My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 570 A gratifying harvest! Develop energy-gathering rings!


"The opportunity for resources to be born, more than 100 points of loyalty, increased health, and points to obtain excellent levels!"

"This system really doesn't want me to rest. It just wants to stimulate me and let me go out and cause trouble!"

Looking at the neat flow of information in the territory attribute panel of the daily newspaper.

Su Mo said he was annoyed, but in his heart he was extremely happy.

As expected, continuously increasing the potential value of the territory really works.

For the lords of other territories who want to increase the potential value of their territories, there are only three ways to do it.

First, assign people to break away from their own territory and become free persons.

Then, the free people continued to capture other people's territories or unclaimed territories, and waited until they had acquired the identity of a lord before declaring a merger.

At this time, the potential values ​​of the two territories will be added together and become a higher value.

The advantage of this method is that as more areas are occupied, more types of resources are found. As long as there are enough manpower, it will have the effect of increasing productivity.

For example, the dwarves, who have hundreds of thousands of tribesmen, can use this method to squeeze the power of every population resource in a very short period of time, achieving a blowout development effect.

But this method also has a drawback that cannot be eliminated.

That is, no matter how high this value is, the territory environment within the unit area will still be the previous environment without any change.

Even if the total potential value reaches one hundred or five hundred, there will not be any qualitative change.

The second type is somewhat similar to the current situation in the depression.

It can be summed up in two words.


The potential value of a territory is determined not only by innate conditions, but also by acquired governance, development, and cultivation.

For example, the initial land is barren. After the fertility is improved through other methods, the potential value of the territory will increase and more effects will be born.

This is the method currently used by tree people, using their innate abilities to plant various plants to improve the environment of the territory and achieve the effect of increasing growth.

In the same way, using the cards issued by the game to upgrade resources will also increase the potential of the territory, and gradually have more attributes.

When it comes to the third type, it is a territory attribute that can be encountered but cannot be sought. Basically only large territories can find ways to tinker with it.

Over the past few days, since enjoying the bonuses from the Cave Heaven Paradise, Sumo has become more determined to accumulate colorful blessing bags and forcibly resisted the urge to open them every night.

Nothing else.

The bonus of territory attribute is too powerful.

Not to mention the reflection on the attribute panel, which has been improved by two or three points.

As for the air in the depression, every plant and tree, there have been changes that were previously imperceptible to the naked eye.

Of course, as the potential value gets higher and higher, the speed of the bonus is decreasing.

But it is undeniable how terrible its long-term value is.

As for other than these three methods, if you want to increase your potential value, it is not impossible.

But most of these methods are only partial.

Not only is it time-consuming and laborious, but it also involves taking great risks.

"Based on the intelligence and estimates collected over the past few days, there is a high probability that the dwarves are not that alien race with thousands of potential points. With their size and structure, 800 is the limit."

"The Demon Soul Tribe does not have the time to exploit and develop territory, but they have the convenience of doing business. The potential value of the territory should be around 150."

"As for the tree people, they may be higher, about 300-500."

"The potential value of my current territory is 1, which has reached the limit of a small territory in the New World."

"When this heavy snowfall passes, with the bonuses of the Territory Point and the Cave Heaven Paradise, I can pull him to around 30!"

From poverty to nothing, a saline-alkali land with only a fraction of its potential.

It has developed to a point where the grass is luxuriant and the land is fertile.

As someone who had witnessed the entire change with his own eyes, Sumo couldn't help but clenched his fists, feeling extremely excited.

The better the territory develops, the more people with loyalty exceeding 100 will naturally become more likely.

It will naturally be easier to implement various policies in the future.

As for the item reminded by the system that personal heroism might affect the implementation of the code, Sumo didn't think much about it and simply ignored it.


Not only must we keep pace with the times, but we must also adapt to local conditions.

Now the law is promoted above individuals.

As a lord, he must at least set an example first, keep himself within the rules, and let everyone supervise him.

Placed in a prosperous time, this can improve cohesion and bring everyone together.

But in the last days, that would be to tie one's own hands and feet and truly focus on one thing and lose another.

"35132, this should be the excellent plant detected last time. It seems that after the weather turns cold, it may not be able to handle it anymore, and it needs to be transplanted back as soon as possible."

"11098 seems to be the location of a freshwater lake. Could it be that a mutated carp was born in the carp group?"

Keep these two pieces of information in mind and arrange the schedule for the investigation.

After scanning the last sentence of Hao Qiang's good news, Sumo changed his mind and opened the survival point acquisition panel.

The last time I achieved excellent results was after I had just moved to the New World and accumulated more than ten days.

I didn’t expect that after winning the first territory war, I would gain so much.

With a faint flash of silver light, the data appeared.

