My Pokémon Player

Chapter 231 Am I also a part of your play?

Ryan plans to sell the Poké Balls to the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce to help them fight the Warcraft industry of the Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce.

On the one hand, this can ease the relationship between Ryan and the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce and earn a lot of gold coins.

On the other hand, he wants to sell potions and Poké Balls so that both chambers of commerce have the ability to impact each other's pillar industries, causing fierce competition and conflict between the two chambers of commerce, so as to buy time for Ryan to develop.

The main business of the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce is the potion business, so Ryan sold the healing medicine and antidote to the Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce. Once these two potions are on the market, even if the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce is in a leading position in the potion industry, it will be greatly affected.

After all, the effects of both potions are very good, and there are no side effects of general potions. In order to compete for the potion market, the Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce will not set the price very high at the beginning.

Therefore, these two potions will definitely attract a large number of Warcraft users to buy, especially the healing medicine that can save lives at critical moments, which will definitely be in short supply.

Similarly, in order to prevent the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce from falling behind in the competition, Ryan is ready to sell Poké Balls to them.

There is no prop like Poké Ball in the current Pokémon world, not even the ancient version of Poké Ball in the Arceus legend. Whether it is a Beast Master or a Knight, they all use the Beast Equipment to subdue Pokémon.

But the disadvantages of the Beast Equipment have been mentioned before. Not only is it expensive, but every time a Pokémon evolves, the Beast Equipment must be rebuilt, which requires a lot of money.

Moreover, the Beast Equipment has no storage function. Some small Pokémon are okay, but for a Pokémon as large as Onix, even if a huge amount of money is spent to build a Beast Equipment for it, it is not convenient to take it out.

Therefore, few Beast Masters will subdue huge Pokémon. Only noble lords like Baron Bach have the confidence to subdue it.

Compared with the Beast Equipment, the Poké Ball is undoubtedly highly competitive.

First of all, the price of the Poké Ball is not expensive. It is cheaper than the good medicine in the panel store. Ryan will naturally increase the price, but the price will never exceed the Beast Equipment.

And the functionality and convenience of the Poké Ball far exceeds that of the Warcraft Equipment. Needless to say, this has been said many times before.

How could a Poké Ball that is not expensive and fully functional not compete with the Warcraft Equipment? The Poké Ball can beat the Warcraft Equipment to the ground.

The only disadvantage of the Poké Ball is that there are not many of them, but this is not the fault of the Poké Ball, it is because Ryan does not have more Poké Coins.

If he could buy more Poké Balls, Ryan would have full confidence in completely destroying the Warcraft Equipment industry of the Blue Sea Chamber of Commerce.

But this is also good. The two chambers of commerce are restricted by the number of potions and Poké Balls, and neither can occupy an advantageous position in the competition. They can only continue to fight evenly.

As for whether selling them potions and Poké Balls is considered aiding the enemy, Ryan has his own considerations.

Not to mention that he and Guanhai City are now in a cooperative relationship, and there will be no war in the short term. Even if they meet in the future, Ryan can cut off their supply.

Potions are consumables. After the supply is cut off, they will run out sooner or later.

The Poké Balls can be used all the time, but how could Ryan not do anything?

The reason why he chose to sell the modern version of the Poké Balls to the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce instead of the mass-produced Poké Balls was to cheat them.

You should know that with the Pokémon Transmission Device, the Poké Balls can be locked for transmission.

As long as the Poké Balls are registered on the Pokémon Transmission Device first, and then the small transmission device is installed, Ryan can freely control these Poké Balls through the transmission device.

Locking the Poké Balls so that they cannot release Pokémon is just a basic operation. Ryan can even be more shameless and directly transmit their Poké Balls back to easily capture the opponent's Pokémon.

The most important thing is that the Poké Balls are sealed treasures. Even if the quantity supplied by Ryan is not small, they will be regarded as treasures by the people of the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce.

After all, this is a sealed treasure. In the Kingdom of Arad, only the Sea God Temple can mass-produce sealed treasures, but the quantity is not large. Most of them are left for their own use or given to the royal family. There are very few blue crystals that flow out.

This results in the seal treasure being unsalable in the market, and often sold in the form of auctions, with the price being raised very high.

