My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 587 Traffic mission, a crazy new continent!

After the integration, there will be a switch button in the upper right corner of the ranking list. Google search reading

They are: human, alien

If you choose humans, aliens will be blocked.

In the same way, if you choose a foreign race, humans will temporarily disappear from the list.

There is no rush to switch to the human list and see who the territories in front of you are.

Sumo first scanned the top twenty names on the first page of the big list and saw a few familiar names.

"Dwarves of all nations (different), Lord: Mansurbek Kadi; ranked seventh, with a total of 618,560 people under his territory, occupying an area of ​​32,400 square kilometers, with a total of 19,125 small residences, 4,985 medium residences, and large residences in the territory 1,182 rooms, 148 luxury residences”

"There are 71 high-level production buildings, 488 intermediate-level production buildings, and 2,295 low-level production buildings in the territory."

"There are 4 resources above level 6 in the territory, 125 resources from level 4 to level 6, and 686 resources below level 4."

"Four special buildings and three special buffs!"

"Territory prosperity is 91, territory development is 94, and territory health is 88."

"Bright Empire (different), Lord: Yuan Shi; Ranked 18, with a total of 116,852 people under its territory, occupying an area of ​​6,840 square kilometers. There are 4,125 small residences, 285 medium residences, and 49 large residences in the territory, luxury style 11 residential houses”

“There are 9 high-level production buildings, 37 intermediate-level production buildings, and 251 low-level production buildings in the territory.”

“There is 1 resource above level 6 in the territory, 7 resources from level 4 to level 6, and 63 resources below level 4.”

"Two special buildings, two special buffs!"

"Territory prosperity is 77, territory development is 81, and territory health is 61"

"Shanyue Territory (people), lord: Feng Mengyue, ranked 20th, has a total of 12,631 people under its territory, and occupies an area of ​​1,870 square kilometers. There are 67 small residences, 18 medium-sized residences, and 3 large residences in the territory."

"There is one special-grade production building and three high-grade production buildings in the territory."

"In the territory, there is 1 resource of level 7 or above, 1 resource of level 4 to 6, and four resources below level 4."

"One special building, one special gain"

"Territory prosperity is 28, territory development is 21, and territory health is 93."

The dwarves are seventh, and the Empire of Light is eighteen.

There is no problem with the ranking of these two territories.

Relying on their own numbers, the dwarves frantically exploded troops, occupied empty territories and resources, and simply used numerical values ​​to place themselves in the top ten.

The Bright Empire relied on its solid foundation to develop slowly. If it weren't for the previous battle with the Demon Soul Clan, which suffered a wave of damage, its ranking would definitely be higher.

However, on to the twentieth place.

After seeing the three familiar words Feng Mengyue, Su Mo felt a little enlightened.

The memory goes back to when I first traveled to the wasteland, in order to build an underground shelter.

Su Mo still clearly remembered that he spent a sum of psionic water and exchanged it with Feng Mengyue for rare grade bulletproof glass.

Relying on this glass, he finally successfully blocked the attack of five gangsters on a rainy night, completing a counterattack that attracted worldwide attention.

And when the second snowstorm disaster came.

Almost all the lone wolf live broadcast rooms ranked in the top ten are criticizing him, the fast-falling "God Su".

At that time, only Feng Mengyue stood up, engaged in a verbal battle with the crowd, and competed intensely with tens of millions of keyboard kings.

From then on, Su Mo thought that Feng Mengyue would fly higher and higher, relying on the early advantages and bonuses to snowball and gradually develop.

But the strange thing is, after the snowstorm is over.

Including the end of disaster on the ocean, these three words are the same as those who have appeared on the leaderboard before.

A flash in the pan.

Never appeared in public view again.

"The last time the wind blew, it seemed that Feng Mengyue was still making deals with foreigners."

"It's only been a month, but she has developed to such an extent!"

through publicly available data.

It was not difficult for Sumo to judge what opportunities Feng Mengyue had to break into the top twenty of all races in the new continent.

In all likelihood, it is a ruin!

Feng Mengyue's territory actually has a special production building that neither the dwarves nor the Empire of Light possess.

Feng Mengyue's territory also has resources above level seven that the first two do not have.

