My Pokémon Player

Chapter 222: Just a weak, pitiful and helpless Aerial Rotom

"Besides the construction of the branch hall, what other troubles do you have?" Ryan asked doubtfully.

"Well, this trouble is of great importance. It is not convenient to talk about it here. Let Lady Aisha tell you in person."

Moni lowered his voice and said.

Ryan's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this. Didn't he just say it was a small trouble? How come it is of great importance again?

"Okay, when I'm done, I will go to the castle to talk to Saint Aisha in detail."

Moni breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ryan agreed to discuss with Aisha.

"Then I will go back and tell Lady Aisha that we will wait for you in the castle."

Moni bowed to Ryan and then turned and left.

Ryan looked at Moni's back and thought about something.

As a candidate for the Saint, Aisha has a noble status. He also gave her the information about the cause of the beast tide and asked her to return to the main hall to exchange for merits.

Logically, she should be smooth sailing, so why did she encounter troubles?

And it was even more strange that he needed his help to solve this trouble. He was not from the Sea God Temple, so how could he help a candidate for the Saint?

Ryan shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Anyway, Elsa would tell him the whole story later, so he should go to the task office to post the task first.

On the way, Ryan also went to the Pokémon camp to check the physical condition of the big milk tank. After a few days of recuperation, the big milk tank's physical deficit was replenished a lot.

Although it could not be restored to a completely healthy state, it was much stronger than when it first came.

After occupying Rose Town, he wanted to let the big milk tank return to Rose Town, where there was ready-made grass and no need to plant it.

But the big milk tanks had a psychological shadow on Rose Town and refused to go back no matter what.

There was no way, Ryan had to hire the natives to plant grass next to the orchard, build a pasture, and build a suitable living environment for the big milk tank and Kentaro.

Fortunately, the growth cycle of grass is short, and the hard work of the moles and the occasional use of the [Green Grass Field] by Sweet Dancer have further accelerated the growth of grass.

Now the grass has grown almost completely, and Miltank and Kentaro will soon be able to move to their new home.

Of course, Ryan has not forgotten other Pokémon. The breeding farm is also under construction, and the progress is quite good. After all, it is close to the natural ecological environment of the Firefly Forest and does not require large-scale construction.

After the breeding farm is built, all the Pokémon in the camp can move in.

It's a pity that the players are busy building their own houses, otherwise the breeding farm will be built faster. Without the help of Pokémon, the efficiency is indeed a bit low.

And the Pokémon Center, without the participation of players, the construction speed has also slowed down a lot.

This makes Ryan, who has long been accustomed to the high efficiency of players, feel uncomfortable.

"Tsk, I said Moni and the others would be inseparable from the help of players in the future, but I didn't expect that I was the one who was most affected by the players."

"No, I have to quickly summon another batch of newbies!"

Ryan muttered to himself, and waved to Xiao Luo who was floating in the air.

When Xiao Luo saw Ryan calling it, it immediately flew down. Before Ryan could speak, it said in a proud tone:

"Master, don't worry, I have already filmed the entire auction process, and it can be uploaded to the official website at any time!"

Ryan hurriedly stopped him after hearing this:

"Ahem, this video does not need to be uploaded to the official website, which may scare those uninformed pre-order players."

"Okay then, Loto~"

Xiao Luo felt disappointed and frustrated when he heard that the video he shot could not be uploaded to the official website.

Since the first time he uploaded the promotional video and received great praise from players, Xiao Luo liked this feeling.

Every time he saw the praise comments from players, Xiao Luo would feel an inexplicable joy and satisfaction in his heart.

Well, it should be these two words, which he specially checked online.

At first, this feeling was not obvious, and Xiao Luo thought it was his own illusion, and he had never had similar emotions before.

But as the praises became more and more, his emotions became richer, and he could feel this joy more.

So Xiao Luo now takes videos when he encounters interesting scenes, and then asks Ryan if he can upload them.

As for his favorite refereeing job before, I'm sorry, I'm really not familiar with it.

Ryan also noticed the changes in Xiao Luo, and he thought it was a good thing. Although Xiao Luo used to execute his orders perfectly, he was more like a machine.

Today's Xiao Luo is different. It is almost the same as a normal Pokémon. It also has its own joys, sorrows, anger, and even fluctuates in tone when speaking, which makes Ryan feel very relieved.

Therefore, Ryan supports its hobby of shooting. Although being a video up master now is no different from joining the fruit army in 1949, Xiao Luo does not make money from this. It just wants to get praise from players.

