My Pokémon Player

Chapter 512 Ryan is his long-lost uncle? !

When introducing the blessing of the twin dragons of time and space, the panel particularly emphasized that if you want to anchor the Pokémon of the broken time point in the existing time and space, you need to consume a certain amount of time and space essence.

The greater the impact of the Pokémon on the existing time and space, the more time and space essence is needed.

For example, if a player captures an ordinary green caterpillar and wants to anchor it in the existing time and space, he only needs to pay a small amount of time and space essence.

Because the life span of the green caterpillar is not long, the biggest impact it can have on the direction of time and space is that Pidgeot will be hungry.

However, if this green caterpillar is the one that Gogo captures in the future, the player will have to pay a little more time and space essence.

That's right, it's a little bit, not a billion points.

After all, Gogo has captured too many Pokémon, and its appearance times are too few.

And without this green caterpillar, Gogo will capture other green caterpillars, so the impact on the direction of time and space is not great.

If it weren't for Gogo's profound influence on the direction of time and space, his participation in the Dream Plan, and his capture of the Infinite, this caterpillar would be no different from its peers.

If the player captured the caterpillar of Xiaozhi, more time and space origin would be needed.

Although this caterpillar didn't spend much time with Xiaozhi, it was Xiaozhi's first officially captured and released Pokémon.

Needless to say, Xiaozhi's influence on the direction of time and space is that without his help, the world might have been destroyed several times.

Any Pokémon that is related to Xiaozhi will have a significant impact on the direction of time and space, and the caterpillar is no exception.

Therefore, if you want to anchor the caterpillar in the existing time and space, the time and space origin required is more than that of ordinary quasi-gods, and even more than some fantasy Pokémon that are just doing nothing.

Fiona, stop looking around, I'm talking about you!

In short, the rule for anchoring Pokémon is to only look at the influence on the direction of time and space, not the cherishment and strength.

But then again, the more powerful the Pokémon, the more it can influence the direction of time and space.

For the seemingly inactive mythical beasts like Lugia and Ho-Oh, which actually run through the long river of time, the time and space origins required are countless.

Even if Ryan took all the time and space origins of the broken time points, it would be difficult to anchor them in the existing time and space.

So Ryan did not intend to capture the mythical beasts at the broken time points from the beginning. There were mythical beasts in the Kingdom Age, so why did he spend so much effort to anchor the mythical beasts in the broken time points?

But Mewtwo is different. The reason why he wants to bring Mewtwo back to the Kingdom Age is, on the one hand, to complete the challenge mission and collect the time and space origins by the way.

On the other hand, because Mewtwo is a Pokémon artificially created by modern technology, it has little impact on history.

In addition, Mewtwo is quite a homebody and does not like to show up in front of humans, so it has little impact on the future.

This leads to the fact that although the time and space origins required to anchor Mewtwo are astronomical, it is not impossible to get them together if you grit your teeth and work hard for the players.

So Ryan came up with the idea of ​​bringing Mewtwo back and anchoring it in the existing time and space.

In this way, he could complete the challenge mission and bring him closer to Mewtwo.

Which Pokémon player has not dreamed of catching Mewtwo? Ryan also wants to realize this dream!

The problem is that he doesn't have the origin of time and space now, and he estimates that even if this broken time point returns to the long river of time, the reward of the origin of time and space is not enough to anchor Mewtwo.

After all, Mewtwo is a Pokémon created by Team Rocket and is also related to Xiaozhi.

Influenced by these two factors, it is not an exaggeration to say that an astronomical number of origins of time and space are needed to anchor Mewtwo, but a fact.

If Ryan can't produce the origin of time and space, he can't anchor Mewtwo and the copy Pokémon in the existing time and space.

In other words, he can't lure Mewtwo by providing a secluded place.

Unless he deceives Mewtwo and lets Mewtwo follow him back to the existing time and space.

After completing the challenge and collecting the space-time essence from Mewtwo, he watched it being washed back to the original time point by the river of time.

Although the broken time point has most likely returned to the river of time, Mewtwo does not need to experience reincarnation again.

But under the influence of the historical correction force, it may have to experience pain and confusion again.

Ryan couldn't bear it, and he didn't want to deceive Mewtwo, so he looked down at the pattern on the back of his left hand and said in a low voice:

"Panel, think of a way, I can't lie to others."

Panel: "."

Ryan said angrily: "Okay, okay, you said whatever you asked when you asked me to do something, and now you are arrogant again, you pull up your pants and don't recognize me, right?"

