My Pokémon Player

Chapter 179: Luring the Enemy

Bach also saw that Gardevoir was healing Moon Bear's wounds. His face became even uglier, and he kept cursing the merchants in Guanhai City in his heart.

What a thing! It could have easily occupied Rose Town, but it was destroyed by a Gardevoir.

This Gardevoir is not only powerful, but also has healing moves. How can he fight it?

Bach looked at the two monsters in extremely poor condition in front of him, knowing that he was doomed and failure was only a matter of time.

However, he still did not give up, but said to Ryan:

"Your luck is really good, you got a bargain for nothing, but don't be too proud. I said before that war is never a one-man game. Even if you can beat me, your novice knights are not the opponents of my knights!"

Ryan spread his hands and said, "I'm not proud. It's not something to be proud of to defeat you. As for the confrontation between the knights, I believe my knights, they will win the final victory just like I defeated you!"

"Just relying on those weak unicorns? Are you kidding?" Bach said disdainfully.

He was also a veteran in battle, and could estimate the general strength of the monsters through observation.

Although the knights of Firefly Town were far away from him and it was not easy to estimate their strength, Bach could feel that their monsters were not strong, far inferior to the strength of his knights.

If the monsters of the two knights were different, there might be some suspense in the battle between them, but their monsters were all unicorns. Under the same species, Bach really couldn't think of a reason for his knights to lose.

"Who said they only have unicorns." Ryan muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, instead of caring about the battle between the knights, it's better to care more about you. If you are defeated and captured by me, even if your knights return victorious, what's the use?"

Bach couldn't help but clench his fists when he heard this. Yes, if he lost and was captured by Ryan, it would be useless for the knights to win.

Let's not talk about whether they can beat Ryan now. Even if they can, what can they do? They dare not attack Ryan when they are in Ryan's hands.

It seems that he can only delay time as much as possible, and try to hold on until the knights come back. By then, with the knights of Firefly Town as prisoners, Ryan might be afraid to act rashly.

Damn it! It's all the fault of those merchants in Guanhai City. Otherwise, how could he not beat Ryan, a young boy? They are really a bunch of useless people who are not good at doing things but are more likely to cause trouble! I must do it when I go back.

"Garvedo, Magic Flame, Moon Moon Bear, Chop Tile!"

Before Bach could curse more, Ryan commanded two Pokémon to attack.

Seeing this, Bach had to let Steelix and the others fight.

"Steelix, use falling rocks to block the flames, Rhydon, use the arm hammer!"

Steelix first threw a few rocks to block the magic flames, and then tied Rhydon with his tail.

"Woooo?" (Boss, what are you doing?)

Rhydon looked at Steelix in confusion.

Steelix said that you are too slow to rush over, and it is easy for the giant bear to dodge the attack. Why don't I give you a ride?

"Woooooooooo~" (Boss, you are so nice, thank you~)

You're welcome, let's go!

Steelix used his tail to throw Rhydon in front of Moonbear. With the collision of moves, the two Pokémon started a fierce battle again.

While Ryan and Bach were still fighting, the Ironthorn Knights, who were highly expected by Bach, were chasing the players.

At this time, they were very depressed. When these guys rushed over, they were aggressive. They thought that the other side was going to fight with them.

As a result, when the other side saw that they also launched a charge, they turned around and ran back. This operation really made the Ironthorn Knights a little confused.

As a knight, he didn't even have the courage to charge the enemy. How did such a person pass the knight selection?

Moreover, the other party would turn around and shout some strange words at them from time to time, such as "Come and chase me, I have a syrup~", "If you catch me, I will let you hehehe~".

Although the knights of Ironthorn Town did not understand what these words meant, they always felt that the other party was provoking them. How could they bear it? They had to chase and kill these cowards who only knew how to run away!

So the players ran in front, and the knights of Ironthorn Town chased behind. The two sides chased each other and got farther and farther away from Ironthorn Town.

"Sir Knight, it's hard for us to catch up with them if they keep running like this. Otherwise, let's go back to support Lord Bach."

A knight of Ironthorn Town said to Noz.

"Don't you believe in Lord Bach's strength? How can a young lord who has just inherited the territory not long ago be Bach's opponent? There is no point in us going back."

