My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 175 Flesh and Blood Reconstruction

"My ability can be used to pick up things from far away or to attack. However, since I haven't been awakened for a long time and am not very skilled in using it, it is difficult to use it successfully in combat. I can usually only use it in a static state. More skilled.”

Su Xin thought for a while and asked:

"Since you can make your hand appear in the distance through space folding, you should also be able to teleport, right?"

Lin Yufei nodded: "It is indeed possible, but the teleportation distance is not very far. My current teleportation limit is about fifty meters."

Su Xin continued to ask: "What about defense? For example, you put yourself in a folded space so that all incoming attacks pass directly through you?"

Lin Yufei smiled bitterly and said: "It is indeed feasible in theory, but it is difficult to apply it in practice."

"Because I can currently only fold point-to-point or face-to-face spaces. For example, these two walls are two spaces. I can fold them together. If an attack from outside hits one of the walls, You can go right through it on the other wall."

"So, this defense method can only defend against attacks from certain two sides, but cannot completely defend the whole body. And it can only be done if I am well prepared."

"But if I've already discovered the attack, wouldn't it be better to just dodge it?"

Su Xin thought about it carefully, and some thoughts vaguely emerged in his mind, but he did not elaborate further, and praised with a smile:

"This ability of yours is very good."

He turned to look at Jiang Chengcai again, who immediately followed suit and introduced:

"My superpower is what I like to call flesh and blood reconstruction. Any part of my body can change its shape freely, just like plasticine. Even if some parts are cut off, I can still reassemble the flesh and blood from other parts. Some came over and reconstructed and filled in the missing parts.”

"But the total amount of flesh and blood in my body is only so much. Once it is lost and replenished, the total amount will be reduced. I must make myself thinner or shorter to ensure that my body is intact."

He knew that although he joined Su Xin's staff, he had to try his best to show his value so that he could be more valued by Su Xin.

So his introduction is very detailed:

"Generally, the most common way to use my powers is through disguise. My height, appearance, and even my hairstyle can all be changed freely."

"At the same time, after being injured, I can also directly discard the damaged flesh and blood. As long as it is not those critical parts, I can use the flesh and blood from other parts to make up for it. In this way, I can recover quickly."

"It's just that this kind of recovery method is still very draining on me. I wouldn't use it like this under normal circumstances. It can only be used as an emergency."

After listening to what he said, Su Xin asked curiously:

"According to your introduction, the more flesh and blood the better. Does this mean that the fatter you get, the more practical your powers will be?"

Jiang Chengcai nodded:

"That's true. However, some people gain weight easily, while others never gain weight. I am the type who has a hard time gaining weight."

"Furthermore, because I was caught before, I gave up a lot of flesh and blood in order to escape, and now I am much smaller than before."

"In addition, the experiences during this period were not very good and I didn't have the opportunity to replenish my body, so now I either become shorter or slimmer."

Su Xin asked doubtfully:

"Can't you become someone else? Why not borrow someone else's identity and buy more nutrients to replenish your body?"

Jiang Chengcai smiled bitterly and said: "I just escaped from Kangbo Biological Company last month. The process of escaping is difficult to describe. I finally found an opportunity and consumed almost 20 to 30% of my flesh and blood, almost putting myself on the verge of death."

"After I barely escaped, I didn't dare to contact the outside world at all, let alone take risks and borrow other people's identities, because I was too fragile at that time. Even if I just met a child, I might be punched by him. will die."

"I met Lin Yufei during that time. She gave me a few steamed buns every day to keep me alive, and then I recovered little by little."

"Originally, I wanted to recover more and find an opportunity to borrow someone else's identity to eat something good. But when I saw Lin Yufei was almost kidnapped, I had no choice but to step forward and save her first."

"After that, I just hid everywhere for the past few days."

"I see."

Su Xin nodded slightly: "From today on, you guys will follow me. Although I don't dare to say that you will eat hot and spicy food every day, and I can't guarantee that you will act normally in broad daylight, but I will try my best to help you achieve these things. , can also provide you with shelter and become your backstage."

"The next step..."

Su Xin looked around and said:

"It's not safe for you here. Let me find a better base first."

"But this may have to wait a few days. You can stay here for the next few days. When I build the base, I will come and pick you two up."

"If anything happens in the past few days, call me quickly and I will come to rescue you."

