My Pokémon Player

Chapter 206 Is it so difficult to draw a prize?

"Gardevoir, please use teleportation to take her to another room."

Ryan said to Gardevoir anxiously and wisely.


Although Gardevoir didn't understand Ryan's order, he would still obey it. He put his hand on Mrs. Bach's shoulder, and then moved her to another room with her.

Soon, Gardevoir teleported back to the study. It nodded towards Ryan, indicating that Mrs. Bach had been safely removed, and Ryan opened the door with confidence.

Sailer, who was waiting outside the door, saluted and apologized again after seeing Ryan:

"Sorry to disturb your rest."

"It's okay. I just read a few books and didn't get much rest. And something unexpected happened. You should have informed me as soon as possible. You did a good job. There is no need to apologize."

Ryan patted Sailor on the shoulder and said.

Sailer didn't expect that Ryan was still reading so late at night. He was so diligent and studious. No wonder he was able to develop Yinghuo Town into a prosperous place.

"Let's go, take me to see the body of Baron Bach."

Ryan felt uncomfortable with Sailer's admiring eyes. He quickly changed the subject and asked Sailer to take him to the scene. Only by seeing Bach's body with his own eyes could he feel completely at ease.

"As commanded, please follow me."

Ryan didn't wake up Tian Wu Ni. The little guy was sleeping soundly. He couldn't bear to wake Tian Wu Ni up, so he took only Gardevoir to the outside of the city.

As soon as he left the city, Ryan saw the dying steel snake lying on the ground, with a corpse next to it.

Ryan stepped forward to check and confirmed that this was really the body of Baron Bach. There was a penetrating wound in his chest, his heart was shattered, and he was dead.

Unless King Feng comes in person, there is no chance of him surviving. But King Feng is busy taking pictures all over the world, so how can he waste time and effort to save Bach? Not everyone can be treated like Master Zhi.

Ryan breathed a sigh of relief, finally solving a problem. Now there would be no hidden dangers in occupying Ironthorn Town.


Just as Ryan was checking Bach's body, the big steel snake on the side slowly opened its eyes. When it saw Ryan, it immediately let out a slight wailing sound, as if it wanted to say something to Ryan.

"I know you have something to tell me, but don't worry. You are seriously injured now. If you don't treat it in time, you won't be able to survive for long. I will treat your injury first, and then explain it to me after you recover to some extent. It’s not too late.”

Ryan knew that Big Steel Snake was desperately trying to return to Ironthorn Town. He must have been entrusted by Bach to tell Ryan something.

But the big steel snake is now seriously injured. If left alone, it may not be able to survive Xiao Luo's arrival, so Ryan turned to Gardevoir and said:

"Gardevoir, first use the healing wave to help the big steel snake treat its injuries."


Of course, Gardevoir couldn't bear to see the big steel snake die, so he immediately used all his strength to heal the big steel snake's injuries.

Ryan also took out the good medicine to heal the big steel snake's wounds, and also fed the big steel snake a few Poké cubes to restore some of its physical strength.

"Knight Commander Siler, please go to the castle and bring Xiao Luo here, the Pokémon that can only speak human language."

Ryan told Sailer that he was not familiar with Steel Snake, and in his current state, Steel Snake was unable to express rich body language. Ryan could only understand what Steel Snake wanted to express through Xiao Luo's translation. .

"Understood, I'll go now."

Sailer said excitedly that he had long been curious about Xiaoluo, a Pokémon that could speak human language, and he was eager to get up close and personal with it.

By the time Sailer brought Xiao Luo over, the big steel snake's physical condition had improved a lot.

Although two consecutive bursts of potential require it to rest for a long time before it can return to its original state, it will also become more difficult to improve its strength in the future.

But at least it can move and speak normally now, unlike just now, where it took all the energy to even speak.

The big steel snake looked at Ryan with a complicated expression. It didn't expect that Ryan would really save itself. They were enemies before and were still fighting life and death. However, Ryan actually healed it personally regardless of the past grudges.

Like the Rhinoceros, it felt that Ryan's attitude towards Warcraft was very different from Bach's.

If Baron Bach encountered this situation, he would not heal the enemy's Warcraft. He would definitely force it to finish its words as soon as possible, and then abandon it at will, or sell it to a Warcraft merchant.

