My Pokémon Player

Chapter 123 Sweet Bamboo Evolution

After hearing the "ding~" sound from the elf ball, Ryan's hanging heart was finally relieved.

He was really afraid that if the damage was not enough, Queen Bee would break out of the elf ball.

If he had known that he would encounter Queen Bee and Three Bees on this trip, he would not have rented the heavy mud draft horse to the players to make mud.

With the two Pokémon, Moon Bear and Heavy Mud Horse, Ryan was confident of defeating Queen Bee and them even if he didn't take away some of the Three Bees.

But the end result was good, and he successfully conquered the Queen Bee.

At this time, the three bees that were lured away by Tiantian also rushed back. Ryan took a quick look and found that their number had decreased a lot. It seemed that they had paid some price in order to break through the interception of the blue jay and the flying mantis.

The three bees who came back were just like their companions who had left behind before. Without the command of the queen bee, they also became confused and didn't know what to do for a while.

Upon seeing this, Ryan directly commanded Yueyue Bear and the others to attack the three bees. He would later have to release the queen bee and convince her to follow him back to his territory.

Only in this way can the queen bee command the three bees to return to the territory with it. Ryan doesn't want to waste dozens of elf balls to conquer the three bees one by one, which will cost a lot of elf coins.

Since we want to release the Queen Bee, we must first make these three bees lose their fighting ability, otherwise what will happen if the Queen Bee comes out and resists.

Although Pokémon have always been strong-willed, and the Poke Ball has a certain taming effect on Pokémon, few Pokémon will resist and defeat the trainer who subdues them.

But everything is possible, and Ryan still wants to eliminate all hidden dangers. After defeating the three bees, even if the queen bee wants to resist, it will not be able to make waves without the help of the three bees.

The three bees without the command of the queen bee were very weak. In just a moment, Yueyue Xiong and the others defeated all three bees.

Just when Ryan was about to release Queen Bee, he suddenly heard Tian Zhuzhu's cry.


Ryan turned around when he heard the sound and found that Tian Zhuzhu's body began to glow with a blue evolutionary light.

"Is this Tianzhuzhu going to evolve?"

Ryan murmured to himself, knowing that Tian Zhuzhu was about to evolve before entering the Liuying Forest.

It just participated in the battle with the queen bee and defeated some three bees. Although it didn't gain much experience, it was enough for it to upgrade and evolve.

Although Ryan had been mentally prepared for a long time, when he actually saw Tian Zhuzhu evolve, his feelings were still very complicated.

He was excited and nervous now, but also felt lost. He kept recalling the scenes of getting along with Tian Zhuzhu in his mind, and he didn't know if Tian Zhuzhu would like him as before after he evolved.

Before Ryan could think about it, Tian Zhuzhu's body shape began to change with the light. First, the white flesh of the lower body became larger, and then two more slender little feet protruded from the flesh.

The calyx on the head also stretched out, like two small braids, and the purple-red upper body narrowed and became a waist.

As the light dissipated, a Pokémon that was very different from Sweet Bamboo was revealed.

It has a white head and two slender arms. A pair of big purple eyes adds a bit of cuteness to it. The two leaves on the top of the head and the white flesh shaped like a skirt make the overall image look like A little girl.

"A mark~"

After the evolution, Tianwu Ni looked at herself excitedly. She finally had small hands, and she no longer had to carry juice on her head to deliver it to Ryan, but she didn't know if Ryan liked her evolved appearance.

Thinking of this, Tianwuni looked at Ryan with some worry, only to find that he was looking at her with excitement.

"Congratulations, Tian Zhuzhu, oh no, I should call you Tian Wu Ni now. You have finally evolved successfully."

Ryan said with a smile.

"A mark~"

Seeing that Ryan didn't show a disgusting expression, Sweet Dance Ni felt convinced, and then rushed towards Ryan.

Ryan hugged Tian Wu Ni. Well, although she had gained some weight, she was still quite light and it was effortless to hold her up.

Seeing that Tian Wu Ni is still as clinging to him as before, Ryan feels a lot more relieved. It seems that Tian Wu Ni's character has not changed much.


The blue jay on the side always felt that the evolved Sweetness was more fragrant than before. It flew to Sweetness uncontrollably, stretched out its beak and wanted to peck Sweetness gently.

"A mark!"

When Sweetie saw the blue jay trying to beak at it, she immediately shook the shell on her head and knocked the blue jay's beak aside. Then she jumped up from Ryan's arms and kicked the blue jay twice. .


The blue jay who was kicked awake knew that he was in the wrong, and he chirped twice in a low voice toward Sweet Dancer to express his apology.

When Ryan saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He wanted to take back what he just said.

