Although it was less than ten minutes before Su Xin made the request, the information prepared by Ma Boyi and others was still quite detailed.

Especially what Su Xin highlighted, the specific locations of each branch and the information of important members are all recorded in detail in the documents.

Su Xin quickly scanned the computer screen.

Soon, he found the goal he wanted most before——

"Lu Zhennan, male, 33 years old, codenamed Qianmian, is one of the former partners of the Nirvana Society. He has the power of a thousand-changing mask. He can use other people as materials to make masks with exactly the same facial features. Anyone who puts it on will automatically match his head. The whole body fits perfectly, and the effect is the same as the real appearance..."

After getting some information about the Nirvana Society from Heaven, he became very interested in this guy codenamed Thousand Faces.

At that time, he thought that once he had this power, or a mask made by this power, he could perfectly borrow the identity of others, change his identity, and experience a new life.

Even though he now has several abilities that can change his appearance, such as his transformation into freedom, and his ability to reconstruct flesh and blood after his transformation into freedom, he can perfectly transform into someone else.

The ability to reconstruct flesh and blood can even change the appearance at will. It does not necessarily have to be based on other people's faces. You can completely transform into a person who has never appeared in the world.

But these two supernatural transformations have a very big flaw for Su Xin——

After the transformation, his physical fitness also changed to that of the other party.

Only the Thousand-Change Mask is different.

The ability of the Thousand-Change Mask is to create a corresponding mask that anyone can wear.

Su Xin can completely use his free power to transform into Lu Zhennan, use the opponent's power to make some masks, then transform back into his own body, and then wear these masks.

In this way, he has achieved the transformation, and his strong physical fitness has not been wasted. Even if he uses the identity of someone else, he can disguise himself as a physical superpower with super physical fitness, and use this identity to conquer the world.

And this person, codenamed Qianmian, named Lu Zhennan, happened to be in the headquarters at this time.

In addition, there are several other superpowers. The abilities of two of them may be much stronger than the Thousand-Change Mask in the eyes of ordinary people, but in Su Xin's eyes they can only be regarded as pretty good and not very attractive. Now I hope to get some abilities with special effects, rather than those with simple combat effectiveness.

Of course, one more ability would also bring one more trump card, and he didn't intend to let it go.

After roughly scanning the electronic document, Su Xin quietly closed his eyes and waited for three seconds.

Leaving the real and fake phantom behind, he sat in front of the computer and continued to look at the documents. Su Xin himself found Lu Zhennan and several other supernatural beings in a hidden state.

After pulling out each other's hair one by one and sending them back to their temporary base to pack them up, Su Xin returned to the Nirvana Society headquarters.

However, it is no longer appropriate to call it the Nirvana Society headquarters at this time, because this place has been occupied by him and is considered his territory.

At this time, he began to think about a very important question - what should the organization be called?

Recruiting these superpowers was actually just a temporary act on his part. Until now, he had never seriously thought about what goals he wanted to achieve after establishing the organization. How should we arrange these people? He didn't even think about the name of the organization seriously for even a second.

Until now——

After he destroyed the two major Nirvana Society bases and conquered most of the Nirvana Society members in the two bases, he began to consider these issues.

"The name of the organization should be closely related to the core purpose of the organization. Now that I have established this organization, I still have to do something."

"Since people with superpowers are valuable to me, I might as well try to change the situation of people with superpowers as I said to Wu Yongkui."

"But the style of conduct does not have to be as radical as the Nirvana Society. Since I have re-established a new organization, it naturally has to have a new atmosphere. Why not call it..."

"Dawn meeting."

"After the dark night, dawn comes."

"It means that the dark and tragic situation of people with superpowers is yesterday. After dawn, all people with superpowers will usher in light and hope."

"Next is the organizational structure and program..."

Su Xin thought about it for a while, and finally gave up. After all, he had limited knowledge and could only think of an organization name. He had to consider more complex issues such as organizational structure and program, and he had no clue at all.

“Leave it to the professionals.”

Su Xin summoned all the management and superpowers from the Nirvana Society headquarters. Except for Ma Boyi, who was allowed not to come because Su Xin was seriously injured, everyone else came to the conference room obediently.

Su Xin sat in the main seat, with a rare serious look on his face. After looking around for a week, he said:

"Everyone, congratulations, you have now officially become members of my organization."

"And my organization is called the Dawn Society."

"After the dark night, dawn comes."

"I also hope that the shady curtain over people with special abilities will be lifted as soon as possible, so that all people with special abilities and all people who have suffered unfair treatment can one day freely bathe in the sunshine, so that you will no longer be discriminated against, No more arrests.”

Everyone present looked excited.

They joined the Nirvana Society, in addition to various objective reasons, to a large extent they also hoped to change the tragic situation of people with supernatural powers, or to change this unfair world.

