My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 994: Reciprocate the favor, the gopher man's market is really here!

Wednesday is September 27th of the wasteland calendar year.

When the first ray of sunlight fell on the ground through the mist, the sleeping Hope Village quietly woke up.

Logically speaking, the recent continuous high-pressure work has put a lot of pressure on both the mind and the body. During this long-lost holiday, many people should sleep until noon.

However, in fact, the clock hands had just crossed seven o'clock when the doors of prefabricated houses were pushed open everywhere.

The villagers with excited faces walked out, opened their arms happily, and breathed in the fresh air.

Compared with the past few days, Hope Village now has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Because the market at the entrance of the village contributes management fee income every day, as well as regular taxes from several factories.

It is hoped that the public accounts of Hope Village will no longer be in the deficit as they were a few months ago, and will become more prosperous day by day.

With the money, Chen Shen, who was in charge of the village's development planning, was not stingy and took the initiative to place orders for several large-scale infrastructure projects.


All the original gravel roads in the village have been replaced by clean and tidy hardened cement roads, with tall black columnar streetlights separated by 25 meters on both sides.

The two-story bungalows made of reinforced concrete began to take shape, neatly lined up in a row, with no less than twenty in number.

Walking along the road into the village, there is a circular open space.

The statue of Oreo is placed in the center of the field, surrounded by a person-high iron fence, which looks quite solemn.

Looking up further, we see the second phase of the Hope Village construction project currently under construction.

The buildings here are mainly one-story bungalows and courtyards, which is a residential area that is about to be established.

Following the architectural styles of those in the western suburbs, each bungalow is not closely connected to each other, but is separated by more than ten meters.

So although the density is still quite high, it doesn't look so oppressive.

It won't take long, even if all the villagers still can't collect enough points to move into the underground city.

Here, you can also have your own independent space at a lower and more affordable price.

Of course, if there are residential areas, there will naturally be supporting commercial areas.

After every two hundred bungalows, a commercial area of ​​about two thousand square meters will be planned.

According to the construction standard of 1,000 rooms, there will be at least over 10,000 square meters of commercial space here.

If it can really be built according to Chen Shen's plan, then I hope that the village will no longer be at the level of a village, but will be transformed from a village to a town in an upright manner, becoming the first town collection in the territory.

It was a few kilometers outside the village at this time.

More than 20 humans wearing gopher man's standard clothes and two four-wheeled motorcycles carrying goods were slowly approaching.

Perhaps it was their first time visiting the world outside Qinggang City, and they were extremely curious.

Even the ordinary soil underfoot felt novel. From time to time, someone would lower his body and pick up a handful, lovingly sniffing the special smell inside.

Next to this group of people, more than a dozen border guards armed with live ammunition were following nearby.

However, neither party made further contact. The distance in between was about fifty meters, and it looked more like an escort.

We walked along the soft dirt road.

Looking at the "big construction site" gradually appearing in the thick fog ahead, Wang Qian's eyes widened and he almost thought he was hallucinating.

"Is this Tianyuan Shelter?"

In my impression, there are very few shelters that extend their sphere of influence to the ground.

In an area as large as Qinggang City, with dozens of gopher gangs, only Qinggang Shelter has the strength to build a large-scale industrial zone on the ground.

But now, Wang Qiande has been added to this list.

In the village in the distance, although their outer walls are not as tall as the Lightning Wall, there is only one person standing at the top.

The roads in the village also look ordinary, without any sense of high-tech.

Including those neat cement houses and colorful iron houses, they seem to be a little fragile.

But there is no denying that they do live on the ground.

A completely different road from that of the Gopher Man. This place is more like a large gathering place where stragglers gathered together!

"Aren't they afraid of war?"

Thinking of Good's instructions before leaving, Wang Qian became more and more curious.

Liehu wanted him to take this opportunity of visiting to find out the details of the other party.

In particular, the defensive layout of this unfamiliar shelter, the strength of the soldiers, the industrial base, etc. can determine the strength of the two shelters.

In the end, who would have thought that the other party would actually build a gathering place on the ground like the Qinggang Shelter, and the scale had reached thousands of people.

This is not the slightest bit of envy for the gopher guy who is extremely insecure.

Especially on such a large plain that is easy to attack and difficult to defend, if troops come from all directions, the people inside will be trapped and die in this small area.