In Baron Bach's view, monsters that have no use value are waste and there is absolutely no need to rescue them.

This is also the view of most Warcraft users on Warcraft. People like Ryan are in the minority and alien. This unprecedented attitude makes it a little difficult for the big steel snake to adapt.

It wanted to refuse Ryan's treatment and feeding several times, but due to its extremely poor physical condition, it did not have the strength to evade and could only be at the mercy of Ryan.

In the process, Big Steel Snake gradually felt Ryan's kindness, and it turned out that there were still humans in this world who were willing to get close to Warcraft.

This unique feeling is difficult to describe in words, but Big Steel Snake felt that it felt not bad, so he slowly let go of his resistance to Ryan and began to cooperate with Ryan's treatment.

After the treatment was completed, it lowered its head slightly toward Ryan and growled to express its gratitude.

"The big steel snake said that he is very grateful to you for healing it Lotto~"

As soon as Xiao Luo arrived, he dutifully translated what Big Steel Snake said.

These days, it has been responsible for the referee work of the junior trainer assessment. It has experienced the addiction of refereeing, and its mood has become very happy. Naturally, it is happy to work part-time as a translator.

Not to mention, Xiao Luo always felt that something was missing after not translating for Ryan for several days. After translating just now, Xiao Luo suddenly felt that it was right.

Huh? Something's wrong, I don't think of translation as my job anymore, don't do it! I shoot Rotom in the air, but he is the referee, Lotto!

Xiao Luo shouted in his heart that since he came to this world, his emotions and psychological activities have become more and more abundant, and his expressions have become more and more vivid.

At this time, its two big blue eyes turned into a line, its expression was very tangled, and it was still thinking about what its job was.

Ryan didn't pay attention to Xiao Luo's expression. He patted the big steel snake's body and said:

"No need to thank you. I have no ill feelings towards you monsters, and I won't watch you die in front of me. I also rescued the Rhinoceros that you abandoned, so you can meet again in the future."

The big steel snake was still looking at Rotom in the air with a shocked expression. It had never seen a monster that could speak human language before, so it had gained a lot of experience now.

When it heard Ryan talking about the horned rhinoceros, it suddenly looked a little embarrassed.

Although it was Baron Bach who ordered it not to take care of the rhinoceros, its behavior of abandoning its younger brother was indeed not a sign of loyalty, and it was embarrassed to see the rhinoceros again.

Ryan also understood what the big steel snake was thinking. He smiled and comforted:

"It doesn't matter. You have to listen to Baron Bach's orders. I believe the Rhinoceros can understand you. When you two meet again, I will help you explain."

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now. Don't you have something to tell me? Now Xiao Luo is here too. It can accurately translate what you said, so you can be more detailed when you tell it and try not to miss any details."

The big steel snake nodded when he heard this. If there is a monster that can speak human language, it can explain everything Bach explained clearly.

"Hey, hey, hey."

As the big steel snake began to explain the situation, Xiao Luo on the side was no longer entangled, and he concentrated on translating what the big steel snake said.

The Big Steel Snake told all the situations they encountered after escaping, even the details of encountering some Warcraft users during the escape and using the Dark Crow to contact the Church of Shadows.

After listening to Big Steel Snake's story, Ryan had a look of understanding on his face.

Baron Bach really went to find the Shadow Church, which was also expected by Ryan.

But the Shadow Church did not accept him, and instead directly eliminated Baron Bach, which was a bit strange.

He has not yet asked Mrs. Bach to make a statement. Bach still has a title and is still the nominal lord of Ironthorn Town.

The Shadow Church can secretly support Baron Bach in retaking Ironthorn Town, and since Bach doesn't have knights and Pokémon to rely on, they can easily sideline Bach.

If Ironthorn Town can really be recaptured, Ironthorn Town will be completely controlled by the Shadow Church. This has been the goal of religious organizations like Poseidon and the Shadow Church. Those bastards from the Shadow Church will not give up so easily.

Unless they feel that even if they cooperate with Baron Bach, they cannot regain Ironthorn Town, or they have more important things to do and have no time to waste on Bach.

Ryan believes that the latter is more likely. Although he has not dealt directly with the Shadow Church, it is not difficult to see from the previous two beast tides that they will not give up until they achieve their goals.

