My Pokémon Player

Chapter 218 The Stuttering Little Skeleton

Ryan looked at the number of reservations that exceeded 10,000 on the panel and felt very satisfied.

Nowadays, games mainly rely on publicity to attract players. Without large-scale publicity, it is difficult to stand out among the large number of games.

Not everyone can be like Chen Yan, who keeps searching for games in the game store for video materials.

For a game that doesn’t have any publicity and relies entirely on players, it’s already good to have more than 10,000 pre-orders.

Moreover, most of the more than 10,000 reservation players are veterans who have been in the gaming industry for many years. They are of very high quality and include various professions. Ryan was immediately spoiled for choice.

"It's such a happy worry. I remember when there were only four or five people who made reservations, I was still worried, for fear that they wouldn't come online. How can it be like now, when I have more than 10,000 reservation players to choose from, and it's so boring to have an emperor flip the cards!"

Ryan felt happy.

It's a pity that a beautiful real-life interactive game has become very popular in the past few days, attracting the attention of most players, otherwise the number of reservations could have increased even more.

hateful! I don’t know what those players think, how can beautiful women be as cute as Pokémon!

It's just Haohao's mother. She's not that good-looking either. Her figure is similar to Mrs. Bach's and her attributes are the same. They're both single mothers. We in "Pokémon World" also have our own "Haohao's mother"!

That's all, it doesn't matter if the old porn players don't want it.

Besides, it is useless to have too many reservations. Ryan plans to issue hundreds of places this time. The reservation base of more than 10,000 is enough for Ryan to select suitable players for internal testing.

"It's good to have more people making reservations. There are talents from all walks of life. If so many people had made reservations for the game last time, I wouldn't have found a garden designer to plant trees!"

Ryan complained in his mind.

He was really not sure whether the player named [Little Skeleton Who Loves Planting Trees] could plant trees, so he could only take a look every day. After all, it was related to his side mission.

"I said [little skeleton who loves to plant trees], do you know how to plant trees?"

Ryan patted the fruit sapling beside him. It had been several days, but there was no response from the mission panel. Could it be that the player planted the fruit sapling to death?

"no no."

"No? You don't know how to plant trees!"

Ryan frowned and said, "This is troublesome now. This batch of fruit saplings is a waste. I can only wait for Director Locke to buy another batch from him when he comes to trade next time."

"No problem!"

The little skull replied with a red face.


Ryan was silent for a long time, then carefully considered his words and asked:

"Do you always talk like this?"

The little skeleton lowered his head and said, "No."

Ryan waited for a few seconds and was relieved when he found that the little skeleton didn't continue to speak.

It seems that he is not stuttering, but maybe he was too excited just now and stammered when he spoke.

The game characters created by Creation Point are all healthy, so how could they stutter? I was really overthinking it.

Ryan was about to continue asking about the fruit saplings when he suddenly heard the little skeleton continue to say:

"That's right!"


Ryan looked at the little skeleton speaking out words with great force, and felt very helpless. This player really stuttered.

The stuttering must be caused by psychological factors, so I stutter a little when speaking in the game.

"I'm sorry."

Little Skeleton apologized to Ryan anxiously. He was afraid that Ryan would lose his favorability because of his difficulty in communicating, or even withdraw his qualifications for closed beta testing.

If you haven't come into contact with those cute Pokémon, then it doesn't matter if you are eligible to withdraw. Anyway, the little skeleton is not a serious game enthusiast.

Although this game is very realistic and playable, Little Skeleton will not have a withdrawal reaction and may forget this game after a while.

But now that he has come into contact with Pokémon, his heart has long been captured by those kind little guys.

The Pokémon will not dislike him for stuttering, but will listen to what he says seriously and give him the warmest response, which outsiders cannot give him.

The little skeleton felt like he had been healed by the Pokémon in this game, and even his speech was much smoother than in the real world.

So he didn't want to leave this game, he didn't want to be separated from these cute Pokémon, and he didn't want to lose sight of his bug bag.

Ryan saw the nervous look on the little skeleton's face and could probably guess what the other person was thinking.

Are you so unkind in the eyes of Mengxin? How do those old players promote themselves?

What Ryan didn't know was that in order to prevent the newbies from violating the ban, the veteran players repeatedly emphasized to them that Ryan had the right to ban their accounts, which made the newbies a little nervous, fearing that Ryan would ban their accounts if they disagreed.

