My Pokémon Player

Chapter 189 I will take care of your wife and children

"Gardevoir, magic flame!"


Gardevoir quickly condensed a ball of scorching flames, and then sprayed it towards the big steel snake.

"Big Steel Snake, use falling rocks to block the flames!"

Bach commanded loudly.

The big steel snake flicked its tail, and several rocks flew towards the flames, blocking it from the flames attack.

"Then use Crush!"

Bach didn't want to be beaten passively anymore, so he quickly commanded the big steel snake to counterattack.

I saw the big steel snake opening its huge mouth and biting Gardevoir fiercely.

"Shadow clone!" Ryan ordered calmly.

Gardevoir instantly created multiple clones, and the big steel snake froze on the spot, not knowing who to attack for a moment.

Ryan would not miss this opportunity. He immediately commanded Gardevoir:

"Teleport behind the big steel snake, and then use magic flames!"

Gardevoir's true body moved directly behind the big steel snake, and then released blazing flames at the big steel snake.

"Big Steel Snake, get out of the way!"

In desperation, Bach wanted the big steel snake to use his "magic skill", but it was too late. The big steel snake reacted and had no time to dodge the attack, so it could only catch the flames.


The big steel snake let out a wailing cry and fell to the ground, losing its ability to fight.

The horned rhinoceros on the other side saw that its boss had fallen, and quickly pushed away the moon bear, and ran to Bach to protect his master.

But its condition was not good either. It had been kicked as a ball by two Pokémon, Big Steel Snake and Gardevoir, and had two 1V1 battles with the male Moon Bear. The Rhinoceros' body was already covered in scars.

It is now relying on its will to support its body. If it is hit by Gardevoir's move once, it will lose its fighting ability.

Bach knew very well the physical condition of the Rhinoceros. He couldn't help but sigh. He had lost this battle. He lost to a child who had just been exposed to Warcraft for a short time.

Although Bach could find many excuses for losing, such as the merchants in Guanhai City who did not do their job well and gave the powerful monster Gardevoir to Ryan in vain.

Another example is that Ryan had already prepared for a battle with him. He specially collected information about himself and brought a magical beast that could suppress sandstorm weather, destroying his original tactics, but he didn't know anything about Ryan. , don’t even know what kind of monsters the other party has.

There are many excuses for losing, but Bach doesn't want to make excuses for himself. If he loses, he loses. There is nothing to say. Whether it is Gardevoir or his own intelligence, it was all obtained by Ryan's own ability. He didn't lose unjustly.

"Baron Ryan, I admit that I underestimated you. You are indeed very strong and have not insulted your father's reputation. I lost this battle."

"But again, war is never a one-man game. Even if you beat me, you can't win this war. My knights will crush your knights and win."

Before Bach could finish his words, he was interrupted by the vibration of the ground. He looked in the direction of the sound and found several one-horned rhinoceros knights coming towards here.

He couldn't help but have a proud smile on his face. It seemed that his knight had come to report the news of victory to him. With the captive knights from Firefly Town, Ryan must have thrown in the towel. He still won this war!

But as the one-horned rhinoceros knights got closer and closer to them, Bach's smile gradually froze on his face.

its not right! These people don't seem to be their own knights!

"Report to the lord, we have completely defeated the knights in Ironthorn Town!"

Chen Yan said loudly to Ryan, while also observing the situation at the scene.

When he saw that one of Bach's two Pokémon had fallen, while Gardevoir and Moonbear were still in good condition, he knew the outcome of the battle.

Lord Lane was still awesome and won the battle easily.

Chen Yan also wanted to use the news of the annihilation of the Iron Thorn Town knights to disturb Baron Bach's mentality and help Ryan gain an advantage, so he hurried over in a hurry. Unexpectedly, Ryan was about to win.

But it makes sense if you think about it carefully. Ryan is the protagonist of the game. It is not easy to deal with the early BOSS. It is a pity that he was not here just now and could not see the cutscene.

"Impossible! How could you weak knights defeat my knights! You must have just escaped from the battlefield and wanted to clear your name before saying this!"

Bach didn't believe what Chen Yan said. What a joke. The knights under Ryan were weaker than the Knights of Rose Town. How could they defeat their own knights?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"I knew you didn't believe it, so I brought you a proof. West Wind, show your prisoner to the lord and Baron Bach."

