My Pokémon Player

Chapter 277: Rather offend Yueyue Xiong than bully Tian Wu Ni

The knights of Rose Town did not rebel, so Ryan spared their lives.

But these Ironthorn Knights were really preparing for a rebellion, and Ryan would definitely not show mercy to them.

He did not have to worry that killing these nobles would affect his reputation. There was indeed an unspoken rule among the nobles that "surrender is not to be killed", but the rebellious nobles were not protected by this rule.

Even if Ryan hanged all these people, his reputation and prestige would not be damaged.


When Sailer heard that Ryan was going to execute all the Ironthorn Knights, his heart trembled slightly.

He thought that Ryan was still young and would probably be indecisive when deciding his life or death.

So he specifically asked how to deal with these knights. If Ryan could not bear to execute them, Sailer would advise Ryan not to have mercy on the rebels.

Unexpectedly, Ryan was so decisive that he issued the order to execute the Ironthorn Knights without any hesitation. This made Sailer feel relieved and awe-inspiring at the same time.

It seems that he made the same mistake as these Ironthorn Knights, still treating Ryan as a child from time to time.

Little did he know that Ryan had already become a mature lord, even better than most lords, otherwise he would not have occupied three towns in a short time.

Thinking of this, Sailer secretly reminded himself in his heart that he must never have such thoughts in the future. The previous Baron Bach and these Ironthorn Knights were a lesson for the past.

Anyone who dares to treat Ryan as a child will end up miserably!

Sailer took these Ironthorn Knights away quickly, and he had to summon civilians and militia to watch the execution.

And Ryan came to the players, with many Pokémon around him.

The players looked at the various Pokémon with their eyes shining. They had just entered the game and were at a time when they were interested in everything.

Not to mention that they had just witnessed the cool battles of these Pokémon, and their already excited mood rose a few points.

If it weren't for Ryan's deterrence, they would have pounced on them and had a close contact with the Pokémon.

"Ahem, after this battle, I believe you should have a general understanding of the way of fighting in this world, and you can also appreciate the importance of Pokémon to humans."

"Not only can they give us a lot of help in daily life, but they can also fight side by side with us. They are our closest partners."

Ryan touched the sweet dance in his arms.

"Ama~" (ˇωˇ)

Tian Dance closed her eyes comfortably.

This scene made the players greedy, they also wanted to hold such a cute Pokémon in their arms!

"Ahhh, the Pokémon in Lord Ryan's arms is so cute! What's its name? I want to capture one in the future!"

"You don't even know Sweet Dancer? You didn't read any of the information provided by the old players. It was the first Pokémon captured by Lord Ryan and the most favored one."

"Is it the Sweet Dancer that the old players often say 'It's better to offend Moonbear than to bully Sweet Dancer'?"

"That's right. According to the old players, if you offend Moonbear, you can buy a can of Sweet Sweet to make amends, but if you dare to make Sweet Dancer cry, just wait for revenge from Ryan's Pokémon. When you poop, Pokémon will come out of the shadows to scare you!"

"Fuck! Is it true? But it doesn't look very strong?"

Sweet Dancer was very proud when she heard the previous discussion of the players, and she put her hands on her waist with pride.

Yes, I am Ryan's favorite Pokémon!

As a result, I heard that some players said it was weak, which made Sweet Dancer very angry.

How could it be weak? It just defeated four unicorns, and its record is at the forefront of all partners.

Although it is suspected of stealing heads, it also relied on its own strength to steal heads. Why do these people say it is weak!

Tian Wu Ni looked at the players in front of her angrily, and her little face turned into a bun face, which made people want to pinch it.

It didn't look angry at all, but it made the players bleed with cuteness.

Ryan smiled and patted the shell of Sweet Dancer, then continued to say to the players:

"You will also capture your own Pokémon soon. I hope you can like them from the bottom of your heart, not just to deal with the ban. Only by truly giving your heart can you get the recognition of Pokémon and become close partners and family members."

"Pokémon will not let you down. They will give everything they have to repay you, so don't treat Pokémon as weapons and tools, and don't hurt them at will. This is not only a ban, but also my advice to you."

