My Pokémon Player

Chapter 536 World Fusion?

Giratina was afraid that Ryan would misunderstand, and kept explaining that he had nothing to do with the Church of Shadows.

There was no way, because Ryan was a human recognized by the Great Lord, and he might meet the Great Lord someday.

If Ryan complained to the Great Lord, it would not be able to stay in the Reverse World, let alone regain its freedom.

Seeing Giratina's panic, Ryan almost couldn't help laughing.

For some reason, this Pluto Dragon was not as tyrannical as the legend said, but rather a little cute, and he was respectful and afraid of alpacas.

Could it be that the Reverse World could really hone one's character, or that after several failed revenge attempts, Giratina recognized his true heart.

Although Ryan didn't know the specific reason, the current Giratina was undoubtedly easier to get along with and easier to get close to humans.

Otherwise, Ryan wouldn't dare to tease Giratina one after another.

That's right, in fact, Ryan already knew that Giratina was not a Pokémon believed in by the Church of Shadows.

Pluto can control shadows, which is worthy of the title of Demon God. It can also make Pokémon go berserk, and even the Space-Time Dragons will be affected.

Hiss~ Why does Giratina feel more and more like a Shadow Demon God!

But! Giratina does not have much to do with the Shadow Church.

It is just a otaku, staying in the reverse world all day and not going anywhere, at most peeking at the real world through bubbles.

The Shadow Church probably doesn't know the existence of Giratina, so how can it be worshipped as a god.

The reason why Ryan repeatedly mentioned the Shadow Church was just to tease Giratina.

Seeing that Giratina was anxious to confront the Shadow Church, Ryan quickly said:

"The Shadow Church is elusive, and it is difficult to find their traces."

"And don't you have to extract the origin of time and space in the reversed world? You don't have time to waste on those bastards."

"I believe you have nothing to do with the Shadow Church. Those bastards may have just made up a god at random."

Giratina was completely relieved when he saw Ryan's sincere expression and was not perfunctory.

It muttered, "Then why did you doubt me just now?"

"I just wanted to find out the news at first, but you admitted that you were the Shadow Demon God right away. Do you think I should doubt you?" Ryan asked back.

Giratina was speechless, feeling aggrieved in his heart.

But it did not blame Ryan, but pointed the finger at the Shadow Church.

This group of scum among humans not only destroyed lives, but also created a Shadow Demon God.

It's a shadow and a demon god. No wonder Ryan doubted himself.

At first, it thought it was the Shadow Devil. Who else could take the blame if not it?

Thinking of this, Giratina gritted his teeth and said:

"There are still bad people among you humans. If it weren't for the tight time, I would have wanted to find those bastards through the bubbles in the reverse world and ask them who the Shadow Devil is!"

When Ryan heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up:

"Yes, these bubbles can reflect the real world. You can use the bubbles to find them. We still have two months, so it doesn't matter if we waste some time."

The Shadow Church has been hiding in the dark and is still planning to capture the three stupid birds. Ryan doesn't need to guess that they must have a conspiracy.

Instead of passively taking a beating, it is better to take the initiative and let Giratina find their headquarters, and then drag all the high-level people into the reverse world and catch them all.

Even if the Shadow Church has the power of the mythical beasts, ordinary mythical beasts are not Giratina's opponents, not to mention that Mewtwo can also participate in the battle.

If the high-level members of the Shadow Church can be killed, the remaining members are not a concern, and the Shadow Church is bound to be completely destroyed.

Ryan can both get revenge and solve his biggest worry, and no longer have to worry about being calculated by the Shadow Church. It can be said that he kills two birds with one stone.

Unfortunately, Giratina's next words dispelled Ryan's beautiful idea:

"Hehe, you just said that there is no need to waste time on the Shadow Church, and now you change your mind. It seems that the Shadow Church has brought you a lot of pressure."

"But the time pressure I mentioned cannot be relieved in one or two months."

"Do you know how many bubbles reflecting reality there are in the reverse world?"

Ryan shook his head. This was his first time in the reverse world. How could he know how many bubbles there were.

Giratina glanced at the bubbles around him and said in a deep voice:

"To be honest, I don't know either."

