My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 989 Hyena King, another underground passage!

The scattered shrapnel was like the whisper of death, flying across the ground under the impact of the explosion.

The surface area of ​​each piece may be only a few square centimeters, but under the acceleration of the explosive explosion, the lethality caused is not half less than that of a bullet.

The poor plunderers had just fallen to the ground, and then they jumped up from the ground as if they had bullets under their buttocks.

Screams and howls, rude and wanton curses and gunshots made this quiet neighborhood lively in an instant.

"No, someone ambushed us!"

"It's definitely the damn old gophers. These are the cancer in the city. They have captured so many of our brothers, and now they are not willing to let us go!"

"Kill, fight them!"

“Where are the people, where are the people??”

"They're lying on the ground, be careful of the ground, they're hiding in the mist!"

"Catch them, I will smash their heads with a hammer and feed all the stinking brains to the radiation beast!"

There were twenty-three marauders on the ground.

In the first wave, two men were taken away by the male gunman, and then four more were killed on the spot by grenades thrown at them.

At this time, I heard that the enemy was hiding in the thick fog and was still lying on the ground.

Immediately, no less than half of the remaining seventeen people considered retreating.

But unfortunately, as a predator approaching the manhole cover just took a step, a sharp arrow flashed from the shadows.


The dazzling blood splashed in the air, bringing with it a sad blood flower.

Under the advantage of this environment, the advantage of cold weapons was fully utilized by the three-person team, like poisonous snakes, always lurking and preparing to attack.

"Spread out, spread out!"

"Evacuate first, leave this place first!"

A man who seemed to be the captain of the raiders shouted, and the crowd that had just gathered some fighting spirit suddenly dispersed.

In fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to resist.

But now not only do we not know the location of the other party, we don't even know how many people there are.

Continuing to compete with the opponent will only drag the team into a greater disadvantage.

"The Radiant Beast is coming."

"Quick victory!"

In the chaos, the excited shouts of Goubi, the old Taoist, rang out.

If it was quiet before, the predators could barely rely on the sound to locate their location.

However, after the chaos, the crowd was running away, and they couldn't care less about where the enemy was.

Under such indescribable fear.

In the shadows, the wolf crossbow in the male gunman's hand kept firing, accurately hitting the predators who were running madly.

At first, some people tried to resist, picking up their guns and shooting at the ground.

But unfortunately, since the poor predators couldn't even see their enemies, these resistances were destined to be in vain.

Before the first wave of radiation beasts arrived, the male gunman calmly squatted down and fired the last crossbow bolt.


The poisonous arrow covered in paralysis fluid accurately hit the predator captain's calf, causing the opponent to fall straight to the ground in an instant.

"Drag him away and leave this place first."

Dream Taoist and Lao Dao stepped forward, quickly took out a piece of hemp rope from their backpack, and tied the captain's hands and feet.

Then, the two of them skillfully carried it on their shoulders and hurriedly followed the male gun brother and disappeared into the mist.

Less than thirty seconds passed.

Sure enough, figures of radiation beasts began to appear in the shadows of the mist.

Compared to the mutated hyena encountered in Somo near the northern suburbs.

The hyenas in this holy land of radioactive beasts in the southern suburbs are even more ferocious and much larger in size. Even the smallest ones are as big as calves.

Whether it's the sixty-centimeter long outer fangs, the metallic-glossy claws under the soles of its feet, or the nearly one-meter-long barbed tail.

When a normal human encounters such a monster whose whole body is "served" for attack, without large-caliber firepower weapons, there is absolutely no chance of victory.

Jumping to the center point where the grenade had just exploded, the mutant hyena sniffed the air angrily for the smell of gunpowder smoke that could bring back bad memories, and made a blood-curdling hissing sound from its mouth.

They were walking back and forth on the ground, seemingly trying to find the location of the guy who had just released the grenade.

But alas, the complex flavor of the predators rushing back and forth has washed away most of the tracks.

Until a hyena king, who was as big as a small elephant, slowly walked out of the shadowy fog, other hyenas failed to find the survivor.