Seeing that the panel still didn't give any hints, Ryan was too lazy to stick to the cold panel with his hot face, and began to think about countermeasures himself.

Or borrow some space-time essence from the twin dragons of time and space?

No, no, they both have to rely on sleeping to prevent the loss of space-time essence, so how can they lend him extra space-time essence?

Then let Mewtwo go back to the Cliff of Clearness according to the development of the plot, and wait for the players to collect more time and space essences, and then bring Mewtwo back?

It seems that it is not possible, because that period is not necessarily the broken time point.

Even if Ryan is lucky and really finds the corresponding broken time point, Mewtwo in the Cliff of Clearness period is not easy to fool.

At most, he will entrust the copy Pokémon to him and wander around the world.

If you want to bring Mewtwo back, the best chance is when Mewtwo is moved by Xiaozhi and is ready to take the copy Pokémon away, and he stands up and says that he can provide a secluded place.

If he misses this opportunity, Ryan, who does not have the ability to evade Xiaozhi's mouth and a sincere heart, can only use force to conquer Mewtwo.

"Ha, use force to subdue Mewtwo. I am Rada performing magic tricks on Inspector Mongoose - seeking death in various ways!"

Ryan smiled bitterly and shook his head, giving up the idea.

"Grandpa, I'm back. Are there guests at home?"

A shout interrupted Ryan's thoughts, and he looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a familiar figure walking up the stairs.

When the other party saw Xiaozhi, he immediately mocked:

"Oh~ It turns out it's so-and-so who is always one step behind me. You didn't come back very slowly this time, but I'm still number one."

Listening to Xiao Mao's sinister words, the corners of Ryan's mouth slightly raised.

Yes, yes, that’s the tune!

He is worthy of being the best friend who will always love and fight with Xiaozhi!

Among all Xiaozhi's old enemies, the one Ryan admires the most is Xiaomao.

Do you understand the value of childhood sweethearts?

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao grew up together, competing with each other, encouraging each other, and being happy for each other's achievements.

Compared with Xiaomao, Gou Hao is nothing but a companion.

No wonder when Xiao Mao met Gou Hao, he bluntly said that Gou Hao was not worthy of being Xiao Zhi’s companion.

It's just that during this period, the two of them were in a rebellious stage. They both disliked each other and would quarrel and argue whenever they met.

"What's so great about being first? You still haven't gotten the Viridian Gym badge!"

Xiaozhi opened his coat and pointed to the green badge on the lining, with pride written all over his face.

Xiao Mao snorted coldly: "Humph, you just defeated the temporary gym trainer, what's the point of being proud of!"

"Because I got the green badge that you don't have!" Xiaozhi took off the green badge and shook it towards Xiaomao.

"So what if you get it? With this badge, you only have eight badges, but I got ten!" Xiao Mao said with an ugly face.

"I got a green badge that you don't have!"

"I'm much stronger than you!"

"I got a green badge that you don't have!"

"I've tamed more Pokémon than you!"

"I got a green badge that you don't have!"

"Is that what you're going to say?!" Xiao Mao said angrily.

Xiaozhi slowly put the badge back, then grinned and said:

"The Viridian Gym has been closed, and you can't get the green badge even if you want~"


Xiao Mao stood up angrily, took out the Poké Ball and said: "You can't win a Pokémon battle just by talking. Let's let our strength speak for itself!"

"It's what I asked for!" Xiaozhi was naturally not timid, so he stood up and walked out.

Ryan watched the two people bickering with each other with relish. This was the only scene he could see during this period of time.

After Xiaomao is frustrated at the Quartz Conference and becomes mature and steady, it will be difficult to see them quarreling again.

"Okay, you two sit down for me!"

Dr. Oak pushed Xiaozhi and Xiaomao back to the sofa one by one.

"It's getting dark, why are you having a Pokémon battle?"

"Besides, you two are the stars of hope in Zhenxin Town, so why should we argue?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao frowned in unison when they heard this:

"Can this guy also be a star of hope?"

"You guys have quite a tacit understanding." Dr. Omu crossed his arms and said proudly:

"Yes, this town is lucky to have two newcomers who may become Pokémon Masters in the future. I'm so happy."

When the two of them heard this, they both turned their heads aside in disdain.

Dr. Omu continued: "Among the four newcomers who set out from Zhenxin Town, only you two have been qualified to participate in the alliance conference. This can also prove your potential."

"Ah? What about the remaining two people? Are they still challenging the gym?" Xiaozhi asked curiously.

Damu replied: "They started out smoothly, but then they fell into a hard battle. They must have been unable to collect eight badges before the conference."

