My Pokémon Player

Chapter 140 Player's first kill!

"What is this bastard saying?"

"It seems to be saying that you will be killed by him because you say too much."

Jonson explained lightly on the side. He felt that this sentence made sense. He should not indulge Solo to torture people in the future. It is easy to have accidents.

Of course, this is all in the future. As for now, Johnson really doesn't think that the two novices on the opposite side have the ability to kill them. He just thinks they are just barking like losers.

"Hehe, how dare they say this? It seems that we are too gentle and let them misjudge the difference in strength."

Solo said angrily.

Like Johnson, he didn't think that Chen Yan and the others had the ability to kill them, but Chen Yan's words still made him feel uncomfortable.

Originally, Chen Yan didn't beg for mercy in fear as Solo imagined, which made him very irritated. Now he dared to speak harshly to them, which made Solo very angry.

"Let's end this farce as soon as possible. We have wasted a lot of time."

Jonson didn't want to waste time on the two people on the opposite side. He always felt uneasy.

"Hmph, they got it easy, Zubat, piercing sound!"

Solo snorted coldly. He knew that Johnson's patience had reached its limit. In order to prevent him from reporting to Deacon Dick after returning, Solo had to prepare to kill Chen Yan and the others directly.

These two people have sealed treasures on them. It can be seen at a glance that their status in Guanhai City is not low. For Solo, killing people who are usually high in status is also a way to vent.

After hearing Solo's instructions, Zubat immediately made bursts of piercing sounds.

And Johnson took this opportunity to command the big wolfhound to attack.

"Big wolfhound, bypass that wrist force and attack the two monster users directly!"


The big wolfhound quickly rushed towards Chen Yan and the others. Although it was more or less affected by the piercing sound, it had cooperated with Zubat for so long and had long been accustomed to this kind of sound.

What's more, such sound-related moves are most affected within the sound wave range. The big wolfhound cleverly bypassed the sound wave range, so compared with the wrist force, the big wolfhound was less affected.

The wrist force was still affected by the harsh sound, and their expressions were very painful. The wolfhound took the opportunity to bypass the wrist force and pounced on Chen Yan.

Chen Yan's eyes were fixed on the wolfhound. When the wolfhound attacked him, Chen Yan immediately jumped to the side to avoid it.

Although his movements were very awkward, at least he avoided the attack of the wolfhound.

Seeing this, the wolfhound was about to continue to attack, but was stopped by the wrist force who came back in time. It had to step back a few steps and wait for the next attack opportunity.

"Fuck, the opponent's tactics are too damn bad. That Zubat is barking in the back and doesn't fly forward. We can't find a chance to fight back!"

Lin Mu covered his ears and said to Chen Yan.

"We can only find a way to lure that Zubat here."

Chen Yan also knew that this was not a solution. He could avoid the first attack of the wolfhound, but he might not be able to avoid the next one.

The tactics of the Shadow Church are very simple, which is to rely on Zubat to affect the opponent's Pokémon, and then let the wolfhound "behead" the monster user.

This is the tactic that Solo and his team summed up after many field battles. Although it looks simple, it is very practical. Chen Yan and his team have a hard time dealing with it.

"Lin Mu, use your expertise to fight the monster master who commands Zubat to death!"

Chen Yan quickly thought of a way to let Zubat attack.

According to Chen Yan's observation, Zubat's monster master looks calm on the surface, but in fact his emotions are easily provoked. Now we can only hope that he loses his mind in anger.

"Don't talk nonsense, fighting is Ruofeng's specialty. I am a humble gentleman and never say bad words."

Lin Mu denied.

"It's time, you guys are still pretending, hurry up and scold me, if you delay for a while, we will all die!"

Chen Yan scolded.

"Alas, there is no way, Wanli, you cover your ears, the next words may be a little dirty, not suitable for a child like you to listen to, oh, you have covered your ears, it's okay~"

Lin Mu cleared his throat and then shouted at Solo:

"Hey, that guy who hides his head and shows his tail, you cover your face so tightly, are you afraid that your appearance will scare others, if it doesn't work, just cover your face with your butt, I think your butt should be better looking than your face!"

After hearing Lin Mu's scolding, Solo was furious and his back teeth were almost broken.

"How dare he!"

"Don't get excited, he just wants to deliberately make you angry, although I don't know why he makes you angry, but as long as you don't fall for it, it's fine."

Johnson calmly comforted him on the side.

Solo couldn't help but complain when he heard this.

Of course you are not excited, it's not you who is scolded, it's really easy to talk without any pain.

Of course, he also knew that Johnson was right, so he suppressed his anger and prepared to command the big mouth bat to release the harsh sound again.

Chen Yan looked at Solo's unmoved expression and quickly said to Lin Mu:

"Were you cursing just now? I thought you were teasing a child, can you be more intense!"

"Tsk, my fame! Arm force, don't misunderstand me, I was forced to do this!"