Noz trusted Baron Bach very much and felt that he would definitely win the battle.

"So are we just going to keep chasing them? They obviously want to hold us back and prevent us from going back to support them."

"It doesn't matter. We don't need to worry about them. This road leads directly to Firefly Town. Firefly Town should be unguarded now. If they don't fight us again, we will attack Firefly Town directly. I want to see if they will run away!"

Noz said viciously. He was angry because the players had been running away for a long time.

"You still have a way. No, sir, look, they seem to have stopped!"

After hearing this, Notz looked forward and found that the people in front of him no longer ran, but turned around to face themselves. It seemed that they were about to confront them head-on.

"Hmph, it seems that they also know that this place is not far from Yinghuo Town, and running further will lead us to Yinghuo Town, so they stopped and prepared to fight."

"But if they stop now, it will be difficult to speed up the charge. We will rush over and crush them! Everyone use corner collision!"

Noz shouted an order.


The knights all asked the one-horned rhinoceros to use the horn collision move. They saw that the sharp horn on the one-horned rhino's forehead was wrapped in energy and became much longer than before. Coupled with the blessing of speed, its power should not be underestimated.

The knights of Rose Town were defeated by the one-horned rhino's move. The knights on the opposite side were not as strong as the knights of Rose Town. Notz felt that they could be completely wiped out with just one charge.

Looking at the menacing knights of Ironthorn Town, the players were a little panicked. Some players' hands were shaking. They had never experienced such a scene before.

"No, haven't we resisted the beast tide before? There were many more Pokémon than them at that time, and I didn't feel anything. Why am I panicking now?"

Xu Ruofeng swallowed and said.

"It's normal. The Pokémon in the beast tide are not strong. The powerful monsters have been stopped by Lord Ryan. We are facing only weak monsters, so naturally we don't feel anything."

"But the one-horned rhinos of these knights are different. They are all above level 20 and have strong momentum. In addition, we don't have Lord Ryan's backing now, so it's normal to feel flustered."

Chen Yan explained calmly.

"I finally understand why the cavalry was so intimidating in ancient times. Just over twenty knights can make such a big noise. If there were more, I can't even imagine the momentum."

Lao Ye let out a sigh.

"Cowards, I dare to think that they are just some one-horned rhinoceros knights. Hasn't the Taciturn God already prepared a way to deal with them?"

Bell said from the side.

"You don't know the power of a cavalry charge, not to mention that the opponent is riding a one-horned rhinoceros. Where did your one-horned rhinoceros come from? You conquered the third Pokémon so quickly? Can you train it? "Lao Ye said doubtfully.

"I borrowed this from Lord Lane temporarily, as did Xiyue's one. We originally wanted to borrow the Lord's heavy mud draft horse. The heavy mud draft horse is huge enough for the two of us to ride, but it turned out we were late. I took a step forward and was borrowed by Brother Mushroom!”

Lingdang glanced at Brother Mushroom resentfully.

Brother Mushroom was a little embarrassed when he saw this. He touched his nose and said:

"Sister, please don't look at me with that look, okay? If you don't know, you might think I'm cheating on you. I don't know that you're trying to pull a horse out of trouble. If I wanted to know, I definitely wouldn't compete with you. "

"Stop chatting now. The enemy is coming soon. Everyone proceeds as planned. Everyone who wants to teach Pokémon how to tie grass knots comes to the front!"

Chen Yan directed the players.

Many Pokémon can learn to tie grass knots through the move learner, so many players have gone to the front.

They held Poke Balls in their hands and looked ahead nervously.

The knight followers in Firefly Town looked at the players with puzzled faces. They didn't know what these people were doing. Isn't it just asking for death to stay here?

"Yalang, do you know what they are going to do?"

A knight's retinue couldn't help but ask Yalang. Since Yalang talked to Ryan alone, the other knights' retinues have vaguely taken him as the leader.

Yalang did not become complacent because of this. Instead, he trained harder and his strength improved rapidly.

And due to the existence of the power of waveguide, he can easily sense the emotions of Pokémon, so he is loved by many Pokémon, and many Pokémon are willing to become his partners.

But Yalang also knew that if he conquered too many Pokémon, he would be unable to train them, so apart from Pichu at the beginning, he only conquered One-horned Rhinoceros and Bobo.

