My Pokémon Player

Chapter 249 Determination to Change the World

"Pokemon will never be slaves? Interesting. I want to see if they can resist the temptation of free food and accommodation."

Ryan's mouth curled up slightly, and then he rode the Moon Bear to the place where the Pokémon gathered.

Since there are many Pokémon outside the Iron Stone Mountain, Boskodora only summoned the leaders and clan leaders who can represent the opinions of the tribe, and also selected a larger valley as the gathering point.

As soon as Ryan entered the valley, he heard all kinds of calls, as if they were discussing something fiercely.

Looking in the direction where the sound came from, Ryan saw all kinds of Pokémon, standing or lying, evenly scattered up and down the valley.

The Pokémon in the lead was Boskodora. At this time, it had its paws on its chest, its eyes slightly closed, and leaned against the rock wall calmly, without any intention of participating in the discussion.

Its mission is just to gather Pokémon and support Ryan. As for how to convince these Pokémon, that is Ryan's headache. At most, it can give Pokémon a shot of prevention and tell them that humans are coming to discuss the issue of Iron Mountain.

As a result, before it said a few words, these Pokémon exploded and expressed their desire to unite to deal with humans.

Boskodora was puzzled at first, not understanding where they got the confidence to deal with humans.

Until it saw these Pokémon staring at it with eager eyes from time to time, Boskodora realized that it was their confidence.

This group of Pokémon thought that Boskodora was here to lead them to resist humans.

Although the Pokémon had a misunderstanding, Boskodora was too lazy to explain, so he would wait until Ryan came.

That kid has always been good at talking, coaxing his son around, and he almost didn't recognize him as his biological father.

Since Ryan is so good at talking, let him explain everything, and you can be happy and idle.

Boskodora was in a conflicted mood, wanting to help Ryan but also wanting to make things difficult for him.

If Ryan knew what it was thinking, he would definitely say "dead tsundere".

Unfortunately, Ryan didn't know. He rode the Moon Bear to Boskodora and thanked it:

"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I really don't know how to gather them together."

Boskodora opened his eyes when he heard this and waved his paw at Ryan, indicating that these were all trivial matters.

"Hey hey hey!"

"It said the real trouble is how to convince these Pokémon Loto."

Xiao Luo translated while hanging in the air.

"Don't worry, although my ability to talk is far inferior to that of Ludo and the silly thing, I can still easily convince Pokémon, don't you think, Donka."

Ryan said to Donka who had just rolled over.


Donka turned his head, seemingly not wanting to pay attention to Ryan, but his behavior of rushing to help Ryan had exposed his true thoughts.

"Tsk, another dead tsundere. How come all the Pokémon in the mountains are like this? They are big and strong, but they all have a tsundere heart."

Ryan complained in his heart.

Although Boskodora didn't understand what Ryan said, seeing his confident look, he didn't say much, but turned around and roared at the Pokémon twice.

"Hey!" (Quiet!)

When the Pokémon saw Boskodora speak, they instantly quieted down and all turned their eyes to Boskodora and Ryan beside it.

Ryan didn't hesitate too much and stood up directly facing the eyes of many people.

He spoke to the Pokémons:

"Hello, my name is Ryan, I am a lord, and my status among humans is similar to yours."

"Not long ago, I defeated another human force that had fought a war with you, and occupied his territory, and also took control of the ownership of Ironstone Mountain."

"This time I asked Boskodora to summon you to discuss the development of Ironstone Mountain."

"I will continue to mine the minerals in Ironstone Mountain in the future, but I am different from that human lord. I will not drive you away, but share Ironstone Mountain with you."

Ryan first briefly explained his purpose.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Pokémons became restless again.

Some Pokémon were interested in what Ryan said and wanted to hear him continue, while others sneered at Ryan, thinking that Ryan was deceiving them and wanted Ryan to get out of here.

More Pokémon looked at Boskodora, wanting to hear the opinions of the Ironstone Mountain overlord.

Ryan was delighted when he saw this. He called Boskadora to persuade Pokémon with its reputation. Now it seems that his decision was absolutely correct.

Wild Pokémon have always respected the strong, and most of them will obey the will of the strong. As the overlord of Iron Mountain, Boskadora can influence the decision of Iron Mountain Pokémon to a great extent.

