My Pokémon Player

Chapter 111 I’m going to lose all my face!

"Why do people from the Merchant Alliance suddenly visit? It's not time for them to do business yet?"

Ryan looked confused.

Generally speaking, merchants in Guanhai City will go out to do business during the grain harvest period three months later, and most of their trading partners are lords.

After the grain is harvested, the lord will more or less have some surplus grain and property in his hands, and his purchasing power and desire are relatively strong, so he will often consume a lot.

Merchants will buy goods at low prices and sell them at high prices to earn the price difference, and sometimes they will also do business with the people. After all, no matter how small a cute frog is, it is still meat. As businessmen, they will not let go of any profit.

Of course, you have to pay taxes to the lord when buying and selling goods in the territory. As long as a merchant enters the territory to sell something, no matter whether he sells it or not, he must pay a tax first.

In name, it is a fee for the use of public facilities such as markets, but in fact it is a tariff. Another popular term is called protection fee.

Only by paying this money can the merchant get the protection of the lord and buy and sell goods normally in the territory. If he doesn't pay, the merchant can't even enter the territory.

In addition to tariffs, lords would also impose transaction taxes on merchants. They would send special personnel to estimate the total value of the goods and then charge a certain amount of tax in proportion.

The collection of customs duties and transaction taxes is a power granted to the noble lords by the laws of the Kingdom of Arad, and no one can take it away.

Even if the merchant alliance has great power and influence in the southeastern region of the kingdom, it must abide by this legal system.

Even if they go to a small knight's village to buy and sell goods, merchants must pay taxes obediently, otherwise they will be attacked by the noble circle together.

Although the nobles beat me and I beat you all day long, their brains are about to beat out, but when other forces infringe on their interests, the nobles are still very united.

They know very well that if they do not help when the interests of other nobles are violated, then it is possible that the next victim will be their turn.

Therefore, the nobles seemed to be in disarray and easy to bully. In fact, the Poseidon Temple and other forces did not dare to blatantly attack the nobles. They could only make small moves behind their backs and quietly evade the nobles.

After all, the power of the nobles united is still very powerful, not to mention that the largest noble family, the royal family, is backing them.

Therefore, even if Poseidon Temple and other forces exclude the lord, they will not kill the lord as a last resort. Instead, they will feed him with good food and drink and let him become a mascot.

For example, this is the case for the lord of Guanhai City. Although the power of Guanhai City is now controlled by the merchant alliance, he lives a very comfortable life. He basically has everything he wants, and he feels quite happy to be in exile.

This is also the reason why Ryan has no fear in facing Poseidon Temple. No matter how small the title of baron is, it is still a noble of the Kingdom of Arad and is protected by the noble class.

Poseidon Temple will definitely not take action against him directly. The difference between the benefits and costs is too big. It is really not worth it to conflict with the nobles for a barony.

Unless he takes the initiative to defect to other forces, the aristocratic circle will exclude him, will not recognize his aristocratic status, and will not support him or avenge him.

But Ryan is not stupid. He will not easily defect to other forces. Noble status is so useful. Is it possible that someone would risk being expelled from the title and mix with other forces? No, no, no.

Baron Bach from Ironthorn Town next door couldn't help but sneeze.

"Master Bach, the weather has not completely warmed up yet, so you should pay more attention to your health."

Notz said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter. I know my own body best. I'm very healthy. The sneezing just now was not due to physical reasons. Maybe some bastard was scolding me behind my back!"

Bach waved his hand and said.

"By the way, which direction did those people go after leaving Ironthorn Town?"

"They went east," Nozzi replied.

"East? It seems that they are going to Yinghuo Town. They are indeed businessmen and know that monster eggs cannot be put in the same basket. It's a pity that the young master has already taken refuge in Poseidon Temple and it is impossible to cooperate with them."

Bach believed from the bottom of his heart that Ryan had defected to Poseidon Temple.

"When they hit a wall in Yinghuo Town, they will know that the only one who can cooperate with them is us in Ironthorn Town."

"Go tell the boys of the Cavaliers to be ready to fight. It won't be long before we go out to fight."

Bach ordered Notz on the side.

"Yes, do you still need to contact the Shadow Church?"

"Why did you contact them? They said they were helping us harass Rose Town, but there was no movement for several days. It seems they were frightened by the investigation team and they are no longer useful."

"What's more, the investigation team has just left a few days ago, so we still need to be careful."

"I see."

Just as Noz was about to leave, he was suddenly stopped by Bach.

"Wait a minute, you should contact them after these two days. I always feel that this campaign will not go well. They can be a guarantee at least."

"Be careful when contacting them. Don't let them leave any evidence. Also, inquire about their whereabouts. When we capture Rose Town, I will sell them at a good price."

