Su Xin walked around the room where the cage was and found nothing worth noting, so he teleported away.

Ten minutes later.

Su Xin walked around the entire building.

He was a little curious about Kangbo Biological Company's research, but just by looking around like this, it was difficult to see much useful information.

He simply returned to the entrance of the building, stood outside the security room door and slit his own throat.

Located in the control room inside the building.

Two neatly dressed security guards sat on chairs, chatting leisurely, occasionally glancing at the wall-to-wall surveillance screens.

At a certain moment, one of the security guards suddenly sat upright and exclaimed:

"Oops! Something happened!"

"What? What's wrong?"

The other security guard was startled and quickly looked at the surveillance screen.

"Monitor No. 2, someone is dead."

The security guard who was the first to react said something at a very fast speed, and at the same time pressed the intercom on his collar and reported urgently:

"Report to the captain! The security room at the entrance was attacked, two people died, and the murderer was not found!"

"Report to the captain! The security room at the entrance was attacked, two people died, and the murderer was not found!"

When the news came out, the entire security team moved into action, and some armed security guards rushed toward the door.

Su Xin stood outside the door of the security room and soon heard the sound of hurried footsteps approaching quickly.

The sensing range of the supersensory shape tracing characteristic is ten meters, and ten meters may seem like a very short distance in an open area, but inside a building, the sensing distance of ten meters is enough to cover several rooms and several floors.

Usually, the height of a six-story residential building is only about 20 meters. Standing on the middle floor, Su Xin can sense the situation of the entire building.

In order to explore the inside of the experimental building in more detail, Su Xin walked around inside, focusing on some objects that were close to each other and observing them carefully.

In fact, the height of this experimental building is only more than 20 meters. Even if Su Xin is standing on the first floor, he can sense everyone below the fourth floor.

Not to mention that the other party is moving, so he can easily recognize the other party without using his brain to distinguish.

"Just die to me."

Su Xin looked indifferent and wiped the knife from his throat forcefully one after another.

Every second, three security guards would spurt blood from their throats and fall limply.

In just a few seconds, all the security guards below the fourth floor fell to the ground, some lifeless, and some still twitching.

In the surveillance room, the two security guards who saw this scene completely slumped in their chairs, staring stupidly at the corpses scattered all over the surveillance screen.

The security captain is dead.

Most of the security guards were also dead.

The remaining people did not dare to act anymore.

Seeing that no one appeared within the range of the supersensory tracing for several minutes, Su Xin returned to the building. After testing, he brought the two security guards in the monitoring room into the ten-meter range and killed them in the same way. other side.

At this point, only the room with eight cages on the sixth floor is left in the entire building, and a few security guards hiding in other places on the floor are still alive.

Su Xin teleported to the sixth floor.

A figure appeared outside the prison.

"Bang bang!!"

Two shots destroyed the camera in the corner.

The gunfire also woke up the five people in the cage.

Seeing Su Xin, who was dressed in black robes and holding a pistol, the five of them huddled in the corner of the bed and shivered.

Su Xin looked at them calmly:

"Tell me, who are you?"

The five people looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Su Xin frowned, raised his pistol and slowly swept it over several people, and said indifferently:

"Answer my questions, and I will let you out. Otherwise, you will end up like everyone else here, and you will all die."

One of them took courage and asked:

"Aren't you a staff member here? Have you killed people here?"

"Yes, answer my question quickly!"

"I said, I said, my name is Nie Dingwen, I come from Dongshu State. I came to Tongwa City before, but I woke up here. Some people in white coats gave me a lot of injections and locked me in a cage. If I resist or disobey, they will shock me with electric batons. Now I don’t even know how many days have passed outside.”

"There are other people in these cages, but every one or two days, people will have various abnormal changes, some will even die directly, and then be dragged out by the staff, and then new people will be locked in. .”

"I've been here for about half a month, and I've seen more than a dozen people dragged away."

"We must have been used for human experiments, big brother! Please save us!"

Su Xin walked to the opponent's cage and shot the lock. Perhaps the locks were not very strong and were broken apart with one shot.

Seeing this, the young man named Nie Dingwen was surprised and happy. Seeing Su Xin take a few steps back, he cautiously walked to the door of the cage, pulled off the broken lock, and tentatively walked out.

Su Xin ignored him and looked at the others:

"What about you? What's going on?"

Perhaps because they had Nie Dingwen's example before them, or perhaps they knew that staying in a cage would lead to death sooner or later, so they rushed to introduce their own experiences.

Similar to Nie Dingwen’s situation, three of these people were also foreign tourists. Some were taken away while sleeping, some were taken away in the street, and one was an ordinary company employee from a nearby city with a family The connections were very simple, and one night he was arrested on his way home after working overtime.

However, these people only roughly knew that they were being used as experimental subjects. As for the specific experiments performed by the other party, they had no idea at all.

They don't even know that superpowers exist.

"I have killed most of the security guards in this building. Only two security guards are hiding on this floor. Next, you can figure out your own way wherever you want to go..."

As he said that, Su Xin was about to teleport away, but suddenly remembered that these five people in front of him were excellent business targets. Saving them would definitely bring him a lot of causal points, so he added:

"Wait a minute, those security guards I just killed had guns on them. I'll get you some guns."

"Okay, okay! Thank you, big brother!"

Nie Dingwen nodded repeatedly.

Others were ready to say thank you.

But the next moment, several people saw a horrifying scene - the figure shrouded in black robes suddenly disappeared.


"He...where did he go?"

"Am I dreaming? That's right. I know if there is no such good thing, how could anyone come to save us..."

One of them gave his thigh a hard squeeze and screamed out in pain, his eyes widening.

"Not a dream?!"

"Oh my god! We were really rescued? Just just saw a man in black robe standing here, right?"

"Nonsense, of course I saw it, otherwise who rescued us?"

"In other words, is that scene real? That person... disappeared in a flash?"

"It's amazing! Are there really superpowers in the world?"

"That should be the teleportation power, right? It's just like in the movie, so powerful!"

"That big brother is really a good man. Not only did he rescue us, he also provided us with guns."

As they communicated, several people became more and more excited, not only because they saw the teleporter, but also because they saw the real hope of escaping.

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