In the past few days since Su Xin disappeared, the world situation had already returned to calm on the surface, and the discussion about Su Xin had become much quieter.

At the same time, news about people with superpowers occasionally appears around the world, and officials in various countries no longer seem to deliberately suppress news related to people with superpowers.

Someone once said something -

When you find one cockroach in your house, there are probably a thousand more in the dark.

People with superpowers can also be described in this sentence.

Before Su Xin's public appearance, there were people with superpowers in many organizations around the world, and some did not dare to show up in public after awakening their superpowers. Now that Su Xin is seen killing everyone, the whole world has learned about superpowers. existence, this made some superpowers start to get ready to take action.

In addition, news and articles related to supernatural beings can be freely published on the Internet, and the attention of the media and netizens to supernatural beings is at its peak. All of this has caused news about supernatural beings to spread more and more on the Internet. wide.

There are even some unscrupulous media outlets that deliberately publish fake news related to people with special abilities for the sake of traffic.

This adds further fuel to the flames.

In addition, the existence of the Nirvana Society has also officially appeared in the public eye, and some previous deeds of the Nirvana Society have also begun to circulate on the Internet.

Of course, the world is so big that there is no shortage of news hot spots at any time, but now it’s just that the news hot spots have become superpowers.

In a dark conference room.

Six figures sat on both sides, and a tall figure sat at the head.

After the seven people discussed some things, someone turned the topic to Su Xin:

"Everyone, Su Xin's existence has threatened the order of this world. Do we need to take some measures against him?"

"After observing in the past few days, we have a general understanding of his abilities. I think that as long as we invite a team of divine servants and arrange a proper ambush plan, we should be able to limit his teleportation and have a chance to subdue him. "

The person on the left said:

"I think it would be better to directly apply to the adults to issue an invitation to Su Xin to ascend in advance and invite him to the God Realm. This will avoid conflicts between the two parties and prevent him from destroying the human world."

"After all, Su Xin's ability is still very difficult to deal with. Even the God's Attendant Team may not be able to successfully catch him. If the arrest fails, no one knows what the kid will do, and we have no confidence in stopping him. It’s impossible for him to invite Lord God to come by then, right?”

The others looked at him in surprise.

Someone said: "Didn't Master Qingtian tell you? Master Chuangshi specifically ordered that Su Xin should not be invited to ascend in advance, and that Su Xin should not be treated any differently. Everything should be done according to the rules and regulations of the God Realm. "

Others chimed in:

"Yes, our gods have said that although I don't know why Master Chuangshi specifically ordered this, the ascension invitation has been rejected."

"What we can do now is either ignore Su Xin's existence and pray that he won't do anything else, or find ways to contain him."

The man shook his head helplessly:

"Lord Qingtian hasn't given me an order for a long time. I even suspect that he has forgotten me as the divine envoy."

Immediately, he turned to look at the burly man sitting in the first place, Jiang Shandong, the envoy of creation, and asked curiously:

"Mr. Jiang, since Lord Chuangshi has also noticed Su Xin and specifically given these instructions, did Lord Chuangshi give any other instructions? For example, what do you want to do with Su Xin?"

Jiang Shandong spoke slowly:

"Master Chuangshi didn't make a clear statement, but since he said he couldn't make an exception for Su Xin, he obviously asked us to deal with it in the normal way."

“The affairs of the human world are left to the human world.”

"We can't make an exception and use the power of the divine realm, let alone ask the gods to take action."

The man frowned and looked puzzled:

"But Su Xin's ability is basically incomprehensible, at least to us."

"Although he has kept a low profile for the time being and no one knows where he has gone, no one knows what will happen to him one day and he will go crazy again and kill indiscriminately. He may even cause something bigger."

"Our mission is to maintain the normal operation of the human world on behalf of God. Now there is such a person who is completely beyond our control. If we just let it go, if the mission fails, we will have no chance to return to the God Realm."

"This is about the fate of all of us."

At this time, a middle-aged man sitting on the right side of Jiang Shandong said:

"Judging from Su Xin's previous behavior, although he is a bit murderous, he is not a person who kills without reason, nor is he a crazy person who wants to destroy the world. His behavior is traceable, even if he is capable There is no solution, but it’s not impossible to deal with it.”

"Our purpose is only to ensure the normal operation of the human world, not to ensure world peace. As long as a strong man like Su Xin does not want to destroy the world, we do not need to interfere."

"He is still young, yearns for excitement and has no worries, so he does things so radically."

"We just need to watch quietly. One day he will grow up, have a lover, friends, and even children. Gradually, he will have concerns and weaknesses, and his actions will naturally not be so radical. We also have the leverage to contain him and restrain him."

As he said that, the middle-aged man smiled:

"You have not been a divine envoy for a long time. Unlike me, you have been in the divine realm for more than two hundred years. You have been an envoy for three terms. You have had much contact with the human world and have seen many people and things. .”