If you can't reach the level where you can use hard power to break the situation like Qinggang Shelter, you can only die slowly.

"Ahem, Chief Layer, their industrial area is actually built on the ground."

The new deputy chief who was following Wang Qian coughed and pointed to the industrial zone opened up next to the village.

over there.

The billowing black smoke, which is not environmentally friendly, is rising into the sky, mixed with the white mist, like black snakes hiding in the water.

The rumbling sound, mixed with the blowing of the wind, was as melodious and long as a horn.

Occasionally, bursts of white water vapor will be discharged to the side, as if high-temperature work is being carried out inside.

Wang Qian stood staring blankly, and the dozen or so guards following him not far away also stopped.

For people who have lived underground for a long time, it is difficult to form this flat concept in their minds.

From the moment they are born, most people accept the concept of a small room of twenty square meters, spiraling stairs up and down, and an activity space of no more than one hundred square meters.

Except for combatants, as long as ordinary civilians are not too unlucky, they may have to wait until they reach adulthood before they have the opportunity to go to the ground and experience the environment in which humans originally lived and the dangers that have been spread by word of mouth.

Wang Qian still remembers the first time he went to the ground, when he was eleven years old.

Following his father's broad back, he saw with his own eyes the dangerous world on earth that everyone said was dangerous.

There is a sky that cannot be touched, and there is an earth that has no boundaries.

There are towering buildings and a wide river beside the Fifth Ring Road!

From that day on, the yearning for the world outside the shelter was like a seed rooted in his heart.

After returning to the underground, Wang Qian finally couldn't help but tell her father her thoughts.

Surprisingly, Wang's father, who was just a commoner at the time, did not refuse. Instead, he happily found friends on another level.

Liu Li, Liu Lu's father, who was already the deputy director of the B-7 floor at the time, asked him to find someone to help with training.

Later, during the five long years.

From the most basic physical training, to willpower training, and then to learning the killing skills and marksmanship used in combat.

Finally, during the chaos in Pingtan Shelter more than ten years ago, Wang Qian succeeded in taking the position by force and firmly secured the position of deputy director of the B-9 floor.

At this time, seeing the industrial area on the ground in the distance, more and more memories began to flow into my mind.

After staying there for several minutes, Wang Qian finally came back to his senses and let out a long sigh.

"How happy the people living here must be."

The small underground cannot accommodate too many dreams and ambitions.

Countless people with potential and genius are born in it, die in it, and are drowned in barren basic needs throughout their lives.

Before coming, he thought that this place was also a powerful underground shelter.

But now a trace of melancholy and happiness appeared in Wang Qian's heart at the same time.

Fortunately, in order to repay Liu Li's favor, Liu Lu was reminded at a critical moment.

The other party later reciprocated the opportunity and helped him get rid of the B-9 layer leader last night.

And found a way to operate it, so that he became the person who went to Tianyuan Refuge for diplomacy.

This is a place where you can have deep friendships!

With an idea in mind, Wang Qian's resistance to Liu Lu's many unreliable-sounding introductions and recommendations began to disappear quickly.

Indeed, this place is much more civilized than the flat beach shelter.

They can at least allow residents to freely come to the ground to move around, live, and engage in production.

There is no need to forcibly divide fourteen hours of time out of twenty-four hours a day to perform repetitive tasks that are meaningless and are just for killing physical strength.

It might be a good choice to join Liu Lu's team and set up his back line here.

With this thought in mind, the team moved on.

When there were only a few hundred meters left, the villagers in the village also discovered the strange visitors.

What surprised Wang Qian was that he didn't see any vigilance on these people's faces, nor did he see any resistance.

Many people even cheered with surprise

"Damn it, they said Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, but this gopher man's market is really here??!"

"Look at their two cars. Are they carrying any local products?"

"I heard that these aborigines have a lot of high-tech gadgets in their hands. It would be great if I could exchange a few for them."

"Ahem, restrain yourself, don't scare others."

"We're afraid of a hammer, and they don't understand us."

"Hurry up and open the stall. This is our best chance to sell products!"

Wang Qian was a little confused when a language with completely different pronunciation from Blue Star language came into his ears.

But looking at their excited looks, they seem to be welcoming?

There are residents of shelters who welcome outsiders who don’t know the details and have no experience with them?