Lin Mu explained to Arm force, then took a deep breath and yelled at Solo:

"Sun thief! You fucking \u0026* @* # !"

Lin Mu's curses were all in Blue Star language, but after he spoke them, they were converted into the language of the Pokémon world.

It can only be said that Ryan’s creation point is not in vain. The language conversion function of the game characters is extremely powerful. It can even replace some swear words that are not found in the Pokémon world with other words. Finally, this extremely pregnant sentence was completely eliminated. It reached Solo's ears without fail.

"Hiss~ The scolding from the other side is so cruel, I feel a little numb when I hear it."

Jonson sighed in his heart. Although the other party was not scolding him, he felt a little uncomfortable listening to it, let alone Solo, who was directly scolded.

He turned to look at Solo, and sure enough he saw his fists clenched, veins popping out on his forehead, and his expression very ferocious, obviously extremely angry.

"Very good. Although your plan is very clumsy, I have to admit that you did succeed in irritating me. So, are you ready to pay the price of irritating me!"

Zoro said viciously.

"Solo, don't"

"Shut up, Jonson! I don't want to hear those big things you say anymore. When I kill them, you can tell Lord Dick whatever you want."

Just as Jonson was about to persuade Solow not to be impulsive, he was interrupted directly by Solow. His eyes were filled with anger and he said through gritted teeth:

"I must let the big-mouthed bat suck the blood from their bodies bit by bit. I want to see if they will still be tough-mouthed by then!"

"Big-mouthed bat, fly over to me and use your poisonous fangs!"

Zoro did not let the big-mouthed bat interfere with the harsh sound from behind, and directly commanded it to attack.

Jonson didn't say anything when he saw this. He knew that Solo couldn't listen to anything now. If he tried to persuade him again, Solo might even beat him in a rage.

Moreover, he also wanted to end the battle as soon as possible. His big wolf dog's forefoot was seriously injured, and its movements during the attack were far less agile than before, and it was actually able to be dodged by the opponent.

From this point of view, even with the cover of the big-mouthed bat, the big wolf dog would not be able to kill Chen Yan and the two of them for a while. It would be better to let the big-mouthed bat attack directly.

As for their own safety issues, Jonson felt that the two novices on the opposite side did not have the awareness of "wild fighting" yet. Even if they did, they were far away from the battlefield, and it was impossible for the opponent's monsters to come to them all at once.

As long as it doesn't move instantly, the speed of the big-mouthed bat is enough to intercept the attack of the opposite monster, so Jonson is not worried that he will be beheaded by the opponent.

"Big Wolfhound, howl long and use Thunder Fang, and I will completely eliminate them!"

The big wolf dog howled loudly, increased its attack power, and then pounced on Chen Yan and the two.

Chen Yan saw the two Pokémon on the opposite side cooperating with each other to attack them. Not only was he not worried, but he was still secretly happy.

"Finally, we lured both Pokémon here, Lin Mu, follow the plan!"

As Chen Yan spoke, he used the elf ball to collect the walking grass and dream monsters.


Lin Mu nodded in agreement, and then whispered something to Wrist.

"What are they doing? Why did they use the sealing Noble Phantasm to collect the monsters?"

Jonson's face was full of confusion. Could it be that the opponent gave up resistance? But what does it mean to have a monster left?

"No matter what they want to do, they are just dying!"

Solo didn't bother to think about what Chen Yan and the two were going to do. All he could think about now was how to torture the other party.

But Jonson always felt that something was wrong. He felt that the two people opposite him must have a plan.

Before he could think about it, the big wolf dog and the big-mouthed bat had already rushed in front of Chen Yan.

Facing the close attack, Chen Yan shouted:

"It's now!"

He then took out a sticky bomb and threw it at the Big Mouth Bat. Lin Mu also threw a sticky bomb at the Big Wolf Dog.

The big-mouthed bats did not expect that the humans in front of them would fight back, so they did not have time to dodge and were directly hit by the sticky bomb.


After the sticky bomb hit the Big Mouth Bat, balls of white goo instantly erupted, tightly restraining it, as did the big wolfdog on the other side.

They struggled desperately to get rid of the shackles of the sticky bomb, but even the circle bear and the big rock snake could trap the sticky bomb for a few seconds. How could they break free with just two struggles?

After seeing the Big Mouth Bat being hit by the sticky bomb, Chen Yan quickly handed the Poke Balls of Walking Grass and Dream Demon into the hands of Wrist.

Wrist took the two elf balls and threw them forcefully in the direction of Solo and the other two.

Although Solo and the others were far away from the battlefield, under the force of their wrists, this distance was nothing at all.

I saw two elf balls drawing a beautiful parabola in the air, and then landed accurately next to Solo.

As the elf ball was opened, Dream Demon and Walking Grass came out and attacked Solo.