The same was true for the little skeleton. He looked at Ryan in panic, praying secretly in his heart that Ryan would not block his account.

Ryan smiled and said to the little skeleton:

"No need to apologize. It's okay if you don't speak smoothly. Just speak slowly and don't rush. If it doesn't work, you can just nod or shake your head. Don't put too much psychological pressure on me."

The little skeleton looked at Ryan with surprise when he heard this. He didn't expect the lord to be so reasonable.

"Thank you for your understanding!"

"You're welcome, you just meant that you can plant trees, right?"

Ryan then asked about the saplings.

The little skeleton nodded vigorously.

"Then will these fruit saplings you planted survive?"

Ryan said looking at the surrounding fruit trees.

The little skeleton nodded first, and then shook his head. Ryan was stunned. He nodded and shook his head again. Can he survive?

The little skeleton hesitated for a while, and then said:

"These fruit saplings are similar to reality. I think they can survive, but they need to be observed for a period of time. If after twenty or thirty days, the leaves of the fruit trees turn green, the water is full, and the trunks are brightly colored, that will prove it. The saplings are basically alive.”

After hearing the explanation, Ryan nodded slightly: "So that's it, I was too impatient."

"Wait a minute! Why didn't you stutter just now?"

Ryan asked in surprise.

"When I talk about my professional knowledge, I will speak normally!"

The little skeleton resumed its original speaking rhythm.

"Is that so? It means you are usually under too much psychological pressure and are stumbling when speaking. You should communicate more with Pokémon. Talking to them won't be stressful, right?" Ryan analyzed.

When the little skeleton heard this, he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, obviously agreeing with what Ryan said.

"In addition to talking to Pokémon, you also have to communicate with other visitors from the God Realm. They are all carefully selected by the Creator God. They have almost no problems with their character and morality. They will help you."

Ryan is still very confident in the players he has chosen. He doesn't want any of those keyboard warriors who like to have fun and ridicule others online.

It cannot be said that all the selected players are kind-hearted. At least they have a basic moral bottom line. They will not make fun of the little skeleton at will, and will help him treat his stuttering.

Stuttering caused by psychological factors is actually not difficult to treat. The most important thing is to overcome the fear and pressure in your heart and dare to speak.

The reason why Little Skull does not stutter when talking about professional knowledge is because he is confident in the knowledge he has learned.

Therefore, if you want to cure Little Skeleton's stuttering, you need to make him confident when speaking, give him a feeling that stuttering is not a big deal, and encourage him to speak often.

Over time, Little Skull's stuttering will improve, and it may even affect reality, allowing him to speak normally in the real world.

Ryan felt a strange sense of satisfaction when he thought that his so-called game could change players' real lives.

I won’t say anything anymore, but I will give a hint to the old players and ask them to help the little skeleton!

"I know, thank you very much for your suggestion."

The little skeleton thanked him sincerely. At this moment, he did not regard Ryan as an NPC, but as a friend who was eager to help him.

The lord is really a good person. He is not as scary as the old players said. He must take good care of these fruit trees and not let the lord down!

"You can check again in ten or ten days. Then you can confirm whether the fruit tree is alive or not."

The little skeleton said to Ryan.

"No need, these fruit saplings should be alive."

Ryan said in a determined tone.

"Ah? How did you know?"

The little skeleton was very puzzled. How did the lord know that the saplings could survive? Obviously I was still asking myself just now.

"I have my own way. Okay, you can continue to take care of the saplings. Use farmyard fertilizer first. I will send you some other types of fertilizer in a few days."

Ryan picked up Sweet Dancer who was teasing Bug Baobao, turned around and left the orchard.

"Okay! Goodbye, Lord Lord!"

The little skeleton waved his hand vigorously towards Ryan.

"Goodbye, don't forget to talk to Pokémon more. Also, keep an eye on your bug bag and don't let it chew the leaves again!"

When the little skeleton heard this, he immediately looked to the side and found that Bug Baobao was quietly chewing on the leaves.

He quickly took the insect bag down from the tree.

"Don't chew the leaves of these fruit trees! If you want to chew the leaves, there are a lot of them in the Liuying Forest. I will take you to the buffet after passing the junior trainer test in a few days!"

