My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 1096 Cold-resistant suit, advantages and disadvantages!



The howling cold wind blew across the earth, and the plains full of life suddenly seemed dead.

Under the influence of cooling and strong winds, the green quickly faded from its original color and turned into a light withered yellow.

Frozen soil is no longer suitable for planting.

Currently, there are probably more than 300 players who have chosen the farmer route, and all of them have become idlers at this time.

Some unlucky ones who have just contracted plantations can only postpone their plans to cultivate land.

Bone Village.

For small gathering areas mainly engaged in farming, the coming of winter will undoubtedly have a severe blow to the village economy and industry.

Over the course of several months, they finally learned to plant and went through a complete process from sowing to harvesting.

It stands to reason that now is the stage of rapid development.

But the reality is cruel. The arrival of winter must make them find a new way out.

It was only seven o'clock in the morning, and the front door of a prototype village was already filled with people queuing up.

However, what is strange is that there is no displeasure on the faces of these people waiting in line. Instead, they are all in high spirits, as if they are celebrating the New Year.

Especially those at the front straightened their chests, as if waiting to receive the glory.


It's not an unusual thing for Blue Star people.

Especially the wanderers who worked for the Gopher Man before, they are even more accustomed to free money.

The gopher guys in the city often assign some tasks to them, and when they are done, they use various excuses to exploit them.

In the end, I didn't earn any supplies, but I did gain a lot of energy.

There is no doubt that this is free, right?

On this point, many people had similar concerns when they joined the village.

They are afraid that if they join this strange gathering place, they will become other people's labor force for free.

But now, standing at the gate of the village, looking at the boxes of "hot" supplies being moved out of the warehouse.

Only then did they realize that their good days had finally come!

"Huh, this is the first time I received such free disaster relief materials. I thought I was dreaming!"

"Your Majesty, God of the Big-horned Deer, please bless our benevolent lord and wise manager. It is he who has given us these deer cubs in the darkness light!"

"I heard it's a set of cotton-padded clothes, and they're new. Do you understand? I haven't seen new clothes in more than ten years!"

"There are also warm boots. I heard that wearing these boots will keep your feet from getting cold even if the temperature drops a bit."

"Why is no one talking about gloves? I heard from the adults in Hope Village that as long as you wear these, working will feel like spring."

"You're working with new gloves? Are you crazy? You're not really going to wear new clothes and go into the mud, are you?"

"That's right, new clothes can't be wasted like this."

The first batch of cold-resistant materials produced by the factory were sent to Barren Bone Village first.

The reason is simple. The popularity of cotton-padded clothes and shoes in Hope Village is very high, and they were prepared for the last winter.

Half a year has passed and these clothes are just a little older, but the warmth they bring after wearing them is still real.

The situation in Barren Bone Village is much worse.

Most people say that the clothes on homeless people are already in tatters, and they have a lot of new "wounds" from recent work.

And because of the scarcity of cotton, their clothes are basically made of chemical fibers.

That is to say, although most people are wearing long clothes and long trousers, when the wind blows, it looks like they are not wearing anything at all.

In the past, Qinggang City had a tropical monsoon climate, so when the temperature dropped, they could only add one or two pieces of clothing to the original ones.

But now, this method doesn't work.

Due to the recent abundant supply of materials, many people's physiques have undergone earth-shaking changes from before.

After only one day and two nights of cooling, one-third of the people developed more or less cold and fever symptoms.

If this continues, new infectious diseases may develop.

Soon, after all the supplies were moved out of the warehouse and the quantities were counted, it was eight o'clock in the morning.

The early morning sunlight was stretched by the cold winter clouds, and it happened to shine a little at the moment and fell on the village.

Even if they haven't put on the new clothes in the box, many people feel warm all over.

Including the village chief Huangxiong, he felt a warm current rising from the soles of his feet after licking his frozen and red nose grooves.

In fact, last night he was able to put on these new clothes before distributing them to the villagers below.

But after recently learning some management knowledge from Village Chief Chen, he has become more and more like a real "village chief".