Ryan's tone was very serious. After witnessing the positive and negative examples of Ryan and Ironthorn Knight, the players could also understand Ryan's good intentions and nodded in agreement.

"Very good, these rebels will get the punishment they deserve next. If you are interested, you can go to the execution ground to watch, just as a way to train your courage."

Ryan had an inexplicable smile on his face, and he was looking forward to how the players would perform after seeing the execution.

The last time he fought with Tieji Town, he didn't see the old players' embarrassed look when facing the dead because the battlefield was not in the same place.

But from the pale faces of the old players and their heated discussions in the group, it is not difficult to see that the tragic battlefield had a great impact on them.

Although they know that this is a game, they still feel uncomfortable when the game is not much different from reality.

Fortunately, Ryan also took this into consideration and used the creation point to weaken the corresponding threshold at the beginning, which greatly reduced the players' discomfort and allowed them to adapt quickly.

Moreover, when players return to the real world, they will not remember the related bloody memories too clearly. This dream-like feeling is also Ryan's masterpiece, which is to prevent the players' real life from being affected.

Therefore, Ryan is not worried about the psychological shadow that players will have after seeing the execution scene. He is eager to let players experience this early to avoid making a fool of themselves on the battlefield later.

After hearing what Ryan said, the players looked at each other, and then began to whisper.

"Are you going to the execution ground?"

"Go, why don't you go, I like to join in the fun the most."

"But looking at Lord Ryan's posture, people are going to die on the execution ground. Aren't you afraid?"

"Brother, it's just a game, what are you afraid of? None of the players here has ever killed anyone in the game, but now you're scared when you see others killing people."

"Can this game be the same as other games? This is a 100% virtual reality game. The dead people in the game are no different from those in reality!"

"No matter how real it is, it's still a game. What's more, you will experience it sooner or later. It's better to adapt early. If you are afraid, go to Rose Town and become a life player. I won't say you are a coward."

"Who are you afraid of? I have slaughtered villages in my eldest cousin's life, and I have killed people in his love. I dare to kill even the chickens in Laogun 5. How could I be afraid of death? I will go wherever I go. Who doesn't? Who are you, the thief!"

Most players are willing to go to the execution ground to join in the fun. Even if some players don't want to go, they are coerced by their companions and follow Ryan to the execution ground.

By the time Ryan leads the players to the execution ground, the gallows has been erected, surrounded by a group of civilians and militiamen who have been summoned.

They looked at the execution ground with numb eyes, wondering what the new lord was calling them to do.

It wasn't until Ryan stood on the stage and announced the Iron Thorn Knight's crime and issued the order to execute him that their eyes gradually gained brilliance.

Ryan waved his hand and asked Sailer to lead his subordinates to fix the Iron Thorn Knight, who was already crying with fear, to the gallows.

The Iron Thorn Knights struggled desperately, shouting something vaguely.

It's a pity that their mouths were blocked in advance, so others couldn't hear what they wanted to say. They must have been begging Ryan to spare their lives.

But how could Ryan spare the rebels? It was a mercy for him not to execute the families of these knights together.

Following Ryan's order, the Knight of Rose pulled out the wooden board under the gallows. The criminals' bodies were immediately suspended in the air, and the ropes around their necks were shrinking, slowly taking away their lives.

The hanging process was very long, and after a while, these knights were completely dead, with expressions of pain still on their faces.

The players had never seen such a scene before, and they all felt uncomfortable, and some even retched repeatedly.

In sharp contrast to them were the civilians who were watching. Not only were they not afraid, their eyes were full of joy, and they almost clapped their hands.

The audience in the audience behaved in different ways, and the Iron Thorn Knights waiting for execution on the stage also had different reactions after seeing the death of their former colleagues.

Some were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground, their bodies like a puddle of mud, and the Rose Knight next to them could not help them up.

Others were ashen-faced, waiting quietly for death, silently praying that Ryan would let his family go.

Only one Iron Thorn Knight was furious and struggled wildly, which caught Ryan's attention.

"Take the thing out of Knight Hof's mouth. I want to hear what else he has to say."