This was so surprising that not only Wang Qian himself was stunned, but also the other members of the Pingtan Refuge who followed were a little at a loss, and for a while they felt a little "shy".

"It's really rude and disrespectful not to welcome the distinguished guest from afar!"

From a distance in the mist, two silent vehicles drove over.

Chen Shen jumped out of the car, speaking half-baked Blue Star language, with a friendly smile on his face.

"I am the village chief of the village ahead, Chen Shen."

"I really didn't expect you to come so early. I thought it would be in the afternoon."

The request to visit Pingtan Shelter was received from the border at five o'clock in the morning.

With his impatient temper, Hunter Tiger had no intention of enduring it for a few days until the disaster was completely over.

Qinggang City had just calmed down, and he hurriedly sent an envoy to request a visit to discuss cooperation.

Chen Shen originally thought that the so-called "messenger team" would come back in a day or two.

But who would have thought that it was only past ten o'clock in the morning, and this visiting team had already arrived in the village.

It is not difficult to deduce that they actually set off with the messenger.

"The village chief is so polite. We didn't expect Mr. Pingtan to be so anxious and urged us to come here overnight."

Wang Qian smiled quite officially and waved behind him.

All the dozen or so people who came to Pingtan Shelter bowed down at the same time and made an extremely gentlemanly gesture.

Then the four people at the rear lifted up the tarpaulin covering the locomotive, revealing the items loaded underneath.

What is somewhat surprising is that the two vehicles contained neither food nor industrial products, nor weapons and ammunition.

What was stacked in the carriage were magazines and books that were obviously a bit shabby. They were colorful and looked pretty good together.

"This is"

"Master Pingtan asked me to choose gifts for the Tianyuan territory. I guessed that Master Tianyuan would be very curious about the past and culture of our Blue Star, so I took the initiative to apply for these magazines and books from the pre-war era. Don't underestimate it. Each of them has a history of at least two hundred years."

Chen Shen stared at Wang Qian deeply in surprise, then stepped forward and picked up a thick book with about three hundred pages.

It's a little different from the roughness you imagined. The first touch of this book is actually a little gentle, like stroking jade.

Considering that it can be stored for more than two hundred years and still maintain its current appearance, it is most likely that special technology is used to make paper.

And on the cover of the writing, it was clearly marked in Blue Star language.

"A brief discussion on the expansion of intelligent agriculture"

"Smart agriculture?"

Chen Shen didn't shy away from it and curiously opened the book and scanned a few pages.

The text inside is very dense, and one page is estimated to have at least eight to nine hundred words.

But the layout of the book is very comfortable, with text descriptions on the left and comic-style illustrations on the right.

“Good stuff is really good stuff.”

After flipping through more than a dozen pages, Chen Shen's basic Blue Star language skills were not enough to understand this book.

But there is no doubt that the information recorded on it is of very high value, at least it is significantly ahead of the earth in terms of technological level.

Putting down the book, Chen Shen picked up a magazine with dozens of pages.

"Top 100 Porn Stars Illustrated Book"

After opening it, there were explicit photos inside.

After taking a few glances this time, Chen Shen blushed, coughed twice and returned to the front of the team.

"Thank you so much. I think the manager will be satisfied with it."

"I can rest assured that."

Wang Qian smiled secretly, feeling secretly excited.

Choosing magazines and books was not his original idea.

After all, in cooperation between shelters and shelters, the first gift given is often something that the other party is scarce.

According to the reminder given by Liu Lu, the manager of the Tianyuan Refuge and the people under him like those abandoned industrial products from the pre-war era, and seem to have a great interest in the culture of the past.

Wang Qian thought about it.

As a formal mission, you must not bring these contraband items as gifts.

In this way, these less valuable books and magazines are the only ones that carry the past culture.

He didn't even go to the other floors to ask for help. He easily got two cars on the B-9 and B-7 floors.

Now it seems that this gift was indeed chosen correctly!

Not only the manager of this strange Tianyuan Shelter, but also the people below had the same information as Liu Lu gave.

There is indeed an interest in these antiques that ordinary people cannot understand.

"Welcome, you haven't eaten yet."

"It happens to be breakfast time, so let me entertain you all as a landlord."

"How about we go see the manager after we finish eating?"

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