There are many superpowers in the Nirvana Society, but not all of them are superpowers. Some of the managers are just ordinary people. They are dissatisfied with the world for various reasons. They join the Nirvana Society because they want to change the world together.

However, the previous Nirvana Society had worked hard for this goal for a long time, but it only gave people with powers a barely safe place to live. The goal of changing the world was still as far away as a chasm.

All this is because the Nirvana Society is not strong enough and is targeted by various forces.

They are far behind even their biggest enemy, the Yonghui Zaibatsu, and will always be outnumbered by the opponent. In this world, there are eight other chaebols that are as powerful as the Yonghui Zaibatsu.

Not to mention various countries.

And the kingdom of heaven high above.

They all know that the organizational ideals may not be realized in their lifetimes.

But it's different now.

They changed families and joined Su Xin's organization, and Su Xin had similar goals, which made them suddenly full of confidence in the future.

Even if Su Xin just said such a light word now, they felt that this was more inspiring than the Nirvana Society's efforts in the past years.

Who is Su Xin?

When it came out, it was so suppressed that neither Yonghui Chaebol nor Tianguo dared to act rashly. Su Xin even openly killed the other party's top manager. As a result, they did not even dare to say a word of protest and had to obediently comply with all Su Xin's demands. .

Following such an invincible strong man who can suppress the whole world, this new organization called the "Dawn Society" has an extremely bright future, and their future is also full of hope.

Some people were even secretly glad that Su Xin found their headquarters and that Su Xin took the initiative to invite them to join the organization.

As for the nirvana meeting...

Sorry, the gap between this organization and Su Xin is too big, there is no comparison at all, and it really should be eliminated.

"It's not that we are not loyal enough to Nirvana, but that Su Xin can give us greater hope..."

Everyone secretly thought.

Su Xin continued: "Since my organization has just been established, I don't want to worry too much about management issues. As for you, as the second group of elders of the Dawn Society, I have decided to assign you a very important task, which is to discuss Develop the organizational structure, rules and regulations, etc.”

"In short, under normal circumstances I will not be involved in the direct management of the organization. These will be left to you and others in the future."

"After you finish formulating it, bring it to me for review."

Everyone's expressions changed.

But no one spoke directly. Following Ma Boyi's lesson, they were afraid of being chopped by Su Xin because of their disrespectful behavior, so some people raised their hands and looked at Su Xin helplessly.

Su Xin pointed to one of them and said:

"Your name is Fang Shoujie, right? If you have any opinions, feel free to speak out. I don't know much about organization and management. The main thing is to listen to your opinions and don't be too restrained."

An elegant middle-aged man named Fang Shoujie quickly asked:

"Mr. Su, I would like to ask, are there any special requirements or restrictions on organizational structure, rules and regulations?"

Su Xin thought for a while and said:

"The that we can no longer act in a radical style like the previous Nirvana Society, or at least we can't behave like a terrorist organization."

"Also, I decided to make the Dawn Society a semi-public international organization, letting the whole world know about the existence of the Dawn Society, and also know that the Dawn Society has recruited many people with superpowers and is committed to changing the situation of people with superpowers. This will make it more It will help attract people with special abilities from all over the world to join us."

Fang Shoujie asked: "Does Mr. Su intend to disclose his identity as the leader of the Dawn Society?"

Su Xin shook his head: "I don't plan to."

After hearing Su Xin's request, everyone began to discuss it heatedly. Su Xin listened for a while and found it boring, so he left the conference room directly and decided to wait for the results of their discussion to come back to listen.

In addition to the information about important members, the information Su Xin had seen before also included the detailed locations and staffing of all branches of the Nirvana Society.

The reason why he didn't rush to those branches was not because he didn't want to clean them up, but he knew that after he had taken care of four bases, he should be wary of other bases.

And it would take at least several hours for him to rush through them one by one through random teleportation.

With this time, the members in those branches may have completed their evacuation.

So he didn't bother to go there.

He has already conquered a few good superpowers, and the organization has a basic team, so he doesn't care much about the remaining branches.

However, Su Xin wandered around the headquarters for a while in boredom, and when he accidentally saw the president's office, he had a new plan——

The top leaders of the Nirvana Society are not dead yet, and the Nirvana Society has not yet been completely destroyed. They may bring some trouble to the organization one day, or some of these people who have taken refuge in themselves may collude with the Nirvana Society and betray the interests of the organization.

To cut weeds, we must remove the roots.

No one of these enemies can be left alive!

Completely cut off everyone's thoughts.

These high-level officials of the Nirvana Society recruited those who were useful to become his subordinates, and killed all the useless ones, leaving no one alive.

Let the traces of the Nirvana Society disappear completely!

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