Then, he clicked on the private message friend column, in which there was only one friend named "Fusheng 93". He clicked on the private message conversation column and edited the text:

"A person with teleportation abilities is suspected to have been discovered in Lening City, Wanghai Country. It needs to be confirmed."

After editing, I found another inconspicuous little icon in the lower right corner, clicked it six times in a row, and the content of the private message immediately changed.

Then he clicked send.

Le Ning No. 3 Middle School.

As the school bell rang, dense crowds of figures walked out of the classroom one after another, and soon spread to every corner of the campus.

Su Xin was woken up from his sleep.

He really slept too late last night, and he was preparing to continue taking action tonight, so he had to recuperate, so he slept for two classes in a row.

Once again he declined his friend's invitation to play ball. After packing up his books, he got up and walked out of the classroom, preparing to eat at a restaurant near the school.

He has never been short of money in his life, and he has never been shy about spending money on food. In addition, daily exercise consumes a lot of energy, and he is still in the growth stage. He eats almost every meal very sumptuously. He almost eats the restaurants around the school. All over.

The snack street next to the school, the restaurant across the road, the food court one kilometer away, and the big hotel in the business district on the other side of the school, Su Xin's choices are different almost every day.

After walking out of the school gate, walking on the dilapidated concrete paths between residential areas, Su Xinxin silently thought about his actions at night.

But suddenly, his eyes fixed on the figures in school uniforms in front of him.

Tens of meters away in front, five girls were surrounding a girl with a ponytail, pushing and shoving her from time to time, and spouting all kinds of obscene curse words. One of them even reached out to pull the girl with a ponytail's clothes.

The girl with the ponytail just put her hands in her jacket pockets, lowered her head slightly and remained silent.

But just when Su Xin was about to speak to stop him, the girl with the ponytail suddenly took her hands out of her pockets and punched a fat girl in front of her who was about to pull her clothes off.

From Su Xin's perspective, it was not clear where the girl with the ponytail hit her, nor whether she was holding a weapon in her hand.

But he clearly saw that after being punched by the girl with the ponytail, the fat girl was startled for a moment, then looked at her chest, then covered her chest and screamed loudly and stepped back.

As for the girl with the ponytail, before she screamed, she had already pounced on the other girl on the left, grabbed the other girl's wrist, and stabbed her with her right hand.

The latter screamed and struggled wildly.

The other three girls seemed to be stunned by the crazy counterattack of the girl with a ponytail. After hesitating for a while, two of them rushed forward. One of them grabbed the girl with a ponytail's hand, and the other kicked the girl with a ponytail. On the body.

When the girl finally saw this scene, she took two steps back in fear.


Su Xin shouted and rushed over.

Several people completely ignored Su Xin's words. The girl with the ponytail had turned around and was wrestling with another girl, her expression and movements were extremely cruel.

At this time, Su Xin also saw clearly that the girl with the ponytail was wearing a special-shaped ring on her right hand. There seemed to be a sharp protrusion on it. It was almost like a finger tiger when worn on the hand.

No wonder, even though his physical fitness is comparable to that of the other five girls, he was able to injure two of them in a short period of time, frighten one of them away, and then fight with the remaining two in an inseparable manner.

On the way Su Xin ran over quickly.

The girl with the ponytail was grabbed by her right arm by one of them, unable to show off her power, so she hit the girl in front of her with a headbutt on the forehead, causing both of them to suffer severe head injuries at the same time.

The other person cried out, but the girl with the ponytail turned around without stopping, scratched the other person's face, took advantage of the other person's scream, retracted her right arm, and punched the other person on the shoulder.

When Su Xin ran to a few people, the 1V5 was almost over.

"Uh...classmate, are you okay?"

Su Xin hesitated for a while and asked.

The girl with the ponytail turned to look at Su Xin. After seeing Su Xin, she seemed to be startled, and then she said lightly:


After saying that, she looked at the five girls again, her expression cold, but her tone was full of chill:

"I don't want to mess with you, but if you make trouble for me again, then I will die with you."

After wiping the blood flowing to the corners of her eyes, the girl with the ponytail left a word and turned around to leave.

Su Xin glanced at the five people, thought for a while but said nothing, and left following the ponytail girl.

Although he didn't know the inside story of the fight, from the scene he saw and what the girl with the ponytail just said, he could roughly guess something. He knew that these five people should have taken the initiative to cause trouble for each other, and they were also beaten. Deserve it.

According to his observation just now, the bulge at the front of the finger of the girl with a ponytail is only about half a centimeter long. As long as the vulnerable part is not hit, it is not enough to cause fatal injuries.

The injured girls all seemed to be bleeding. In fact, the wounds were all on the arms or chest areas near the shoulders, and they were just skin injuries.

Obviously, the girl with the ponytail seems to be aggressive and crazy, but in fact she deliberately avoids the key points.

Just when Su Xin was lost in thought, the two of them walked more than a hundred meters one after the other unknowingly. The girl with the ponytail in front suddenly stopped, turned around, and looked at Su Xin quietly.

"What's wrong?"

Su Xin asked doubtfully.

"Are you following me?"

"I'm going that way."

"Okay, then you go first."

The girl with the ponytail wiped a handful of blood dripping from her forehead and stepped aside to the side of the road.

Su Xin walked over and looked at her:

"You're still bleeding from your head. Don't you want to go to the health room? The health room is over there."

"No, I'll bandage it myself when I get back."

The girl had a cold face, seemingly unaware of the injuries on her forehead and body.

Su Xin took out a pack of tissues and handed it over.

"Then wipe it first, so that your clothes don't get dirty and it's troublesome to wash them."

"OK, thanks."

The girl with the ponytail reached out and took it.

Even when she said thank you, she had a cold face, but at this moment, Su Xin heard the system prompt in her mind:

"Ding! Get 5 causal points."

Su Xin glanced at the other party in surprise.

"It's just a pack of paper, with 5 causal points? Is the profit so high?"

Seeing his surprised look, the girl asked calmly: "Is there anything else?"

"It's nothing. Your head is bleeding non-stop. It's best to bandage it as soon as possible. I happen to have nothing to do. I'll take you to the health room. You can get better quickly with some medicine and avoid scars on your face."

The girl was silent for a moment, not sure if she was struggling, but finally nodded and said:

"All right."

The two walked side by side.

The girl with the ponytail took out a tissue and wiped the blood from her forehead from time to time, but the blood flow still didn't stop, which showed that the impact just now was really serious.

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