Elf: Little Lucky Egg (Level 0

) Potential

: S Gender: Female

Attribute: General

Characteristics: Natural Recovery (When Pokémon is swapped, it restores its own abnormal state)

Carry items: No

genetic skills: Hold, Gravity, Double Return, Healing Bell

Notes: It is a very docile Pokémon, but if the round stone in the abdomen is taken away, it will cry and make a big noise. The elven egg has not yet hatched.

"S-Class!" Jiang Xiao gasped, "It's S-class!" Dad's super strong leave king is only A-level, S-level, it's crazy, this is higher than the potential value of the little lazy, and the father was still talking about if the little lazy was sold, he would be able to exchange it for 100 million. "

I remember that two years ago, when Jiang Xiao and his father were watching TV at home, they saw a flash buzzing bat with a potential value of S- auctioned for a sky-high price of 370 million alliance coins.

In the end, he was beaten up by his mother, and then he dispelled his thoughts.

In this world, there are less than 500 types of Pokémon that have been discovered, and a small number of legendary Pokémon belong to the top secret information of the Alliance, and it is difficult for people to know about it.

Because of this, the vast majority of trainers are more interested in cultivating ordinary Pokémon with high enough potential than pursuing to capture divine Legendary Pokémon.

In the official classification of the Elf League, once the Pokémon's potential value reaches S-, it means that this Pokémon has the qualification to grow to a "second-level god".

The "second-level god" here refers to the Pokémon's corresponding strength that is comparable to that of the legendary Pokémon.

The approximate range is:

S- to S+, corresponding to the potential of "second-level god" or "phantom beast";

SS- to SS+, corresponding to the potential of "first-class god";

SSS-There have never been Pokémon of this potential so far, not even the legendary Pokémon in the Alliance's top secret archives.

However, there are rumors among the people that some unique "first-class gods" will break through to SSS-above potential when certain conditions are met, such as

infinite giantization, transcendent evolution, primordial return, ultimate explosion...

Jiang Xiao picked up the elf egg of Xiaofu Dan and stuffed it under his clothes, although he was very opposed to the involution between trainers, but he didn't want to give up the "second-level god" that he picked up for nothing.


"Selected?" As soon as Jiang Xiao came out of the warehouse, he bumped into the alliance official who was registering the trainer's information, he looked at Jiang Xiao's bulging belly, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "You don't have to be so rare, I won't rob you." "

Isn't it just an amateur trainer's elf egg, as for that?

"Uncle, this is very rare for me."

Jiang Xiao thanked the alliance officials a few words, and after taking away his Pokémon trainer electronic card, he ran away.

He hurriedly ran back to the classroom and stuffed the little Fu egg into his schoolbag and hid it tightly, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.


"When I get home from school, I will take away the laziness, and I will take off directly on the spot."

Jiang Xiao was lying on his desk, the classroom was empty, at this time, the freshmen should be waiting in line in the playground to register their identity information and receive the first Pokémon in their lives... of eggs.

"Eight years have passed in a flash." Looking at the blue sky outside the window, Jiang Xiao sighed with emotion, "In my last life, I died suddenly in the tide of overtime in the involution, and I don't want to roll up again in this life." "

Maybe in Tianwu City in the future, it's good to inherit my father's gym and be a gym owner."

"By the way, my gold finger is just the naked eye to identify Pokémon?"

"Nothing else? Like what...... Infinite Master Ball System, One-click Full Level System, Legendary Pokémon Positioning System, Beautiful Girl Love Me System. "


Time flies, and in a flash it is afternoon.

By this time, most of the freshmen had already registered their information and received their amateur trainer e-card and Pokémon eggs randomly assigned by the Elf Alliance.

Xiao Lin held a small elf egg and sat back in his place contentedly.

Jiang Xiao, who was lying on the desk and was a little dazed, wiped his saliva, glanced at it with some curiosity, and suddenly, a spirit

, "Good guy, so lucky!"

The elf egg assigned by Xiao Lin was nothing else, it was the little fire dragon egg that was picked up and put down by Jiang Xiao at the beginning, and its potential value reached A-!

"Huh~! You're too small, aren't you? A discordant voice came from the front row, and the green-haired little boy shook the giant elf egg in his hand and said with some sarcastic disdain, "Glasses man, look at the master!" "

How about it, envy is not ~!"

Elf: Gopher (Level 0

) Potential: F-Gender

: Female

Attribute: Ground

Trait: Sand Hidden (When the weather is a sandstorm, the evasion rate is doubled, and it will not take damage from the sandstorm)

Carry items

: No genetic skills: No

remarks: The soil after the gopher passes through will be properly turned to become the most suitable field for farming, the potential of this unhatched gopher... Well... It's a bit of a pity.

"I like it." Xiao Lin lowered his head and retorted stubbornly.

"What's the use of liking!" The green-haired little boy chuckled disdainfully, "Of course, the stronger the Pokémon, the better, I will become a Pokémon professional trainer like my father in the future, and if possible, I will also become the master of our Gym in Tianwu City!" "

But, but we already have a Dao Pavilion in Tianwu City, and the Dao Pavilion's master is very powerful." A girl in the classroom said timidly.

"So what, I have a C-potential Nidoran in addition to the Big Mac!"

"When I kick out the Tianwu City Gym, I will be the new Gym Master in the future!"

The green-haired little boy stepped on the chair and gave himself a thumbs up, looking confidently at Jiang Xiao, who was sitting behind him, speechless for a while.

"It's not... The son of the owner of the Tianwu City Daoist Hall is sitting behind you, why do you want to kick my family. There

was a mess in the classroom, and the freshmen were all arguing about who would be the real new Daoist Hall Master in Tianwu City in the future, but Jiang Xiao, who was sitting in the back row of the classroom, felt more and more numb.

"You're only 8 years old, why are you a little involuted, this is not a good thought!"

Perhaps inspired by the green-haired little boy, Xiao Lin, who had been silently bowing his head, also silently clenched his fists, and said timidly:

"I also want to work hard to become stronger and challenge the Tianwu City Gym!"

"No, why did you even roll up, I thought we were both bastards!" Hearing this, the corners of Jiang Xiao's mouth couldn't help twitching, why did the whole class want to kick my family.

At this time, the head teacher, Lao Tang, slowly walked up to the podium with Fretos,

"Everyone be quiet."


" "Turn the textbook to the first chapter, today we are going to talk about how to hatch an elf egg correctly and efficiently."

"As we all know, every Pokémon has traits, and a small percentage of them can also play a very important role in addition to combat."

"For example, the trait that I will talk about today that can promote the rapid hatching of elven eggs, 'Body of Flame'..."

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