My Pokémon Player

Chapter 102 Cute Monsters? (Two chapters in one)


As soon as Raymond came home, his daughter Bella rushed towards him.

He quickly knelt down, opened his arms, and hugged his daughter.

"Dear daughter, did you miss me today?"

"I thought about it~ I thought about you all day today, except for a little while during lunch."

"Why don't you think about daddy when you eat? Dad can't even compare to a meal now?"

Raymond pretended to be sad.

"No, mom said you should concentrate on eating while eating and not be distracted by other things, so I didn't miss you, but don't worry, I thought about dad a little more in the afternoon and I've already made up for it. ~”

Bella replied obediently.

"What a great girl, come on, let daddy give you a kiss."

"Hahahaha, daddy's beard makes me so itchy."

Seeing the father and daughter getting close, Kay said sourly:

"I have to make up for it if I miss thinking about it for a while while eating. I haven't seen her miss me that much."

"What? You're even jealous of me. I usually don't have much time at home. It's normal for Bella to miss me."

Raymond stood up and said.

Seeing that her mother was a little unhappy, Bella immediately turned around and hugged Kai's thigh, raised her head and said seriously:

"When mommy leaves home, Bella will also miss her mom~"

Hearing this, Kay couldn't help but smile, and she reached out and patted Bella's little head.

"You are the only one who can speak. Unlike your father, you can't say a single kind word. For so many years, you haven't even said a dear word."

After Kay finished speaking, he rolled his eyes at Raymond.

"Why are you talking about me again? It's getting late. Let's eat first."

Raymond knew he was in the wrong and quickly changed the subject.

"Okay, let's have some dinner~"

Bella clapped her hands happily.

After the family finished eating, Bella ran out to play with her friends, leaving Raymond and Kay at home washing the dishes.

"Well, I have something to tell you."

Raymond said hesitantly while washing the dishes.

"I knew something must be wrong with you, otherwise you wouldn't have helped me wash the dishes. Tell me, what's the matter?"

"That's right. Just forget it, it's actually nothing."

Raymond still didn't know what to say.

"A grown man, talking to mother-in-law, don't you just want to tell me about conquering the monsters?"

Kai's tone was full of disgust.

"Yes, yes, I just thought... No! How did you know about this?"

Raymond looked at Kai with a surprised look on his face.

"When I was washing clothes with Aunt Susan just now, her little son Carl ran over excitedly and said that he would conquer the World of Warcraft tomorrow. After seeing me, he asked me to convey his thanks to you."

"He said that thanks to Captain Raymond's request to the Lord, these militiamen are qualified to conquer the monsters."

"Aunt Susan was very happy when she heard the news. She said that her son could be like those knight masters. Then she took me to her house and gave me some green vegetables she grew herself. The ones you just ate were very delicious. That delicious dish.”

Kai replied calmly, without any fluctuation in his tone.

When Raymond heard this, he immediately felt that the dish just now no longer tasted good.

"Ahem, that kid Karl runs really fast, and his mouth is pretty fast too."

He scolded Karl in his heart. This brat has no eyesight at all. He knew that his wife hated Warcraft, but he still brought up the subject of conquering Warcraft in front of her. He had to deal with this boy tomorrow!

But the most important thing now is to find a way to get through Kai's difficulty.

"Actually, I wanted to tell you this just now, but..."

Before Raymond could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Kai.

"If I hadn't happened to meet Karl, how long would you have planned to hide it from me? Are you planning to keep it secret from me just like you did when you rented the World of Warcraft without telling me before?"

"You also know about this? Did those brats tell you this?"

Raymond asked Kai in shock.

"Hmph, I'm not blind. I've been farming for so many years. How could I not even see the difference between humans and monsters cultivating land?"

"You still want to hide it from me with your little tricks? Just because I don't tell you doesn't mean I don't know. I know all the things you're hiding!"

Kay said disdainfully.

"Ah? Then you also know that I hid my personal money?!"

"I didn't know it before, but now I know it, okay, I've become more capable, and I dare to hide private money!"

Raymond realized that he had let slip, and quickly changed the topic to conquering the monsters.

"Since you already know about conquering the monsters, let me tell you straight. The Lord has agreed to my request and will lead our militia team to conquer the monsters tomorrow. As their captain, I can't"

"Stop talking, I agree with you to conquer the monsters."

"I know you don't agree. Just listen to me first. Wait! What did you say? You agreed?!" Raymond said in disbelief.

