My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 153 The core superpowers of the Nirvana Society

Su Xin struggled for a long time.

I couldn't help but ask the system in my mind whether I could spend more causal points to select one more feature, or forget one of the previous features and replace it with the current two features.

But the system never responded.

In the end, he could only endure the unwillingness in his heart and make a difficult decision.

"I choose...time and space mark!"

The upgrade of the superpower is completed instantly.

The characteristics of time and space imprinting are also successfully solidified.

After receiving the relevant information about this feature in his mind, Su Xin began to try it.

Hands together.

At the same time, with a thought, a time and space mark quietly appeared in his mind, and he himself did not teleport out of the office.

Su Xin knew that there must be surveillance in this office, so he had no intention of continuing to store the time and space marks, but separated his hands.

Another thought.

The time and space marks in his mind dissipated, and Su Xin teleported out of the office and appeared in a clean toilet cubicle.

Su Xin pulled the compartment door and locked it.

Standing there clasping his hands together again and again, feeling the time and space imprints in his mind increasing, he became more and more excited.

The entanglement and unwillingness when making the choice just now disappeared at this time.

Isn't the characteristic of time and space imprinting exactly what I wanted most before? How can you be entangled in pain just because an option with more potential appears?

There is never absolute perfection in this world.

Having such powerful abilities and characteristics, as well as such a magical system, is already a great opportunity. What else is there to be dissatisfied with?

After directly storing hundreds of time and space marks for himself, Su Xin teleported back to the office on the top floor of Yonghui Building, sat on the boss's chair and began to study information about system upgrades.

There are only three benefits in total for system upgrades.

The first one is to increase the level limit of abilities so that all abilities can be upgraded infinitely.

However, judging from the meaning of the system prompt message, after level five, you cannot obtain new features by upgrading. You can only improve the current attributes. The effect of upgrading does not seem to be particularly great.

So it can only be regarded as a small advantage.

The second benefit is that the feature options that appear when upgrading can be refreshed by spending causal points.

In Su Xin's view, this is actually not very useful. After all, every feature when upgrading is more practical, and it doesn't make much sense whether to replace it or not.

So this can only be regarded as a small advantage.

Third, the change in the requirement for upgrading causal points can be regarded as a benefit, because upgrading from LV1 to LV5 originally required 111,100 causal points, but now only requires 50,000.

The consumption of causal points is directly halved.

Taken together, the benefits of system upgrade can only be regarded as okay, but there are many disadvantages.

First, after the upgrade, a new power column setting was added, and the number of powers was capped. He could no longer awaken a power every few days just lying down and playing like before.

If the level of the highest power is not high enough, he may never be able to awaken new powers.

This forces him to upgrade his abilities.

Second, you can forget your abilities on your own.

This is obviously in conjunction with the ability column settings.

When the number of abilities he has exceeds the number of slots, he can use this function to forget a certain ability. When the system is upgraded, there is no need to worry about randomly forgetting a powerful ability.

In addition, if it is really difficult to increase the level of abilities in the future, you can also use this function to forget about some relatively weak abilities, or abilities with repetitive functions, so that the ability slots are freed and there is a chance to trigger them. New mission, new abilities awakened.

Taken together, the biggest drawback after the system upgrade is that the ability column has been restricted since then.

If he could make his own choice, Su Xin would rather never upgrade the system.

But the system prompt also mentioned that it was because he was in the newbie protection period that he could awaken various abilities almost unlimitedly.

Whether he accepts it or not, whether he wants it or not, he must upgrade the system.

Now, since the system has given the last seventy-two hours, he must solve the remaining problems before the upgrade before then.

According to the instructions, the upper limit of the number of power slots is equal to the level of the highest power. Those exceeding the highest level will be randomly forgotten.

His current highest power level is LV5.

The number of abilities is six.

Or, wait for the system to be upgraded and wait for the system to randomly forget a certain current ability.

Or, save enough causal points in advance, wait for the system to be upgraded, and upgrade the highest ability, that is, the invisible prayer ability to LV6 within an hour, so that you can have six ability columns.

According to the system prompts, the causal points required for upgrading after LV5 will increase sequentially, instead of increasing tenfold like before.

This is barely good news.

Then the number of causal points required to upgrade from LV5 to LV6 is... two hundred thousand.

His shortfall is still 150,000 yuan.

This gave Su Xinxin a sense of urgency.

He spent a whole morning donating one billion to get 150,000 Karma Points. If nothing else happened, he would need the same amount of money and the same amount of time to get so much.

If something goes wrong somewhere and the cause and effect points cannot be gathered within seventy-two hours, and a certain ability is forgotten in the end, that will be troublesome.

There were several abilities that he couldn't give up.

Especially retreat prayer.

If the system randomly forgets this ability in the end, its highest ability level will become LV3, and the system may randomly forget several other abilities.

Then he would be completely useless.

At this time, Su Xin really didn't care about anything else, including the attack in the morning, which was completely forgotten.

