My Pokémon Player

Chapter 532 The new generation of divine beasts is so rude!

In the reverse world, Giratina was eavesdropping on the conversation between Ryan and Mewtwo.

When it heard Ryan tell the information about the reverse world like a treasure, a hint of surprise flashed in its eyes.

The reverse world is the back of the Pokémon world, and almost no humans and Pokémon will set foot here.

Occasionally, humans and Pokémon accidentally break into here, and it will quietly send them out.

In addition, it was exiled by the Great Lord Arceus early on, and there are few myths about it in the Pokémon world.

Therefore, most people don’t know that it is also a Pokémon created by the Great Lord, let alone the existence of the reverse world.

As a result, Ryan not only knows the relationship between it and the Great Lord, but also knows the specific situation of the reverse world.

Did the Great Lord tell Ryan? But isn’t the Great Lord asleep?

In addition, what is a bear child? !

It’s okay for those two idiots to be called bear children, they really fit the name.

But as the master of the reverse world, how can the strongest Pokémon created by the Great Lord be a bear child!

Moreover, the Reverse World is obviously its exclusive territory, not a small dark room where it is locked up!

Do you understand the value of the two sides of the Pokémon World?

Other Pokémons want to come in but cannot. If you don’t believe me, ask the Space-Time Twin Dragons, do they dare to enter the Reverse World?

It is the only one who can control the Reverse World, which is why the Great Lord exiled it. Oh no, to be precise, it is to let it manage the Reverse World.

Does anyone really think that it is being punished? No way, no way!

This Ryan knows nothing and is not worthy of the Great Lord’s recognition!

Just as Giratina was defending himself in his heart, Ryan’s voice echoed in his ears again.

Since the Reverse World is its home, it can use antimatter to hide its breath at will.

Even the younger generation named Mewtwo, who has a strong mental power, cannot sense its existence.

So it can hide in the building near Ryan and lie in the corner openly.

Giratina focused his eyes on Ryan not far away. It wanted to hear what news Ryan could say.

If Ryan dares to ruin its reputation again, it will... it will pretend not to hear it.

There is no way, who made Ryan the human chosen by the Great Lord.

It also hopes that Ryan will say a few good words to the Great Lord and give it freedom as soon as possible.

After all, no matter how good the reverse world is, it has been tired of it for so many years, and it also wants to see the outside world!

Fortunately, Ryan did not slander it again, but explained:

"Ahem, I was just joking just now. The master here controls the reverse world with his own strength."

"There are no other Pokémon in the reverse world, just because this place is not suitable for ordinary Pokémon to survive."

"Only Giratina, who is in charge of antimatter, can live here."

Ryan just wanted to stimulate Giratina and lure it out, and did not want to offend the other party.

Although Giratina did not seem to mean to hurt them, the temper of this god of antimatter was not very good. Who knows if it will suddenly change its mind.

Mewtwo asked curiously, "Giratina? I've never heard of this name. Is it strong?"

"Giratina's strength is hard to measure. Like the two His Majesties who control time and space, it is at the top of Pokémon."

Ryan raised his voice calmly, "Not to mention that this is its home ground. Even if the two His Majesties were pulled into the reverse world, they could only flee."

He had a basis for his words. After Dialga was pulled into the reverse world in the movie, he was chased and beaten by Giratina.

If Shaymi hadn't intervened and opened the passage to the reverse world, I'm afraid Dialga would be in danger, at least he would have been beaten up.

Although Giratina himself did not admit it, a large part of the reason why Arceus exiled it was because it was too brutal.

When the twin dragons of time and space fight, they can retain basic rationality no matter how fierce the fight is.

However, Giratina doesn't care about rationality. It will kill.

There is a saying that goes, the soft are afraid of the hard, the hard are afraid of the arrogant, and the arrogant are afraid of the desperate.

Giratina, who was just created by the alpaca, was the kind of person who was desperate, so the alpaca exiled it to sharpen its character.

After such a long period of exile, Giratina's personality has also changed.

Of course, the change is not big, just from desperate to arrogant, otherwise he would not have pursued Dialga for two theatrical versions until both sides resolved the misunderstanding.

