My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 293 Fossil pterosaur, bite casually! (Two/Five)

The flames splattered, and the aftermath of the battlefield implicated this Ecstasy Eye. On its purple arm, it was scorched black.


With the scream of Gohunyan, the ink-like thick fog began to gather towards its frail body.

Like a magnetic field, its size began to increase continuously, and red lights like currents wrapped around its body. "Shhh-"

Huhunyan's arm instantly swelled, and his veins twisted.

It screamed up to the sky, and those jewel-like eyes seemed to fall off, making a clattering sound. And the sharp thorns on the top of its head drilled out half a meter, popping out like wisdom teeth, splashing a burst of purple blood mist.


Dazzling red light bloomed from the jewels of its stooped body, and the entire body of the soul-hunting eye soared to a full three meters!

"This, this is..."

Lu Cheng looked at this extremely ferocious ecstasy eye, and said in disbelief: "Overlord Elf?" The next moment, the gaze of that ecstasy eye fell directly on Lu Cheng who was closest to the Dark Stone.

Hooking Eyes bared his teeth, his saliva dripped, and his eyes suddenly glowed red!



Qiu He suddenly looked at the hill, and exclaimed, "Someone got the Dark Stone first!"

In front of her, the man with blue eyes also changed his expression.

Shuangfa stopped the battle at the same time, and ran towards the mine vein.

The next moment, a shrill scream took everyone's minds by surprise.

Qiu He's Nine Tails let out a mournful cry, and bright red blood flowed out of his ears.

However, the giant pincer mantis, which is extremely sensitive to sound waves, fell directly from the sky, and its life and death are unknown.

Qiu He's complexion changed as he looked at the Overlord-level Eye of Ecstasy.

"How can there be such a powerful soul-hunting eye!"

"Didn't it mean that their strength is very weak? What's going on, ah!"

Just as a trainer was exclaiming, a black shadow ball suddenly exploded in front of him, causing him to fly backward heavily.

"Everyone, protect your own life first!" Qiu He shouted anxiously.

But the man on the other side gave completely different orders from Qiu He.

Even though there was a lot of noise all around, Qiu He could hear that sentence clearly:

"Everyone, get rid of that ecstasy eye first!"

All of a sudden, red light appeared everywhere.

Countless elves appeared again, rushing towards the elf standing on the hillside!

In the mouth of a Nido king, a violent and destructive death light accumulated.

And a few toucans and Bi Diao used the divine bird impact on the soul-hunting eye as if they were desperate.

However, all of this was blocked by the huge dark stone in front of Guhunyan.


Hooking Eye, who was besieged by a group of people, gave up Lu Cheng as his primary target.

Instead, he chose to pull up the dark stone in front of him, which was as tall as a person, and let out a shrill neigh.

A glowing red magnetic field enveloped it, and the dark stone began to absorb the energy of the magnetic field, gradually transforming into a blood-red ruby!

"No, it wants to evolve, stop it quickly!"

Tens of thousands of moves were fired towards the soul-hunting eye, and the violent lightning and flames formed a series of violent dragons.

Hooking Eye laughed ferociously, and with a wave of his hand, the gem instantly transformed into a huge phantom, blocking all flying moves.


Hot flames exploded on the gem, but the dark stone remained untouched.

Hooking Eye let out an arrogant laugh, the corners of his mouth went all the way to his sharp ears, and an incomparably dazzling white light burst out from his body again.

If this level of ecstasy eye is allowed to mega-evolve again, the consequences will be disastrous!

However, at this moment, a bone sword roared towards the wind!

The bone sword flew close to the eyes of the soul-hunting eye, and sank deeply into the rock behind it.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the corner of the forehead of the soul-hunting eye, looking in Lu Cheng's direction.

Immediately, Gouhunyan screamed sharply, and threw several extremely violent shadow balls at Lu Cheng.

This shadow ball looks like it has a grimace, it is full of lifeless energy, and it is filled with terrifying ghost energy.

However, Lu Cheng had already thrown two elf balls.

Ditto turned into a magic wall puppet, and instantly built an indestructible light wall.

And Jiuwei stepped forward, a cluster of flaming white flames rose from his mouth!

Originated from Yandi, the sacred fire that only Yandi and Fengwang can master according to legend has become the best weapon of Nine Tails at this moment.

Touching the shadow ball of the sacred fire, the grimace on the ball wailed, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Gouhunyan roared unwillingly, and swung out his sharp claws directly, and his crooked body suddenly jumped towards Lu Cheng!

Looking at the ecstasy eyes flying towards him, a sneer appeared on the corner of Lu Cheng's mouth.

With a "snap", Lu Cheng's hand was already buckled on the belt.

"Lizard King, mega evolution!!"


A dazzling white light rose from the vein.

Qiu He looked in disbelief at the Nine-Tailed who was fighting with the Ecstasy Eye, and there was a hint of excitement in his tone.

Looking at the rising white flame, Qiu He shouted hoarsely:

"There is no mistake, this is Amaterasu, the Great God Amaterasu!!"

"Everyone, swear to the death to save that envoy!"

An extremely heroic King Yan appeared next to the female ninja Sai Niao, and saw Sai Niao standing on the back of King Yan, and said eagerly:

"Come on, King Yan, let's go to the mine!"

On the other side, House, as the conductor, fell into a rage.

"Who is this person? Why did he dare to go to the mine veins before us!"

"Captain, that Hooking Eye is too powerful, we probably won't be able to get that Dark Stone!"

"In that case."

A cold light flashed in House's eyes, and he shouted:

"Then shoot down that trainer first!"



A water cannon hit Lu Cheng's scalp on the rock behind him.

The gravel splashed, and the sound of "cracking" continued to sound.

Fortunately, the mega-evolved Lizard King cut the oncoming fire ball in half in time, but he himself was attacked by the soul ecstasy eye.


The Lizard King let out a cry of pain, and couldn't help but staggered.

"what happened!"

Lu Cheng looked at the battlefield, but saw that a group of trainers had already turned their guns and aimed at Lu Cheng!

"If you can't get it yourself, you won't let others get it?"

Lu Cheng cursed loudly, and took out a diving ball and a super ball from his pocket.

"Gyarados, fossil pterosaurs, go in and bite!"



The gigantic Gyarados descended from the sky, and with a bang, huge clouds of dust were raised.

And the fossil pterosaur, like a real beast, swooped down from the air and directly bit the neck of a frightened horned deer, splashing blood.

"What the hell is going on!" House yelled angrily, "Where did these two elves come from!"

A blond woman tremblingly said: "Captain, this seems to be the elf of the trainer!"

The extremely enraged Gyarados seemed to be in no man's land, and its huge size made it unparalleled in killing the formation.

And once a fast elf avoids the impact of the tyrannosaurus, it will be bitten frantically by the fossil pterosaur.

In just a few minutes, five or six elves lost their ability to fight!

The shell of a water arrow turtle was bitten by the tyrannosaurus, and cracks were created with a "click".

And Nido King was attacked by the wings of the fossil pterosaur, and his body was covered with cuts and bruises, bleeding profusely.

This scene made everyone present terrified, and invariably turned their attention to the trainer on the vein. Who is this trainer! ?

How could it be so powerful! ?

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