Bach still held the idea of ​​eating both sides.


Watching Noz's leaving figure, Bach couldn't help but sneeze again.

"Damn it! Who is scolding me behind my back? It can't be that little bastard from Yinghuo Town, right? It doesn't make sense. Is there really something wrong with my health?"

Bach cursed in a low voice and was about to go on an expedition. He couldn't get sick at this time, so he was going to the castle to change into thicker clothes.

Ryan, who was suspected by Bach, had no time to scold him behind his back. Ryan was currently thinking about the purpose of the merchant alliance's visit.

As I said just now, now is not the time for business activities.

In the past, small businessmen would come to buy and sell goods at this time. They could not compete with the large chambers of commerce and could only earn some civilian money during this time.

However, the entire southeastern region experienced a beast tide not long ago. After experiencing the destruction of the beast tide, it was difficult for the people to eat. How could they have spare money to buy goods.

It is impossible for any businessman with a little common sense to go out on business during this period, so what are these people doing here?

"Wait a minute, you just said that those people from the Merchant Alliance are from the west?"

Ryan seemed to have thought of something.

"Yes, they came from the direction of Tieshi Mountain."

"Guanhai City is in the southeast of Yinghuo Town. If they came from Guanhai City, they should be at the south gate, but this time they are at the west gate. It seems that they are not specifically here to visit us."

"You mean, they came from Ironthorn Town?"

White also understood what Ryan meant.

"That's right, they should just pay us a visit. As for the purpose, it's impossible to do business. Maybe they want to talk about cooperation."

"Cooperation? Our excess food and ore mined in Yinghuo Town will be sold to them. Other than that, there is nothing good for us to cooperate with the Merchant Alliance?"

White said with confusion on his face.

"You'll know when you meet them. When they arrive at the castle, you can take them to the reception room. I'll clean up first and change my clothes."

After dealing with government affairs all morning, he looked listless. He couldn't use this kind of demeanor to meet guests.

"As you command!"

At the same time, the men of the Merchant Alliance were heading to the castle, led by the militia.

One of them glanced at the rock dog next to the militiamen, and said to the leader with some worry:

"Lord Locke, the Warcraft users in this town don't seem to have the habit of installing Warcraft devices on Warcraft. Isn't it a bit too dangerous to just leave the Warcraft alone?"

Before the leader could speak, another businessman in gorgeous clothes answered first:

"Huh, habit? Don't be kidding. How can I not install Warcraft devices on Warcraft? I think they just can't afford it. After all, they are just Warcraft users in a small territory. It would be good if they can conquer Warcraft."

There was disdain and a sense of superiority in this man's tone, and he looked at the militiamen with disgust in his eyes.

The production of Warcraft devices is not simple. It not only requires a lot of money, but also requires a blacksmith who specializes in making devices. How can people in such a small place have the opportunity to customize Warcraft devices.

Locke did not refute him, but followed his words and said:

"Andy is right. They do not have the money to customize the Warcraft device, but there is no need to worry. Since they dare to put the Warcraft outside, it shows that they are very confident in their Warcraft and believe that they will not harm humans."

"In order to become a Warcraft user, you actually place your hopes on the goodwill of Warcraft towards humans. It is truly ignorant and fearless."

Andy said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Director Locke, these vulgar people are ignorant and don't know how terrible the monsters are. Don't you understand? Why don't you let the guards follow us and keep them outside the city?"

Andy looked very impatient. When they went to Ironthorn Town in the morning, they left the guards outside the city. Although he was unhappy at that time, at least the Warcraft in Ironthorn Town had Warcraft devices on them, so his safety was still Guaranteed.

But this Yinghuo Town doesn't allow them to bring guards. There is no Warcraft device on the Warcraft yet. What if something unexpected happens?

After hearing Andy's complaint, Locke sighed helplessly in his heart. This guy really didn't understand any rules. He explained:

"It is the law of the Kingdom of Arad that caravans are not allowed to bring monsters into the town. Those guards are all carrying monsters, so it is impossible for them to follow us into the city."

In fact, the kingdom did not have this law before. After all, most businessmen still abide by the rules. Even if they bring Warcraft, it will not cause any disturbance.

But in the past few years, when the Shadow Church frequently attacked its territory, it often relied on pretending to be businessmen to deceive the guards at the door and bring a large number of Warcraft into the town, thereby easily conquering the town.

The nobles had nothing to do about this at first. They couldn't ban merchants from entering, as that would greatly reduce tax revenue.

After several painful lessons, a noble finally proposed that merchants should not bring Warcraft into the town. In this way, even if people from the Church of Shadow disguised themselves as businessmen, they could not bring Warcraft into the town.

