My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 189 The end of the body seizing operation

Su Xin squatted down slightly, put on a fighting posture quite formally, and raised his hand.

"bring it on!"

"Careful, I'm coming!"

Shen Liyong shouted loudly and kicked his feet violently on the ground again. His whole body covered in blood armor almost turned into a bloody stream of light and shot out in the direction of Su Xin.

The ability of blood armor is also a quite comprehensive combat-oriented ability. Unlike real armor, which can only provide defense, it can also increase explosive power to a certain extent.

And stronger explosive power not only means stronger attack ability, but also means faster movement speed when sprinting.


No matter how much it increases, Shen Liyong's speed cannot exceed Su Xin's reaction. After all, Su Xin's physical fitness has been enhanced in all aspects, and his reaction speed is much stronger than ordinary people.

Even though the body movements are restricted due to the double gravity assist, the reaction is not restricted.

When Shen Liyong rushed over, Su Xin raised his left hand in time and accurately probed for Shen Liyong's wrist. His fingers were like iron pliers, as if he wanted to directly restrain his wrist.

Shen Liyong now knows how powerful Su Xin is, so naturally he doesn't dare to be caught by him, because he knows that once caught, he can't get rid of him.

He quickly turned his wrist to avoid Su Xin's grasp, and bumped his forearm directly into it.

Now wearing blood armor, his defense is his strongest point, and he is often used to fighting head-on with the blood armor.

Their arms collided, and their other hands also clashed at extremely fast speeds.

When Su Xin did not use various powers and applied gravity assistance to himself, the combat effectiveness of the two could be said to be almost the same.

After all, Su Xin's only advantage now is his strength of just over 500 pounds and his super-fast reactions, but his movements are ordinary under twice the gravity.

As for Shen Liyong, when he used the blood armor power, his combat effectiveness was not much worse than Su Xin's. He also had super combat experience and was not at a disadvantage in the battle.

The two fought fiercely.

Su Xin's strength grew little by little.

You can gain one pound every 18 seconds.

Never ending!

the other side.

The five presidents, including Tao Long and Guo Zhaofeng, along with several of their respective cronies, a total of more than 20 people, gathered at the first backup headquarters.

It was different from the many previous meetings. This time, everyone’s identities had changed.

They are no longer high-ranking members of the Nirvana Society, but have changed their positions and become Su Xin's subordinates. In some people's minds, they are even considered prisoners.

Everyone was filled with emotion when they met under such circumstances, but in order to avoid any complaints being quietly reported to Su Xin by others, they could only pretend to be fine and greet each other.

Then get in touch with the major branches.

Tao Long declared to the major branches that all four bases have been captured. It may not be long before Su Xin gets more information from the headquarters and finds all the remaining branches one by one.

Therefore, Tao Long officially ordered all branches to evacuate and take refuge, and all important members gathered in the area where the first backup headquarters was located.

At such a critical juncture, none of the branches would question Tao Long's orders. What's more, there were four other vice-presidents staying with Tao Long. No one would think that Tao Long's orders would What is the problem.

As a result, these important members rushed over as quickly as possible through various methods.

Since these branches are located all over the world, the speed at which these people rush there varies. The fastest one can arrive in one day, while the slowest one has to fly in the sky for more than twenty-four hours.

Tao Long and others settled the arriving members one after another, comforted and stabilized everyone. After they were basically there, Tao Long quietly sent a message to Su Xin.

Two days later.

A training base on an isolated island overseas.

On a spacious open space.

"Bump bump!!"

Several figures were moving around on the field, and the sound of fierce body collisions was endless.

Five of them were wearing protective gear, and some of them were holding iron rods and other blunt instruments in their hands. They surrounded the middle person, but they all had extremely solemn expressions on their faces, as if they were surrounded not by the other person alone, but by the five of them.

All this is because the ordinary-looking young man in the middle is so powerful that his punches and kicks can be said to be infinite. Whenever he hits him, he will basically lose his fighting power, which makes the five of them unable to fight at all. If you dare to confront him head-on, even if you have to fight with him, you can only resist with an iron rod.