Ryan: "."

Don't you know what you are looking at everywhere? I thought you were going to count them one by one!

"There are countless bubbles in the reversed world. Old bubbles will break and new bubbles will be born every moment."

"Even if I am the master of the reversed world, I don't know their exact number. It is undoubtedly like looking for a needle in a haystack to find the real world I want to see in so many bubbles."

After hearing Giratina's explanation, Ryan nodded first, and then asked his doubts:

"Then how did you accurately spy... No, how did you monitor the twin dragons of time and space?"

"I can't find the bubbles corresponding to those two idiots, but I can control antimatter to create them."

Just as Ryan was about to speak, he was interrupted by Giratina.

"I know what you want to say. The answer is no. I can't create bubbles about the Shadow Church because I don't know their specific information. I don't even know what they look like."

Ryan understood and said, "You mean the premise of creating bubbles is to know their information?"

Giratina nodded slightly: "Yes, the reverse world is the backside of the real world. Everything that happens in the real world will have feedback in the reverse world."

“What I have to do is collect these feedbacks based on the known information, and then condense them into bubbles that reflect reality.”

"Other naturally occurring bubbles follow this process, but they are uncontrollable. I can only control the bubbles I create and the bubbles I see, such as..."

Giratina manipulated the shadow and pulled a bubble from far away.

It showed a scene of an unnamed island, and Celebi was seen with his hands on his hips, instructing the Moon Bears to dig holes.

Although he couldn't hear Celebi's voice, Ryan could guess what Celebi was talking about through his movements.

This little guy must be arrogantly scolding Yueyue Xiong and the others, he is a pink bully after all.

Before Ryan could take a second look, Giratina stretched out his spike-like feet and burst the bubble, causing space in the real world to tremble.

Celebi was knocked away by the sudden vibration. It flapped its wings vigorously and barely stabilized its body.

"Damn it, who is plotting against me?!"

Celebi looked around angrily, trying to find the real culprit who had attacked it.

"Shala?" (Are you okay?)

Gardevoir asked with concern. It didn't know where the vibration came from.

Celebi released his mental power and searched the nearby jungle, but found nothing.

So it could only shake its head and said: "I'm fine. It may be the reason why it restarted many times at this broken time point, and the space began to become unstable."

"You don't need to worry about me. Keep sensing the traces of Ryan and Mewtwo. I don't believe I can't find them!"

After saying that, it turned back to look at Yueyue Bear in the pit:

"Yueyue Xiong, don't be lazy, dig it for me quickly!"

"Hooo~" (I know~)

Yueyue Xiong responded, then asked in confusion:

"Hooo?" (Didn't you say that digging three feet into the ground is an adjective? Why do we still need to dig holes?)

Celebi shook his tentacles and said, "I can't help it. I've searched all over the island, but I still haven't found them."

"You all said that they were pulled into the ground by a whirlpool. Maybe there are secret passages and underground buildings underground."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. When I find Ryan, I'll ask him to give you three cans of sweets!"

Upon hearing this, Yueyue Xiong stood up excitedly and roared toward the sky.

"Why are you yelling so loudly? I almost thought you were going to mutate into Heyue form!"

Celebi was startled by Yueyue Bear. Just as he was about to scold Yueyue Bear again, he was knocked away by another space vibration.

This time it failed to stabilize its body and sat down on the ground.

"The spatial fluctuations can hit me twice in a row. How could I become so unlucky?" Celebi pouted and said.

"Lian must have passed on his bad luck to me. Not only did this guy get lost, he also implicated me."

"If I can't find Ryan, your two highnesses will definitely punish me!"

Celebi said he was afraid of the punishment of the Space-Time Double Dragon, but it was not difficult to see from his worried eyes that this duplicitous pink bully was very worried about Ryan's safety.

"Ryan, where are you?"


Ryan, who was in the reverse world, couldn't see the worry on Celebi's face, because Giratina had popped the bubble reflecting the desert island twice in a row.

The first time was a naturally occurring bubble, and the second time was a bubble created by Giratina himself.

Seeing that Giratina was about to create a new bubble, Ryan quickly stopped him:

"That's enough, that's enough. I know your difficulty. You don't need to help me find the Shadow Church."

