My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 147 The girl was sent to my room

That night, Su Xin did not sleep, nor did he leave the hotel to conduct business.

Because he knows that the public security conditions of the Kingdom of Heaven are far from comparable to those of Wanghai Kingdom. Even if the doors are not closed at night, at least it will not be full of sin.

Wanting to start a business here, Su Xin probably couldn't find many targets in one night, so he simply stayed in the hotel and played games all night.

In the morning, when Su Xin just walked out of the room, one of the detectives arranged by Zhan Shijie immediately reported to him respectfully:

"Mr. Su, Director Zhan and the newly appointed CEO of Yonghui Zaibatsu, Deng Zhongquan, would like to meet you. Is it convenient for you?"

Su Xin raised his eyebrows and smiled:

"Oh? Have they discussed it now? It's quite efficient. Let them come up."

"In fact, they have already discussed it in the evening. They are just worried about disturbing Mr.'s rest, so they asked me to wait until Mr. goes out to report... Then I will inform them to come over now."

"Okay, I'll go out for a walk first, and let them wait here for a while when they arrive."


The man bowed respectfully, stood at the door of Su Xin's room, took out his cell phone and dialed.

Another detective followed Su Xin away.


The elevator door opens.

There was a beautiful woman with a graceful figure and fashionable clothes standing in the elevator. After seeing the elevator door open, she just glanced outside the door casually. When she saw Su Xin's face clearly, she was stunned for a moment and then Zi's ​​eyes widened in shock, and he subconsciously exclaimed:

"Ah! You are Su Xin!"

As she said that, she quickly covered her mouth, with a complex expression of surprise and horror on her face. She shrank to a corner of the elevator, her eyes flickering, as if she was debating whether to escape from the elevator or continue riding. With her beautiful face and beauty, she quickly covered her mouth. It has a good figure and gives people a very cute feeling, like a cute little frightened hamster.

"Madam, please come out. Mr. Su needs to take this elevator."

The detective blocked the elevator door with one hand and said solemnly to the beautiful woman inside.

Su Xin glanced at him and frowned:

"I promised you to follow me to help me solve some trivial matters. I never said you could interfere in my life. Next time, you are not allowed to make your own decisions in anything without my request. Do you understand me?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Su."

The detective apologized sincerely.

The girl seemed to be frightened, her face turned pale for a while, and she carefully prepared to get out of the elevator. However, when she saw the two people at the door, she didn't dare to ask them to give way.

The agent seemed to be because he had just been scolded, so he did not dare to speak at this time. He just stood there with a low eyebrow, waiting for Su Xin's move.

"No need to come down, please give way."

Su Xin's tone returned to calmness.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry."

The girl responded incoherently and returned to the corner of the elevator. In her watery and bright eyes, her two eyes were rolling around, but she never dared to look at Su Xin and another agent, acting extremely timid and cowardly. .

Su Xin and the detective walked into the elevator one after another.

The three of them faced the direction of the elevator door, and no one made a sound. After the elevator door slowly closed, the elevator went all the way down.

At a certain moment, Su Xin suddenly asked:

"May I have your name?"

The girl in the corner looked up in confusion, and then realized that Su Xin should be asking her, and replied nervously:

"Jiang Xue, name is Jiang Xue, and you...what's your name?"

Su Xin burst out laughing: "Didn't you just say that? My name is Su Xin."

Jiang Xue laughed awkwardly: "Yes... I'm sorry, I was a little nervous and forgot."

The elevator happened to reach the first floor at this time.

The elevator door opened slowly, Su Xin nodded to her, and then strode out of the elevator.

After wandering around the street, Su Xin finally walked into a tea restaurant, ordered a sumptuous breakfast, and ate amidst countless people's attention and secretly pointing comments.

It was around eight o'clock.

The one-hour resurrection effect of the Unyielding Dead ended, and Su Xin slowly closed his eyes.

Soon it reopened.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

"I didn't expect it to have such a special ability."

With his current personality, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to strike up a conversation with a girl he just met, not to mention that after his identity is exposed, he may face attacks from multiple forces at any time, and it is even more impossible for him to have the intention to strike up a conversation with a girl.

But that's exactly what he did just now.

And he didn't realize that his behavior was wrong at all at the time, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it afterwards. It wasn't until he came back from the dead that he realized that his emotions seemed to have changed slightly.

In other words, the girl named Jiang Xue just now should have the ability to subtly change the emotions of others, or perhaps other abilities that can achieve similar effects.

In short, this kind of power does not seem to be very powerful, but under certain circumstances, it may be more powerful than a nuclear bomb.

At least in the eyes of the forces behind Jiang Xue, facing Su Xin, who has teleportation and resurrection powers, Jiang Xue's powers may be more useful than nuclear bombs.

Think for a moment.