Of course, they held iron bars and were quite threatening to the young man in the middle. Coupled with their numerical advantage, they showed no sign of defeat in a short period of time. Instead, the battle situation was very anxious.

at this time--

The young man in the middle seized an opportunity, grabbed the iron rod of one of them, and kneed the other person.


Although the other party was wearing protective gear, under his terrifying strength, his face was still twisted in pain and his head was covered in cold sweat. After he let go, he slowly fell to the ground, with his mouth open and unable to say a word.

After getting rid of one of the opponents, the young man's numerical disadvantage was reduced. In addition, he had a slight upper hand, so he quickly defeated all the remaining four people.

"Coach Feng, you are so amazing!"

Among the small crowd watching the battle, someone cheered loudly for the young man.

Su Xin, known as Coach Feng, now known as Feng Qian, smiled and waved in the direction of the crowd and said:

"It'll be your turn next time."

The man immediately covered his mouth, looked frightened, shook his head and said loudly:

"Coach Feng, none of us are your opponents. We should practice again when we have the opportunity in the future."

"Haha, it's not up to you!"

Su Xin waved his hand, turned and left.

In the past two days, he and Shen Liyong fought several times for more than an hour, and the opponent was exhausted. Later, Lin Zixiang proposed that Su Xin become a coach at the training base.

There is no need for him to really teach anything. Since Su Xin likes to fight, fighting with different members every day will not only satisfy Su Xin's desire to fight, but also train new members.

Simply the best of both worlds.

Therefore, in the past two days, except for the occasional battle with Shen Liyong, Su Xin spent most of his time fighting with other new members.

And the number of opponents increases again and again.

First there were three people, then four people, and finally five people, and each opponent was equipped with protective gear and wooden sticks.

Later, it was discovered that wooden sticks were of no use to Su Xin, so he simply replaced them with iron sticks.

Only then did the two sides fight evenly.

Such a crazy battle not only greatly improved Su Xin's combat experience, but also made his strength soar continuously. From just over 500 kilograms in the past two days, he increased by more than 1,000 kilograms, and now he has 1,600 kilograms. The terrifying power.

On average, I gained more than 500 kilograms a day.

This terrifying efficiency made Su Xin become more enthusiastic and fond of fighting.

However, the potential of this training base is almost over for the time being. After all, there are only more than a hundred people here. In addition to the grassroots staff, combatants used to maintain order and security, and new members participating in training, There were only more than seventy people in total.

Su Xin's crazy fighting in the past two days has basically injured all these people. I'm afraid there will be no way to sparring with him in a short time.

Most people would overdraw their bodies if they fought so recklessly and continuously, but Su Xin had exhausted all the combatants in the base after two days of fighting.

This is because Su Xin turned on triple gravity assistance, and he also absorbed a lot of force during the battle.

Otherwise, the opponent would probably be killed directly, let alone being injured and temporarily losing combat effectiveness.

After returning to his room, Su Xin locked the door, showed a short knife and committed suicide.

In the battle just now, he was hit several times with an iron rod by the opponent. There were red and swollen marks on many places on his body. With his resurrection from death, these marks disappeared instantly.

When Su Xin took out his mobile phone from the storage room, he saw the message sent by Tao Long.

"Finally we're all here."

"The body seizing operation can also be concluded."

Su Xin changed his clothes, took on his mobile phone, and teleported away according to the address sent by Tao Long.

The first backup headquarters of the Nirvana Society is in an unknown town that is not prosperous.

In the past two days, important members of the Nirvana Society have arrived in this town one after another, and they were all personally picked up by Tao Long and his men.

The reason why the backup headquarters is a backup is because it occupies a small area and the equipment is not complete enough. It is mainly used to communicate with the branches in emergencies. There is no consideration for too many people staying here at the same time.

Therefore, as more and more people gathered in the past two days, this underground base, which was not spacious to begin with, gradually became very crowded.

But no one had any complaints.

Everyone knows what kind of situation the organization is facing now, so they naturally don't care about small issues like the environment. They are more concerned about how the president plans to deal with this crisis.

In front, Tao Long looked solemn and continued to comfort everyone who still seemed a little restless.