Completely different from ordinary mutant hyenas, the level of evolution of the Hyena King is even more shocking.

Its seemingly dry hair, if you look carefully, you can actually see layers of fine lines intertwined together, like ancient chain mail, completely covering the fragility inside.

The two-meter-long tail swayed back and forth in the air, and a slight tap on the ground revealed an obvious depression.

At the same time, his claws are even more terrifyingly sharp, leaving obvious claw holes on the ground every time he walks.

Coupled with fangs that are nearly one meter long, if placed in the era of cold weapons, this monster could stand firmly at the top of the food chain!

Slowly walking to the place where the grenade exploded, a trace of human fear flashed in the eyes of the Hyena King.

The hyena clan is respected for its strength.

During the "long" nine years of dog life, it has become the well-deserved "longevity dog" among the mutated hyenas in the entire southern suburbs.

Relying on the "experience" of having escaped dozens or hundreds of hunting by wanderers in the past few years, defeating countless young hyenas who tried to challenge their status, and leading the hyena tribe to win territory many times.

In the complex sphere of influence of the Radiation Leader in the entire southern suburbs, every hyena here respects it extremely.

It just erodes over time.

More than a year ago, when it once again tried to take down the defiant young hyena with ease as before.

The hyena king began to realize with horror.

Its claws were no longer so sharp, with chipped chips and blunt edges.

Its body is no longer strong, and its low and out-of-control muscles look like a refuge for those human beer bellies.

Even more, it found that its appetite began to shrink, and it could no longer eat as much food as it did when it was young, and its digestion ability was greatly weakened.

The world of radiant beasts is one of jungle.

Facing those newly born and strong young hyenas, even the hyena king's brain may be only the size of a baby's fist and does not have many complex emotions.

But without these advantages, it still started to be afraid day after day, and afraid day after day.

More than a month ago, when the humans in the western suburbs started a war again, a young and strong hyena led the tribe to migrate here to avoid the disaster.

For the first time, the hyena king felt like running away.

It was afraid that the other party would sneak up on it on a rainy night, bite its fragile throat like it was when it was young, and suck the foul-smelling but extremely pleasurable blood inside.

It is afraid that ordinary hyenas who were willing to surrender will find out that the old hyena king has grown old and become members of the hyena clan of that age, and in turn deal with themselves.

In the past years, it has been the king for too long and has long forgotten how to nod and bow.

At the same time, in order to compete for territory, it also offended many nearby radioactive beasts.

Once these damn guys discover the betrayal of ordinary hyenas, they will never let go of this opportunity for revenge.

Under various complex considerations.

With the continuous tactical nuclear explosions yesterday, the hyena king could no longer bear the fear in his heart and ran away with his tail between his legs.

Before leaving, it saw the mocking eyes of the young hyena king and the pride of becoming the leader.

Strangely enough, after realizing that the other party didn't come up to kill them all, it was actually a little lucky and didn't feel the slightest bit angry.

Escape from this area and come to the very edge of the southern suburbs.

After hiding in the ruins of a narrow building, the Hyena King thought that he would grow old slowly in the wilderness for the rest of his life and eventually die in an inconspicuous corner.

But reality has made a big joke with it.

It was just a night, just a pain that was so painful that I fainted.

Wait until you wake up again the next day.

Everything has changed!

In the reflection of the city's water, it stared blankly at its completely unfamiliar body, and its chaotic mind felt an unprecedented sense of clarity.

When faced with inedible food before, it just understood that it would make it very uncomfortable.

But now, it suddenly knew that eating that food would make it sick.

Get ill?

When this term came to his mind, the Hyena King shook his head in confusion and looked around.

What made him extremely satisfied were the radiation beasts that appeared from the shadows, and fear appeared in their eyes again.

Just like the young male hyenas looked at it when it had just secured its throne as the Hyena King.

"I've become stronger! I want revenge!"

"I want to become the king of this city again, and I want to kill all the damn humans!"

An inexplicable thought began to linger in the Hyena King's mind.

It stupefiedly went back along the way it escaped, and stood in front of the young hyena king again.

