My Pokémon Player

Chapter 201 How can we play the game if someone is cheating?

After hearing Ryan's order, the militiamen immediately stepped forward and captured the animal trainer and his apprentices.

"My lord, my lord! Let's talk to you if you have anything to say. If you have any other requests, you can make them!"

"I am employed by the Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce in Guanhai City. If you treat me like this, aren't you afraid of Guanhai City's retaliation?"

Seeing that nice words didn't work, the trainer turned to using Guanhai City to threaten Ryan.

"Nao Nao, shut his mouth!"

Ryan said impatiently that he was not afraid of Guanhai City when he only had one town, let alone three towns now.

This beast trainer dared to threaten him with Guanhai City. It would be nice if he didn't go to Guanhai City to cause trouble.

The militiamen couldn't find any cloth to gag the animal trainer, but they didn't dare to disobey Ryan's order. In desperation, one of the militiamen took off his socks and stuffed them into the animal trainer's mouth.

The trainer's eyes widened instantly. The militiamen stood guard and patrolled all day, and their feet were naturally sore and smelly. Even those socks could stand up even if they were thrown out.

And this sock is now in his mouth, and the taste is really beyond words.

I didn't expect that he, a majestic animal trainer who was always treated politely wherever he went, would be so humiliated. Not only was he punched and kicked, but he was also gagged with a smelly sock.

If this matter spreads out and other animal trainers find out, I don't know how they will laugh at me.

The more the animal trainer thought about it, the more humiliated he felt, and he couldn't help but shed two lines of tears.

The other apprentices originally wanted to shout a few words to add some momentum to the master, but when they saw that the master was stuffed with smelly socks, they immediately shut their mouths. They did not want to taste the taste of smelly socks.

Ryan was quite satisfied with the militiaman’s behavior of stuffing his socks. He said to the militiaman:

"Well done, very clever. What's your name?"

"Your Majesty, my name is Brin!" Brin replied excitedly.

"Well, I remember it. If you go back and tell Captain Pino, you will be the deputy captain of the militia."

Ryan casually promoted him to vice captain.

"Thank you, sir. I will definitely not betray your trust!"

Brin said ecstatically, and other militiamen also cast envious glances at him. This guy is so lucky. He can be promoted just by taking off his socks.

If I had known they would take them off too, my socks would be able to stand up when thrown out, no worse than Brin's.

The militiamen looked at the other apprentices, hoping that they would yell like the animal trainers so that they could have a chance to take off their socks.

Unfortunately, the apprentices all covered their mouths with their hands for fear of making any sound.

Seeing that there was no chance, the other militiamen felt a little disappointed, but there would be opportunities in the future. The new lord seemed to be different from the previous lord. He did not look at connections, only ability.

As long as they can obey the orders of the new lord and show their abilities, they may also be promoted.

The militiamen were full of expectations for the future, and at the same time they slowly accepted Ryan as the new lord.

This is also the purpose of Ryan appointing Breen as deputy captain. On the one hand, he stabilizes the mentality of the militiamen and makes them loyal to him. On the other hand, it is also to check and balance Captain Pino.

Although the current militia team has little strength, Ryan will let them conquer Pokémon in the future. By then, they will also have a certain amount of combat power. Ryan will naturally have to put people he trusts into it.

Ryan has been kind to Bryn, and Bryn will definitely obey Ryan's words. Moreover, Brin was promoted by Ryan himself and already has the label of Ryan on him, so he can only be loyal to Ryan.

If Pino had honestly been his militia captain, nothing would have happened. If he had other intentions, Lane would know about it immediately and let Brin take his place.

Of course, the probability of Pino rebelling is extremely small, and he will almost never have other ideas, but again, be careful and you won't make a big mistake. Anyway, it's just a matter of appointing a vice-captain, so it's not a lot of trouble.

"Take them down." Ryan waved to the militiamen.

"As you command!"

The militiamen took the trainer and apprentices into custody.

Ryan saw the tears on the trainer's face, but there was no trace of pity in his heart. Pokémon had also shed blood and tears. Who had pity on them? This humiliation is nothing compared to the abuse the Pokémon suffered.

Socks and chains were not enough to quell Ryan's anger. He planned to let the trainer experience all the torture the Pokémon suffered, let him feel the Pokémon's pain firsthand, and see how long he could endure it.