So he continued to say to the group of Pokémon representatives:

"I know you won't believe me easily. After all, humans have indeed caused you a lot of harm before, but you have to trust Boskadora. You can ask it if what I said is true."

"Oh yes, there is also this Donka, I believe you also know it, it also supports my idea."

Ryan pointed to the two Pokémon beside him. Although Boskadora wanted to make things difficult for Ryan, it also knew the truth of putting the overall situation first.

Therefore, he nodded without hesitation and agreed with Ryan's statement, and the Donka next to him did the same.

At this time, the Pokémon outside Iron Stone Mountain were dumbfounded. They thought that Boss Cordora was here to strengthen the Pokémon's reputation. Who would have thought that it would actually side with humans.

Even Dunjia, who has a deep hatred for humans, recognized this human being. Is it possible that what Ryan said was the truth? Does he really plan to coexist peacefully with Pokémon?

Thinking of this, the hatred and suspicion in the Pokémon's eyes dissipated a lot, replaced by hope and joy.

They really don't want to experience war anymore, but as long as Lane can leave them some living space, they can guarantee not to conflict with humans.

Of course, there are still many Pokémon who don't trust Ryan, but they dare not speak out for fear of angering Boss Cordora.

Seeing that the Pokémon were wavering, Ryan struck while the iron was hot and told Dunga again.

When the Pokémon heard that the human in front of them would not only leave them plenty of living space, but was also willing to let them move to a better environment, they were immediately excited.

Compared with the previous humans who would always yell at them to kill them, Ryan's conditions were too generous, making the Pokémon feel like they were dreaming.

Is this human being just playing tricks on them? Are there really such good human beings in the world?

Seeing that the Pokémon were still doubtful, Ryan didn't waste any more words. He bought a large amount of Pokémon food directly from the panel store and piled it on the open space in front of him.

This operation made the Pokémon look stunned for a while, even Boscodora was dumbfounded.

Where did Ryan get so much food from? Is he not a human, but a Pokémon with strange abilities?

"Consider these foods as a meeting gift for you. Whether you recognize me or not, you can enjoy them to your heart's content."

Ryan said proudly that he just wanted to prove to Pokémon that Firefly Town has the ability to raise them, and at the same time convey his sincerity to them.

He tore open a bag of Pokémon food and handed it to the pangolin closest to him.

The pangolin hesitated for a moment, but in the end he couldn't resist the aroma of the food and took the food and stuffed it into his mouth.

It chewed twice, then its eyes lit up and it started to eat like crazy.

When other Pokémon saw that the pangolin was eating something delicious, they no longer hesitated and swarmed towards the food on the ground.

Seeing them feasting on the delicious food, Ryan couldn't help but shake his head.

These Pokémon have experienced so many beatings from humans and are still not too wary of humans.

Ryan just said a few nice words to make them eat the food brought by a human without any defense.

If Ryan really wants to destroy them, he only needs to put some poison in the food without fighting.

No wonder they have powerful abilities, but they are defeated by humans. They are too "stupid".

The "stupid" here does not mean that they have low IQ, but that their hearts are too pure and do not have as many bad intentions as humans, and they will always foolishly trust humans.

This is why Ryan is confident in convincing these Pokémon, they are so talkative.

Even if they have been hurt by humans, they will still try to trust humans.

It's not that difficult to convince them, not to mention that Ryan also used some tricks.

He first used Boss Cordora's name to scare the Pokémon so that they would not dare to have other thoughts and discuss it with Ryan honestly.

Then show your sincerity through generous conditions and gain the trust of Pokémon.

In the end, they were completely defeated by using Pokémon food. As the saying goes, those who are short-handed are short-handed and soft-mouthed. If they eat the food given by Ryan, they will be embarrassed to refuse Ryan's proposal.

As expected, most of the Pokémon expressed their approval of Ryan after enjoying the delicacies, and some of them even want to follow Ryan back to Firefly Town.

There is no way, the conditions in Iron Rock Mountain are too harsh, and food is extremely scarce. Except for some Pokémon that can survive by eating dirt, other Pokémon have a very difficult life here.

They had no choice before, but now that they have better choices, they are definitely willing to live a good life in the feedlot.