Over the course of one night, the opponent's size also changed significantly, at least more than doubling in size.

But compared to its body which is at least five times bigger.

He only used less than 20% of his strength until the familiar taste of blood rushed out of his mouth and began to surge.

The hyena king finally came to his senses in a daze.

Once again, it became the well-deserved "hyena king" of the entire hyena clan.

It's just that compared to before, this time it's much easier, it's like a dream!


A hint of smell rushed into the nasal cavity, and the hyena king raised his head and glanced faintly into the distance.

If the old man were still here at this time, he would definitely be horrified to find that the hyena king had located the direction in which the three people had just escaped so quickly.

But strangely, the hyena king didn't give chase right away.

It glanced at the corpses left on the ground around it, flicked its tail in satisfaction, and gave a low command in its mouth.

Are you kidding me about dealing with armed humans?

Their terrifying weapons are not like the non-threatening claws and claws of the radiation beasts, and they cannot even break through the defense.

The residual power of yesterday's explosion still lingered in his mind, and the Hyena King knew exactly what he should do now.

Find more food until the pain comes again.

Only more ferocious.

Only by becoming stronger can you become the top predator in this city!

Before that, it was supposed to avoid fighting as much as possible and lead the tribe to become stronger.



After hearing the leader's order, a group of hyenas who were still vigilant immediately gave up their vigilance and began to rush towards the corpse on the ground to enjoy it.

The area around the manhole cover suddenly turned into a hyena paradise!

"Damn it, this Qinggang City is really not a place for people to live now, it's too dangerous!"

After escaping for a kilometer, I heard the barking still evident behind me.

The old man cursed and wiped the blood from his face, then punched the predator captain's wound.


Even though he was still in a state of paralysis, he could clearly feel the person on his shoulders shaking and throbbing in pain.

"It's okay, those radioactive beasts, they can't always be there waiting for us."

"Besides, as long as we can find out the safe way to the underground, we can avoid most dangers."

Taking a deep breath, Dream Taoist sketched the nearby terrain on paper while looking for a hiding place.

Soon, a half-collapsed two-story hut came into view.

"go there!"

The top of the hut has completely collapsed, with a gap in the front and sides.

This kind of distribution just meets the current needs. There is a place to defend and a place to retreat.

Of course, it's just right for interrogation.

After clearing away some debris blocking the road, the two of them first threw the hard-bodied predator inside, then bent down and walked in.

The male gunman carefully erased the traces left nearby before following him inside.

"It's already four o'clock in the afternoon, and we don't have much time left."

"Before seven o'clock, we must find the entrance to the bottom."

Covered by heavy fog, the poor sunlight is not enough to illuminate anything, but at least it can clearly see the surrounding ten meters.

But if it's nighttime, without a light on, it's really hard to see!

After briefly treating the arrow wound on the leg of the predator captain, Dream Taoist took out a small bottle from his back.

The vial contained a blue viscous liquid and had a small label attached to it.

‘sobering fluid’

The sap squeezed from a small grass can alleviate the effects of paralyzing sap.

Open the bottle and feed the predator a few drops.

After about a few minutes, the stiff body began to soften, and the trembling lips began to return to normal.


"It hurts me to death!"

The first time he regained consciousness, Rosas almost fainted from the pain.

These three damn wanderers, don't they know that although the sobriety liquid can relieve the paralysis effect, it will also amplify the painful effect?

However, this thought only flashed through his mind for a moment.

Because the second he just spoke, the male gun brother took out a knife from nowhere.

The dazzling cold light burst from the tip of the knife and gently touched his throat.

"Say, wandering in the jungle, safe, why, go!"

The weird and rigid pre-war accent, the sporadic spelling of nouns, and the calm expression of the male gunman.

If it was normal, Rosas might have said something sarcastic.

But now, he had an intuition.

If you don’t answer the next question well, the knife in the opponent’s hand will definitely be stabbed down in an instant!

"I know a way to get to the Wandering Jungle."

"Just start from our base, just start from there, it only takes half an hour to get there!"

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