My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 283: The Hungry Dragon Roars! Woohoo!


In the holographic projection, a pterosaur covered in rock thorns spreads its purple wings and soars under the clear sky.

Its sharp claws and serrated teeth glow coldly, enough to make all elves terrified.

Hearing its roar, all the elves backed away.

One Lada even fell to the ground in fright, convulsing all over.

However, the fire-breathing dragon, who is also the overlord of the sky, suddenly flapped its wings and rushed towards the fossilized pterosaur with its fangs quenched!

The two elves fought fiercely in the air.

Dazzling flames, fire-breathing dragon flames and fossilized pterosaurs passed side by side.

The fossilized pterosaur bit the charizard's wings fiercely, and the blood mist splashed.

The two elves roared one after another, but the fossil pterosaur had the upper hand.

Just when the fossil pterosaur was about to tear off the entire wing of the fire-breathing dragon, there was a sudden roar.

In the distant sky, meteorites tore through the atmosphere one after another, turning into brilliant meteors and falling to the ground.

The earth trembled, cracking gaps, and hot magma gushed out.

The volcano also erupted from this, and the sky was covered with volcanic ash like heavy snow.

"This is the scene of our recovery." Dr. Gao Cong said seriously,

"You fossil pterosaur, what it looked like during its lifetime!"

Lu Cheng swallowed hard.

"You mean, it's the fossilized pterosaur that nearly tore off the Charizard's wings?"

Gao Cong nodded.

"This is a picture of the Cretaceous period, and we have restored the scene at that time based on the extracted genes."

Gao Cong said: "The fact that it was sealed in amber should also be due to the mass extinction."

Lu Cheng recalled the scene just now.

Different from the fossil pterosaur in his memory, the fossil pterosaur in the holographic projection is covered with sharp rock spines.

This is similar to the mega-evolved fossil pterosaur.

After all, some scholars have pointed out that the mega-evolved fossil pterosaur is what it really looked like in ancient times.

Gao Cong sighed and said, "Because the technology is not perfect, we still can't fully restore the original appearance of that fossilized pterosaur."

"But don't worry, there is nothing wrong with its physical condition!"

Under the leadership of Gao Cong, the two came to a greenhouse.

"Because we are resurrected using embryo technology." Gao Cong explained, "So, you still need to cultivate it from a young age."

This is in line with Lu Cheng's request.

If the original fossilized pterosaur was really resurrected, it is very likely that he would not obey Lu Cheng's instructions.

And if he starts cultivating from an early age, he will be better than the former in terms of bond and intimacy, and it will be more convenient for Lu Cheng to cultivate.

"This is it."

The two stopped in front of a guarded greenhouse.

in the incubator,

A pale pink, hairless elf is rolling over and making soft and cute calls.

"Which elf is this? Fat Ding or the cub of a naughty panda?" Lu Cheng smiled, "It looks cute."

Gao Cong said with a strange expression, "This is the fossilized pterosaur."

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

"What the hell?"

"You are not mistaken." Gao Cong coughed and said,

"After our research, we found that the larval stage of fossil pterosaurs is quite fragile, which is why fossil pterosaurs are so rare."

"Are you sure this is a fossilized pterosaur?"

Looking at the pink meat balls rolling back and forth in the incubator, it was difficult for Lu Cheng to connect with the domineering fossil pterosaur just now.

"This is too cute!"

Gao Cong nodded and said with a smile: "But don't worry, the growth period of fossil pterosaurs is very short."

"It takes about half a month for the wings to fully grow."

Lu Cheng swallowed, and pressed his face against the glass of the incubator.

Under the warm light, this ball of pink meat is lazily scratching its back, and it can be seen that there are already a pair of sarcomas-like bumps on its back.

That's exactly what the fossilized pterosaurs were still developing.

"However, it will take about two months before it flies."

Gao Cong said seriously, "Between that, the fossil pterosaur is quite fragile, I hope you can take good care of it."

At this moment, the fossil pterosaur in the incubator let out a soft and cute cry.


The dragon roars!

Lu Cheng and Gao Cong were turned into cute at the same time——

After a while, Gao Cong coughed and said, "You can take him away now."

"However, a Poké Ball is still needed. After all, a Poké Ball is the best place for a Pokémon to live."

In order to thank Lu Cheng for providing such precious research materials, Gao Cong specially prepared a super ball for Lu Cheng.

Half an hour later, Lu Cheng played with the super ball in his hand, with a strange look on his face.

Although the fossilized pterosaurs are extremely vicious and even brutal elves—

But this pink ball is too cute!


Lu Cheng's expression suddenly changed.

I remember that my aesthetics seem to be different from ordinary people...

What if the growing fossil pterosaur turns into some kind of monster?

Lu Cheng anxiously took the fossil pterosaur home.

On the cushion where the six tails had been placed, he released the fossilized pterosaur.

In order to welcome the new companions, Lu Cheng also released the other elves.

Except Gyarados.

(Gyarados os: Do you blame me for looking so big?)

The ball of meat has not yet opened its eyes, and it is kicking its claws back and forth, constantly biting the soft cushion next to it.

Seeing this scene, Kyuubi's expression changed immediately.

You dare to bite my old lady's mat!

Fortunately, the Lizard King stopped it in time, otherwise, if the flames were sprayed down, tonight's dinner would be over.

The Variety Monster looked at the little guy curiously.


Immediately, Ditto stretched out his liquid hands, took the soothing bell from its chest, and shook it back and forth.

And under the crisp bell, the little fossil pterosaur gradually stopped restless and fell asleep, with a faint smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Lu Cheng couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

The Ditto who was mischievous back then has become an older brother now!

There's some leftover Moomoo's milk at home, as well as creamy fruit puree, perfect for a little Fossil Pterosaur's dinner.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the little fossil pterosaur woke up leisurely after sleeping for half an hour, and yawned greatly.


The hungry dragon roars!

Nine-Tails' tail immediately turned up, but its reddish face turned away.

I didn't think it was cute!

The Lizard King crossed his arms, and Ditto continued to shake the soothing bell cheerfully.

The little fossil pterosaur looked around at his brothers and sisters, and then his eyes fell on Lu Cheng.


It waved its tiny claws, but fell to the mat with a thud, and the tumor on its back wriggled unwillingly.

"rest assured."

Lu Cheng smiled and picked it up, and fed it fruit puree.

"You'll grow wings in no time!"


As if understanding Lu Cheng's words, the little fossil pterosaur waved its claws happily.

In its wide open mouth, a few sharp teeth gleaming with a cold light have already begun to emerge...

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