He could guarantee that Giratina's second attempt to pop the bubble was intentional.

This Pluto dragon has never been accustomed to the two dragons of time and space. As Dialga's envoy, Celebi will be implicated to some extent.

Giratina snorted coldly: "As long as you know, don't think about getting something for nothing all day long."

"Whether it is the Shadow Church or other enemies, it is your own experience."

"If you rely on external forces to get through difficulties, you will never become a great person."

"Dialga and Palkia were afraid of burdening you, so they hid some information."

"But I'm not afraid of these. On the contrary, I feel that the burden on you is not heavy enough."

"So to tell you the truth, you don't have much time. If you don't grow up as soon as possible, everything around you will disappear in an instant like a broken time point that exhausts the origin of time and space."

Ryan frowned when he heard this: "What do you mean? Who wants to harm me?"

Giratina responded calmly: "You have many enemies, but your biggest enemy is time."

"Time? Aren't I already working hard to mend the river of time? Can you make it clearer?"

Ryan was eager to know more information, but Giratina refused to say any more.

"I've said enough. If those two idiots know about it, they will definitely file a complaint against me in front of the Great Master."

Ryan asked: "In other words, the Great Master didn't let you say it?"

"What on earth does He want me to do? I have never seen Him until now!"

"Since He brought me to this world, there must be a mission for me, right?"

When Giratina heard this, he immediately asked:

"Are you not a native of the Pokémon world? Are you from another world?"

Before Ryan could answer, Giratina continued to talk to himself:

"I understand, so the Great Master's method is... But this approach is very risky, is it really worth it?"

"But then again, there is no better way than to do this."

Seeing this, Ryan said anxiously: "What are you mumbling about? Is there anything that I, the destined person, cannot listen to!"

"The destined person? To some extent, you do hold the fate of the Pokémon world in your hands."

While speaking, Giratina handed the transformed Space-Time Origin to Ryan.

Ryan subconsciously reached out to take it, forgetting that the Space-Time Origin had no carrier.

As a result, all the Space-Time Origin ran into the Qianzhou wrist pattern on his left hand.

Ryan quickly opened the panel and found that the Space-Time Twin Dragons' Blessing had an additional Space-Time Origin storage function, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

He put down his left hand and said to Giratina helplessly:

"Although I know you won't tell me the truth, I still want to ask you a question."

"Why did the Great Master bring me to this world?"

Giratina remained silent after hearing this, and the scene fell into silence for a while.

After a while, Ryan shrugged and took the initiative to say:

"Okay, I knew you were all riddlers and couldn't tell me the truth."

"It doesn't matter. If I can really control the fate of the Pokémon world, I will meet Arceus sooner or later."

"I will ask it in person and learn the truth from it."

"I also want to ask it why it chose me. Is it because I am handsome?"

"But the readers in front of the screen are all handsomer than me. Why didn't Arceus choose them!"

Giratina could naturally hear the resentment hidden in Ryan's words, and it whispered to comfort him:

"The Great Lord chose you, and there is a deep meaning behind it."

"And you should like Pokémon, so coming to this world is also a good thing for you."

Ryan curled his lips: "That's what I said, but it's really uncomfortable to be kept in the dark."

"Get used to it, the Great Lord has always been like this." Giratina sighed.

Obviously, it didn't like to hide, but it didn't dare to disobey the order of the Great Lord.

"Okay, I've said everything I should say, and I'll help you if I should. It's time to send you back to the real world."

"If you delay any longer, that little idiot will dig through the island."

"I will stay in the reverse world to extract the origin of time and space in the next few days. I will notify you when I'm done. Don't forget to bring a mirror with you." Giratina reminded.

Ryan nodded and said, "Okay, thank you again for your help."

Mewtwo, who was still digesting the content of the conversation, also came to his senses and thanked Giratina in the same way.

Giratina didn't say much, but opened the passage to the reverse world and sent Ryan and Mewtwo away.

After they left the reverse world, Giratina murmured to himself again:

"World fusion. Great Lord, are you really sure?"

"If it fails"

"Alas" (End of this chapter)

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