Ryan is naturally open to everyone who comes, and he wishes there could be more Pokémon in the breeding farm.

"Let me just say, if a Pokémon will never be a slave, it means it will have food and shelter until it encounters one."

Ryan was very happy. He thought he would have to waste more words, but it turned out that he didn't have to bother at all.

But this is normal. These Pokémon can survive in the barren Ironstone Mountains, which shows that they are easily satisfied.

When Lane offered extremely favorable terms, they could hardly resist the temptation.

Only a very small number of Pokémon still remain suspicious of Ryan because they were too deeply injured by humans.

Ryan did not force them to recognize him. Anyway, he had already won the support of most Pokémon, and their opposition would not affect the development of Iron Rock Mountain. At worst, Ryan would not set up a mining area in the area where they live.

When they see Ryan's actual actions, they will know that Ryan is not lying, and they will naturally recognize Ryan.

"I know there are still many Pokémon who are hesitant to follow me. In fact, you don't have to worry. The door to the breeding farm is always open to you. You can come to the breeding farm to live at any time as long as you want."

Ryan made a promise to Pokémon.

As soon as these words came out, some Pokémon who were still struggling breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't that they didn't trust Ryan, they just wanted to go back and discuss it with their families and clan members.

After all, moving is a big deal, and they don't want to make such a hasty decision.

"I will send people to Tieshi Mountain in two days to divide the mining area and living area. You must determine the residence of your tribe as soon as possible after you go back."

"In addition, we may hire Pokémon who stay in Tieshi Mountain to help us open the mountain and mine."

"If you are willing, you can also come to me to sign up, and I will provide you with rich food as a reward."

Ryan then said to the Pokémon that they were idle in Tieshi Mountain, so they might as well earn food by mining.

This can not only improve the mining efficiency of players, but also make Pokémon live better.

At the same time, Ryan can also use this to launch a mining version of Pokémon rental service and make some difference from it, which is simply killing three birds with one stone.

The Pokémon who chose to stay in Tieshi Mountain immediately surrounded Ryan and asked him to sign up when they heard that they still had a chance to eat the delicious food just now.

Ryan was startled by the enthusiastic Pokémon, and he quickly called Xiao Luo over to let it handle the registration.

After Xiao Luo finished recording the registration information, Ryan was ready to leave.

To be honest, he didn't expect this trip to be so smooth. The Pokémon outside the Iron Stone Mountain were very cooperative and basically encountered no obstacles.

"So, I really can't understand why Baron Bach wants to be an enemy of Pokémon that can be satisfied so easily. The key is that there are many humans like Baron Bach, who account for the majority of humans. Have they never thought about living in harmony with Pokémon?"

Walking on the way back to Firefly Town, Ryan felt very confused.

"They seem to put themselves in a very high position, regard Pokémon as slaves, regard their tolerance as cowardice, and never think about treating Pokémon equally."

"Little do they know that once Pokémon are pushed to the limit, the power they burst out is simply not something humans can bear."

Ryan muttered to himself. He knew very well that Pokémon had the ability to destroy humans, and he didn't even need the mythical beasts and fantasy beasts to take action. Just ordinary Pokémon was enough.

The reason why humans can suppress Pokémon now is because Pokémon are constantly giving in, and they don't want to treat humans as enemies.

It stands to reason that this situation will continue for a long time, and Pokémon will endure until the alliance is established, and live in harmony with humans from then on.

But Ryan always feels that they can't bear it anymore. The problem is that it is still the Kingdom Age, and the alliance is not even established, let alone a shadow.

"No, this world is a parallel world, and it will not necessarily develop according to the history in the game and animation. According to the development trend of this world, before the alliance is established, a large-scale war will break out between humans and Pokémon."

Ryan's face became very ugly. As a human who loves Pokémon, he certainly doesn't want to see humans and Pokémon killing each other.

"Instead of waiting silently, I might as well build a country similar to the alliance myself!"

Ryan's eyes gradually became firm.

If it was Ryan's dream to build a world where humans and Pokémon live in harmony before, now this dream has become a determination and a goal that must be achieved.

He must stop the war between humans and Pokémon and change the future of this world! (End of this chapter)

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