In the end, he was thrown into the iron stone mountain to mine, which was considered a waste.

But that's something for the future. What Ryan has to deal with now is the one-horned rhinoceros problem.

He first took out an empty elf ball, thought about it for a while, and then took the elf ball back.

These one-horned rhinos have just experienced human torture and are very hostile to humans. They have a strong resistance and will definitely try their best to break away from the elf ball. Using the elf ball may not necessarily conquer them.

Unless you knock them all down, doing so will only increase the hatred in their hearts. Besides, their physical condition is extremely poor, and it is easy to cause casualties if you don't control the intensity of the attack, so Ryan gave up on subduing them with the elf ball. idea.

"Gardevoir, I can only rely on you. Use your mind to control them first."

Ryan said to Gardevoir on the side.


Gardevoir nodded, and then released relatively gentle telekinesis, which firmly controlled the one-horned rhinos without causing harm to them.

From this, it can be seen that Gardevoir's use of telekinesis has reached perfection, and it is worthy of the title of "Queen of Superpowers".

The one-horned rhinos looked at Gardevoir in horror. They could feel the momentum of Gardevoir and knew that Gardevoir was extremely powerful, no weaker than the previous Steelix. Even if they recovered to their prime, they were not Gardevoir's opponent.

It seems that they still can't escape the clutches of humans. The one-horned rhinos are a little desperate. They closed their eyes and prepared to continue to endure the torture of humans.

But they waited for a long time and didn't wait for the expected torture. Instead, they heard a "crash" sound, and then they felt their bodies lighten, as if the iron chains that bound them were untied.

The one-horned rhinos opened their eyes in confusion and saw the iron chains that fell on the ground.

What are these hateful humans doing? Are they going to use new torture methods on them?

Before the unicorns thought about it, they heard the human in front of them say:

"Don't be nervous, you are safe. We are different from the humans who abused you before. We will not hurt you. You should have seen how I treated those humans just now."

Ryan's tone was very gentle. As he spoke, he approached the unicorn.

The unicorn saw that Ryan was getting closer and closer to them, and immediately growled to warn Ryan, but Ryan was not scared by them. With Gardevoir protecting him, he was not afraid that the unicorn would suddenly attack and hurt people.

Ryan came to the unicorn, then took out a bottle of good medicine and treated the unicorn's injuries personally.

"I know you hate humans now and won't easily believe what I say, but I will prove it with actual actions, so please give me a chance."

Ryan said sincerely, and then asked the players to release their unicorns.

"You can ask these fellows how we treat them."

The players' unicorns also cooperated, growling to persuade the unicorns in Tieji Town.

The unicorns in Tieji Town looked at Ryan who was healing them, and then looked at their fellows who were in good physical and mental health, and their defenses gradually loosened.

The unicorns are not smart, but not stupid. They just saw Ryan kicking the trainer and felt the kindness Ryan showed them.

They slowly let go of their vigilance against Ryan, but still did not completely trust Ryan, but stopped growling at him.

Ryan was very happy to see that the unicorns had let down their guard against him. Although they still did not trust humans very much, their attitude towards humans had improved a lot, at least not as hostile as before.

After all, the unicorns had been tortured by the trainers for a long time, and they would definitely not trust humans again so easily. Ryan did not think about letting them restore their trust in humans in a short time, which was not realistic.

Anyway, there are still many days to come, Ryan believes that the unicorn will be influenced by them sooner or later.

Who makes Pokémon mostly "naive", even if humans hurt them, as long as humans treat them well, they are still willing to try to trust humans.

Just like in the animation of the previous life, there are so many Pokémon who have been hurt by humans, and after being moved by Zhiye's passion and kindness, they continue to get close to humans regardless of the past.

It is precisely because of this that Pokémon will be suppressed by humans who are far less powerful than them.

However, the kindness and trust of Pokémon are also limited. If humans hurt them again and again, they will eventually be completely disappointed with humans.

At that time, no matter how many remedial measures humans take, they can't restore their trust, and war may really break out between humans and Pokémon.

Ryan doesn't know how the Pokémon world in the previous life game and animation got through this stage. Anyway, if the Pokémon world he lives in doesn't make changes, it will be difficult to transition to the alliance period in a peaceful way.

I don't know if someone will stand up to change this world in the future, wait! Could this person be me?