First, the dream demon controlled Solo's body with telekinesis to prevent him from escaping and escaping, and then the walking grass sprayed the solution on his face.


Under the corrosion of strong acid, Solo's face quickly festered, and the intense pain made him scream in agony.


The red bead on the Dream Demon's chest glowed seductively and began to absorb the fear emanating from Solo.

Although Solo was very cold and ruthless when torturing others, when he was hurt and his life was in danger, the fear in his heart was no less than anyone else's, and the dream demon was almost full.

"Big Mouth Bat, what are you doing, you loser? Come back and save me! Jonson, come and help me block it!"

Thoreau suppressed the pain and shouted to Jonson.

He still had a glimmer of hope. As long as Johnson could help him delay some time, the big mouth bat would be able to come back, and he could still be saved.

When Johnson saw the monsters on the opposite side throwing two unidentified objects at them, he ran to the side and hid early.

He also heard Solo's call for help, but he had no intention of saving Solo.

Are you kidding? He is just a human being. How can he resist the attack of two monsters?

Johnson now wants to use Solo to delay some time so that his big wolfhound has time to come back, otherwise he will have to die here.

As for what to do with Solo, sorry, it's none of his business. Anyway, all this was caused by Solo himself. If he didn't come out of the woods, there would be no such mess!

Thinking of this, Johnson wanted to beat Solo himself. It was because of his stubbornness that he fell into danger.

But Solo was miserable enough now. Walking Grass spit a mouthful of strong acid on his face again. Johnson could even see the bones on his face.

The dream demon on the side also attacked Solo, but this time it was not to eat fear, but to avenge its master!

Facing the attack of the two Pokémon, Solo was powerless to resist. After the last scream, he fell to the ground and gradually stopped breathing.

And Zubat finally broke free from the bondage of the sticky bomb. Just as they were about to rush back, Chen Yan and Lin Mu threw out two more Poké Balls and put them into the Poké Ball.

These two Poké Balls were the two Poké Balls left after the capture of the big milk tank. I didn't expect them to come in handy at this time.

Johnson watched his wolfhound being collected by the other party with a sealing treasure, and he couldn't help falling into despair.

Although he was very cautious, he didn't expect Chen Yan and his seal treasures to be so powerful. Whether it was to capture or release, it could be completed instantly, without giving them any reaction time.

Johnson knew that he couldn't rely on the wolfhounds and could only escape by himself, so he took advantage of the dream demon to check Solo's body and turned around and ran, even ignoring his own wolfhound.

Just as Meng Yao was about to chase him, he was stopped by Chen Yan.

"Meng Yao, don't chase him, come back first!"

Chen Yan didn't dare to let Meng Yao chase him too far. The people of the Shadow Church thought that their Pokémon were completely subdued by the Poké Ball, so they ran away.

But he knew that the Poké Ball could only trap Zubat for a few seconds, and they would soon break free from the Poké Ball and run out.

Who knows what they will do then? If they want to avenge their master, Chen Yan and Lin Mu, who are only protected by their wrists, will be in danger. Seeing that they are about to complete the mission alive, Chen Yan doesn't want to cause trouble.

After hearing Chen Yan's call, Meng Yao hesitated for a moment. It glanced at Johnson, who had already run a long distance, and finally gave up the chase.

Xu Ruofeng was killed by Zubat, and Zubat's master had been killed by it, so it could be regarded as revenge for its master!

When Meng Yao was about to use telekinesis to bring Lucao back, Zubat and the wolfhound had already broken free from the Poké Ball.

After they came out, they did not attack Chen Yan and the others, but first looked at the Warcraft equipment beside them.

Pokémon balls cannot be stored in Warcraft equipment, so in the process of taming, their Warcraft equipment automatically fell off.

When the wolfhound realized that he would no longer be bound by the Warcraft equipment, he howled happily.

It glanced at Chen Yan and the others, then turned and ran deep into the woods.

Zubat did intend to attack Chen Yan and the others, of course, it was not to avenge Solo, after all, the relationship between them and humans was not good, otherwise the wolfhound would not have run towards freedom without looking back.

It just wanted to suck human blood to restore its physical strength, but the wolfhound ran away, and now it was the only Pokémon.

Zubat glanced at the wrist force in front of it in a fighting posture, and then looked back at the dream demon and walking grass who were rushing here, and finally gave up the intention of attacking.

It flapped its wings and flew into the distant sky.

After Chen Yan saw Zubat fly away, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In their current state, they might not be able to defeat this Zubat, but fortunately Zubat ran away by himself.

"Fuck, I was scared to death, I thought all my efforts were in vain."

Lin Mu was also scared by Zubat, but he laughed out loud immediately afterwards.

"Hahahaha, Yanzi, we are really awesome, we actually defeated two small bosses, and killed one of them!"

After hearing what Lin Mu said, Chen Yan finally reacted.

Yes, they won! And they successfully killed an enemy! !

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