What does it mean to lead by example?

What does it mean to do everything by yourself?

Look at the excitement and respect in the eyes of the villagers below.

Huangxiong knew that although most of these were brought by the lord, didn't his status also rise with the lord?

The more he promotes the greatness of the lord, the more firmly he, the village chief directly appointed by the lord, will be able to sit.

Cleared his throat.

Huang Xiong didn't even use a microphone, he just picked up the big speaker next to him, put it to his mouth, and started shouting.

"Quiet! Stand in line!"

In an instant, the sounds in the field quickly disappeared, leaving only the whistling sound of the wind blowing across the earth.

The villagers who were still crowded began to move their positions in small steps, and soon formed a 40*26 queue.

This process of lining up took less than half a minute in total.

If those commanders in Qinggang City who claim that they can't train wanderers come over and take a look, they will definitely be shocked.

Because the wanderers, who were completely uncivilized in their eyes, actually performed no less than elite warriors at this time.

Could it be that Huang Xiong is a genius commander?

Several young players who came to distribute supplies were also a little surprised. They glanced at the neat queue below and were speechless.

But soon, they got their answer.

"If they can't learn to stand in line and don't abide by discipline, they will be kicked out of the village if they show up three times!"

Delang said with a smile, his face full of satisfaction with his training results.

This method is completely unworkable in some places with poor treatment, and homeless people are not afraid of the threat of being kicked out.

Even if he is afraid, he will only complete the task reluctantly.

But in Desolate Bone Village, in this small village under the Tianyuan territory.

Will anyone leave "Paradise" because they don't want to take sides?

Leaving a paradise with good food, decent jobs, and even free disaster relief supplies?


The young player with the ID ‘Old and Naughty’ gave a thumbs up.

"If the lord sees that the village can show such discipline, he will definitely be surprised."

The wild wolf smiled sheepishly.

"Haha, the adults in Hope Village just sound nice! But it's not that exaggerated. We are also preparing for war. We must protect this hard-won homeland!"


The old man nodded, suddenly having an answer to why the lord arranged the first batch of relief supplies here.

Compared with the guards in the village who fought repeatedly, these Blue Star natives were indeed more suitable for the wasteland environment.

Whether it’s discipline, execution, or the understanding of dedication and sacrifice.

Their consciousness is much higher than that of the people on earth.

And just when the young players were lamenting the advantages of the aborigines, Huang Xiong had already begun to distribute supplies.

There was no speech, or rather there were only a few motivational quotes learned from Village Chief Chen.

Moreover, Huang Xiong, an illiterate person, is indeed not suitable for this kind of "chicken soup" job.

But for the aborigines, it doesn’t matter whether they have chicken soup or not.

They have long been accustomed to the sweet words of those gopher guys, and have believed in their sincere promises too many times.

Having been deceived countless times has made it difficult for these people to build trust in words.

They only believe in what they get.

Just like the supplies currently being distributed, this thing is a thousand or ten thousand times more powerful than chicken soup.



An excited man walked out of the first row of the team and walked respectfully to the material distribution table.

Although once Osmond was infected with the Hell Flower Virus, Quincy led his brothers to threaten him once.

But considering various circumstances and Quincy's original intention, Osmond, who survived, ultimately did not choose to pursue the case.

And now he has transferred Quincy to the position of deputy captain of the Public Security Department, still serving as his deputy.

And with this pull, Quincy, who was originally worried, instantly gave up all his thoughts and became Osmond's true confidant.

"Yesterday's statistics, what is your size?"


Quincy quickly reported a bunch of numbers, and the person in charge of sorting the material pile took out one item after another.

"Quincy, a set of cold-resistant supplies."

"It includes: one piece of regular clothes, one piece of cotton clothing, one piece of cotton trousers, one pair of cotton boots, one cotton hat, one pair of cotton gloves, three pairs of cotton socks and two pieces of underwear each."

There were eleven items, large and small. After counting them, Quincy grinned almost to his ears.

And new underwear?

Oh my God, is this what some damn homeless people get?