Thinking of this, Ryan couldn't help but look at the Qianzhou wrist pattern on the back of his left hand. The alpaca threw him into this world and gave him a golden finger. Could it be that he wanted him to change the world?

But it didn't have to choose me. There were so many natives. It could just choose one at random. With its power as the God of Creation, even if it was just a clone, it was enough to change the world. Why bother to let itself travel through time?

Could it be that it was like the alpaca in the legend of Arceus, and liked to find people who traveled through time to save the world?

Ryan thought for a long time, but couldn't figure out Arceus' intentions, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

"No matter what purpose you chose me for, I can only say one thing to you: I'm really good at judging people!"

Ryan was not at ease to give the responsibility of changing the world to others. If that person didn't do well, the humans and Pokémon in this world would suffer. There were his own family and partners here, and Ryan would not let others decide their fate.

"Gardevo, stop using telekinesis to control them."


"It's okay, they won't hurt me. Besides, you're here to protect me."

Ryan said to Gardevoir with a smile.

Gardevoir had to stop releasing telekinesis after hearing this. It came to Ryan's side and looked at these unicorns nervously. If the other party made an attacking move, it would immediately use teleportation to take Ryan away.

Fortunately, the rhinoceroses had no intention of attacking Ryan. They simply moved their stiff bodies and then returned to the Pokémon eggs to continue hatching.

Ryan took out a few boxes of Poké cubes and shook them at the rhinoceroses.

"Hatching eggs must be very tiring for you. Do you want some food to supplement your nutrition?"

He opened the box and poured out a few Poké cubes. The unique aroma of Poké cubes instantly attracted the rhinoceroses.

They haven't had a full meal for a long time. The previous trainers didn't let them eat or sleep at all. They only provided them with a little food in the past few days to allow them to hatch eggs smoothly.

But that little food was not enough to fill their teeth. At most, it could keep them alive. Don't even think about eating.

So after the rhinoceroses smelled the aroma of Poké cubes, their saliva almost flowed out. They looked at the Poké cubes in Ryan's hand hesitantly, looking like they wanted to eat but didn't dare to eat.

Seeing this, Ryan stuffed a Poké Cube directly into his mouth. The main raw material of Poké Cube is tree fruit, so humans can eat it.

He chewed the Poké Cube with a smacking sound. You know what, the taste of this Poké Cube is quite special, like eating some kind of candy, and it also has the taste of dried fruits and vegetables, which makes Ryan want to have another one.

"Look, it's not poisonous. I ate it myself. Poké Cube is a good thing. It's crunchy and sweet. The protein nutrition is five times that of ordinary tree fruit."

Ryan handed the Poké Cube in his hand to the unicorn.

The unicorn finally couldn't resist the temptation of the Poké Cube. It ate a Poké Cube carefully, and then its eyes lit up. This is too delicious. I have never eaten such delicious food!

It was about to open its mouth to eat all the Poké cubes in Ryan's hand, but suddenly stopped, as if it had thought of something. It picked up a few Poké cubes and placed them in front of the female rhinoceros incubating eggs, signaling them to eat first.

The female rhinoceros also knew that she needed food to replenish her energy, so she didn't refuse and ate the Poké cubes.

The other rhinoceros kept swallowing their saliva, but they still didn't eat the Poké cubes in Ryan's hand, but gave the cubes to other female rhinoceros.

Ryan didn't expect that the rhinoceros were so hungry, but they still insisted on giving food to the female rhinoceros incubating eggs. Many humans can't do this.

He quickly took out more Pokémon cubes and Pokémon food, and said to the rhinos:

"Don't be modest here, it's just Pokémon cubes, I have as many as you want! There are also large quantities of Pokémon food, I guarantee you will eat your fill!"

The rhinos saw that there was enough food, and they stopped pushing each other away. They gathered around Ryan and ate the food in big mouthfuls.

At this time, they also realized that Ryan was really a good person, and began to trust Ryan gradually. Some rhinos even pushed the food to Ryan, indicating that Ryan should eat with them.

Ryan smiled and said that he had eaten, and then continued to use the good wound medicine to treat the injuries of other rhinos.

Noz, who was tied up like a dumpling, looked at this harmonious scene in disbelief.

No, why can a little food make a rhinoceros obedient? This is too unreasonable, right?

I want to report it! How can I play if someone is cheating? !

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