[You successfully survived to the 103rd day of the wasteland, refreshing your lifeline length (survival points +500)]

[For the first time, your territory has more than fifty special combat forces, which will make your enemies sleepless (survival points +1000)]

[You successfully planned a foreign war and fully participated in plan formulation, plan supervision, and plan execution (survival points +1000)]

[Your territory launched a foreign war for the first time and achieved a perfect victory (survival points +5000)]

[Your territory has obtained a large amount of resources, enough to survive the long and cold winter, which makes you feel more relaxed (survival points +1000)]

[Milestone - War Beginner (completely participated in a war; blue survival point +10)]

[Milestone-clearance without injury Ⅰ (commanding a war involving a thousand people, no casualties; white survival points +2000; blue survival points +100; territory points +5)]

[Milestone - Cooperation I (Complete a certain goal with a strange race; white survival points +500)]

[Milestone - Fanatic Believer (the birth of a territorial citizen with loyalty exceeding 100 in the territory; blue survival point +100)]

[Final settlement]: White survival points +11000; Blue survival points +210; Territory points +1

[Remaining survival points]: White survival points: 37240; Blue survival points: 210; Territory points: 6


"It is indeed an excellent achievement. It actually gave me 200 blue survival points!"

Looking at the summary at the bottom, Sumo's eyes were bright.

As the last mass acquisition before the long winter, the number of points is directly related to the arrangement of subsequent plans.

Both white survival points and territory points can be accumulated over time.

But only the magical blue survival points can only be obtained by relying on special milestones.

200 points.

Its direct meaning means that two more useful states can be created, or other types of transformations can be carried out!

"With this point, why are you still hesitating? I will cooperate with Lu Kuan to build the energy extraction device this afternoon."

"Work overtime at night, and we can arrange a power test by tomorrow!"

time is money.

Spend whatever survival points you need.

Being able to use some points that can be obtained every day to complete the last finishing touches is definitely not a waste.

Solve Lu Kuan and others as soon as possible and place them in other positions to open up the situation.

This is the best use of talents right now!

Sumo figured this out quickly, put away the attribute panel, and ran down the mountain at a brisk pace.

It's half past eight.

Most of the villagers in the village had already gotten up and started washing themselves with hot water.

The canteen at the back of the village was also on fire at this time.

Every now and then, the smoke rises up the chimney, bringing with it a strong aroma of rice, which makes people feel excited.

On the way, I saw Soma running with joy.

The other villagers also smiled involuntarily.

All thoughts about the tired sleep last night were completely forgotten in my mind.

After skillfully walking through the village path, he came to the canteen and greeted the two villagers squatting on the ground eating at the door.

Sumo strode into the cafeteria.

Except for the day when he ventures back from outside and celebrates, all the management will eat together with the ordinary villagers.

Most other times, the cafeteria opens first for management and key personnel.

Ordinary villagers had no objection to this, and Sumo had no objection, so it was followed as an invisible rule.

Now as soon as I walked in, I met you.

Then they met Chen Shen and Pei Shao, who were walking over with a bowl of rice porridge and tired faces on their faces.

"Hey, Director, why are you so happy today!"

"Quick, quick, Director, you sit down first, I'll help you get the porridge."

It had been a long time since I saw Sumo so happy so early in the morning. The two of them looked at each other, with joy overflowing from their faces.

Past experience tells them.

Whether it's a bumper harvest of food, the appearance of the Hope, or a blowout of territory resources.

Soma behaves like this every time.

Without exception, depression will usher in a milestone reform or harvest.

"No matter what, I have good news for everyone, come to me!"

Pulling Pei Shao, who was about to turn around to serve the soup, the three of them walked side by side and came to the table where twelve managers were sitting.

Seeing Su Mo's posture, everyone was stunned and couldn't help but get excited.

Don't sell it.

Seeing everyone acting curious, Sumo cleared his throat and said excitedly:

"Telling everyone good news"

"In the afternoon, no, tomorrow at the latest, we will be able to get electricity!"

"Not a small area, not an individual, all rooms and everyone can enjoy electricity!"


It was like dropping a missile into a calm lake.

Before Sumo finished speaking, there were only a few thumps.

The soup bowl that Chen Shen was holding in his hand fell directly onto the table, and the rice porridge spilled out in all directions.

The steamed bun with mixed vegetables in Pei Shao's hand fell straight to the ground and slid forward several times.

Su Yuan's chopsticks came out of his hand with too much force, tumbling a few times on the table and falling into Qi Qin's bowl.

Even a sharp-eyed villager who just saw him approaching, carrying a bowl of soup to show his courtesy.

He couldn't take out the bowl in his hand, so it fell to the ground and broke into five pieces.

For a while, the atmosphere was extremely dull, as if the sultry weather was about to usher in a heavy rain, making it difficult to breathe.

Looking around, he saw everyone who was completely stunned.

Sumo was not surprised, and felt a strange sense of pride rising in his heart.

The meaning of electricity.

Not because of the strategic nature it provides, but because of its extremely powerful comprehensiveness!

With electricity, it directly means that the territory can survive the four stages of human power, animal power, steam, and internal combustion engines.

It has the most convenient, best to find and utilize energy!