"Chong Chong~"

Chong Baobao said that he did not want to eat the leaves, but just wanted to use the leaves to make himself a new dress. The leaves on his body were a little yellow.

It's just that the little skeleton has just conquered the insect treasure bag, and he still can't understand what the insect treasure bag wants to express.

He was shocked that he didn't stutter when he just spoke!

"Insect treasure bag, use silk spinning!"

The little skeleton tried to order the insect baby bag. Although the insect baby bag didn't understand why his master wanted it to spin silk, he still did it.

"I still stutter a little. It seems that I was able to speak so smoothly just now when I was in a hurry, but it is much better than before. There will not be too many pauses when commanding the insect treasure pack. The lord is right, as long as I dare Talk, and sooner or later your stuttering will be cured!”

The little skeleton made up his mind in his heart that he must talk more in the future!

"Insect Bag, let me tell you a story. The name of the story is "The Early Bird Catches the Worm."

"Chongchong?!" Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Ryan left the tree orchard. He had just received the prompt that the panel task was completed, so he could conclude that the saplings could survive.

As for why the panel didn't wait more than ten days to confirm whether the sapling was alive as Little Skull said, Ryan didn't know. Maybe the panel had a special determination method.

However, it is also a good thing to complete the task early. Ryan received the task reward, three primary draws, and the rewards were not bad. He could wait until he completed other tasks and draw them together.

Ryan closed the panel in front of him and prepared to go to the pool in the castle courtyard to see the Slowpoke that had just been brought back by the players.

He issued a task to bring back Slowpoke on the first day he returned to Firefly Town. Now the strength of the players has been greatly improved, and with the protection of the teleporter, they can go out for adventures.

Ryan no longer has to go out to find Pokémon himself. He only needs to post the corresponding tasks in the task office, and the players will help him bring Pokémon back.

Moreover, the players are very efficient. Only two days after the task was released, the players have brought back more than 20 Slowpokes, and the pool in the courtyard is almost full.

As mentioned before, the pool in the castle courtyard is not big. The Marill and the Tadpole tribe alone have almost occupied the pool. Now with the addition of Slowpoke, it can be said that it is overcrowded.

Therefore, Ryan plans to advance the plan to build an artificial lake and build a larger home for these water-attribute Pokémon.

"Let's go to Ironstone Mountain to find Onix in a few days and ask them to help dig holes and dig canals. The Onix in the beast tide should be happy to help. I don't know if we can find the one that was stuck by Kokodora before."

"With the help of Onix, the speed of building an artificial lake will be very fast, and Firefly Town can also introduce more water-attribute Pokémon, especially Slowpoke. The more the better, their tails are a precious source of meat."

When Ryan thought of Slowpoke's tail, his mouth couldn't help but drool.

After the player brought back the first Slowpoke, he couldn't wait to taste the tail of Slowpoke.

After confirming again and again that Slowpoke would not feel pain in the tail, he asked someone to pull off the tail of Slowpoke, and then asked the chef to simply cook it and serve it.

And the moment he bit off the tail, Ryan decided that he must breed more Slowpoke!

This taste is really wonderful!

For the first time, Ryan felt that his vocabulary was lacking and he couldn't describe the taste of this delicacy in words.

Of course, it is also possible that he has hardly eaten any delicious food since he came to this world, so he thinks Slowpoke's tail is extremely delicious.

"Let's eat it again at noon today. This time, you can ask the chef to change the method. Slowpoke's tail is really magical. Not only does it not hurt when it is broken, but it will also grow back at a very fast speed."

"The first time the tail of Slowpoke was pulled off, it has grown back halfway. This speed is a bit too fast. Is it because it ate the Poké Cube?"

Ryan muttered to himself. He planned to find time to do a test to see if it was the Poké Cube.

Just as Ryan was thinking about how to cook Slowpoke's tail to make it more delicious, a shout interrupted his thoughts.

"The new guy to be auctioned is really good, with 7 points in both strength and physique! This is already quite good among newbies. Hiring him to build a house will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. Spend one dollar and enjoy the efficiency of two people!"

"The most important thing is that he doesn't have any requirements for food. He doesn't need fried chicken or watermelon. He only needs two pieces of black bread for every four hours of work! It's really a great value for money!!"

Ryan looked at the auction site in front of him with a confused look on his face. What are these players doing? ! (End of this chapter)

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