My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 179 Mr. Su, I want to follow you (fourth update)

After returning to the temporary base.

Su Xin took out the hair of an ordinary member that he tore off from the Nirvana Society's temporary stronghold yesterday, and prepared to observe the other party's situation.

However, after waiting for ten minutes, his ability to transform into freedom was not triggered.


Su Xin looked at his phone and found that the time had exceeded ten minutes, and frowned.

"That kind of injury shouldn't be fatal. Even if there is cross-infection of blood, it won't be fatal so quickly..."

Su Xin took out a few hairs from ordinary members and one hair from Wu Yongkui from the plastic bag, and waited for another ten minutes.

This time, it finally happened again.

However, he took six hairs belonging to different people, but only triggered his transformation once, and only received one position in his mind.

This positioning belongs to Wu Yongkui.

"Five senses shared!"

With a thought, Su Xin's consciousness was immediately split into two. One of the consciousnesses appeared out of thin air in Wu Yongkui's body on the other side. His mind also received two visual images at the same time.

He also saw the other party's situation from this.

Wu Yongkui was surrounded by a group of people at this time, huddled in a corner amidst the hail of bullets. Red lines of blood spells appeared around his body. Under the continuous shooting, the wall of void formed by the blood spells rippled out with dense ripples, as if It looked like it was about to break at any moment, and the room he was in was filled with the corpses of his companions.

"Someone actually came to your door?"

"Is it because Nirvana will silence you?"

"It shouldn't be!"

Su Xin looked confused.

He followed Wu Yongkui's position as a guide and teleported there.

At this time, Wu Yongkui was sitting helplessly in the corner. He had bled many times, but he could only barely maintain this restricted space of less than one cubic meter to protect himself.

His body had not recovered from the two previous injuries, and the massive bloodletting this time had made his body extremely weak. Now he didn't even have the strength to reinforce the sealed space, and could only watch helplessly as the group of people killed him The fellow gunman fired continuously into the closed space.

The forbidden space will collapse at any time.

It is foreseeable that his fate will be either death or being sent to the laboratory.

He has fallen into despair.

His eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and his vision was getting blurry. He even thought about committing suicide, but he didn't even have the strength to commit suicide at this moment.

He could only sit here, like a fish lying on the chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered.

Just as Wu Yongkui's eyes gradually closed, his hazy vision suddenly caught a figure appearing next to him as if out of thin air.

His sluggish brain worked for a moment before he slowly opened his eyes. Under the strong shock, his consciousness returned to consciousness.

"Mr. Su!"

Wu Yongkui, who was so weak that he could only slump on the ground, suddenly brightened up when he saw Su Xin, with the light of survival shining in his eyes.

at the same time.

The group of people in the room who were shooting continuously saw Su Xin appearing out of thin air, and were startled. Some people instinctively turned their guns and fired a shot at Su Xin.

The first person exclaimed:

"It's Su Xin! Stop it!"

Only then did everyone react. A group of gun-wielding men who had shown murderous intent just now suddenly had frightened faces. Some people put down their guns and stood there with bewildered expressions. Some people turned around and ran out of the door in panic. .

Su Xin was shot several times, but with such strong physical fitness, he did not die, but was seriously injured, barely retaining the ability to move.

He lowered his head and looked at the bleeding holes on his body, and then looked at the twenty gunmen in front of him and Wu Yongkui beside him.

In this case, it would be troublesome for him to even commit suicide, because damage transfer will transfer the damage of suicide to other people around him, and attacking other people will not transfer the damage to himself.

Therefore, he was seriously injured and could only use a teleport to retreat. He returned to a deserted place he passed before, stabbed his throat, died, and then resurrected, recovering from his injuries.

At the same time, in order to avoid being hurt by the opponent again, he also activated the Immortal Body, and then returned to the room just now.

"Just die!"

Su Xin coldly drew his sword out of its sheath.

Some of those gunmen thought that they would not be able to escape Su Xin's pursuit, so they might as well stay here and beg Su Xin for forgiveness and show a good attitude, which would give them a chance to survive.

But now, seeing Su Xin pull out the knife and look ruthless, obviously preparing to kill, they couldn't think about whether they could escape. They all turned around and ran away, in a moment of chaos. Make a ball.

This is what Su Xin wants.

Seeing everyone escaping from the room, he teleported to chase them out and stabbed them in the throat.

Within ten meters, five people died.

Another teleport to chase him, another stab at the neck, and another five people died...

The killing efficiency of damage transfer is too high.