"My number is 155..."

The two quickly took out their mobile phones to record.

"Then I'll leave first and say goodbye!"

After Su Xin finished speaking, he teleported away.

Then, after entering a state of hiding, he quietly returned to the room, not to eavesdrop on what the other party was talking about him, but to go to one of the bedrooms and take a closer look on the bed.

Soon, he found a few long hairs as he wished, and quietly picked them up and held them in his hands.

At this moment, he heard what the two people were discussing in the study room next door:

"...Should you tell Su Xin? Maybe he will have some ideas to solve your physical problems."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it for now. It's good news that he can protect us. If I make such a troublesome request again, it might make Su Xin think that I just treat him as a nanny. I don't like to owe too much. Favor.”

"But your body..."

"There is nothing wrong with my body for the time being. I will think of a solution when it stabilizes. Or when I have made enough contributions to Su Xin, it will not be too late to ask him for help."

"Are you sure you can still handle it?"

"I'm sure, no problem."

"Well, you take charge of it yourself. Your body is your own, and your life is your own. Don't feel embarrassed to speak up. Maybe this can be solved easily for Su Xin."

“Don’t worry, I’m measured.”…

Su Xin listened briefly for a while, and generally understood what the two were talking about. It was probably that Lin Yufei had something wrong with her body, and her life was probably in danger, and she wanted to ask him for help.

But since the other party didn't take the initiative to speak, he just pretended that he didn't hear it. Anyway, he didn't have the ability to save people now.

Then, he went to another room and found a few short hairs on the pillow.

Taking these hairs, Su Xin really left the room and came to the hidden place he had found before.

Put these hairs in small plastic bags and write their names on them, leaving only one hair in each hand.

Wait quietly for ten seconds.

His transformation ability is triggered.

Now, he has two biomarks of Lin Yufei and one biomark of Jiang Chengcai.

"Space is folded, flesh and blood are reconstructed, let me see what your powers are like..."

With a thought, Su Xin used one of Lin Yufei's biomarks directly.

His body changed quietly, and his figure and face became exactly the same as Lin Yufei's.

Since Lin Yufei was more than ten centimeters shorter than Su Xin and had obviously lost a lot of weight, after these changes, Su Xin's clothes immediately became loose and baggy, as if they were about to fall off at any time.

Su Xin did not have such small clothes, and it was not easy to change clothes in this state. He could only roll up his sleeves and trouser legs, letting his clothes and trousers hang down.

Then I started experimenting with supernatural abilities.

He stretched out his hand and imitated Lin Yufei's approach in picking up a small object in the distance.

From the moment he transformed, he basically mastered the use of the space folding ability, and also knew what this ability was all about.

If you compare space to a piece of white paper, under normal circumstances, you need to pass a line from one point to another. If these two points are called point A and point B, the space folding ability is equivalent to Yu directly folded the paper over so that the two points directly overlapped.

If you draw a line on a piece of paper and passes through point A, the other side will pass through point B, because point A is point B on this piece of paper.

The same goes for the overlap between faces.

In Su Xin's view, this power can be regarded as a relatively versatile power, with good application methods for attack, defense, and movement.

Of course, ordinary people need to be proficient enough to use their superpowers flexibly in battle. Otherwise, in a battle where the opportunity is fleeting, by the time he folds the space at the required location, the opponent will have moved to another place. There is no way to attack in this way.

The same goes for defense and movement.

But it is really not difficult to use it statically.

Su Xin just practiced for a while and basically mastered several application methods.

Among them is the ability to teleport.

The teleportation brought about by space folding is completely different from the teleportation ability he possesses.

As long as the teleportation of hiding prayer is activated, the body will automatically teleport away from the place.

The teleportation of space folding is equivalent to opening a space door in front of him. He needs to step forward to get out, just like walking, but the distance spanned is much farther than normal people.

Then I tried the flesh and blood reconstruction ability.

This power is really equivalent to turning himself into a piece of plasticine. As long as the total amount of flesh and blood in his body remains unchanged, all parts of his body can be shaped into various shapes at will.

Of course, no matter how you transform, you cannot deviate from the category of a normal human being. You must maintain the basic human form, and all the necessary organs and tissues are necessary, otherwise the various biological systems inside the body will not be able to function normally.

It can't turn into a meat ball, nor can it turn into various animal forms.

There are still certain limitations.

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