Sweet Dance's character has changed. It only behaves cute and obedient when facing Ryan, but it is not like this when dealing with other Pokémon and humans.

In the past, when Sweet Dance Ni was pecked by the Blue Jay before she evolved, she would hide in Ryan's arms and complain aggrievedly. But now it's different. She directly slaps the Blue Jay's big mouth with the twin ponytails on her head.

It seems that Sweet Wuni has become much stronger than before she evolved, but that’s okay. This kind of character is more suitable for fighting, and its attitude towards him is still the same as before. Ryan doesn’t have to worry about Sweet Wuni disobeying his orders. question.

After driving the blue jay away, Sweet Dance Ni snorted twice, let’s see if you dare to bully me again!

As a result, when it turned around and saw Ryan's surprised expression, it suddenly became panicked.

It's over, it's over, let Ryan see his fierce side, Ryan won't dislike himself because of it.

"Did you just use [Serial Slap] to fight off the Blue Jay?"

Ryan asked curiously.

Tianwu Ni breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this. Fortunately, okay, Ryan didn't care about what happened just now.

It shook its head, indicating that it just turned the shell cover of its head and did not use any moves.

"Then you should learn how to slap in series. Can you release it?"

Ryan wants to see if Sweetwine can master her new skills.

"A mark!" (No problem!)

Tian Wu Ni came to the big tree, then waved the shell cover on her head and slapped her in a series.

The hard shell hit the big tree again and again, sending sawdust flying from the tree.

Ryan nodded with satisfaction upon seeing this. The calyx on Tian Wu Ni's head was harder than that of Tian Zhu Zhu, so the series of slaps used with the calyx were also very powerful, and it was considered Tian Wu Ni's signature skill.

Blue Jay couldn't help but tremble when he looked at Sweet Dance Ni who was pumping the big tree with excitement.

After it goes back, it has to tell the little guys at home to stop pecking Tian Wu Ni. Now Tian Wu Ni is not as easy to bully as Tian Zhuzhu before, but it will fight back.

The blue jay felt quite painful after being slapped a few times, let alone those chickadees.

"Well done, it seems you adapted to your own power quickly."

Ryan praised with a smile on his face.

"A mark~"

After Tian Wu Ni heard Ryan's compliment, she spun around happily, and her body exuded a sweeter scent.

My strength has finally improved, and I will be able to help Ryan better in the future!

"The mouth is full of laughter."

Guisi looked at the evolved Sweet Dancer with an envious expression on his face.

Ryan had communicated with them before this trip. The main purpose of this training trip was to let it evolve with Tianzhuzhu.

Now Tian Zhuzhu has evolved and his strength has been improved. He still has to carry the Immutable Stone, and he doesn't know when he will be able to evolve.

Ghost originally didn't have that much desire to evolve, but it heard from Ryan that after evolving, it would be able to grow hands, which would be more convenient for scaring others.

Moreover, after evolving, not only the strength can be improved, but also the ability to show off to the dream demon brother, which makes Guisi extremely itchy and can't wait to evolve.

Ryan also noticed Guisi's expression and knew what Guisi was thinking.

So he turned to Guisi and said:

"Guisi, spit out the Immutable Stone."

"Kou Jie?"

Guisi looked at Ryan in confusion. Didn't he just swallow it before setting off? Why did he spit it out now?

"I thought about it again. Actually, it doesn't matter if you learn Shadow Ball one or two levels later. It's better for you to evolve into Ghost Stone earlier."

Ryan has always respected the opinions of Pokémon. Since Ghost wants to evolve, there is no need to use the Immutable Stone to suppress its evolutionary energy.

Anyway, he still can't figure out at what level Guisi can learn the Shadow Ball. He can't always suppress Guisi and prevent him from evolving. If this continues, no matter how optimistic Guisi's character is, his mentality will be affected.

So Ryan decided to let nature take its course and let Ghost evolve normally.

"Kou Jie!"

After Guisi heard Ryan's words, he rushed to Ryan's side excitedly, spit out the Immutable Stone, then stretched out his tongue and licked his face wildly.

"Hahahaha, don't make trouble, I'm ticklish"

Seeing this scene, Sweet Dance Ni became furious and shook the shell cover to drive the ghost away from Ryan.

Unfortunately, its attack was ineffective against Ghost, and it all passed through Ghost's body and hit Ryan.


Ryan gasped when he was hit by the hard shell. It was a credit to Tian Wu Ni that he didn't use any skills, otherwise he would definitely have been injured with his small body.

"A mark!"

Sweet Dance Ni ran to Ryan with a guilty look on her face, wanting to check if he was injured. Her big eyes were filled with tears. It really didn't mean to hit Ryan.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, but you can't attack your companions at will in the future, unless they provoke you like the blue jays did."