He was worried about how to persuade Kai, and even prepared for the worst. If Kai didn't agree in the end, he could only foster the monster into his subordinate's home.

The targets were all chosen and placed at Karl's house, who asked him to talk too much.

In the end, Kay agreed directly, which was a bit beyond Raymond's expectation.

"Yes, you heard it right, I agree."

After Kay finished washing the last bowl, he turned to look at Raymond.

"But you're not"

"Yes, I am afraid of Warcraft. I am afraid that Warcraft will hurt you and little Bella. Since we were almost attacked by Warcraft last time, I have been having nightmares these days, dreaming that Bella died in front of my eyes. , but I am powerless!”

Her voice grew louder and her eyes filled with tears.

"Sorry, I failed to protect you."

Raymond saw Kay in such pain, and his heart was filled with self-blame and guilt.

"I will no longer conquer the Warcraft. If you want to move, I will ask the lord to resign as the militia captain and work with you to find a town without Warcraft to live in."

"No, what I just said was not an angry comment. I really agree with you to conquer the monsters."

Kay shook her head and rejected Raymond's proposal.

"Although I am afraid of Warcraft, I also know that it has been your dream since childhood to be able to command Warcraft battles like those knight masters. You have mentioned to me and Bella more than once that you participated in the knight selection when you were young."

"When I talked about the knight training, you were in high spirits, and you wanted to tell us every detail. But when you talked about losing the selection, you looked lonely, and there was deep regret in your tone."

"After successfully resisting the beast tide in the past two days, as soon as you returned home you talked enthusiastically about the refugees who commanded the warcraft to fight against the beast tide. Even Bella could see the envy on your face."

Kay wiped away her tears and continued:

"Now that the lord agrees with you to conquer the Warcraft, your childhood dream is just around the corner. I cannot force you to give up this rare opportunity just because I am afraid of the Warcraft."

"What's more, every time I wake up from nightmares these days, in addition to fear and fear, I also feel grateful to the old lord's monster. If it hadn't arrived in time, we, mother and daughter, wouldn't be alive now."

"Also, you mentioned two days ago that when resisting the beast tide, your militia team could only watch on the city wall and could not help you. Through these two things, I understood that only by relying on Warcraft can we be more effective. Protect our daughter well.”

"I never want to watch the Warcraft rushing toward us like last time, but I can't do anything. If you can conquer the Warcraft, you can not only fulfill your dream, but also let it protect Xiaobei. La, what reason do I have to disagree?"

After hearing what Kay said, Raymond couldn't recover for a long time. He didn't expect that Kay would see the problem so thoroughly.

Kay's words were more reasonable than the words he had prepared in advance. He himself was convinced by these words and felt that it was necessary to conquer the Warcraft.

"But you are still afraid of monsters in your heart. Does it really not matter?"

Raymond said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter. I will work hard to overcome the fear in my heart and I will be able to adapt in a few days." Kai smiled.

Seeing that Kay was so reasonable, Raymond was very moved and hugged him.

"Thank you so much, my dear~"

"Hey~ you'd better stop calling me that, it's quite scary."

"Hehe, it's okay. I'll call you a few more times in the future and you'll get used to it."

Raymond said with a playful smile.

"Putting aside the salutations in advance, should we talk about your private money now?"

Kay looked at Raymond with a half-smile.

"Ah? What's that? I thought I heard little Bella calling me. I'm going to play with her first."

Raymond walked toward the door in panic.

"Come back here! You're so brave, you dare to hide private money! If you dare to hide money today, you'll raise a little lover tomorrow!"

Kay stepped forward and grabbed Raymond's ear.

"Tap it gently! My dear girl, please save me!!"

Raymond's screams echoed throughout the street.

At the same time, other militiamen who wanted to conquer the Warcraft also explained the matter to their families after returning home.

Like Raymond, some people were recognized by their families, while others were strongly opposed by their families and had to give up the idea of ​​conquering the monsters.

The next morning, when Raymond counted the number of people again, many people withdrew from conquering the monsters with shame and unwillingness.

Raymond could also understand this. Not everyone could be as considerate as his wife, and it was impossible for the militiamen to completely fall out with their families in order to conquer the monsters, so they could only make compromises.

Fortunately, after his stimulation yesterday, many remaining militiamen were willing to conquer the monsters, and they also got the consent of their families.

As a result, the number of militiamen willing to conquer the Warcraft increased instead of declining, and the number reached more than fifty people.

Raymond nodded with satisfaction when he saw this. There were more people than when he reported to Ryan yesterday. Now he would not disappoint the lord.