"...I have already made arrangements. In two days at most, the organizational issues will be resolved."

Tao Long has said such empty and appetizing words at least ten times in the past two days.

In fact, he didn't want to say that, but there was no way. The organization was facing such a big crisis, and as the president, he had neither actual actions nor any expressions, so that was definitely not going to work.

If everyone causes trouble due to panic, even if his mission fails, and Su Xin is blamed, he will not end well.

Fortunately, his comfort made the agitated people calm down again, and they patiently waited for the arrangements mentioned by the president.


at this time--

A figure suddenly appeared beside Tao Long out of thin air and said lightly:

"Are these all your important members? Tao Long, you did a pretty good job."

Everyone who didn't know was suddenly shocked.

"Su Xin?!"

"Oops! Su Xin is here!"

"Run away!"

While some people were panicking, they suddenly noticed that Tao Long and other senior officials, as well as the cronies around them, had calm expressions on their faces, as if they had known that Su Xin would appear here.

This made everyone both shocked and angry.

Some people who were instinctively preparing to lift up and flee could not help but put down their steps.

Everyone is not stupid, and through the performance of Tao Long and others, they also guessed the truth of this gathering.

It turned out that several high-level officials of the organization had already been subdued by Su Xin, and this time they just jointly coaxed them all over and delivered them to Su Xin.

Many people present actually didn't hate Su Xin very much, but instead admired Su Xin.

What really makes them angry is that they came all the way here from all over the world, but it turned out that they were only betrayed by the leader of the organization.

Under the strange looks of everyone, Tao Long and others shouted respectfully:

"Mr. Su."

Su Xin nodded lightly, glanced quickly around the crowd, and spoke loudly:

"I'm Su Xin. Everyone here must know me, so I won't introduce myself."

"The reason why I am here today is because I asked Tao Long and others to invite you here two days ago, in order to invite you to join the organization I just established - the Dawn Society."

"I'll give you a chance to choose. If you want to stay, if you don't want to, leave on your own."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in shock, and no one dared to do anything special for a while.

There was silence.

Seeing that no one was leaving, Su Xin said calmly:

"Okay, I gave you guys a chance. Since you haven't left, from now on, you are all members of the Dawn Society."

"As for the organizational program and various systems of the Dawn Society, when you go to the headquarters, someone will formally inform you, so I won't say more."

"Tao Long, you stay here for now, take everyone to the headquarters, and arrange for everyone to stabilize each base. I will take Guo Zhaofeng and some others there first. Is there any problem?"

"no problem!"

Tao Long responded decisively.

Su Xin looked at the others again, and everyone responded quickly, not daring to neglect at all.

Su Xin nodded with satisfaction.

"I can teleport ten people at a time. In addition to Guo Zhaofeng and the other four vice-presidents, who are the more important managers? Tao Long, please tell me and choose six people."


Tao Long responded and picked out six people from the crowd. The latter also walked out of the crowd obediently and walked to Guo Zhaofeng and the other four people as requested by Su Xin, holding hands with each other.

Su Xin patted Tao Long on the shoulder without saying anything, then walked to Guo Zhaofeng and put a hand on the latter's shoulder.

A thought.

Su Xin himself, ten people including Guo Zhaofeng who were holding hands with each other, disappeared together.

Everyone at the scene secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, they turned their strange eyes to Tao Long in front of him, with disdain, disdain, and a hint of resentment and hostility in their eyes.

Originally, everyone was Tao Long's subordinates, and some of them respected Tao Long. But now they discovered that Tao Long had taken the lead in seeking refuge with Su Xin and betrayed them all. The only trace of reverence in their hearts had completely dissipated.

Tao Long also saw everyone's gaze.

He could only smile bitterly and said: "Everyone, Su Xin is too strong and has already found several of our major bases, including the organization headquarters. It will be a matter of time that other bases are found, and the various industries of the organization are also exposed to him. .”

"With our previous grievances and Su Xin's ruthless methods, if we resist to the end, we are destined to be destroyed and many people will die."

"To take refuge in him now is our best choice under the current situation."

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