to keep it to relieve your greed.

And the money each teammate got, although less than three million, still eased Lu Cheng's urgent need for food expenses for the Gyarados.

It can even be said that Lu Cheng is already a rich man.

"The next thing to announce is the best newcomer award for this competition!"

Hearing the host's voice, Luo Yun stunned Lu Cheng and said.

"Brother Cheng, it's your turn!"

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

The next moment, Qian Zhen announced Lu Cheng's name as expected.

There is no objection to this.

After all, Lu Cheng successfully led his team to win the championship by virtue of his status as a freshman. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the best rookie in previous competitions.

Lu Cheng coughed lightly, walked onto the stage, and took the sign with two million cash from the master of ceremonies.

And in the box in the hands of the master of ceremonies, there are three USB flash drives of different colors, which are three valuable move machines.

"Jet Flame", "Extreme Freezing Beam" and "One Hundred Thousand Volts"!

These three move machines can fully broaden Lu Cheng's attack surface.

Although it can only be used once, it is quite precious.

The second award, the Best Team Award, was awarded to Jinling Normal University, which is famous for its Rainy Day team.

The team members who won the Best Team Award can choose an evolution stone.

Tang Le took the medal from the master of ceremonies, leaned close to Lu Cheng and said in a low voice:

"Brother Cheng, the last bet..."

"It's not negotiable!" Lu Cheng said cheerfully.

Tang Le's face suddenly wrinkled, and he smiled wryly at the camera.

And the last, and most anticipated award, is the best individual award in this league.

Theoretically speaking, the best individual award is determined based on the overall performance and wonderful moments of the individual players, and it is not necessarily produced by the champion team.

This also means that apart from Lu Cheng, Jiang Xun from Imperial University, and even the captains of other universities, may be strong contenders for this award.

And the reward of this award - the key stone, is even more exciting!

"Lu Cheng, prepare yourself mentally."

Off the stage, Chen Dayong whispered to Lu Cheng:

"I heard that the best individual award and the best newcomer are generally not awarded to the same person."

"And this year's awards are so rare, it is easy to cause unnecessary disputes."

Lu Cheng pondered and nodded slightly.

It's as if the best debater in a debate is often not from the winning team.

Unless that person's strength has reached the point where everyone is amazed!

"Let me announce that the best individual in this league is—"

Qian Zhen elongated his voice deliberately, with an inscrutable smile on his face.

Under Hu Di's trick space, the whole venue became dark, and the spotlights flickered back and forth.

Finally, a beam of light fell on Lu Cheng.

"Jiangnan University, Lu Cheng!"

Lu Cheng couldn't help but laugh.

Why are you doing so much bells and whistles?

What should be mine is always mine!

The idea of ​​an association is also fairly simple.

Since he wants to use the best individual of this session as the propagandist of mega evolution, there is no more suitable candidate than Lu Cheng.

After all, that match between the mega lizard king and Ning Qianer's mega Xanadu has become a promotional video for this competition, and it will even be passed down from generation to generation, becoming a model battle for mega evolution.

Once someone mentions mega evolution in the future, they will naturally think of the best individual in that league——

Lu Cheng!

Lu Cheng smiled and took the wooden box from Qian Zhen.

Although he already had a keystone, the stone with rainbow light still made him feel a unique sense of beauty.

When submitting, Qian Zhen patted Lu Cheng on the shoulder, and said softly:

"The association will not treat you badly."

Lu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought of the bet with Guo Zhang.

At that time, he agreed with Guo Zhang that if he won the best individual in this league, Guo Zhang would agree to give him other rewards.

Obviously, this Mr. Qian also knew Lu Cheng's status in the armed forces.

In just one year, Lu Cheng has climbed from a rookie to an officer, which also surprised Qian Zhen.

After all, Lu Chengming is still the champion of the National University League, and even the best young scholar of the scientific research summit!

If the Ministry of Armed Forces really comes into the public's sight in the future, Lu Cheng will definitely be the preferred spokesperson.


Lu Cheng smiled slightly.

Looking at the high-spirited young man, Qian Zhen couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

There are talents from generation to generation!

After the awards ceremony, the Jiangnan University team, which returned from victory, received a tsunami-like welcome.

"Jiangnan University is amazing!"

"You are Lu Cheng's roommate, can you ask him for an autograph for me?"

"Sister Deng, I love you!"

As a welcome person, Du Zhe looked at coach Chen Dayong walking in the front with a smile.

"came back?"

"Yes." Chen Dayong slightly nodded and said with emotion,

"It's all back."

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