Chen Yan turned to Xu Ruofeng and said, since he wanted to influence Bach's mentality, he must bring a prisoner.

Xu Ruofeng chuckled and threw Noz, who was tied behind him, to the ground.

"Lord, this man seems to be the knight captain of Ironthorn Town. After the knights of Ironthorn Town were defeated, he still wanted to resist, but I found out. We had a fierce battle, and in the end I was the superior. , won, and he became my prisoner.”

When Chen Yan on the side heard this, he almost rolled his eyes to the sky. This guy is really good at boasting. Can a one-horned rhinoceros throw a stone and start a fierce battle?

If you want to take credit, you can't open your eyes and tell lies. Little Luo Ke is filming in the sky!

Ryan also knew that there was an element of bragging in Xu Ruofeng's words. He knew the player's strength very well. Even if the knight commander of Ironthorn Town lost his main Pokémon and only had a one-horned rhinoceros mount, it would be difficult for Xu Ruofeng to go one-on-one. Defeat the opponent.

But no matter what the process was, the result was that the knight commander became Xu Ruofeng's prisoner, and his players finally defeated the knights of Ironthorn Town!

Although when he learned that players would rather take out a loan to buy a grass-knotting move learner, Ryan had already anticipated this result, so he would safely let the players fight against the Knights of Ironthorn Town.

However, after receiving the news that the player had won, Ryan was still very excited, feeling as if his child had finally grown up. Especially when he saw Bach's face becoming very ugly, Ryan felt even happier.

Weren't you very good at talking just now? Why don't you talk now? Why is war not a one-man game? Do you want to fight with yourself with more people? Do you have that strength? Do you know what the fourth natural disaster is?

"Well done, I'll give you a credit. What are the others doing? What are our casualties?"

Ryan also wanted to prick Bach's heart again.

"Tell me, Lord, others are cleaning the battlefield and rescuing the wounded and the one-horned rhino. We have almost no casualties, only a few trainers were slightly injured."

Chen Yan truthfully reported to Ryan Hui that in fact the injuries of those players were not caused by the Knights of Ironthorn Town, but were the injuries they sustained during a fight in order to grab monsters. In front of outsiders, he was too embarrassed to tell the truth. speak out.

"What? Only a few people were slightly injured? Impossible! You are falsely reporting the battle situation!"

When Bach saw Notz tied up into a rice dumpling, he knew that his Cavaliers had been defeated. Before he could accept this reality, he heard a statement that the knights in Firefly Town had almost no casualties, and his mentality almost collapsed. .

All his own knights were wiped out, and none of the opponent's knights died. Such a disparity in the results was actually achieved by the knights that he was proud of. How could the always proud Baron Bach accept it.

"Baron Bach, there is no need for me to lie to you. If you really don't believe me, you can wait until the knight commander wakes up and ask him in person."

Chen Yan said with confidence.

Seeing Chen Yan's confident look, Bach couldn't help but smile bitterly. It seemed that the knight had not lied about the military situation, otherwise he would not be so confident.

It seems that the knights in Ironthorn Town were really defeated, and they were not even able to reduce the number of people in Firefly Town. This is simply a great shame!

Bach glared at Noz lying on the ground, wishing he could execute the knight captain he had trained with his own hands now.

He knew without thinking that Noz must have committed a taboo on the battlefield and fell into the enemy's plan, otherwise the knights of Iron Thorn Town would not have lost so miserably.

Bach was still counting on Notz to lead the Cavaliers to help him win the war. It was good now. Let alone victory, whether he could escape unscathed was a question.

Moreover, with the annihilation of all the knights in Iron Thorn Town, his territory has become in danger. Without the knights to guard the territory, Iron Thorn Town is equivalent to being undefended and may be occupied by other nobles at any time.

He originally came to occupy other people's territory, but in the end, he could hardly keep his own territory. What kind of thing is this!

Bach suddenly became furious when he thought of this, his eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

Fortunately, his will was still strong and he managed to survive. He kept saying in his heart that he couldn't fall down yet. His wife and children were still waiting for him in Ironthorn Town. As long as he could escape, he would be able to survive. There is still a chance!

"Baron Bach, you and your knights have lost. Surrender. I will abide by the agreement between the nobles and spare your life." Ryan said to Bach.

The reason why he surrendered Bach was the same as the reason why he protected Baron Lancaster, which was to reduce the resistance of the knights and residents of Ironthorn Town.