However, uploading videos of auction players is indeed a bit inappropriate. Those who don't know might think this game is some "Triangle Trade Simulator".

Ryan saw that Xiao Luo was a little depressed, and he quickly comforted him:

"It's okay, there will be plenty of opportunities to upload videos in the future. I will create a new video section on the official website and include the videos you shot, just as a promotion for our game."

"Really, Loto? Thank you, Master Loto!"

Xiao Luo happily circled around Ryan several times.

"Don't be too happy, I declare in advance that you should be careful when shooting videos and don't shoot any videos. If I see you again in the shower next time, I will delete all the videos you shot!"

Ryan reminded him that he didn't want Xiao Luo to follow the old path of Edison Chen.

"But I saw in the comment section that many female players want to see the young master without clothes, Loto?"

"That can't be filmed! Do you listen to them or me?!"

"Of course I listen to you, Loto!"

Ryan was relieved after getting Xiao Luo's assurance, but he didn't know that Xiao Luo had other ideas in his mind.

The young master is very popular among the player community. Everyone wants to know what the young master looks like in private, which is the best material for filming.

Ryan only said that he couldn't take a bathing video, but didn't say that he couldn't take a photo of him. In order to get the praise of the players, Xiao Luo decided to secretly film Ryan's daily life.

Of course, with Ryan's reminder, some private scenes will not be filmed.

When Xiao Luo thought that the videos he uploaded could get more praise, his two big blue eyes smiled into a line.

Ryan didn't know that Xiao Luo had taken him as a subject for the photo shoot, so he continued to instruct him:

"I'm going to select a new group of players. The selection criteria are similar to the last time. It would be best to find a few players involved in animal husbandry, textiles, brewing and perfume manufacturing. Other pre-booked players with special skills can also be given priority."

Ryan still coveted the high profits of the perfume and textile industries. Although the skills of the related industries are secret, they are similar to the skills in the real world after all.

As long as they can summon players from related industries, they will definitely be able to break through the technical blockade and develop perfumes and silk.

Then he will be able to break the monopoly of Guanhai City and get a share of it.

"Master, do you mean to select some life-related players, Loto?" Xiao Luo asked.

"That's right. There won't be any more wars in the territory in the short term. We need to develop the territory with peace of mind for the next period of time, so we can appropriately select some life-type players. Of course, combat players are still the mainstream."

Ryan will not lose sight of one thing while focusing on the other, and reduce the number of combat players. Combat and adventure players are Ryan's foundation. Without sufficient combat power, no matter how prosperous the territory is, it is just a castle in the air.

He doesn't want to work hard for a long time, but end up making wedding clothes for other lords.

"I understand, Loto, but the base number of this screening is too large, and my computing power is limited. It takes a lot of time to screen the player Loto."

Xiao Luo said with difficulty.

As a Rotom, its ability is completely subject to the machine it possesses.

Although the performance of the referee drone it possesses is stronger than household appliances such as refrigerators and lawn mowers, its performance and computing power are not very high, and it is far worse than the high-tech Pokémon illustrated book.

If the illustrated book Rotom is here, let alone more than 10,000 people, it can also screen them out with a few more zeros.

But now it is just a weak, pitiful and helpless Aerial Rotom.

The purpose of designing it was to let it be responsible for refereeing, so it would not be given high performance and computing power.

After all, it is just a referee, why does it need such high computing power? It is better to save money and equip it with a better camera.

Who would have thought that Aerial Rotom would meet Ryan, such an unkind master, who gave it all the work, not to mention translation and video shooting, these two jobs are at least related to its main job.

What the hell is screening player information? !

There are so many pre-booked players, it has to check their online comments and search records one by one, and then judge whether the pre-booked players meet the screening criteria set by Ryan.

This workload is too much, and it must burn out its CPU.

Ryan smiled embarrassedly when he heard this, and he also realized that he had exploited Xiao Luo a little too much. There was nothing he could do. In this era of backward technology, Xiao Luo was so useful that Ryan unconsciously developed a sense of dependence on Xiao Luo.

But as Xiao Luo said, its computing power is limited and cannot support large-scale information screening and judgment.

Now it can barely screen out more than 10,000 people, but it takes a lot of time. When more and more players make reservations in the future, I am afraid it will not be able to screen them no matter how much time it takes.

Therefore, Ryan needs to come up with a way to help Xiao Luo reduce his burden.

