My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 181: Killing people is like mowing grass (six updates, a total of 20,000 words)

"Guan Shilong, Yang Huifen, and Mu Ken, the three of you will lead people to open three escape exits respectively."

"Shao Zhixian, please contact other bases quickly and ask them to be more vigilant."

"Hong Si, you summon all the core members, bring weapons and equipment, and work with me to try to forcibly open another new passage..."

Just as Chairman Ma was giving orders, an anxious voice sounded from the other side:

"President Ma, the second base was attacked and all escape exits were destroyed by Su Xin!"


"So fast!!"

Everyone at the scene was shocked.

As members of the headquarters, some people know the locations of multiple bases, and even members who don't know the specific location of the second base at least understand the organization's regulations for major bases.

Each official base will be set up in a different country, at least several thousand kilometers away from each other, and it will take at least several hours to fly.

And Su Xin, who had just threatened them in front of them, arrived at the second base in the blink of an eye. What kind of terrifying speed was this?

Even though everyone in the world knew that Su Xin had the ability to teleport, no one expected that Su Xin's teleportation ability would be so strong that he could travel thousands of miles in an instant. Such terrifying mobility was simply heartbreaking. Give birth to despair.

More importantly, behind this news, it is enough to show that Su Xin has at least mastered the accurate addresses of several bases, otherwise the other party would not be able to rush there without stopping.

This news is really a devastating blow to everyone in the Nirvana Society.

After Su Xin left the Nirvana Society headquarters, he appeared directly at the second base thousands of miles away.

This second base is also built underground, but the area is significantly smaller than the headquarters, and the number of people is also smaller.

After Su Xin appeared here, he immediately destroyed the three exits here.

But he did not ask the other party to gather. Instead, he walked through the base step by step, holding a short knife, with a cold look on his face, and shouted:

"Whoever has superpowers, please take the initiative to stand up and I can let him live! Others..."

"All must die!"

The reason why he kept the members of the headquarters alive was mainly because he felt that there might be more people with special abilities in the headquarters, and he did not want to cause accidental killings. There should also be some talents among them who could serve as the team members of the organization he would establish next.

As for these branches, he felt that even if there were people with powers, there wouldn't be many, so there was no need to keep them all, and he didn't have the energy to greet so many people.

These are all your own enemies anyway.

If he selectively shows mercy to some enemies, he is already magnanimous. There is no need to spare all enemies. They must be killed if they should be killed.

It's time to try the ultimate combat body.

As he spoke, Su Xin slashed with his sword, and the sword light shot out of the air, directly cutting a person in half.

The others were immediately frightened and ran away like crazy.

But there were also people who were shooting wildly with guns and shouting:


"Everyone attacks together!"

"He will not be merciful. Let's fight him together! Even death will not make him feel better!"

Su Xin was killed by more than a dozen bullets.

In an instant, he was perfectly resurrected, and activated his immortal golden body. He rushed into the crowd despite the hail of bullets, slashing horizontally and vertically like melons and vegetables, killing Nirvana Society members one after another.

Although his physical fitness is five times that of ordinary people, at this time he has turned on twice the gravity assistance, which greatly weakens his close combat effectiveness, especially his speed and flexibility. The fighting process is not a crushing, but a battle. The reputation scares the other party away from organizing effective resistance.

But Su Xin killed more people and obviously had no intention of letting them go. In desperation, these people started a crazy counterattack.

The battle seemed a little anxious for a while.

Su Xin can kill a person with every blow. With his huge strength, the opponent cannot stop him no matter what, but at the same time he will be attacked several times. He is simply fighting with his life for his life.

The scene was extremely tragic.

The reason why Su Xin did this was mainly to test whether, after weakening his own combat effectiveness with the help of gravity, he could trigger the ultimate combat body by fighting these people with ordinary physical fitness.

The result is...yes.

Su Xin could notice that his powers were always activated, and his power was growing all the time. Although the growth rate seemed a bit slow, this feeling of improvement all the time made Su Xin feel unprecedentedly happy!

"This is fighting!"

Su Xin, who was bathed in blood, had an excited smile on his face.

Every time he fought before, he could only wipe his own neck with a knife. Although the killing efficiency was very high, it was not smooth enough after all.

But now, there is no damage transfer, all relying on one's own physical fitness, the fighting method has become simple, direct, and extremely rough.

He certainly prefers it the way it is now.


With a knife, the man in front of him was beheaded. Su Xin stood up straight and quickly glanced around. He saw corpses lying on the ground behind him, blood flowing in rivers, broken limbs and broken arms scattered everywhere, and from time to time, there were still people who were not dead and gave out bursts of helplessness. murmured.

Su Xin took a knife and killed himself.

After being resurrected from the dead, all the injuries on his body were perfectly restored. Even the blood stained on his body was automatically cleaned away, and his clothes became as clean and intact as they were before the battle.