Su Xin originally wanted to kill Jiang Xue directly, but after thinking about it, he actually didn't have to be afraid of this kind of power. Anyway, the negative state could be eliminated at most once an hour. Even direct mental control could remove it. This level of mental control Guidance cannot pose a threat to him.

"Since someone wants to play, then just come and have fun with me..."

The corners of Su Xin's mouth raised slightly.

Then he waved, called the detective sitting at the other table over, and asked:

"Can you do that by sending the girl named Jiang Xue to my room?"

The detective replied without hesitation:

"No problem, I'll make arrangements right away."

"Well, I leave it to you."

Su Xin nodded and continued eating breakfast.

The detective walked to a deserted corner and called his superiors to report.

When they returned to the hotel suite, Zhan Shijie and Deng Zhongquan were waiting at the door.

Seeing Su Xin coming out of the elevator, the two of them took the initiative to greet him, put on a warm and humble posture, and said hello with a smile:

"Mr. Su!"

Su Xin glanced at the two of them, and his eyes stayed on Deng Zhongquan's face for a moment longer. He hummed in response and walked towards his room at a leisurely pace.

The three of them quickly took their seats in the living room of the suite. Su Xin was in the main seat, and the two of them sat on both sides.

"Say it."

Su Xin said calmly.

Deng Zhongquan spoke first and said:

"Hello, Mr. Su, I am Deng Zhongquan, the newly appointed CEO of Yonghui Zaibatsu. After our internal emergency discussions, everyone unanimously agreed to Mr. Su's conditions. After all, we were the ones who made the mistake first, and we should hand over the person responsible. .”

“We will bring all those involved in the attack, whether directly or indirectly, to the person in charge of arranging these operations at the headquarters, to the logistics department and information dispatch department who approved the logistics of the operation team, and even to Lening City. We will hand over all the local support staff and all members of every team involved in the operation."

"Not one will be missing."

"Moreover, we will show Mr. Su the detailed plans and processes of these actions to confirm that the responsible persons in all links are involved."

"in addition……"

"In view of the fact that the peaceful life that Mr. Su longed for has been disrupted, we have decided to compensate one billion in mental damages, as well as three luxury villas located in different areas of the Kingdom of Heaven, and permanently waive servant wages, property and health management fees, and all trivial matters. You don’t have to worry, just go there and stay whenever you want, and enjoy the attentive service that makes you feel at home at any time.”

Deng Zhongquan took out a document from the document bag he carried with him, put it on the coffee table in front of him, slowly pushed it to Su Xin, and continued to introduce:

"Also, we have decided to give Mr. Su shares worth one billion in a company. You can just wait for dividends every year. You don't need to worry about management. Of course, you can also experience life if you want."

Deng Zhongquan took out another black card:

"This is the black gold membership card of the Peak Club of Heaven. Usually only those with assets exceeding tens of billions are eligible to be invited to the top club in the world. Moreover, not everyone with this asset level can enter, so it is very rare. It is very precious and can be said to be the most noble status symbol in the world.”

"And this is a permanent first-class green card that symbolizes the noble status of the Kingdom of Heaven."

"Although it is a green card from the Kingdom of Heaven, many insiders often call it a global pass. With it, Mr. Su can travel to any country in the world without a visa."

"At the same time, it can be used as a national identity document in countries around the world, and can enjoy discounts of varying proportions in many stores, as well as many VIP services."

Putting several documents and two cards in front of Su Xin one after another, Deng Zhongquan said:

"By the way, Mr. Su is now a world-famous celebrity. Several popular celebrities learned that I was coming to meet Mr. Su and specifically requested me to come together to meet Mr. Su."

"These are all the top stars in the world, including Zhong Suyue, Ke Peiyun, Yue Yayan, Qiu Xiner, Yan Chan..."

"I don't know if Mr. Su is willing to see them, so I'll let them wait for the news first. Mr. Su, do you think... give them a chance?"

Su Xin waved his hand casually:

"There's no need to meet celebrities. I've never chased stars and I have no interest in them."

Seeing Su Xin's indifferent expression and nonchalant words, both of them felt their hearts sink.

Money, women, status, it can be said that all the things that should be given are given in full, but it is surprising that Su Xin, a sixteen-year-old boy, can resist such a huge temptation and behave so indifferently.

They would rather Su Xin was a lustful person, or someone who yearned for status or power, or someone whose mind was filled with money. No matter how powerful a person like this was, they would still have a way to deal with it.

You can even take advantage of the other party's needs, reach cooperation with the other party, and take advantage of the other party's capabilities.

But Su Xin didn't seem interested.

With a character without desires, a background without worries, and powers that seem to have no weaknesses, such people are the most difficult to deal with.

However, considering that Su Xin took the initiative to send the woman named Jiang Xue to the room, Su Xin must still love beauty, maybe he just doesn't like those female stars.

Only then did the two of them feel a little calmer.

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