Just relying on these two "behemoths", I don't know how much they account for in the calculation.

Even the prosperity and construction of her territory are lower than those of the depression.

But as reflected in the ranking, it was over a hundred places higher than those from other places!

"Level Seven Resources"

"KF Energy Stone is only the top level three resource so far. I really can't imagine what a spectacular sight the seventh level resource will be!"

Somo clicked his tongue.

The ruins are a treasure, and it all depends on one's luck.

If you are unlucky, you will die, but if you are lucky, you will reach the sky in one step, saving you years or even decades of hard work.

"There are seventeen human territories in front of me."

"None of these seventeen are developing on their own, but they all rely on finding ruins and occupying them to get ahead of me."

“This is really true”

Directly inherit the mantle of others.

Not only can you see the world from the shoulders of giants, but you can also continue to fight with the body of a giant.

This kind of reaching the sky in one step is simply too convenient.

So after reading for a while, even Sumo was a little jealous and wished he could take people out to search for the ruins at dawn.


Sumo quickly calmed down again.

Today, there are currently two companies in the top ten that have completely disclosed their attributes.

They are the seventh dwarf of all nations, and the third son of the forest.

It is different from the luck of human beings arriving at ruins.

What these two aliens reveal to the outside world is entirely their own solid background, without a trace of moisture.

If you put your hope in the ruins, you can surpass these rapidly developing alien races.

It is undoubtedly a fantasy.

“You have to be tough to make iron!”

"The owners of these ruins are just losers. They failed to survive countless disasters and ended up in this situation."

"Therefore, the ruins can only be regarded as the icing on the cake, not as a help in times of need, otherwise they will destroy their own future!"

If you rashly open up a relic of the old days where technological development was progressing well.

Before there was no foundation in the depression.

It is easy for the former to be strong in the short term, causing the technology tree in the territory to be shelved, delaying the progress, and thus failing to recover.

But if there is a foundation.

It can absorb the essence inside very well and feed it back into the previous technology tree to form something more profound.

Which one is more important?

Sumo knew clearly.

After a few clicks, he exited the ranking list and cleared his mind. Somo silently thought about calling the ghost assistant.

"I've finished reading the rankings"

The little ghost spun around in the air: "Okay, I'll introduce you to the remaining three functions."

Clicking into the third disaster relief channel, facing the empty interior, the ghost continued:

"We will no longer set up live broadcasts on the current disaster relief channel, but set up video collection."

"The collection will randomly intercept pictures based on the player's performance and generate a video. After watching the video, the player can freely decide to delete parts and upload them, or decide whether to upload them."

“Once the video is uploaded and the number of views exceeds the level, you can receive airdrop rewards.”

On the one hand, it is to prevent players from using the live broadcast room to communicate to deal with disasters and reduce the difficulty of disasters.

On the other side, they want to stimulate some players who are usually lying flat and useless to regain their fighting spirit and continue to participate in the plan of raising gu.

Taken together, the game did not fully upgrade the disaster channel, cutting it out.

Instead, it was fine-tuned in a softer way.

From now until the end of the disaster, every "big" action in the territory will be captured and made into a simple video by the game.

In the end, it is up to the player to decide whether to make a second production and upload the video.

"Huh? So, now it's changed to a short video format?"

Familiar routines, familiar recipes.

After understanding what the elf said, Sumo suddenly felt surprised.

Everyone has the opportunity to publish videos, and also has the permission to publish videos.

After some preparation, billions or even tens of billions of videos will be sent to this channel intermittently and made into a short video format.

When the time comes, just open the panel and find a recliner to lie down on.

By opening the Disaster Resistance Channel, you can restore the grand scene of "a certain sound" in your previous life!

"Based on your previous disaster relief performance, your video will gain traffic weight. Once you choose to publish it, we will deliver it to a large area in advance to bring you more views."

"Based on the number of views in the first issue, your subsequent videos will also receive equal rights."

“Please work hard to create better pictures for submission~”

Click the exclamation point in the upper right corner of the disaster relief channel, and a three-line prompt pops up.

Once again, Sumo's judgment was supported.

Ordinary people, if they post videos on this channel.

It is very likely that due to the large number of people, even if the disaster is over, they will not get a few rounds.