In fact, the essence of this problem is that Xiao Luo's computing power is insufficient. To solve this problem, either increase Xiao Luo's computing power or reduce the computing power required to screen player information.

The former cannot be achieved for the time being, unless Ryan can draw a Pokémon illustrated book and change Xiao Luo's carrier.

But the high-tech product of Pokémon illustrated book does not look like a reward that can be drawn from the primary lottery. At least it must be an intermediate lottery, so Ryan can only give up this idea.

Then you can only choose the latter and reduce the computing power required to screen information.

Ryan thought for a while and said:

"Sorry, Xiao Luo, your burden is indeed a bit heavy. How about this, you make a questionnaire according to my screening criteria, and then distribute the questionnaire to the pre-booked players, screen out some people based on their answers, and then select the right candidates from the remaining pre-booked players."

Ryan wanted to use the questionnaire to reduce the number of players that Xiao Luo personally screened, thereby reducing the required computing power.

This method is a bit like the regular answering questions of a certain station in the previous life, all for screening users and players.

"Okay, Loto, but what if they borrow other people's answers, Loto?"

"It doesn't matter, you can come up with more questions, and then shuffle the order of each question, as long as there is no standard answer."

Ryan certainly knows that some players will cheat. He also searched for answers online to pass the test on a certain website.

But the questionnaire is supposed to be a preliminary screening, so it doesn't need to be so strict.

And there are only so many places for the internal test. The players who have made reservations are all competitors. Who would be so kind to reveal the answers to others?

Even if they use various means to get the answers and pass the questionnaire test, there is still Xiao Luo, who will do the final screening.

However, if there is really a player who knows nothing but still tries his best to answer all the questions in the questionnaire, Ryan may really give him a chance. At least this player really loves the game!

"Xiao Luo understands, I will go to ask questions now, Loto!"

Xiao Luo is going to go back to the castle to ask questions. Although building a question bank is easier than investigating the information of each player, it also takes a certain amount of time. It has to finish this job quickly and then continue to shoot videos.

Ryan looked at Xiao Luo who flew away in a hurry, and couldn't help shaking his head helplessly. Xiao Luo is becoming more and more unstable, and I don't know who he learned from.

He turned and left the Pokémon camp and came to the task station.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Chen Yan and others accepting tasks.

"Yanzi, why don't we go to the Firefly Forest to continue leveling up? Why come to the task office? These daily tasks are not very profitable. Let's leave them to those newbies."

Xu Ruofeng no longer cares about these daily tasks. Instead of completing tasks, he might as well use the time to level up.

"As expected of the second player with a level 20 Pokémon, you are so arrogant that you even look down on daily tasks. You are not the one who stood guard at the door of the task office, fearing that others would take away all the tasks."

Chen Yan teased.

"Hehe, you are too kind. If I hadn't had a stomachache that day, my Dream Demon would definitely be the first Pokémon to reach level 20!"

Xu Ruofeng said proudly.

"You really can't tell good from bad. Forget it. I'm too lazy to talk to you. I didn't come to the mission office to compete with newbies for daily missions. I heard that the mission office has released a new mission to find Boskodora."

"It just so happens that I'm going to Ironstone Mountain to level up, and I can complete this mission on the way."

Chen Yan found the mission he wanted to take and tore the mission notice off the wall.

"Why are you going to Ironstone Mountain to level up? There are many Pokémon in Firefly Forest."

Xu Ruofeng was puzzled.

"There are mostly grass and bug Pokémon in Firefly Forest, which is not suitable for my walking grass to level up. Ironstone Mountain is different. There are some rock and ground Pokémon on the mountain. Walking grass restrains them in terms of attributes, and leveling will be easier."

Chen Yan explained.

"I see, then I'll go with you. Anyway, my Dream Demon has ghost attributes, so it doesn't matter where you level up."

"Are you sure? Dream Demon can reduce the damage of poison and insect attribute moves, and Firefly Forest is your home ground."

"Well, so what? Leveling up alone is boring. It's fun to play games with brothers."

Xu Ruofeng said carelessly.

Chen Yan was touched when he heard this. He didn't expect Xu Ruofeng to be so sentimental.

"Besides, how can I show off my Dream Demon if I don't team up with you? This is the first time I've beaten you in the game. As your adoptive father, it's my duty to help you level up."

Xu Ruofeng looked proud.

Chen Yan couldn't help but clench his fists when he saw this.

Give me back my touch, bastard! !

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