Su Xin had specially tested this point before. Every time he was resurrected from death, his injuries, clothing, spilled blood, etc., would be perfectly restored within five minutes as long as he was resurrected.

For example, if clothes are accidentally stained or scratched in daily life, they will be restored together as long as they are revived within five minutes, but not after five minutes.

So is being stained with the blood of others.

The same goes for the blood he spilled.

After returning to the perfect state, Su Xin quietly closed his eyes and waited for three seconds.

After entering the hidden state, he quickly found the person hiding on the other side, showed himself, and started a new round of killing.

While fighting frantically, he shouted loudly from time to time: "If the superpower takes the initiative, I can let him live!"

While killing, ask at the same time.

At the end of the fight, a fat man raised his hand tremblingly and shouted in a trembling voice:

"Me! I am a superpower."

Su Xin glanced at him, teleported to his side, and with his horrified look on his face, he pressed his right hand, which was already covered in blood, heavily on his head.

The fat man was so frightened that he stiffened and instinctively wanted to escape, but he didn't dare to move his body. He could only let Su Xin grab his head, and countless horrifying thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Can Su Xin copy my powers in this way? Or read my memory?"

"No wonder he has many super powers!"

"You don't know what will happen to me?"

But the fat man could never have imagined that the reason why Su Xin scratched his head had no complicated meaning at all. He just wanted to use this action to cover up and pull out a few of his hairs.

Su Xin retracted his hand. In the process of retracting his hand, he quietly pulled off a few hairs while the fat man was not paying attention, and hid them in his pocket.

"Wait for me here, I'll be back soon."

After saying that, Su Xin teleported away.

After wreaking havoc in the second base, Su Xin went to another base without stopping.

However, this base is different from the previous two bases in that it is above the surface and looks like an ordinary trading company from the outside.

Su Xin couldn't completely seal off the place by destroying the exit. Once he took action, many people would definitely escape from all directions.

After thinking about it, Su Xin went into hiding, found the monitoring room of the building, threatened the two security guards to turn on the call function, and said into the microphone:

"Everyone from the Nirvana Society, I am Su Xin."

"You must have heard the news that a certain base was destroyed by me. Now, it's your turn."

"However, I have good news for you. I will be lenient to people with superpowers. As long as you are a person with superpowers, just stay on the fifth floor. I will not kill you, but if you try to escape..."

"The end result is death!"

Su Xin's words caused all the Nirvana Society members in the whole building to panic instantly.

Some of their management had indeed just received the news that the second base was destroyed, but they thought that the second base was still far away from them, and Su Xin found the location of the second base, which did not mean that he also knew about their base. s position.

Plus the time is too close.

They made no preparations at all.

Now that they heard Su Xin blatantly say harsh words through the microphone, they finally woke up.

"Run away!"

"Quickly start data self-destruction!"

"Quick, quick! Everyone, run away!"

More than a hundred people in the building suddenly became a mess. Everyone swarmed down the stairs. Some people on lower floors opened their windows and used various methods to descend quickly, just to escape from the building as soon as possible.


Su Xin's figure suddenly appeared outside the building out of thin air. He drew his sword out of its sheath, and sword lights flew into the sky, heading straight for those who were trying to descend.

After hitting the opponent, these sword lights explode into countless blade fragments, sweeping out in all directions. Each sword light will form a bright silver brilliance, piercing everything within ten meters, including humans.

With just a few blows, these members of the Nirvana Society who tried to descend through the window were cut off one by one by the sword light, and were shot through by the fragments of the sword light into broken sacks full of holes. They fell helplessly from the mid-air and fell into pieces. Group after group.

Blood sprayed and flowed everywhere.

Su Xin teleported to the other side of the building.

It only took less than ten seconds in total.

Everyone who tried to rappel from all directions of the building was easily killed by Su Xin.

Then there is the location of the front door and back door.

Teleportation without clasping hands is extremely convenient and can be activated with just a thought.

Coupled with the terrifying attack power of the sword god Yi Zhan, it can truly be said that killing people is like mowing grass.

A few minutes later.

The whole building fell silent.

Su Xin closed his eyes, waited for three seconds, entered the hidden state, searched the building, found several hiding members of the Nirvana Society, and sent them to hell one by one.

Finally, when he came to the top of the building, there were only two men who claimed to be superpowers standing there with nervous faces, looking at Su Xin uneasily.

"do not move."

Su Xin said something, then teleported behind the two of them, put two hands on their heads respectively, consumed more than a hundred time and space marks, and teleported the other person to the side of the fat man before.

With Fatty's nervous expression on his face, Su Xin calmly ordered:

"You guys wait here together for me."

After saying that, he withdrew his hand and pulled out a few hairs of the two of them while he was doing so.

Then it teleports away.

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