My Pokémon Player

Chapter 157 Take action!

Locke really didn't expect that the always shrewd Director Gavin would be deceived by a Warcraft user under Ryan, thinking that he was trying to sow a relationship.

He couldn't understand why Gavin was still willing to believe Tom Knight, who had exposed so many flaws, but not himself.

"Can't you see there's a lot wrong with him?"

Locke asked Gavin.

"I think Knight Tom is a very nice person, but you, on the other hand, first deliberately did not help me confirm the identity of Knight Tom, which made Knight Tom's impression of me worse, and then you said some words to sow discord on the side. Didn't you just want to destroy our Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce? Cooperation with Iron Thorn Town?”

"I didn't want to argue with you. After all, I also know that you people from the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce are resentful and feel that our Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce has taken away your partners, so when you did those little tricks, I didn't say much. "

"But you have to have some control. You've been jumping up and down here like a clown. My tolerance for you has its limits. If you try to stir up trouble and sow trouble again, don't blame me for expelling you from the caravan. Don't I forgot who was in charge of delivering the supplies this time!”

Gavin replied grimly.

Locke was almost furious after hearing Gavin's answer. Who is the clown?

If Ryan's plan hadn't revealed Tom Knight's identity, Locke wouldn't have bothered to talk nonsense with Gavin. He wanted to see if Gavin would be as tough as he is now in Ironthorn Town.

It's a pity that he can't see that scene, but when Gavin realizes that Tom Knight's identity is fake, his face will definitely be very bright. Then he will be able to watch the show and laugh at it.

And he also knew why Gavin trusted Tom Knight so much.

In fact, the reason is very simple. I already know in advance that Tom Knight is fake. If I look at Tom from the perspective of a bystander, I will naturally find something wrong with him.

Gavin was different. He was suspicious of Tom Knight's identity at first, but with the other party's disguise and his cooperation, he finally gave up his suspicion and recognized Tom Knight's identity.

In addition, Gavin and Tom Knight are very close to each other, and they will definitely have a good impression of Tom in their hearts, so they will not doubt each other easily.

Of course, the most important thing is Locke himself. If someone else tells Gavin that something is wrong with Tom Knight, Gavin will not react like this.

It can be seen from Gavin's answer that he has great distrust of Locke and always feels that what Locke is doing is sowing trouble.

There is no way, why did Locke deliberately say some unpleasant things just now in order to cooperate with Tom in disguising his identity?

Moreover, the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce and the Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce were already at odds over the incident in Ironthorn Town. As competitors, it was reasonable for Gavin not to believe Locke.

From Gavin's point of view, it's good that Locke doesn't try to retaliate against him. How could he remind himself that he must be sowing trouble?

Locke, who had figured this out, was no longer angry. He had nothing to be angry about. It was Gavin who should be angry. He had been deceived to such an extent that he was still saying good things to others.

Thinking of this, Locke looked at Gavin with a look of pity.

Gavin also saw that there was something wrong with Locke's eyes, which made him very uncomfortable. He frowned and said:

"What's that look in your eyes?"

"It's nothing. I know you have opinions about me. I also admit that I really don't want your Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce to cooperate with Ironthorn Town so smoothly. That's why I deliberately said those words to that Tom Knight. At that time, I also felt that their The identity is real.”

Locke said in a sincere tone.

"But then I thought about it carefully, and I always felt that it was a bit too coincidental. As soon as we were attacked by the monsters on the front foot, they came to support us on the back foot, saying that they were waiting for us in Iron Stone Mountain in advance, but who knew that they and those two Is there any connection between the monsters?"

"And I have met Baron Bach before and have some understanding of his character. This Baron has a standard aristocratic character. Although he is polite to us businessmen on the surface, I can feel his disdain for us businessmen. "

"How could someone like him send a knight to greet us? And don't you think that Knight Tom is a little too knowledgeable? You have never heard of the reputation of the knights of Ironthorn Town. Their fighting power is very strong. , but my cultural level is not high, how can I have the ability to talk to you? "

"I don't believe you can't see what's wrong with these things. You just don't want to believe it. You don't want to believe that Tom Knight, who is so close to me, is actually a fake!"