Once this suggestion was put forward, it was quickly recognized by the vast majority of the nobles, and Poseidon Temple also agreed with this suggestion.

The businessmen are definitely not happy about this. They feel that without Warcraft, their safety cannot be guaranteed.

But his arms couldn't hold his thighs. The two major forces, the royal family and the Poseidon Temple, agreed. Naturally, the little businessman couldn't make any waves.

So the new law stipulated that merchants were not allowed to bring monsters into the territory unless they obtained permission from the lord.

In order to ensure the safety of merchants, the law also stipulates that after merchants pay customs duties, lords have the obligation to protect legitimate merchants. At the same time, merchants are allowed to enter the city with guards. Of course, guards cannot bring Warcraft.

In the eyes of the merchants, this last sentence is almost the same as no rule. Can guards who cannot carry magic beasts still be called guards?

Rather than letting them follow into the city, it is better to let them watch their magic beasts outside the city to avoid accidents with magic beasts.

"Why doesn't Guanhai City have this rule?"

Locke was speechless when he heard this. Why don't you say Guanhai City has this rule? Everyone in this area knows who is the real boss in Guanhai City. Even the lord has been sidelined by them, so naturally there is no need to abide by this rule.

Andy also realized that he asked a stupid question, and he quickly changed the subject:

"Actually, I just don't understand why we should talk about cooperation with Firefly Town. I don't think there is anything here that is worth our cooperation."

Locke couldn't help but curse in his heart when he heard this:

"What do you think? As a businessman, it's okay that you can't read people's expressions, but you don't even have the most basic insight. What do you think all day long? If your father wasn't the vice president, I would have slapped you in the face. What the hell!"

"Since your father arranged for you to come here for gilding, then you can just follow us and run a trip. Your father will naturally promote you when you go back. Why pretend to know it here?!"

Although Locke cursed Andy countless times in his heart, the expression on his face did not change at all. He turned to the person next to him and said:

"Art, explain to Andy the special features of Firefly Town."

"Okay, Lord Locke."

Art nodded in agreement.

"Firefly Town was indeed not worthy of our attention before. This place is not strong and has no special products. The only thing it can show is the minerals of Tieshi Mountain, but their ore output is far less than that of Tieji Town."

"I said there is nothing good to cooperate with this place."

Before Art finished speaking, he was interrupted by Andy.

"As a businessman, in addition to not showing emotions, you must also have keen insight and accurate intelligence."

"The former is easy to understand. If we show everything in our hearts on our faces, it is easy for the trading partner to guess what we think in our hearts, thus affecting the final transaction results."

"Just like you showed disdain for the militia in front of you just now, the other party will naturally not be so eager to stick to the cold buttocks, leading the way alone in front, keeping a distance from us, so that we don’t even have the opportunity to get intelligence."

Locke finally couldn't help but preach to Andy. He didn't want Andy's arrogance to ruin this mission.

"Ah? Am I showing it very obviously?"

Andy subconsciously touched his face. He felt that he hid it well.

Haha, the way you asked this question, even the rock dog next to you can see your disdain, and you are still asking if it is obvious.

Locke did not answer Andy, but continued:

"The latter is the basis of our transaction. If we don't have information and intelligence, we will definitely be at a disadvantage in the transaction."

"So how do we get intelligence? In addition to asking others for information, it mainly depends on our insight. For example, if you see a house in front, it is significantly different from the surrounding wooden houses. What does this mean?"

Andy looked forward when he heard the words, and he saw a tall house. Compared with other wooden houses, it really looks different.

"What does it mean?"

"It means that the people living in this kind of house are either rich or noble. The people inside are our main source of customers for buying and selling goods and important targets for inquiring about information!"

As soon as Locke finished speaking, a man carrying a shoulder pole came out of the house. There were two wooden barrels under the shoulder pole, which were emitting a foul smell.

The man carrying the pole greeted the militiaman who led the way, and the militiaman stopped and responded:

"Hey, old John, it's your turn to clean the toilet today?"

"Yes, why aren't you standing guard at the city gate? Do you have a mission?"

"Yes, our captain asked me to take these guests to the castle."

The militiaman turned around and pointed at Locke and others behind him, only to find that they were all stunned.

Seeing this, he immediately ran over to ask about the situation.

"Is this house a toilet?"

Locke asked in a dry voice.

"Yes, do the guests want to go to the toilet?"

What the hell, he just swore that the people living in this house were either rich or noble, and he was still here teaching Andy a lesson, now his old face is gone!

Locke screamed frantically in his heart:

"No, how can this room be a toilet?!"

I've been really sleep deprived lately. I took a nap at noon, but when I woke up it was already eight or nine in the evening. I almost didn't finish this chapter, but it's okay. I just have the energy to write all night. I'll try to update 10,000 words tomorrow!

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