My Pokémon Player

Chapter 114: Selling Medicine

Locke really couldn't understand why Ryan refused to cooperate with them.

Although what he just said was very explicit and made people uncomfortable, they also reflected his sincerity. Only by clearly explaining the benefits that both parties can provide can we cooperate better. With Ryan's wisdom, he would not fail to understand this.

"Did what I just said misunderstood you? Are you worried that we will give up on you just like we gave up on Baron Lancaster? Please allow me to explain this, we"

Locke was about to explain, but was interrupted by Ryan waving his hand.

"It's not because of this. You and I both know very well that there are no eternal enemies in this world, only eternal interests. I know that as long as I still have the strength to contain Baron Bach, you will never give up on me."

"Not to mention that you still have to invest in me. Before you get sufficient returns, you can't treat me as an abandoned son."

Locke was stunned for a moment after hearing what Ryan said, and then muttered in his mouth:

"There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. This sentence is really good. In one simple sentence, it reveals the truth of this world."

Then he asked again with a puzzled look on his face:

"Since Master Ryan has seen it so thoroughly, why is he still unwilling to cooperate with us?"

"Your conditions are indeed very tempting, but I don't have any ambitions. I just want to stay in this small territory and farm hard. I have no intention of going out to compete for hegemony, so I don't want to accept your investment."

Ryan made up a random reason and said perfunctorily.

He really wanted the investment from the Chamber of Commerce, but he also knew that the money was not that easy to get.

First of all, no matter how fanciful Locke's words were, they could not hide their ambition to get involved in aristocratic power.

This is understandable. Ever since they were beaten to the doorstep by nobles for more than ten years, they have realized that in this era, just having money is useless. They must also have power and strength to protect money.

And as long as they have noble status, they will have both of these things.

Therefore, they are extremely eager for aristocratic status, and some businessmen are even willing to pay most of their wealth to buy a noble status from high-ranking nobles and the royal family.

It is a pity that although the royal family of the Kingdom of Arad is declining day by day, it has not yet degenerated to the point of selling its noble status to make money. The same is true for the high-ranking nobles. The arrogance engraved in their bones does not allow them to do so.

Therefore, no matter how rich businessmen are, they cannot buy aristocratic status and power.

They had no choice but to find another way to gain access to the power of the nobles through this trade association. Regardless of what they say now, they can talk about taxes and other things. Once they get the opportunity, they will definitely find ways to evade Ryan. .

Although Ryan is not afraid of these businessmen making some small moves secretly, he will also find it troublesome. A candidate for a saint is annoying enough, but if there is a trade association, Yinghuo Town will really become a breeding ground for Gu.

He knew very well that his base was players, and as Firefly Town was a "novice village" for players, it was better to keep it pure. Before the players developed, Ryan didn't want too many people to know the special features of the players.

When it comes to players, we have to mention another reason for rejection. As mentioned before, if Ryan wants to increase the number of players, he will need sufficient creation points.

Expanding the scope of territory is the best way to increase creation points. As long as other territories are occupied, the creation points that Ryan can obtain every day will be greatly increased, so that he can summon more players, thus forming a virtuous cycle.

So Ryan had planned an external war early on. He originally wanted to wait for the players to grow for a while, and after the food was harvested, he could find any reason to attack the Ironthorn Town next door.

Anyway, the conflict between their two families is irreconcilable. Even if Ryan doesn't attack Iron Thorn Town, Iron Thorn Town will beat him.

As a result, Tiethorn Town not only joined the Chamber of Commerce, but also included Rose Town.

If Ryan also joins the Chamber of Commerce, he will not be able to launch an attack on these two territories.

There are only three territories around Yinghuo Town. Tiethorn Town to the west and Rose Town to the north cannot be attacked. Is it possible for him to attack Guanhai City, the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce?

If he really had this strength, there would be no need to join the Chamber of Commerce. He could just send troops to occupy all the surrounding territories.

But he does not have this strength now. In other words, after joining the Chamber of Commerce, he will not be able to expand his territory for a long time. He can only increase the creation points by increasing the prosperity of Yinghuo Town.