In fact, Ryan did not plan to occupy Ironthorn Town at the beginning. He just wanted to take the opportunity to occupy Rose Town, and then slowly plan for Ironthorn Town.

But he didn't expect that the players would be so powerful and directly wiped out the knights of Ironthorn Town, and he easily defeated Baron Bach.

Today's Ironthorn Town is like a beautiful woman who can be picked by anyone. Anyone who sees it will be moved, and Ryan is no exception.

However, judging from the current strength of Yinghuo Town, there is no problem in occupying Rose Town. If Ironthorn Town is occupied again, the strength will be somewhat stretched, unless the original knights of the town are used.

That's why Ryan wants to recruit Baron Bach to surrender. As long as he surrenders, his knights will naturally swear allegiance to him.

In this era, knights' oaths are still very binding. As long as they make an oath, they will not betray themselves easily.

With the help of these knights, Ryan would have the troops to occupy Ironthorn Town. Seeing that their lords had surrendered, the residents would not have much resistance.

As for whether Baron Bach will take the lead in rebellion in the future, he must have this opportunity.

Baron Lancaster has a cowardly character and has no heirs, so Ryan will naturally keep him. Baron Bach is different. He has children, and this old guy will never be willing to be a prisoner.

So after the Ironthorn Town is successfully captured and the situation stabilizes, Bach will have some surprises, and then Ryan will support his son as a puppet.

This not only complies with the agreement between the nobles, will not cause criticism from other nobles, but also allows full control of Ironthorn Town. Why not do it.

Ryan had a good idea, but how could Baron Bach, such a proud man, surrender to other nobles.

I saw him sneer and say:

"Didn't you say that you came to Rose Town to mediate the war? Why, don't you pretend now? You are starting to ask me to surrender."

"The war will naturally end if you surrender, and everyone can sit down and talk." Ryan replied calmly.

Bach said disdainfully: "Hmph, do you think I am as stupid as Lancaster to believe your lies?"

Lancaster on the side couldn't help curling his lips when he heard this. Why was he shot while lying down? The two knights next to Baron Lane looked so familiar, and he felt like he had seen them somewhere.

"Stop talking nonsense, are you going to surrender or not?" Ryan didn't have time to chat with Bach.

"It's a joke! Your father couldn't defeat me back then, but you, a child with no fur, still want me to surrender? Stop dreaming!"

The corner of Ryan's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this. Why did Baron Bach always mention his father? If Bach hadn't been a man, Ryan would have thought that his father had done something bad to Bach.

No, Bach wouldn't regard his father as his lifelong rival, would he? Just like the CP who fell in love and killed each other in the previous life.

Eh, so disgusting. Anyway, his father never had such an idea. In his memory, his father always looked down on Bach. How could he regard Bach as his lifelong rival? Maybe this was just Bach's wishful thinking.

Ryan shook his head and stopped thinking about it. If Bach doesn't surrender, don't surrender. With his son here, it doesn't matter whether Bach surrenders or not. At most, it will cause some die-hard resistance, so it's not a big problem.

So Ryan didn't give any more advice: "In that case, I'll send you on your way. Don't worry, I'll take care of your wife. You don't have to worry about them. Gardevoir, stay strong!"

Gardevoir released powerful telekinesis at the Rhinoceros, knocking it down completely with just one blow.

All of Bach's monsters fell down, but he did not panic. Instead, he took out a black crystal stone and placed it on the big steel snake.

Affected by the black crystal, the big steel snake exploded with its body's potential and struggled to get up from the ground.

Its two eyes turned red, and its whole body exuded a violent aura.


The big steel snake roared towards the sky, then turned to look at Baron Bach beside him, as if he wanted to attack him.

"Big Steel Snake, don't be controlled by a mere stone!"

Bach looked directly into the eyes of the big steel snake and said.

A glimmer of clarity flashed in the eyes of the big steel snake. It struggled to control the rage and chaos in its heart, forced itself to turn its head, and regarded Ryan and others as targets of attack.

When Ryan saw Bach taking out the Sombra, he immediately understood that his guess was correct, Bach was indeed connected to the Church of Shadows!

He might have asked people from the Church of Shadows to do the two beast tides that Yinghuo Town encountered before.

Thinking of this, Ryan's eyes gradually turned cold, and he now had no idea of ​​recruiting Bach.

This bastard deserves to die! ! (End of chapter)

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