Ryan comforted Tian Wu Ni with a few words.

He knew that Tian Wu Ni's personality would change to a certain extent after she evolved, and she would become more naughty, lively and active. His Sweet Wu Ni would also like to be jealous, similar to Zhi Ye's bay leaf.

But this is normal. Each Pokémon needs to adapt for a period of time after evolving. It is also one of the trainer's responsibilities to train Pokémon with bad personalities.

My Sweet Dancer is just a little too jealous, but in other respects it's fine. At least it doesn't disobey instructions. Ryan is still confident that he can change its character.

When Tian Wu Ni heard Ryan's comfort, she couldn't help but blame herself. She also knew that she had just been too impulsive.

Looking at Sweet Dancer, who was drawing circles with her little foot with her hands behind her back, Ryan knew that she was reflecting on herself.

He touched Tianwu Ni’s braid-like calyx and said:

"Don't blame yourself too much. If you know your mistakes and can correct them, you are a good boy. I believe you will be able to adjust soon."

"A mark!"

Tian Wu Ni nodded firmly when she heard this, it will never let Ryan down!

After comforting Sweet Dancer, Ryan prepared to release Queen Bee. He asked Sweet Dancer and other Pokémon to prepare for battle. If Queen Bee came out and was not honest, he would knock her down first.

Then he released Queen Bee.

Queen Bee was stunned for a moment after coming out. When she saw Ryan standing in front of her, she subconsciously wanted to attack, but then she felt the breath of Moon Bear and others.

Especially Moon Bear roared at her, which scared Queen Bee and made her step back.

There was no way. Moon Bear's two claws almost beat her to death, and bear Pokémon have always been the natural enemies of the three bee tribe.

When Queen Bee was still three bees, there were often Circle Bears attacking their nests, trying to seize the sweet honey in their hives.

Although they repelled Circle Bear many times under the leadership of Queen Bee, they also suffered heavy casualties.

Therefore, the Queen Bee has a psychological shadow on bear Pokémon. When she saw the Moon Moon Bear, which is larger than the Circle Bear, she was still a little scared.

What's more, in addition to the Moon Moon Bear, there are several Pokémon beside this human, who don't look easy to mess with, and all her subordinates have lost their combat ability, so how can she fight.

Therefore, the Queen Bee lowered her head sincerely, indicating that she had no intention of attacking.

Ryan didn't hesitate to invite the Queen Bee directly.

After hearing Ryan's invitation, the Queen Bee hesitated for a while. The human in front of her defeated her. She still recognized Ryan's strength. If she only had one Pokémon, she would definitely choose to follow Ryan.

But as the queen of the three bee tribe, she must consider her subordinates. She is a little worried whether Ryan can raise so many three bees.

Ryan saw the queen bee looking at the three bees on the ground from time to time, and he understood what the queen bee was worried about. He said:

"Don't worry about these three bees, I can fully support them. My territory will soon build an orchard, and many fruit trees will be planted in it. You can collect honey in the orchard to your heart's content."

"Even if the flowering period is over, I can provide you with sufficient food and prevent you from starving and freezing."

The queen bee's eyes lit up when she heard this. Their tribe is most afraid of winter. In winter, the weather is cold and the honey source is scarce. They can only huddle together in the hive for warmth and survive on the sweet honey they brewed before.

But the number of sweet honey is limited, so they can only reduce their food intake to ensure that the tribe can survive the winter smoothly.

And the human in front of them promised to keep them full in winter, which made the queen bee very excited.

Ryan saw that the queen bee was a little shaken, and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot:

"I know that spring is the season for your tribe to reproduce. You will consume a lot of physical energy to lay and hatch eggs, and you need a lot of sweets to supplement nutrition."

"After you move to Firefly Town, not only will I not collect the sweets in your nest during the breeding season, I can even provide you with some sweets and Poké cubes to supplement you with more nutrition."

Ryan took out a can of sweets and a box of Poké cubes. He knew that there is gain only when there is sacrifice. Only by allowing the queen bee to lay eggs smoothly and expanding the number of the three bee tribes can more sweets be obtained.

The sweets he took out were just an initial investment, and he would definitely get a rich return in the later stage.

The queen bee's eyes were straight when she saw these two things. She didn't expect Ryan to have sweets, and her body's instinct told her that the small cube also contained a lot of nutrition.

As long as there is sufficient nutrition, she has the confidence to expand the number of her tribe in a short time, and expanding the tribe is exactly what the queen bee has been pursuing.

Therefore, under the temptation of these two powerful weapons, Sweetie and Poké Cube, the Queen Bee finally accepted Ryan's invitation.

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