It is unlikely that the Church of Shadow will give up the idea of ​​occupying Ironthorn Town just because they are afraid of Ryan. It seems that they have other bigger conspiracies and goals.

As for what the conspiracy is, Ryan doesn't know, but in the Pokémon world, the villain's conspiracy has always been simple and clear. Except for the mythical beasts, they are the mythical beasts, and the Shadow Church must be no exception.

Maybe they just couldn't think of it and want to take action against Lugia. Then the magic sticks of Poseidon Temple will definitely not let them go, and Ryan can sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.

At this time, Ryan still didn't know that the top leaders of Poseidon Temple had planned to cooperate with the Shadow Church to control Lugia. If he knew, he would definitely give Poseidon Temple a thumbs up.

As expected of a citizen of the sea, his mind is full of water!

"I understand what happened. It's such a pity. Why did Baron Bach go to the Shadow Church? Those scum do all kinds of evil and they will definitely not let Baron Bach go. It's better to surrender to me. At least I can save his life. "

Ryan looked unbearable, but actually he was already laughing in his heart.

I have to say that the Shadow Church helped him get rid of a hidden danger this time, which was considered a favor to him. Next time he meets the members of the Shadow Church, he can leave them a whole corpse as a thank you to them.

When Big Steel Snake and Knight Commander Sailer heard this, they all cast admiring glances at Ryan. Looking at his situation, they felt pity for the enemy's death. What a good man with noble character!

"Sir, you don't need to be too sad. This is the fate that Baron Bach deserves. From the moment he abandoned the honor of the nobility and cooperated with the Shadow Church, his fate was doomed!"

Sailer comforted Ryan that his lord was good in everything, but he was too kind-hearted and would suffer in the future. He had to remind him more.

"Ahem, I understand, Big Steel Snake, you just said that Baron Bach asked you to take you to find the Shadow Church information he had hidden, right? Where did he hide the information?"

Lian was afraid that he would laugh out loud, so he quickly asked Steelix about the location of the buried intelligence.

Steelix also honestly told the specific location of the intelligence, which was buried in the castle courtyard.

After Ryan remembered the location, he asked Steelix to go to the city to rest and recuperate, and then talk to the knights about loyalty to Ryan tomorrow.

Steelix naturally nodded in agreement. After Ryan settled Steelix, he immediately went to the courtyard to dig out the information hidden by Baron Bach.

He took a rough look and didn't find any particularly useful information. It seems that the Shadow Church acted very carefully and did not reveal too much information to Baron Bach.

Most of the information recorded above is how the Shadow Church cooperated with Baron Bach, including the previous beast tide and the plot against Rose Town.

The only useful information is that the Shadow Church has been looking for a mysterious Pokémon, and asked Baron Bach to help them keep an eye on the news of the volcanic island.

"The mysterious Pokémon they are looking for should be the legendary beasts. I guessed it right. I just don't know what legendary beast they are looking for. Is the volcanic island the Sidoran? Or the Moltres?"

"If it is the Moltres, they will not really gather the three sacred birds to lure out Lugia, right?"

Ryan has almost guessed the plan of the Shadow Church based on his understanding of the legendary beasts in his previous life.

The Shadow Church would never have thought that someone could analyze their plan based on the simple information of the volcanic island.

It can only be said that the conspiracy of the villains in the Pokémon world is indeed easy to guess. Just think about the legendary beasts.

"Forget it, don't think about it. If their target is really the Moltres, then this matter should be left to the Sea God Temple to worry about. The only use of this information for me is to prove that Baron Bach did cooperate with the Shadow Church. Now that there are evidences and witnesses, Ironthorn Town can finally be firmly captured."

With these ironclad evidences, plus Mrs. Bach's statement, the royal family will definitely deprive the Bach family of their titles, and the hero who quelled the rebellion will also receive the due reward.

"Everything went well today. Let's go back and draw the lottery while we're lucky!"

Ryan collected the information and returned to the study room.

Tian Wuni was still sleeping on the desk. Ryan tiptoed to the chair and opened the panel impatiently.

"Let's try the intermediate lottery first. Godfather Arceus bless me."

"Dong Dong~"

The knock on the door interrupted Ryan's lottery again.

Ryan clenched his fists and showed an angry expression on his face.

Is it so difficult to draw a lottery? I just want to draw a lottery quietly! !

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