One-horned Rhino is the mount Pokémon that every knight's retinue wants to conquer, while Bobo is here to gain air superiority and help him detect the surrounding environment and intelligence.

Yalang, who has three Pokémon, is the strongest among the knights' retinue, and he also has a very strong personality. He likes to help others and is very popular with other knights' retinues.

At first, the knights' retinues were led by Yalang because he was favored by Ryan, but as time went by, the knights' retinues were also impressed by Yalang, and they all willingly obeyed Yalang's command, and they would do whatever they encountered. Ask Yalang for his opinion.

Just like the current situation, the knight followers didn't understand what the player was doing, so they wanted Yalang to make an idea.

"I don't know. It's not like you haven't had contact with these trainers. Their speech and behavior are very strange. Except for Lord Ryan, few people can understand their behavior."

Yalang shook his head and replied.

"Then we just stand here, waiting for the knights from the opposite side to charge over? You also know the power of the one-horned rhino's charge, right? If we really let them charge over, we will definitely be defeated!"

The knight's retinue said anxiously that they followed Ryan on the expedition to obtain military exploits and strive to become knights as soon as possible, instead of being a target for others. If this continues, let alone military exploits, it would be good if they can return alive.

"Why are you in a hurry? These trainers are not in a hurry, which means they must have a plan. You have also discussed with the trainers. You should know very well that these people have very flexible minds and can always come up with some weird operations. There are no less. Let us suffer in the battle."

"They must have come up with some new ideas this time, so they didn't panic. Besides, before setting off, Lord Ryan specifically told us to listen to the command of the trainer named [Silent]. Is it possible that you want to disobey it?" Lord Lane’s order?”

Yalang read out the name of Chen Yan's game awkwardly. The names of these outsiders were all very strange and difficult to pronounce.

"Of course I will not disobey the lord's order, but"

"Okay, needless to say, even if these trainers don't have any good plans and let the enemy rush over, it doesn't matter. At worst, we will fight to the death with them. No matter what the outcome is, we must defend the glory of Yinghuo Town to the death!"

Yalang said resolutely that he would never let Lord Ryan down!

"Swear to the death to defend the glory of Firefly Town!"

Other knights' retinues followed Yalang and shouted loudly, their eyes particularly firm.

These knights' retinues were all carefully selected by White, and I can't guarantee anything else, at least in terms of will and loyalty.

Therefore, although it was their first time to go to the battlefield and they were a little panicked, they would never run away from the battlefield and were prepared to die.

The players on the side were startled by their voices and almost threw the elf balls in their hands.

"I wonder, what are these NPCs doing? They suddenly started shouting slogans, which shocked me."

"Who knows, maybe it's programmed to let them shout when they're about to fight."

"Don't say it yet, this slogan is quite touching. Let's shout it too soon."

"Their voices won't make the other side suspicious, right?"

Chen Yan said firmly: "No, the other side will think that we are going to confront them head-on."

Just like Chen Yan said, Notz originally thought that the knights of Firefly Town were planning something, but when he heard the slogans from the opposite side, he gave up his doubts.

This kind of slogan is usually shouted before charging. It seems that the other side is going to confront them head-on.

"You really don't know whether to live or die. Keep your lance level and prepare to kill the enemy!"

"As you command!"

The knights in Ironthorn Town all clenched their lances. The body structure of the one-horned rhinoceros makes it difficult to attack the enemy sitting on the monster. It can only attack the opponent's monster, so they still have to rely on them to kill the enemy.

Seeing the Knights of Ironthorn Town getting closer and closer to them, some players couldn't sit still.

"Master Taoyan, why don't we take action? I can even see the patterns on the armor of the knight on the other side!"

"Then your eyesight is quite good. Don't be impatient. Wait a moment. The range of Pokémon's moves is limited. We can't give the opponent a chance!"

Chen Yan stared at the knight in front of him, and the veins in the hand holding the elf ball bulged, indicating that his heart was far from as peaceful as it seemed.

"Wait, wait!"

Chen Yan kept mumbling, and after the knights from Ironthorn Town charged a certain distance, his eyes lit up and he shouted loudly:

"Now! Use the straw knot!" (End of this chapter)

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