My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 15 Neglected Issues (Please read and vote)

The rooftop of an old residential building.

Su Xin's figure suddenly appeared.

There was still a hint of fear in his eyes.

"What's going on with this woman? She goes to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Why doesn't she even turn on the light? Her hair is disheveled. She's so scared!"

"The teleportation of time and space anchor point still seems to have some flaws. Although it can teleport to a fixed point, it does not have to be in a hidden place, which makes this ability possible to use in battle, but it also makes me exposed. risk."

"Luckily I'm wearing a hood and a mask."

"However, with the lessons learned this time, I have to be more careful next time I teleport."

After calming down, I took out my phone and opened the map software to check the location.

Fortunately, he had already teleported eight times in the opposite direction, and he was not too far away from home. Even if he teleported randomly again just now, he did not appear far away, but just appeared near the community.

Putting away his phone, he clasped his hands together again.

After returning home, Su Xin took off his black robe, carefully checked his clothes and shoes, and found that they were not stained with blood, so he put them away with confidence.

After taking a shower, return to the bedroom.

Sitting on the bed, Su Xin began to review the entire process of the action just now, from departure preparation, to the action process, and then to the teleportation return.

He has demonstrated teleportation ability in front of at least seven people, but these people are all from the bottom of society. Even if he says that he has seen someone who can teleport, no one may believe him, and it is difficult to attract attention.

Of course, if it really attracts attention, and even the official sends relevant personnel, or attracts other people with special abilities, Su Xin can take this opportunity to learn about the other side of the world.

Therefore, if there are similar actions in the next few days, you must be careful and pay attention to relevant news.

As for identity confidentiality.

He was wearing a black robe and a mask, and his whole body was covered tightly. Although he couldn't wear gloves, he deliberately avoided contacting foreign objects with his palms, so it should be impossible to leave any traces.


At this time, Su Xin's eyes suddenly moved and he thought of a problem that he had ignored.

"Mobile phone positioning……"

"Although my teleportation distance is not too far, the average teleportation distance is only a few kilometers each time. This is not something that can be achieved by normal movement."

"If map software or other software with positioning functions detects this abnormal positioning information, it may be able to lock my phone and then my identity information."

"You can't bring your cell phone next time."

"It was the first time in the evening when I first awakened my superpower, and tonight is the second time. The two abnormal positioning data may be caused by errors, interference or data delays, etc., which should not be enough to lock the identity. "

"But if there are too many times, the risk of exposing the identity is too great, especially after the teleporter's existence is completely exposed, it is likely that the authorities will find out through these clues."

"Fortunately, it was discovered in time."

"However, if you don't have a mobile phone and are teleporting randomly outside, if the same special situation happens and you deviate from the normal trajectory and happen to appear far away, wouldn't you be able to find your way home? ?”

Su Xin frowned.

Since the upper limit of the teleportation distance is ten kilometers, and the direction and distance are random, this means that once Su Xin teleports randomly multiple times, he can only use the landing point as the trajectory each time he wants to return.

If a landing point cannot be used because it is discovered, then subsequent landing points may also become unusable, leading to disorientation.

At this time, if there is no mobile phone positioning and it is difficult to take a taxi, you will be blind.

It’s impossible to follow the road signs, slowly walk back to within ten kilometers from home, and then teleport back, right?

"It seems that we still need to get a temporary mobile phone and use an anonymous mobile phone number. Turn off the phone at ordinary times to avoid being located. Every time when we need to take action, teleport outside and turn it on again."

Su Xin is very cautious.

I reviewed today's action process over and over again until I was sure that there was no other oversight, and then I went to sleep with peace of mind.

The next morning.

Su Xin, whose body had basically recovered, resumed daily running exercise, five kilometers in half an hour.

He was sweating all over, but Su Xin only felt that his whole body was dripping with energy and his energy was extremely full.

After taking a shower and eating breakfast, Su Xin came to school and started a new day of study.

In Su Xin's plan, going to school was the mandatory study time he set for himself. During this time, in addition to reading high school textbooks, he would also study college content in advance, as well as some topics about society, humanities, economics, Psychology, novels and other books.

After all, human self-control is limited. If there is no external force, it is easy to slack off when studying at home alone, and it is also easy to become autistic.

But it's different at school.

There is a better learning atmosphere and a more reasonable work and rest time here.

More importantly, there are so many lively and lovely schoolgirls in school.

Green girls in high school are the most beautiful stage in their lives. They are beautiful, cute, lively, kind, and simple.

During this period, girls have the purest feelings and are the easiest to pursue. As long as you look good and dress neatly, someone will basically like you.

Wait, you said you don’t have these advantages?

So sorry, youth has nothing to do with you.

If a girl's feelings are pure, she also just likes handsome people. If the looks are not good enough, unless she is extremely outstanding in some other aspects, few girls will be willing to accept him.

As for a boy, if he is tall, handsome, neatly dressed, and can play basketball, he will definitely be welcomed by many girls. If coupled with a good temperament and personality, he will definitely belong to the school grassroots level. There is a high probability that he will be admired by many girls and receive constant love letters.

Bai Yueguang, who was the class beauty and school belle during her student days, was something that many boys could only dream of. Bai Yueguang, who was unforgettable in their lifetime, in front of the school belle, the difficulty of the strategy was reduced by more than 90%, and some even took the initiative to pursue her.

In the minds of many girls in Lening No. 3 Middle School, Su Xin belongs to the school elite level.

He lives a new life, is not short of money and is not worried about the future. Why does he work hard to go to school every day? In addition to getting a good academic degree and being more self-disciplined, is it more about having two or three sweet campus romances in high school?

Of course.

He had already achieved this goal in the past two years. Now he has lost his thoughts on flirting with others and just wants to study quietly.

After all, Su Xin's mental age is in his thirties. Although he likes young and beautiful girls like most men, when he really falls in love with these innocent and cute girls, he can't accept those childish tempers after a long time.

He only likes mature ones now.

For example, Fang Mengzhu is very good.

It was a pity that the other party's family seemed to be unusual, so he gave up any idea of ​​further development with the other party, and did not even leave his contact information.

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