So even if there are a lot of them, the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce will not sell the Poké Balls at will, but will keep them for their own high-level combat forces, or use them to win over other nobles and magicians. At the very least, they will hold an auction to sell the Poké Balls at a good price.

In other words, the Pokémon in the Poké Balls are either powerful or rare. They can't use the Poké Balls that they paid a huge price to pack Magikarp, right?

And these powerful and rare Pokémon will eventually be cheap for Ryan. He only needs to sit in the castle of Firefly Town to easily get all kinds of Pokémon.

What's interesting is that the magicians and nobles who lost their Pokémon will not blame Ryan. They will only make trouble for the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce, because the Poké Balls were sold to them by the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce.

The Yaojin Chamber of Commerce naturally had no way to say anything. As long as Ryan denied it, they had no way to push the responsibility to Ryan without evidence. They could only watch Ryan stay out of the matter and swallow the bitter fruit.

However, this method of teleporting Pokémon can only be used once. Others are not stupid. They all know that there is something wrong with your Poké Ball and will definitely not use it again in the future.

Therefore, Ryan did not intend to cheat Guanhai City right away. He wanted to play a long game and catch a big fish, and give Guanhai City a hard time.

It is best to use this trick on the eve of the capture of Guanhai City. This will not only lock their high-level combat power, but also arouse the anger of other forces, so that Guanhai City cannot seek support.

Thinking of this, Ryan already had a "three-step" plan to occupy Guanhai City in his mind.

The first step is to send players to Guanhai City as undercovers to keep abreast of Guanhai City's intelligence information.

The second step is to try to use elf coins to engage in an economic war to make them lose their composure.

The third step is to give them a fatal blow through the elf ball, and join forces with the players to occupy Guanhai City.

Of course, as the saying goes, plans can never keep up with changes. Ryan will also adjust the plan at any time according to changes in the situation, but the general direction remains unchanged. Ryan's goal is always to occupy Guanhai City.

The two directors did not know that Ryan, who they were competing to invest in, was going to occupy Guanhai City in turn. Every gold coin they invested in Ryan at this time was helping Ryan occupy Guanhai City faster.

But this cannot be blamed on them. Who would have thought that a small baron would have ideas about Guanhai City?

In their opinion, although Ryan owns three towns, he can only be regarded as a noble with potential, and his strength is not enough to pose a threat to Guanhai City.

Ryan will most likely attack other small towns next. When Ryan's strength is close to Guanhai City, they should be able to corrode Ryan almost completely.

Even if the corrosion is not successful, Ryan will get used to the existence of Guanhai City and will not easily attack Guanhai City.

So the two directors did not imagine that Ryan would lock Guanhai City as the next occupation target. Not to mention that they did not expect it, even the two presidents did not think that Ryan had the strength to occupy Guanhai City.

What they valued was Ryan's potential, not his current strength.

After Ryan simply sorted out his thoughts, he chatted with the two directors again.

Occupying Guanhai City is a matter for the future, and now he still hopes that the Chamber of Commerce will give him gold coins.

During the conversation, Ryan found that Locke was not in a good mood and his smile was very stiff, which was in sharp contrast with Director Gavin, who was smiling like a chrysanthemum.

Ryan did not say much when he saw this, and first agreed on a preliminary agreement with Gavin.

With the previous experience of Director Locke, Gavin strongly requested that the contract include a clause that Ryan could not sell the potion to other chambers of commerce without the permission of the Blue Sea Chamber of Commerce.

Ryan agreed to this request for the sake of gold coins. Anyway, it would be difficult for the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce to offer gold coins higher than this price, and other chambers of commerce were not qualified to compete with the Blue Sea Chamber of Commerce. Just write it.

However, Ryan refused Gavin's request for a minimum transaction quantity on the grounds that the raw materials of the potion were scarce and it was difficult to produce the potion stably.

Just kidding, if there was this clause, how could Ryan cut off the supply at will.

Gavin had no choice after hearing this. Ryan's reason was very reasonable. The output of holy water in the Sea God Temple was not stable, not to mention the good wound medicine that was better than holy water.

He wanted to ask Ryan what raw materials he lacked, and their Blue Sea Chamber of Commerce could provide them.

But he was afraid that Ryan would think he was trying to get the formula of the potion and feel bad about them, so he had to give up this idea.