After hearing Locke's explanation, Gavin began to feel something was wrong. As he said before, he was very smart, but he just didn't react for the time being.

The more Gavin thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, but he still hesitated. If he made a mistake, the relationship he and Tom Knight had finally established would be completely ruined, and it would also create a gap in Baron Bach's heart.

People send knights to greet you out of good intentions, but you think they are fakes. Isn't this a slap in the face of Baron Bach?

Locke saw Gavin's hesitant expression and knew that he was still hesitant in his heart, so he continued:

"Although I hate some villainous behavior of your Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce, we are all directors of the Chamber of Commerce and should safeguard the interests of the Chamber of Commerce. And I am also the person in charge of delivering the supplies this time. I don't want anything to happen to this batch of supplies. That’s why I told you what I just said.”

"If you still don't believe it, then I have no choice, but I suggest you test Knight Tom again. I just discovered that he is not very familiar with Ironthorn Town, and this may expose his flaws."

Gavin raised his head and glanced at Locke after hearing this, and found that his expression was calm and his words did not seem to be lying.

"You just thought he was unfamiliar with Ironthorn Town, why did you tell him now?"

"Nonsense, it's impossible for me to doubt his identity just because of this. I have to find other things that are wrong. And after I said so much, you don't trust me, let alone when there is no other evidence before."

Locke said angrily.

"Lord Gavin, I also think something is wrong with these knights."

While Gavin was still thinking about how to test Tom, Watson on the side suddenly interjected.

"Since when do you have the right to speak here? You are so brave. You dare to eavesdrop on two directors. Do you really want to get out?"

Gavin said impatiently, he already felt that Tom Knight was a fake. He always thought of himself as smart, but this time he was wrong, and now he was naturally very irritable.

"What's the use of getting angry at him? You might as well listen to what Captain Watson has to say."

Locke motioned to Watson to express his opinion.

Watson glanced at Locke gratefully, then turned to look at Gavin. After Gavin nodded in agreement, he spoke:

"I didn't mean to listen to your conversation with Mr. Locke. I just wanted to report the situation to you."

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense and just tell me why you think something is wrong with these knights. You haven't seen the knights in Ironthorn Town, have you?"

"Yes, I have indeed never seen the knights in Ironthorn Town, but I think their strength cannot be so weak."

"What do you mean, are these knights very weak?"

Gavin turned to look at the knight in front of him, but he was not a Warcraft user and could not distinguish the strength of Warcraft.

"That's right, their One-Horned Rhino is not very strong, not even as good as our Warcraft. I heard that the Knights of Ironthorn Town are very powerful. As their main Warcraft, the One-Horned Rhino shouldn't be so weak. ”

"And just now the knight captain asked the convoy in front to slow down, but instead of slowing down, those knights accelerated. Our escort team can hardly keep up with them, so I wanted to report to you."

Before Watson could finish speaking, he was interrupted again by Gavin.

"What? Are they speeding up? Why didn't you say something so important earlier?"

Gavin yelled loudly. He had just heard Tom Knight's order for the knight in front to slow down. At that time, he thought Tom Knight was quite kind-hearted and didn't pay much attention to the speed of the team.

After hearing Watson say that the team was getting faster, he quickly looked up at the team.

Sure enough, the speed of the convoy was getting faster and faster, and it was almost throwing away the guards.

"Idiot, can you report the important situation first when you talk about things in the future? If you delay talking for a while, the team will disappear!"

Gavin scolded Watson again.

Watson felt even more aggrieved. He wanted to report the situation from the beginning, but wasn't he interrupted by Gavin? Now he is blaming him.

Alas, this coward can't stay at the Chamber of Commerce anymore, and I don't know if the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce will still accept people. I'll go back and ask my family if they have any relatives working in the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce.

Gavin didn't know what Watson was thinking at this time, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't care. He's just the captain of the escort team. If he doesn't do it, there are many people who want to do it.