He didn't care about upgrading several other abilities at this time, because he was afraid of consuming too much. In the end, if he was short of 10,000 or 20,000 causal points, and he could only forget about the abilities, it would be a big loss.

Su Xin called the female secretary in again and asked solemnly:

"What happened to the list? How many are there now?"

"Now there are more than 5,000 in total, and the people I arranged are still screening."

"Okay, go ahead and do your work, remember to supervise."

"Okay, Mr. Su."

The female secretary smiled and turned to leave.

Su Xin suddenly called her again:

"Wait, call Deng Zhongquan over."


The female secretary nodded, opened the office door and walked out, closing the door carefully.

Soon, she came to Deng Zhongquan's office and told Su Xin's request to let him go.

"Did Mr. Su say what happened?"

The female secretary whispered: "No, but I think his expression seems a bit serious."

This made Deng Zhongquan feel nervous, knowing that Su Xin would definitely be up to no good if he came to him, and might make some embarrassing demands for him.

Soon, he came to the door of Su Xin's office, raised his hand, and knocked gently.

"come in."

Deng Zhongquan pushed open the door and entered with a spring-like smile on his face. He gently closed the door, walked to Su Xin's desk, and said respectfully:

"I heard from Secretary Lin that Mr. Su is looking for me."

Su Xin was not polite and asked: "How are you preparing the money? There are still 9 billion."


Deng Zhongquan was stunned. He didn't expect that Su Xin was actually concerned about this issue. After all, he had promised to receive the money within three days, but he quickly reacted and explained:

"Mr. Su, there have been some problems with the company's operations recently. The stock prices of some of its important companies have also fluctuated. Many of the suppliers of our subsidiaries are also urging for payment. We are currently arranging people to deal with these problems and we cannot allocate them at the moment. Spending too much money.”

"But I can guarantee that the remaining nine billion will be transferred to Mr. Su's account no later than the day after tomorrow."

Su Xin tapped his index finger on the table, making a crisp sound, interrupting the other party's words, and said in a tone that could not be refused:

"Before leaving get off work, transfer another three billion over."

Deng Zhongquan's face stiffened, and then he decisively agreed: "Okay, I'll make arrangements right now."

"However, I'm afraid the remaining six billion will have to wait until tomorrow. Look, Mr. Su..."

Su Xin didn't want to push too hard at this time, so his expression softened a little, and he nodded: "Okay."

After Deng Zhongquan said goodbye and left, Su Xin suddenly remembered that Zhan Shijie had called him in the morning and said that he had sent him an email containing information about the Nirvana Society.

He didn't bother to pay attention to it before, but now that the money hasn't arrived, it's time to take a look.

Su Xin logged into his mailbox, checked the email document sent by Zhan Shijie, and read it carefully.

Zhan Shijie's information included an assessment of the Nirvana Society's financial resources, its key areas of influence, and information about its core members with superpowers.

For example, financial resources assessment, because Nirvana Society is hidden in the dark and does not have any company or property on the surface, so this financial resource assessment is not the assets that Nirvana Society actually owns, but an estimate of the other party's ability based on the previous confrontations between the two parties in the capital market. The amount of funds mobilized.

A full two hundred billion yuan.

Of course, there are direct control, leverage, covert means, public opinion guidance, profit inducement and other means. The total amount of funds that is expected to be mobilized is not the amount of money that the other party can really come up with.

For example, if a member of the Nirvana Society owns a small stake in a large company, or is a company executive, using his power, he has the opportunity to push the company to mobilize funds and indirectly cooperate with the capital operation of the Nirvana Society. This method can both leverage The large amount of funds is very hidden and will not be easily found out to be related to Nirvana.

In short, no matter what the means, the Nirvana Society can mobilize such a huge amount of funds, which is enough to illustrate its huge power.

There is also the Nirvana Society’s key spheres of influence, which are basically in small and chaotic countries.

Since the order in those places is relatively chaotic, no matter how strong the power of the plutocrats is, it will be difficult for them to penetrate as pervasively as the Kingdom of Heaven.

Even if they want to use the Internet and surveillance, those small countries have very little surveillance, and the Internet environment is extremely chaotic, making it difficult for the plutocratic forces to control.

Then there is the core superpower information.

1. Codename Thousand Faces: The ability is to make various lifelike human skin masks. After anyone puts them on, they will automatically fit the body, just like the real appearance. No technological means, including pupil detection, can detect abnormalities.

Disadvantages: The mask can only change facial features, other body data cannot be changed, and once removed, the mask automatically dissolves.

2. Codename Xueba: The superpower is a smart brain with super scientific research strength.

Disadvantages: unknown.

3. Krishna: The power is an illusion, which can put pictures into the minds of people within a certain range. The common method is blinding in a certain range, so that everyone can only see a pure darkness.

Disadvantages: The pictures inserted into other people's minds are very simple and cannot change accurately in real time as the target's line of sight changes, making it easy to be seen through.

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