When using electricity in ordinary life, as long as the corresponding utilization equipment is in place, most of the troubles can be solved directly.

The use of electricity in industrial production can amplify personal productivity to the extreme, producing the effect of one to ten, or one to one hundred.

Just like the Demon Soul Clan who have the ability to camouflage, the Tree People who can open up the plant kingdom, the Transformers of the Light Empire who have the ability to transform, and the dwarves who have the technology of the past.

Have complete power and corresponding utilization equipment.

Human beings have weapons in the true sense and have the opportunity to show their claws!

"There is also good news. Although our initial supply of electricity is not much, it can only reach one to two kilowatt hours per capita."

"But this electricity is completely free, just like solar energy, and does not require us to spend any additional resources."

Another big news.

The people who are still in the confused stage are left behind, looking at me and me, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Somo stood up happily, went to the back hall, got two more steamed buns with mixed vegetables, and brought back the white porridge that he had spent the night and sat down.

At this time, Chen Shen, who had the strongest ability to accept, finally came to his senses with difficulty and swallowed a mouthful of saliva:

"Director, are you sure we can use it tomorrow?"

"I'm sure, Lu Kuan has been leading people to study it for many days, and we just need the finishing touch. It can be completed today and applied tomorrow!"


Since their "resurrection", Lu Kuan and Ai Jianfeng have been working hard at the Neng Stone Mine recently. Sometimes they don't even bother to eat, and they are so busy with this matter.

Everyone present knew it.

After all, everyone has participated in the work of building new mines, deploying manpower, and delineating warning zones.

But as to what the two of them were researching and what the use of the energy stone was, everyone present had no idea.

Of course, it wasn't that they hadn't asked, but every time they asked, Lu Kuan would suppress everyone's curiosity with the excuse that he was only responsible for Somo's report.

But no one expected that the two of them were actually studying


Enough to supply free energy to the entire village and entire territory!

As soon as he slapped the table, Qi Qin stood up and screamed: "Damn it, do we have electricity here?"

Su Yuan didn't hesitate and stood up: "Is it still free electricity, the kind that can be stably provided every day?"

Li Hu even more simply punched himself twice in the chest, chanting in an unknown dialect!

Everyone's performance is different, but the same thing is that they are crazy about fun!

"Okay, everyone, please calm down."

"We will have more surprises this winter!"

Afraid that something would go wrong with these people like Fan Jin who passed the exam, Somo knocked on the edge of the table and tried to calm down the atmosphere.

But the reality is.

Until the meal was finished, everyone was still restless and wanted to run out and roll crazily in the snow to vent their excitement.

There was no other way, so Sumo had no choice but to change the subject and start making arrangements.

"Pei Shao, there is an excellent plant at this location. You will send planting professionals over later to transplant it back as completely as possible. This thing is very sensitive to the cold, so be careful not to damage it!"

"I plan to sow the seeds I brought back from the tree people's territory in the next two days, so the greenhouse plan we built before, it is best to push it forward quickly, not to mention how many acres it will be built, at least Have a place to plant things and observe them.”

"Also, the heavy snowfall is coming soon. Although we have prepared a lot now, there are also many exposed problems, such as the snow clearing channel on the prefabricated house, the large snow truck for disaster relief, and the tools that everyone has. Disaster resilience planning, etc.”


One by one, Soma assigned people the many issues he had considered last night.

Watching everyone retreat with their tasks, he said again to Chen Shen and Shen Ke who were left behind:

"I can only provide you with general direction control. For specific details, you still need to go down and find the right people to promote it."

Chen Shen nodded quickly: "That's enough, Director, you have done enough, just leave these little things to us."

Shen Ke also followed: "I will ensure that the supplies are distributed in place and there will be no problems!"

"Great, let's get to work!"

He sent the two of them away with his eyes, and after finishing the last mouthful of porridge in the bowl, Somo felt happy.

In the past, he had to do these little things alone and slowly.

Just like building a greenhouse for winter, if he were alone, he would have to select a site, plow the land, find materials, build a frame, and conduct tests.

But now, it only takes one sentence to do it.

In the meantime, it’s more than just saving time!

Decided to upgrade directly.

Su Mo stood up and took the food packed by the villagers next to him for Lu Kuan and Su Chan. Then he walked back along the road from the village to the shelter.

But this time, before he left the village, he saw Lu Kuan wearing only one shoe in the distance, running toward the village like a madman.

During this period, he almost fell down when he saw Somo.

Fortunately, Su Mo's quick eyes and hands prevented him from choking on the hard pebbles.

"What's wrong, what happened!"

"Successful! I succeeded! The energy-gathering ring using the energy stone was successful!"

No panting up and down, no show-off.

Seeing the look of astonishment on Su Mo's face, Lu Kuan stood up straight in excitement.

"In the model, relying on the characteristics of the energy stone, the energy-gathering ring we developed can not only perfectly utilize the energy stored in it."

"It can better achieve the effect of energy concentration, making the transmission loss ratio"

"Almost zero!"

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