So the strength of the three dragons of Sinnoh seems to be equal, but in fact, if they really fight, Giratina can still have the upper hand.

If the battle is in the reverse world, Giratina can even beat the twin dragons of time and space.

Of course, this is just Ryan's opinion, and it has not been confirmed by the Pokémon official.

However, Giratina, who was hiding in the dark, was very satisfied after hearing Ryan's words.

As expected of a human recognized by the Great Master, Ryan's vision is still very accurate!

What? Did it just say that Ryan was unworthy of the Great Honor?

Who said that? It didn't say that!

This is a blatant slander! Be careful of its shadow sneak attack warning!

Giratina happily wagged its tail and left the building.

It was going to prepare a gorgeous and shocking entrance ceremony to leave a deep impression on Ryan.

Just like those two idiots, they would rather waste the few origins of time and space to improve their appearance.

One tore the space, the other crossed the long river of time, and their appearance was fancy.

Although they did not achieve the purpose of shocking Ryan, they also let Ryan see their power. He can't be compared with them!

Giratina will never be weaker than the twin dragons of time and space in his life! ——

Lion and Mewtwo didn't notice Giratina's little move, they were still talking about Giratina's origin.

"Is Giratina related to the two crowns you mentioned? Where did they come from? Do they have parents?" Mewtwo asked with interest.

Ryan did not answer Mewtwo's question immediately, but asked back:

"Have you heard of the legend of the creation of the Sinnoh region?"

"I have heard a little bit about it. When I was confused about my origin before, I tried to find the answer from the legend."

Mewtwo recalled: "But most of the legends are vague and the words are exaggerated, so I finally gave up this approach."

"Compared with other legends, the legend of the creation of Sinnoh is relatively clear and the content is also."

At this point, Mewtwo suddenly reacted. It turned its head to look at Ryan and said in a surprised tone:

"Wait! What do you mean?"

"Yes, the legend of the creation of the Sinnoh region is true. The God of Creation emerged from the egg and created the Pokémon world."

"Then He created Dialga and Palkia who control time and space." Ryan continued Mewtwo's words.

When Mewtwo heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then he understood:

"No wonder Celebi, who can travel through time, calls them His Majesty. It turns out that they can really control time and space."

"Such a powerful Pokémon was created by the God of Creation. What kind of creature is the God of Creation? Is He also a Pokémon?"

Ryan nodded: "Yes."

"The Pokémon that created the world? It's hard to imagine how strong He must be." Mewtwo couldn't help but sigh.

"If there is a chance, I want to challenge Him!"

Looking at Mewtwo's high-spirited appearance, Ryan sincerely admired Mewtwo's courage.

He was also infected by Mewtwo's spirit, grinning and said:

"Don't worry, when I conquer Him, I will let Him fight you."

Mewtwo glanced at Ryan and his mouth twitched slightly.

It wanted to stop Ryan from daydreaming, but was afraid of damaging Ryan's self-confidence, so it had to change the subject:

"Let's not talk about the God of Creation. Anyway, we can't meet him for the time being. Let's talk about Giratina first. I remember that it didn't appear in the creation legend."

Ryan nodded slightly: "Yes, the existence of Giratina is rarely mentioned in the legends of the Sinnoh region."

"Because it has a rough personality, it angered the God of Creation and was exiled by the God of Creation to the destroyed world, that is, the reversed world."

"But it is the same as the Gods of Time and Space. They are all Pokémon created by the God of Creation and are in charge of the antimatter that makes up the world."

"In other words, Giratina is equivalent to the brother of the Gods of Time and Space."

"It's just that the relationship between the brothers is not very good. They fight as soon as they meet."

When Mewtwo heard Ryan say that Giratina had a bad temper, his hands clenched subconsciously:

"I see, then we should leave here as soon as possible. Well, Giratina even beats its own brothers, and it is very likely to attack us. "

Ryan spread his hands: "I also want to leave here, but without Giratina to help us open the passage, we can't get out."

When Mewtwo heard what Ryan said, his expression became more solemn:

"In other words, we can only leave the reverse world if we defeat Giratina and force it to open the passage, right?"

"Well, it doesn't necessarily have to."