He just wants to slow down the team to avoid any unexpected situations.

"Hurry up and ask the guards to stop the convoy, and then..."

"Wait a minute, it's easy for you to alert the enemy by doing this. They all have mounts. Once they sense something is wrong, they will speed up and run away. It will be difficult for us to catch up with them."

Locke stopped him with words in time.

Gavin also felt that what Locke said made sense. A two-legged one really couldn't outrun a four-legged one. They could only stop some of the supplies now, but they couldn't stop the supplies in front of them at all.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

Gavin asked rhetorically.

What he didn't notice was that since meeting this group of knights from Ironthorn Town, he had asked Locke more and more questions, and Locke had gradually taken the initiative in the conversation.

"We can test Knight Tom first. If we are sure that his identity is fake, let Captain Watson detain him and let him order the knight in front to stop."

Locke said his method, then he turned to Watson and asked:

"Captain Watson should be able to detain that Tom Knight, right?"

"No problem, my flying legged man is not only stronger than his one-horned rhinoceros, but also has an advantage in terms of attributes. He is no match for me."

Watson said confidently.

"What did Director Gavin say?"

After receiving Watson's affirmative answer, Locke turned to look at Gavin again.

Gavin thought for a while and felt that now he could only do as Locke said, so he nodded and said:

"Just do as you say. I will take Watson to get close to him in a while, and then take him down when he is not prepared."

Gavin now no longer even wants to test Tom. After being reminded by Locke and Watson, he has been able to confirm that the Tom Knight is a fake.

"I'll go with you to avoid making him suspicious."

Locke said from the side.

Gavin looked at Locke in surprise when he heard this. In fact, Locke didn't need to take this risk, but he didn't expect him to offer to go with him.

"Don't look at me like that. I am also a member of the Chamber of Commerce after all. If there is a problem with the supplies, I have to bear part of the responsibility. Now that my most important task has been completed, I don't want to be punished for this batch of supplies."

Locke said calmly.

Gavin didn't say anything more, but came to Tom Knight's side with them.

At this time, Tom was chatting with another knight, and Gavin glanced at Watson.

Watson was not stupid and quickly understood what Gavin meant. Gavin was asking him if he could deal with two knights.

He nodded to Gavin, indicating that there was no problem.

After Gavin saw Watson nodding, he felt relieved. He deliberately coughed twice to attract Tom Knight's attention.

"Has Director Gavin finished talking about the matter?"

The Tom Knight in front of him still maintained a spring-like smile, but now Gavin felt like he was being ridiculed after seeing this smile.

He tried hard to suppress his anger, and then said to him:

"Yeah, yes, we have finished talking. Just now Captain Watson reported to me that your subordinates did not obey your order to slow down, but instead accelerated their advance. I wonder why this is?"

Tom Knight first glanced at the team, and then said to Gavin apologetically:

"Sorry, I asked them to speed up and prepare to escape."

"So this is it. Wait! What did you say?"

Gavin didn't react for a moment. Before he could think about it, he heard the knight on the other side shouting:

"Jerry, do it!"

Only then did Gavin realize that something was wrong. He wanted to turn around and run away, but it was obvious that the two people on the opposite side were faster. Before he could give the order, a knight's sword was placed on his neck.

Director Locke beside him couldn't escape either and was held hostage by the knight named Jerry.

Only Watson was still watching stupidly, and he was a little confused now.

Didn't he ask him to capture these two knights? Why, in the blink of an eye, his own director was captured instead.

"Flying Man, use."

Just when he was about to instruct the Flying Legs to attack the two knights in front of him, the knight on the opposite side spoke.

"Oh? It seems that Captain Watson hates Director Gavin very much. He knows that Director Gavin's life is in my hands, but he still launches an attack. Do you want to use my hand to kill Director Gavin?"

Watson immediately panicked when he heard this, and he quickly denied:

"I'm not! I didn't! Stop talking nonsense!"

After three consecutive denials, Watson did not dare to do anything more, and the situation fell into a deadlock for a while. (End of chapter)

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