However, the number of creation points increased by increasing the prosperity is far less than that by expanding the territory. What's more, there will always be a limit to the increase in prosperity, and by then he will not be able to summon new players.

Although Locke gave him a big picture, saying that after Bach betrays the agreement in the future, they and Lane will divide Bach's territory equally, but that will have to wait until when.

Besides, why does he want to share the territory equally with the Chamber of Commerce? As long as the player grows up, these two territories will be his.

If there was no requirement not to attack partners, he could still consider it, but it was impossible for the Chamber of Commerce to change this requirement, so Ryan had no intention of joining in the first place.

He and Locke chatted so much. On the one hand, he wanted to know more about this business association. On the other hand, he was thinking about whether he could pretend to cooperate and defraud some investment to develop the territory.

It wasn't until he saw Locke come up with the agreement that he gave up the idea. After all, he still needed the protection of the noble forces, and he couldn't sign this unfavorable agreement just because of a small investment.

After Locke heard the reason given by Ryan, he naturally knew that it was perfunctory.

What does it mean to have no ambitions and just want to farm? If Ryan really has no ambitions, why would he take the risk of being backlashed by Warcraft and train so many Warcraft users who do not use Warcraft devices?

And he has long heard that there have been a lot of monsters in Yinghuo Town recently. Ryan has worked so hard to raise so many monsters, so they can't really be used for farming.

Fortunately, Ryan didn't know what Locke was thinking at this time, otherwise he would definitely scream injustice. Those Warcraft are used for farming!

But even if Locke knew that Ryan was perfunctory with him, he had no better way. He could only say to Ryan with a smile:

"I hope you can think about it carefully and don't give me an answer so quickly. Even if you don't think about it for yourself, you should also think about it for the people of Yinghuo Town. I heard that Baron Bach has long wanted to deal with Yinghuo Town. The town took action."

"If you join the Chamber of Commerce, under the constraints of the agreement, he will not launch an attack on Yinghuo Town. If you don't join, we will have no reason to stop him. Then the residents of Yinghuo Town will have to suffer The pain of war.”

Ryan sneered twice when he heard this, and turned to look at Locke.

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, no, how dare I threaten you? I'm just explaining to you what may happen in the future."

Although Locke denied that he was threatening Ryan, everyone could understand what he meant.

"Speaking of which, I really want to know why Baron Bach would set the target of his conquest in Rose Town. Logically speaking, he should attack our Yinghuo Town first."

Ryan asked curiously.

Just now, Locke said that Bach took the initiative to find them, which means that Bach had set his target on Rose Town from the beginning. This is a bit strange. Didn’t Bach always regard Firefly Town as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his side? Why did he suddenly change his target? ?

"We had doubts at first, but after negotiating with Baron Bach, we found that he might have mistakenly thought that you had defected to Poseidon Temple, so he didn't dare to attack you easily."

"But through past intelligence and what we have seen and heard, we know very well that you have not taken refuge in Poseidon Temple. If you join the Chamber of Commerce, we will naturally continue this wonderful misunderstanding. But if you don't join. "

"Will you tell Baron Bach this news?"

"Yes, after all, he is our partner, and some information still needs to be exchanged."

Locke replied with a smile.

"Now that you've said so, I have another reason not to cooperate with you."

Ryan spread his hands and said.

"What?" Locke couldn't understand what Ryan wanted to express.

"I hope you will tell Baron Bach this news, so that he will come to fight us after he attacks Rose Town, and then I can fight him."

Locke was stunned when he heard this.

No, where does Baron Lane get his confidence? He doesn't really think that he can defeat Ironthorn Town with the help of militiamen who don't even have Warcraft devices, right?

As a victim of the war more than ten years ago, he was very aware of the gap between knights and ordinary Warcraft users. Even if Ryan trained more Warcraft users, he could not defeat Bach's Knights.

"Lord Ryan, maybe my compliments just now gave you some confidence, but I want to remind you that we only think that your potential is better than Baron Bach, not that your current strength is better than him."