"Okay, everyone should go back to their posts. I believe it won't be long before the lord will send someone to inform us that the monsters have been conquered!"

"As you command!"

Everyone responded excitedly, and then went to stand guard and patrol happily.

"Why are you still standing here stupidly? I remember that you should go to the west gate to stand guard today."

Seeing that Karl was still not leaving, Raymond asked him with confusion.

"Captain, I'm sorry. I was so excited yesterday that I forgot about your wife's hatred of Warcraft. I mentioned conquering Warcraft in front of her. I didn't realize anything was wrong until afterward, but it was already too late by then. Please punish me. !”

Karl answered carefully, his hands shaking slightly nervously.

He had heard his colleagues talk about the captain's wife before, saying that the captain loved his wife very much and was completely obedient to her.

Of course, this is a beautified statement. To put it bluntly, he is afraid of his wife.

The captain's wife has always hated monsters. If he talks too much and causes the captain to fail to conquer monsters, he will feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"Oh, I thought it was something else. It doesn't matter. Your sister-in-law is very supportive of my conquering monsters. Speaking of this, I have to thank you."

Raymond grinned and patted Carl's shoulder. If this kid hadn't told his wife about conquering monsters, he might not have the courage to tell Kai about it.

"Thank me?" Carl looked confused.

"Of course not. I'll treat you to dinner when I have time. Your sister-in-law's cooking skills are quite good. Most people can't even eat it if they want to."

"Oh, okay, thank you, captain."

Carl responded in a daze. He still hasn't figured out the situation.

"Okay, go stand guard quickly."


Although Carl didn't understand the situation, he could see that Raymond was not angry, but very happy, so he went to stand guard with peace of mind.

In the following time, Raymond and the militiamen waited for Ryan's notice.

As a result, they waited until the afternoon, but still no news came.

This situation made the militiamen feel very uneasy.

"Captain, could the lord have changed his mind?"

A militiaman couldn't help asking Raymond.

"Don't talk nonsense! The lord has always kept his word, how could he change his mind!"

Raymond shouted loudly.

"But why is there no news after waiting for so long?"

"I heard from the brother on duty at the west gate that the lord went out at noon and has not come back yet. He must have something to deal with."

Another militiaman expressed his opinion.

"That's right, the lord must have gone to deal with important things. Everyone wait patiently for a while. We have waited for so many years, and it doesn't matter if we wait for a little while!"

Raymond's firm tone gradually calmed the militiamen's restless emotions. They stopped talking to each other and continued to perform their duties of standing guard and patrolling.

In fact, Raymond was also very anxious in his heart, but he couldn't show it, otherwise everyone would be more anxious.

Just as he was considering whether to go to the west gate to wait for Ryan, he suddenly saw Carl running towards them.

"Isn't that little Carl? He's not standing guard at the west gate, why is he running to the south gate?"

Other militiamen also saw Carl's figure.

"Didn't someone just say that the lord went out from the west gate? Could it be..."

"Oh, why don't you just ask him directly, Carl! What are you doing at the south gate?"

Carl replied breathlessly:

"The lord asked me to let me inform you to go to the training ground to subdue the monsters!"

"Really? Hahahaha, I knew the lord would not regret it!"

"Hey, hey, hey, that's not what you said just now!"

"Aren't the monsters in Tieshi Mountain all in the camp? Why go to the training ground?"

"Are they asking us to subdue the monsters in the castle courtyard?"

After confirming the authenticity of the news, the militiamen immediately started a heated discussion.


Raymond stopped the discussion of the militiamen loudly. The insider was standing here, so why not just ask him directly?

"Has the Lord finished his work? Did he reveal what kind of monster he wants us to conquer?"

After a short rest, Carl stopped panting and answered excitedly:

"The Lord went out at noon to find suitable monsters for us. He just brought back a large group of monsters and is waiting for us at the training ground now!"

Raymond and the militia were very moved when they learned that Ryan went to find monsters for them personally. They didn't expect that the so-called important thing was to help them find suitable monsters to conquer.

"Let's go, don't let the Lord wait anxiously."

Raymond took the lead and walked towards the training ground, and the militia followed.

On the way, a militia curiously asked Kawen:

"What kind of monster did the Lord bring back?"

Other militia also wanted to know the answer, and they all cast their eyes on Carl, and even Raymond quietly slowed down his pace.

Carl thought for a while, then said:

"Well, if I have to sum it up in one word, it should be 'cute'."

"What the hell? Cute?!"

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