In this case, there is no natural playback volume.

Airdrop is just a sweet dream.

In large territories, the videos posted by those at the top of the rankings, whether they are lords or subjects, will receive traffic weight.

It is equivalent to being born to win at the starting line.

When the video quality is the same, the latter is naturally far superior.

"So, there must be tasks to increase traffic in the next task list, right?"

The ghost was stunned for a moment, then he praised without hesitation: "You are worthy of being the first player in disaster relief, player Sumo, you are very smart."

The words fell.

The task list opens automatically.

"The task list is a unique function of the lord version. In this function, you can take your subordinates to complete tasks by yourself."

“The mission rewards are rich, including not only basic rewards such as materials and resources, but also unique rewards such as special buildings, territory attributes, and ruins locations.”

“The most important thing is that every time you complete a task, you can get a certain amount of traffic based on the task difficulty star rating.”

"The traffic lord can allocate it by himself, and can choose to use it on his own videos, or give it to outstanding people under his command."

Ring within a ring.

A plan within a plan.

Five functions, closely related.

Like a big net, as long as players want to get rewards, they will be trapped in it in an instant.

"The ruins function is currently closed because it has been detected that there are no accessible ruins in your current territory."

"You need to detect that the ruins are open, or you go to other aliens before you can use it."

"Now, do you need me to refresh the latest task list and territory construction suggestions for you?"

Sumo made a nasal sound: "Brush it!"

at this point.

Sumo has already made some guesses about this game update and its purpose.

Exactly the same as I thought before.

After tasting the benefits and installing the "Real Survival" version, the game has woken up and started to truly help players run forward.

First, use high-pressure disasters to squeeze out players' potential and motivation.

When guiding through disasters, increase the proportion of the game's response to disasters, so that the authority behind it can be plundered during the final perfect evaluation.

Both ways, he, who knew the inside story, was a little ready to take action.

If it were someone who didn't know the inside story, he would have been confused when he came up.

The ghost operates on its own.

Staring at the empty mission panel.

Sumo was not in a hurry and waited patiently for the font change above to finish.

Cup of tea.

Three handwritings of different lengths floated out from it, gradually evolving into Chinese characters, lying across the panel.

[Task 1: Running on a snowy day (★)]

[Task description: Lead more than 500 people to run non-stop for more than 100 kilometers in the snow, exercising a strong body and incomparable willpower]

[Task requirements: speed above 10 kilometers per hour, rest times less than or equal to three times throughout the journey, and a single rest period less than ten minutes]

[Task reward: 100 units of beef (1 unit = 10kg), 100 units of flour, ice cream*500, two-door refrigerator*20, 100L freezer*10]

[Traffic reward: 300,000]

[Task 2: Paradise (★★)]

[Task description: Ensure that the snow thickness within a three-kilometer radius does not exceed 30 centimeters, and maintain the normal daily life of the territorial residents throughout the process]

[Task requirements: Within 24 hours after accepting the task, the snow thickness within three kilometers must be kept below 30 cm throughout the entire process, otherwise the judgment will fail]

[Task reward: 1 creek (can be released after the disaster), 50 peach trees, 20 acres of black land, 10 cattle]

[Traffic reward: 2 million]

[Task 3: Infrastructure Maniac (★★★★)]

[Task description: Real infrastructure workers never need to rest. The more difficult the environment, the more motivated the infrastructure construction workers will be.]

[Task requirements: After accepting the task, until the end of the disaster, expand 10 small residential buildings, 3 medium-sized residential buildings, 2 primary production buildings, and 1 intermediate production building]

[Task reward: Creature release*300,000 (will be released after the disaster is over, there is no limit on the type of creatures, but the number of small mammals is guaranteed to be \u003e1,000)]

[Traffic reward: 10 million]



From beginning to end, after seeing clearly the requirements of the three tasks and the rewards behind them, Sumo only had one thought in his mind!


This time the New World is going completely crazy!

The disaster is not over yet, but the area around the game will become a carnival for a few people!

It would be even better if everyone's tasks were similar to what they are doing now.

So don’t think too much, most people will try to complete it even if they risk their lives.

After all, this is the reward.

It’s so tempting as never before!

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