It's unstable, so what? With the contract restrictions, no matter how much potion is produced, Ryan can only sell it to them, and other chambers of commerce cannot buy it.

After Ryan and Gavin finished the discussion, they signed a new contract in front of Locke, which made Locke very angry.

Can't you wait until I leave before signing the contract? Why do you have to sign it in front of me? Am I also a part of your play?

This scene gave Locke an illusion, as if John next door had abducted his wife and then loved her in front of him. It's really too much!

Do you really think that our Yaojin Chamber of Commerce has no temper? You wait for me!

"Director Locke, help me pick up the pen."


Locke picked up the pen that rolled down at his feet, handed it to Ryan, and then watched Ryan write his name on the contract with the pen he handed to him.

What can he do? He is also desperate!

Before coming, the president repeatedly emphasized that Ryan should not be upset, and no matter how aggrieved and angry he was, he should not show it.

If Ryan was angered, he would directly accept the invitation of the Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce and join the Chamber of Commerce. Then he would not even have the opportunity to sell tree fruits, and I am afraid that the slums would be his final destination.

So Locke forced a smile and watched Ryan and Gavin sign the contract. Even though Gavin's smug look made him feel sick, he still had to smile and congratulate Ryan on the successful signing of the contract.

Ryan accepted the contract and asked the servant to take the two directors to the room to rest first, and then have dinner together in the evening.

After the two directors bowed to Ryan and left, they left the reception room.

As soon as he walked out of the reception room, Gavin said to Locke in a sarcastic tone:

"Thanks to Director Locke's help in making connections, I was able to reach a pharmaceutical cooperation with Baron Ryan this time. I will definitely commend you to the president when I return."

Locke said with a fake smile: "No need to commend you. You might as well use this time to expand your pharmaceutical sales channels. Don't buy pharmaceuticals and not be able to sell them!"

"Thank you Director Locke for your reminder. Our Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce will shift its development focus to the pharmaceutical industry. With the help of Baron Ryan's two pharmaceuticals, we are very confident about the future of the pharmaceutical industry."

Gavin had a sneer on his face.

"Hmph, the pharmacy industry is in deep water, so don't let yourself get into trouble!"

Locke said with a cold snort.

"Then there's no need for you to worry about it. We have our own solutions. You should just worry about yourself. Last time Baron Bach was poached by us, you managed to escape the responsibility, but you can't escape this time."

"Your president has always been ruthless. I can't even imagine what kind of punishment you will receive when you go back. Don't forget the fate of the previous director of the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce!"

Gavin said in a cold tone.

These words hit Locke's sore spot, and his face became very embarrassed.

Gavin is right. The president of the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce is far more ruthless than ordinary businessmen, especially when dealing with subordinates who do not do well.

But he will also generously reward his capable subordinates so that they can be promoted quickly.

With both kindness and power, the members of the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce will do their best to complete the tasks assigned by the president. This is also an important reason why he developed the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce into the second largest chamber of commerce in a short period of time.

Locke's last term was because he messed up a very important business, which caused the Yaojin Chamber of Commerce to lose a great opportunity to surpass the Blue Ocean Chamber of Commerce, and was directly killed by the president. Only then did he have the opportunity to take over as a director.

Although the pharmaceutical cooperation he lost this time was not as important as that business, he would still be severely punished.

"What? Are you scared? You must have been right!"

Gavin continued to taunt.

Locke was silent. He once again fell into a disadvantage in the mutual ridicule. Who let Gavin snatch the potion cooperation that belonged to them?

He turned around and left without further humiliating himself.

Gavin looked at Locke's back and spat on the ground.

"Bah, what the hell, just wait and be punished when you go back. You deserved this for cheating me last time!"

"Dear guest, spitting is prohibited in the castle. Violators will need to pay a fine." The servant on the side reminded.

"Huh? You butlers are crazy about money. You dare to make this rule. I will report him to Baron Lane later!"

Gavin said with a frown.

"Well, this rule was made by Lord Ryan."

"Ahem, okay! That's a good rule! The castle is the face of the nobles, so it is natural to maintain good hygiene. How much is the fine?"

"The penalty for vomiting is five copper coins." the servant replied.

"I'll give you a fine." Gavin handed the servant a few silver coins.

"Guest, you gave me too much."

"It's not much, I have to spit on that bastard a few more times!"

"."(End of this chapter)

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