Ryan said curiously.

"As you command!"

The Rose Knight took out the smelly socks from Hof's mouth. Hof took two breaths of fresh air, and then shouted to Ryan:

"I know that our crimes are unpardonable and we cannot escape death, but no matter what, we are all nobles. You cannot insult us by hanging. I ask for a different execution method."

In the Kingdom of Arad, hangings were mostly used on civilians, while nobles mostly used beheadings. Therefore, in the eyes of the nobles, hanging was a symbol of dishonor.

Hof is a typical aristocrat, and he naturally does not want to be hanged.

"It's a joke. You have all betrayed your own lords. What glory is left? However, I am a kind-hearted person, so I will agree to your dying request."

The reason why Ryan agreed to Hof's request was not because he said he was kind-hearted. He had no mercy for these traitors.

He agreed because hanging was too slow. There were three gallows in the entire Ironthorn Town. Hanging one by one was too time-consuming. It was far less time-consuming and labor-intensive than beheading.

So Lane ordered Seiler to replace hanging with beheading, which would satisfy both parties.

"Thank you!"

Hough thanked Ryan before being stuffed back into the smelly socks. After all, Ryan protected his last glory.

Ryan couldn't help but feel a little funny when he heard this. It was obviously him who ordered Hoff to be executed, but the other party still wanted to thank him. What's this?

The speed of beheading was much faster than that of hanging. After a while, heads were rolling on the execution platform.

This time the player's discomfort was much lessened, at least no one was retching.

After executing the Iron Thorn Knight, Ryan came to power and used the Rose Town rhetoric to rally the people and gain the allegiance of the militia.

However, because the situations in Ironthorn Town and Rose Town are different, Ryan's way of gathering people's hearts has also changed.

Among them, there was not much change in the militia. Although the militia in Ironthorn Town was well-organized and almost no one was injured, there was no need to pay pensions immediately.

But Ryan still promised them that any militiamen who died in battle would receive generous pensions and compensation for their families.

If Ryan had said this at the beginning, the militia would not believe it, but when they saw Ryan execute those knights who were usually domineering, the militia had more trust in Ryan.

Perhaps this new lord is really different from the previous lord.

And this is also one of Ryan's purposes for executing these nobles in front of civilians and militia. He knows that the civilians in Ironthorn Town have been bullied and oppressed by the nobles. After he ordered the execution of the nobles, he can easily gain the favor and trust of the civilians.

In the expectant eyes of the civilians, Ryan then announced that he would no longer require the civilians in Ironthorn Town to perform labor service, and they no longer had to risk their lives to mine in Ironstone Mountain.

At the same time, he will build several new blacksmith shops in Ironthorn Town to provide more jobs for civilians.

As soon as these words came out, the civilians cheered. They praised Ryan loudly, with tears of joy in their eyes.

Finally, they no longer have to go to Ironstone Mountain to serve. Serving in other territories is at most a little tiring, but serving in Ironthorn Town is deadly.

In order to obtain military funds, Baron Bach used to mine the ore in Ironstone Mountain and constantly increase the labor.

In fact, the risk of normal mining is not that great, but Bach is eager for success, and he will send people to mine even in unstable mines.

In addition, the Ironstone Mountain Pokémon and Ironthorn Town are like water and fire, and they come out from time to time to interfere with the miners, so the death rate of civilians who go to Ironstone Mountain to mine is very high.

After all, in the deep mine, once an accident occurs, there is no chance of escape, and a large number of people will die.

The civilians in Ironthorn Town hate labor, and now Ryan has announced that they will no longer be allowed to go to Ironstone Mountain to mine. How can they not be excited?

With just this sentence, Ryan won over most of the people in Ironthorn Town.

Ryan also struck while the iron was hot and announced several measures to benefit the people, which completely united the people in Ironthorn Town.

Looking at the happy civilians, Ryan nodded with satisfaction.

Now, both Rose Town and Ironthorn Town have no worries.

In a few days, when the development of new players and towns are on the right track, I can go out to sea with confidence.

Dear Feida, I'm here!

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