"With the support of our investment, you can expand your Cavaliers, and your strength will surpass Baron Bach sooner or later in the future, but you are far from Baron Bach's opponent now."

Locke advised earnestly. He already regretted it. If he had known better, he would not have praised Ryan so harshly. No matter how smart Ryan was, he was still just a young boy. He would inevitably swell under the praise of others and not be able to recognize his own. strength.

“Whether it’s your opponent or not, you won’t know until you beat him.”

Of course, Ryan is not inflated. He just has confidence in the players. Locke may have thought that they were able to successfully resist the beast tide last time because of the militiamen. Little did he know that the militiamen did not have Warcraft at that time, and Ryan relied on the power of the players.

Ever since he discovered that the player's Pokémon's power level increases faster than that of the natives, Ryan has become more confident in the future merger war. As long as the players are given a little time, their strength will grow to a level that no one can imagine. to the extent.

What's more, Bach's primary target is not him, but Rose Town, which undoubtedly leaves a lot of time for Ryan.

But to be honest, Ryan was still a little unhappy about Bach occupying Rose Town. He had to find a way to interfere with Bach's actions and see if there could be a fight between the snipe and the clam and the fisherman would benefit.

"Okay, you don't need to say any more. I will not join your trade association, but we can still carry out some cooperation in business."

Ryan changed the subject.

"Business cooperation? There doesn't seem to be anything worthy of our cooperation in Yinghuo Town, right?"

Locke was a little angry at Ryan's repeated rejection, and his words were no longer as polite as before.

"The grain has not yet reached the harvest period. As for ore, your ore output in Yinghuo Town is relatively small. In addition, Tieji Town has promised to sell us ore at a low price, so your ore is not very competitive. Other than that, Besides, are there any other products?”

"Of course, Director Locke should not underestimate the family background of a nobleman."

Ryan took out the wound medicine and antidote and placed them on the table.

Since these two potions are to be used as linked goods for Elf Coins, it is natural to sell them first so that more people know their value.

As a commodity circulation center, Guanhai City is undoubtedly the best platform. Ryan wants to use this platform to expand the influence of these two bottles of potions.

"Oh? Really? It seems that I am ignorant."

Locke said this, but he still didn't agree in his heart. What qualifications does a mere baron have to talk about his family background here? If a count has some credibility, what good things can a little baron come up with.

He took the potions on the table and looked at them, but found nothing special, so he casually asked Ryan:

"What are the two bottles of liquid that Mr. Ryan took out? Is it some kind of perfume? There are many types of perfumes nowadays. If they don't have a special fragrance, they may not be easy to sell."

Since there are many grass-type Pokémon in the Pokémon world, some of them emit fragrance, and some can produce extracts for making perfumes, so perfumes have appeared in this world very early, and there are many types.

"This is not perfume, this is a potion that can heal Pokémon's injuries."

Ryan introduced.

"I didn't expect your family to have a potion formula."

Locke's expression became a little more serious. Nobles were nobility, even if it was just a baron family, they could all have the recipe for the medicine.

However, he didn't pay too much attention to it. Locke felt that this potion was just like most wound medicines in Guanhai City. It could only cure some minor injuries and might have side effects.

But no matter how inferior the wound medicine is, it can still be sold in Guanhai City, so he continued to ask:

"I wonder what the therapeutic effect of this potion is?"

"Is it effective? I can't describe it to you. Oh yes, its therapeutic effect is better than the 'Holy Water' of Poseidon Temple."

Ryan thought for a while and replied.

"Really, the therapeutic effect is better than wait! What did you say? The therapeutic effect of this potion is better than holy water?!"

Locke shouted in disbelief.

Andy on the side couldn't help curling his lips when he saw this. He said before that the most basic requirement for a businessman is to be happy or angry.

As a result, I was more excited than anyone else. Looking at your eyes, those who didn’t know thought you had learned the [glaring] move!

Let’s end this plot tomorrow. It’s really uncomfortable for me to write it. Sure enough, a person like me who is pure and kind and whose heart is like a blank piece of paper cannot write about these intrigues. It’s easier for the bad guys~

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