In just a minute or so, those gunmen were killed by Su Xin.

When Su Xin returned to the room just now, Wu Yongkui forced himself to lean against the wall. After seeing him appear, he said weakly:

"Mr. Su, I want to follow you."

After saying that, he tilted his head and fainted.

Su Xin teleported through the forbidden space, came to Wu Yongkui, lifted up the opponent's body, and teleported away with him.

He had no treatment ability and didn't know how to treat wounds, so he simply brought Wu Yongkui to the hospital. When the doctors and leaders in the hospital learned of Su Xin's arrival, they immediately arranged the best treatment team for Wu Yongkui. All procedures were completed. Prioritize passing with the highest efficiency.

Of course, although Wu Yongkui's injury was serious, it was not complicated and the treatment was simple. The medical team quickly treated his wound and arranged for him to rest in a VIP ward.

Su Xin sat on the armchair in the ward, concentrating on the issue of supernatural powers.

In fact, he had felt that the ability of damage transfer had mixed benefits and disadvantages many times before. Sometimes, it could even be said that the disadvantages outweighed the benefits, causing him a lot of trouble.

In the past, there was no attack ability, and teleportation required clasping hands. It was difficult to attack at close range, so I had to use damage transfer to attack from a distance. It was convenient, safe, and very efficient.

But now, his physical fitness is getting stronger and stronger, and his power is getting stronger and stronger. Even with his monster-like physical fitness, coupled with the ability to teleport without putting his hands together, and a knife, it is enough to have super strength. Attack ability.

If you include the Sword God Yi Zhan, his attack power is even more terrifying. It seems that there is no need to keep the damage transfer ability.

Moreover, the experience just now reminded him that in the future, as his physical fitness continues to improve, it will become more and more difficult for others to kill him. Even with various shootings, he may only be able to injure himself, but he cannot do it in the crowd. To commit suicide, you can only fight with your injured body, or teleport away and find a deserted place to commit suicide.

That would be too much trouble.

In addition, the most important reason is that after the system upgrade, the number of ability slots is limited. Keeping abilities that are not very useful will only waste the ability slots.

For example, if he keeps the damage transfer and triggers the system mission next time, he needs to upgrade the Hidden Prayer to LV9, which requires 400,000 causal points.

If the damage transfer is forgotten, then after this mission is completed, he can directly trigger the next mission when the time comes, which can be regarded as an indirect saving of 400,000 causal points.

After thinking for a moment, Su Xin gave the order to the system without hesitation:

"System, forget the damage transfer ability!"

"Ding! The damage transfer ability has been forgotten, and the empty ability slot +1."

Su Xin smiled slightly. Without this power, he felt inexplicably lighter.

In the past, no matter who you were attacking, you had to consider the existence of the damage transfer ability first. There was no excitement at all when fighting or killing. It was like scratching an itch, without the feeling of blood boiling when fighting.

After obtaining the ultimate combat body yesterday, he never had the chance to try out this feature.

In fact, when he chose the characteristic of the ultimate combat body, he had in mind the idea of ​​forgetting the ability to transfer damage, otherwise this characteristic would not have much practical value if he chose it.

I just made up my mind today.

Giving up requires great courage.

Especially giving up a magical ability that cost him a lot of causal points to upgrade and has super practicality in some situations.

For example, in the invisible state, the damage transfer ability allows you to attack others, but others cannot attack you.

For example, as long as the opponent is within the effective range of the damage transfer, his attack opponent cannot avoid it, let alone block it.

After forgetting about damage transfer, Su Xin will no longer be able to do this.

But he has nothing to regret.

He already has so many powers, if he is still struggling with a power that has obvious flaws, it would be too uncharacteristic of a strong man.

Since he couldn't completely take the initiative to attack while hiding, he could show up and attack head-on. Now, he was not afraid of a head-on battle at all, but was looking forward to it.

Su Xin has already thought about it. Next, he will face various battles as a super-physical superpower.

He established a superpower organization in the name of Su Xin, and his new identity was a member of the organization.

Fight crazily with a new identity, enjoy the blood of battle, and quickly improve your physical fitness.

When necessary, he assumes his true identity, acting cool everywhere, or supporting the organization.

Occasionally travel around as an ordinary person and enjoy a leisurely life.

"This life is perfect."

The corners of Su Xin's mouth raised slightly.

Before that, he had to win over the Nirvana Society. After all, some people with powers in the other organization were also valuable to him.

While Su Xin was thinking, Wu Yongkui, who was sleeping, coughed a few times and woke up.

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