"In the past, before Lord Kuangzhan received the invitation to ascend, he was extremely arrogant in the human world. His behavior was much more radical than Su Xin's, and the damage he caused to the world was extremely huge."

"But later, Lord Kuangzhan got married and had a family, and his personality became much more peaceful. After that, he naturally accepted the invitation to ascend."

Another person also nodded and said:

"That's right, Su Xin is so young and has awakened such a powerful ability when he is passionate and impulsive. It is normal for him to act in a more aggressive style."

"But his character is indeed quite controllable, and he probably won't take the evil path of destroying the world. I don't think we need to conflict with him."

Someone else echoed:

"I agree that conflict should be avoided."

The seven people expressed their opinions, and four of them agreed to avoid conflicts. The leader, Jiang Shandong, made the final decision:

"That's it for Su Xin. We won't interfere with his behavior until he does something that truly harms the entire world."

Two days later, Su Xin finally donated all the remaining money in his bank card.

His causal points have also accumulated to 380,000.

382,665 points to be exact.

Needless to say, Su Xin immediately chose to upgrade Seclusion Prayer to LV8.

Apart from the increase in the single limit teleport distance to 40 kilometers, there are still no other changes.

For Su Xin, the biggest benefit is that he has obtained the eighth ability column and can trigger new system tasks normally tomorrow.

With 80,000 causal points left, Su Xin upgraded the training madman's power by one level.

Fortunately, the characteristics that appeared this time were pretty good. Without wasting extra causal points, he directly chose one of them——

[Ultimate combat body: You have the ultimate combat body that is born for fighting. When fighting effectively, your body will quickly release its potential, which is equivalent to a hundred times the training efficiency, and there is no limit to the triggering time of your abilities. 】

The content introduction is extremely concise.

The effect is also simple and crude, equivalent to a hundred times the training efficiency during combat.

Calculated according to the current effect of the exercise madman, one kilogram of strength can be increased every 36 seconds during combat. It only takes one hour of fighting a day to gain a hundred kilograms of strength. This is much more efficient than normal exercise and does not require much effort. It's as boring and unbearable as being in a state of changing the day and night.

Su Xin has never been against hard-to-fight combat. Instead, he has a strong yearning for it. It's okay for him to fight for a day or even a month, but if he is allowed to sit around for a day in a state of stealing the sky, he will not be able to bear it. .

Therefore, on the surface, the characteristics of the ultimate combat body are not as efficient as the improvement in the state of changing the sky. However, in actual application, considering how long Su Xin can persist, the improvement brought by the characteristics of the ultimate combat body is actually greater. At the same time, this method It is also more enjoyable for Su Xin.

In addition, there is a special reminder in the introduction of the ultimate combat body: there is no limit to the triggering time of the ability.

This is because the exercise madman's ability can only be triggered by persisting for an hour continuously. If you stop exercising for half an hour, then the half hour of exercise is in vain and there is no gain.

The Ultimate Combat Body has this sentence, which means that even if his battle ends in one second, his superpower will be triggered. Although the power that can be improved is limited in such a short time, it will also make him useless every time he fights. Waste no time.

Calculated, every 36 seconds of fighting can increase the body's ultimate strength by one kilogram. Coupled with the physical transformation characteristics, his physical fitness will be able to be improved in the most comprehensive way.

As long as you fight, you can become infinitely stronger.

In the future, when Su Xin upgrades his training madman ability to more than ten levels and can increase his strength by more than ten kilograms every hour of exercise, the effect of this feature will also increase accordingly.

At that time, under the characteristics of the ultimate combat body, he can increase his ultimate strength by more than ten kilograms every 36 seconds of fighting. How terrifying that would be.

"Okay, everything is ready, all we need is the east wind."

"When I trigger a new task tomorrow, complete it as quickly as possible and awaken new abilities. The remaining 70,000 causal points can be used to upgrade again."

Su Xin stretched with a relaxed expression.

In the past two days, he had stayed in the hotel for more than 40 hours without leaving the house. He had been burying his head in donating money. His life was extremely boring.

The most important thing is that he also endured twice the gravity assistance throughout the whole process, which can be said to be a heavy torment both physically and mentally.

Although he could recover through resurrection, he was immersed in donations, and it was impossible to commit suicide and recover every few minutes. That would be too troublesome, and most of the time he could only suffer as much as possible.

Now I'm finally done.

He also felt a lot more relaxed in his heart.

As for the triggering of the next mission, which required upgrading the Seclusion Prayer to LV9 and accumulating at least 400,000 more causal points, he could only forget about it for the time being.

Getting stronger is for a better life. If he spends all his time on upgrading and becoming stronger and doesn't take the time to enjoy life, then what's the point of working so hard to become stronger?

After all, after LV9 there will be LV10, and after that there will be LV11. There is no end to upgrades. He cannot spend his eternal life on earning causal points just to upgrade.

Next, he decided to deal with some remaining issues from the past.

Then continue to follow up on the Nirvana Meeting, or wait for a new mission to be triggered.

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