You know, even those gopher guys in the city don't have the luxury to wear new underwear, right?

Now that I have these, wouldn't I be happier than them?

He saw some envious eyes from behind, and then looked at the smile on Nunu's face.

Quincy understood instantly.

Not shy, not afraid of the cold.

In three strokes, he took off all his clothes and started to change his equipment with his bare buttocks bare.

The light gray underwear feels like silk.

Soft and warm.

Putting on the oily base clothes, Quincy even felt that he could no longer feel the cold just wearing these.

Opening the cotton suit, it is light and fluffy.

Put on this light gray cotton jacket and cotton trousers.


Oh boy, it’s actually getting hotter!

It's like going back to the time when spring is approaching summer. The strong warmth retention instantly brings enough heat.

After putting the cotton socks and cotton shoes on his feet, Quincy even had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

So awesome?

The eyes of those who saw it from close up were widened, although the people from far away did not know the specific situation.

But seeing Quincy's new outfit, the desire in his eyes can only be described as "drawn".

"Okay, don't show off. Just go to the cafeteria after receiving the supplies. There will be an extra cold-resistant meal today."

"Okay, thank you village chief."

Quincy left happily holding the changed clothes and the bag containing the new clothes.

Because he has set an example, the rest of the people naturally don't have to change their clothes right away like him.

Report the size first, then distribute and count.

It only takes about twenty seconds for one person to distribute the supplies, which is incredibly efficient.

This scene was extremely shocking to the young players observing and recording.

Their minds have already started to think about what kind of language the village should use to describe this scene next time.

"Simple, but not simple."

The old man saw the mystery.

Because they have not received education, the minds of the Blue Star Aboriginal people are very "empty".

In some cases, it is a derogatory term.

But after joining the Tianyuan Territory, this was a compliment.

They are like pieces of uncarved jade, very malleable.

It only takes a little carving to reveal a general outline of veins.

And what about the people on Earth?

In the era of information explosion, everyone has unconsciously created all kinds of strange shapes.

You can continue to carve, but it will take more time and patience to make changes to achieve the current effect.

But that's not a bad thing.

As the saying goes, if there is sacrifice, there must be gain, and if there is gain, there must be loss.

It is definitely not feasible to expect these indigenous people to engage in R\u0026D and innovation work.

It takes ten years to educate trees, and a hundred years to educate people.

It will take ten years to popularize basic education, and the wasteland simply does not have that much time to improve education.

The upper limit of these people is probably to do some highly repetitive labor work.

Becoming an excellent blue-collar worker is the ultimate goal of every wanderer.

Of course, there are some Rangers who are unwilling to achieve this goal.

Xia Zuo is one of the obvious examples.

At this time, he was mixed with Ram in the crowd. Although his face was also excited, it was more of a different kind of excitement.

"With these supplies, it will be more convincing for us to return to Qinggang."

Seeing Quincy's show off, Xia Zuo excitedly pumped his fists in the air.

He could already imagine the shivering homeless people seeing him, Xia Zuo, wearing a warm cotton suit.




No matter how many emotions there are, Xia Zuo believes that as long as these people hear about joining Tianyuan Territory, they can get it for free.

They will go crazy!

"Yes, yes, but we are wearing these. The guards in Qinggang are not blind."

Ram made a worried comment.

Now that it is distributed to all members for free, if a spy comes here wearing thin autumn clothes, it will be as conspicuous as a beacon in the dark night.

But conversely, the same would be true if they wore these to the Clear Harbor Refuge.

"So my plans changed a little bit more and we needed more disguises to make this happen."


"Yes, after communicating with Osmond yesterday, I suddenly felt that the success rate of my previous plan was not high. After all, I wanted to bring so many people across the border. It would be good if it succeeded. But once we are discovered, we will die. If it affects the territory and the village, it will be absolutely fatal!"

Xia Zuoruo knew what was going on, but there was no hint of panic on his face that his plan had been disrupted.

On the contrary, it reminded him.

Now a new bold plan was brewing in his mind.

And this set of cold-resistant supplies is one of the core points of the plan!

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