Before Ryan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mewtwo:

"Can you still use that ability of yours?"

Ryan shook his head: "It can't be used, but I think..."

"That's troublesome. According to what you said, Giratina is very strong, and this is its home ground. I may not be its opponent."

"But don't worry, you won't be hurt before I fall to the ground." Mewtwo interrupted again, his tone very firm.

Ryan sighed helplessly, and just when he was about to explain that Giratina had no ill will towards them, he felt the ground trembling slightly.

"What's going on? Has the gravity of this island changed?" Ryan looked at the ground in confusion.

"No, the nearby buildings are shaking, and the bubbles are gathering." Mewtwo looked around seriously.

The inverted buildings moved one after another, forming a huge staircase from high to low.

Countless bubbles gathered at the top of the stairs, emitting a faint glow.


One of the bubbles suddenly burst, like throwing a small stone into a calm lake, causing a space fluctuation and creating a small vortex.

"Bang bang!"

The remaining bubbles burst immediately, and the strong fluctuations caused the scale of the vortex to continue to expand.

When all the bubbles exploded, the vortex stabilized.

Under the gaze of Ryan and Mewtwo, a Pokémon similar to an annelid emerged from the vortex.

Its face was covered with a golden mask, and it had no limbs, but golden spikes instead. Its abdomen was covered with black and red patterns, and six wings like stripes floated behind it, with red wing tips.

The overall look is both domineering and mysterious.

Ryan looked at the Pokémon slowly flying towards them, muttering to himself:

"It is indeed Giratina, and it is still in its origin form."

"It is said that Giratina will maintain its origin form in the reversed world, and will change into another form when it goes to the real world."

"Tsk, I always feel that the origin form is not as good-looking as other forms, but it is a little better than the origin form of the Space-Time Twin Dragons. The origin forms of those two are really ugly."

"No, now is not the time to think about this! Giratina made such a grand appearance, wouldn't he also want to show me his power?"

"Then should I cooperate? Or should I cooperate?"

Ryan never thought of exposing Giratina's intention.

A person's reputation is like a tree's shadow. Giratina's temper is unbearable even for alpacas, and Ryan can't bear the other party's anger.

So Ryan plans to cooperate with Giratina in a while, and agree to whatever the other party asks.

Just as Ryan was thinking about how to deal with Giratina, Mewtwo stood in front of Ryan silently, with a resolute expression on his face.

However, in Giratina's eyes, its expression showed respect for itself.

It seemed that his efforts were not in vain, and he had successfully made Ryan and Mewtwo feel awe. The next step was to introduce himself.

Giratina flew in front of Ryan, and his eyes unconsciously locked on Ryan's left hand.

The twin dragons of time and space could feel the breath of the great Lord Arceus, so it could naturally feel it as well.

Giratina stared at Ryan's left hand quietly, with extremely complicated eyes.

There was both longing and attachment, as well as resentment and indignation, and a little relief mixed in.

Seeing this, Mewtwo frowned, thinking that Giratina had made Ryan his target.

No, it had to take the initiative to attack, otherwise it would be too passive.

After a while, Giratina retracted his gaze, forcibly suppressed the surging emotions in his heart, and began to deal with business.

It looked at Ryan and Mewtwo with a pretentious look, and said in a deep voice:


"Psychic Break!"

Mewtwo suddenly released a mental wave to attack Giratina.

Facing Mewtwo's sudden attack, Giratina hastily used Shadow Claw and barely blocked the attack.

It said to Mewtwo with an unhappy look on its face: "What are you doing? I am not your enemy, Aunai."

"Shadow Ball!"

Before Giratina finished speaking, Mewtwo fired another Shadow Ball.

Giratina dodged sideways, and then shouted loudly:

"Despicable brat, don't you understand what I said, Aunai?"

"Psychic Blade!"

"I'll say it one last time, Aunai, I have to teach you a lesson!"

When Giratina failed to dodge and was hit by Mewtwo's Shadow Ball combo, it finally got angry.

It was so angry that it even said the swear words it learned from peeping, which shows its anger in its heart.

Damn it, the new generation of mythical beasts are so rude! (End of this chapter)

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