Xiaozhi said clearly: "So that's it."

"Those two people can't even compare to you, Xiaozhi. Even if they participate in the league conference, they will be eliminated in the first round." Xiao Mao shrugged.

Xiaozhi clenched his fists and said, "What do you mean you can't even compare to me? Don't underestimate me, I will definitely win this alliance conference!"

"Xiao Mao, please keep an eye on me, I will attack the alliance conference right now!"

"Pikachu, let's go!"

After that, Xiaozhi wanted to get up and leave again, but this time he was held down by Ryan.

"Don't rush into it yet. Do you know where the competition venue is?"

"Uh" Xiaozhi was speechless.

Xiao Mao curled his lips: "Still as reckless as ever, this conference will be held in Quartz Plateau, and the time will be two months later. There is no point in you starting now."

After informing Xiaozhi about the Quartz Conference, Xiaomao stood up and said hello to Ryan:

"Hello, my name is Xiaomao. I was really rude just now. I didn't say hello to you first."

Except for Xiaozhi, Xiaomao is quite polite to others.

Not to mention that Ryan was wearing fancy clothes, and it looked like he was of high status. Xiao Mao didn't want to leave a bad impression on Ryan, so as not to damage his grandfather's reputation.

Ryan smiled and waved his hand: "It doesn't matter. You are the grandson of Dr. Omu. You are indeed a talented person. No wonder Xiaozhi regards you as a strong enemy."

"Oh yes, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ryan, from Firefly Town."

Xiaozhi interjected from the side: "Lian is the lord of Firefly Town. Xiaomao, you don't know what the lord means."

Xiaomao glanced at Xiaozhi contemptuously, raised his head and said:

"How could I not know, but hasn't the lordship system been abolished long ago?"

"It's a long story. After we leave, you can ask Dr. Omu alone."

Ryan didn't explain much. Now Xiao Mao was of little help to him. Telling Xiao Mao the truth would only increase the child's troubles.

However, he did not ask Dr. Omu to keep Xiaomao secret, because although Xiaomao was arrogant at this period, his character was still trustworthy.

What's more, even if Dr. Oak doesn't say anything, Xiaozhi, a big mouth, will leak the news, just like he just exposed Ryan's identity as a lord.

"Oh? Are you leaving?" Dr. Omu asked Ryan.

"Yeah, it's getting late, so we won't disturb you."

Ryan does want to leave. He can chat with Dr. Oak all night, but the players are going offline.

If we don't find a place for them to go offline, they will "fall asleep".

Dr. Omu continued: "Didn't you just come to Zhenxin Town? You probably haven't found a place to rest yet."

"Lian and the others can come to my house to rest!" Xiaozhi said enthusiastically. He wanted to take the opportunity to ask Ryan how to become stronger.

Dr. Ohmu shook his head: "Xiaozhi, you don't have that many rooms in your house, so you can only accommodate Xiaoxia and Xiaogang."

When Xiaozhi heard this, he wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost. His home was a two-story Western-style building. It was already quite large, but it still couldn't accommodate so many people.

Dr. Oki turned to look at Ryan again: "Zhenxin Town is not big. There is no hotel or Pokémon Center. The only place where you can rest is my research institute."

"So before you go back, you might as well stay at my place so that we can discuss ways to return the Broken Time Point."

When Ryan heard what Dr. Omu said, he felt it made sense.

Apart from Damu Research Institute, there really is no place for so many of them to rest in Zhenxin Town.

They can't go to a hotel in Joban City to rest. Not to mention that they don't have identification documents and can't check in. Just going back and forth is very troublesome.

Ryan can fly in the sky on a dragon, but players can only run on two legs.

Thinking of this, Ryan nodded slightly: "Okay, then I'll trouble you for the rest of the time."

"No trouble, this is what we should do." Dr. Ohmu said with a smile.

Looking at his grandfather with a smile on his face, Xiao Mao couldn't help but be a little confused.

In the past, his grandfather would only be so kind to juniors like him and Xiaozhi.

When his grandfather met an older young man like Ryan, he would still give priority to encouragement.

In the words of his grandfather, around the age of 20 is the time when one is in his prime and is young and energetic.

If you continue to encourage them, it will easily make them arrogant and arrogant, so they need to be properly punished and spurred.

His grandfather did the same thing with his students.

However, his grandfather changed his attitude towards Ryan, which made Xiao Mao puzzled and even had a treasonous idea.

Is it possible?

Ryan is his long-lost uncle? ! (End of chapter)

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