My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 192 Physical transformation, superhuman body

As soon as these words came out, the whole world was in an uproar.

What Su Xin said was not a suggestion, nor a request, but a direct request with such a tough attitude, and a blatant threat to all countries, plutocrats and other forces. This kind of strong and domineering behavior made countless people stunned.

No one or any force has ever dared to threaten the world in public.

But when they thought that the person who said this was Su Xin, everyone slowly felt relieved.

What Su Xin did in the Kingdom of Heaven before made the officials of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Yonghui Conglomerate dare not resist at all, which is enough to show its deterrence.

After saying those words, Su Xin sat up straight, leaned back, and quietly closed his eyes to rest.

Zuo Shuanghui continued:

"Thank you Shen Su for your speech, and thank you Shen Su for his willingness to speak out for the community of people with powers. On behalf of the Dawn Club, and on behalf of all people with powers, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to God Su."

After speaking, he looked at the camera again and said:

"As for the requirements that Su Shen just said, some people may think that they are too strong, but what I want to say is that what Su Shen said are actually just the normal rights that people with super powers apply."

"Superpowers are humans too."

"It's just that they have some unique abilities because of the special mutation in their genes."

"It's like a patient suffering from a certain congenital disease. Why should all these messy institutions arrest him for no reason? Why should they dissect him?"

"Isn't it natural to let them go and promise not to arrest them arbitrarily?"

"Just imagine, you are living a good life, and one day you suddenly find that you have awakened a supernatural power, and then you are accidentally discovered by an agency. From then on, you face the arrest of the other party. Do you think this kind of thing should happen? "

Speaking of this, Zuo Shuanghui looked angry and unwilling. This expression made many people feel the same.

In many film and television works and novels, most people with supernatural powers have encountered this kind of experience. This made everyone believe his words at once, and it also reminded them of the bloody and cruel scenes in film and television works. This made many people have a suspicion of supernatural beings. The able group has more mercy and compassion.

Human nature is complex.

Sometimes good, sometimes evil.

On such a big issue of right and wrong, the vast majority of people will sympathize with the vulnerable groups.

In today's world, everyone has to admit that even if people with superpowers possess various magical abilities, ordinary people ultimately make the decision in this world. People with superpowers...except for Su Xin, can only live in dark corners. , they don’t even dare to disclose their identity, and they obviously belong to a vulnerable group.


Zuo Shuanghui also introduced some situations of the Dawn Society, and directly announced the regions and contact information of several branches, inviting people with supernatural powers hidden around the world to actively join, and calling on all those who have been persecuted, or are about to be persecuted. People with superpowers take the initiative to contact them.

Afterwards, there will be a special ability display session.

But Su Xin no longer pays attention to these.

He left midway through the press conference.

And this press conference, which lasted only half an hour, caused a huge stir around the world.

Those seemingly ordinary superpowers hidden in the crowd couldn't help but feel a little moved when they heard the various conditions Zuo Shuanghui said.

Not only because the conditions offered by Zuo Shuanghui were generous enough, but also because this was the first organization of superpowers to officially come to the forefront.

These superpowers, who have been carefully hiding their identities, actually really want to use their superpowers openly and openly, and they also really want to communicate with other superpowers.

Every special person is lonely.

Everyone hopes to meet similar people.

Now that an organization of superpowers has made its public appearance in front of the whole world and extended an invitation to them, this shows its sincerity and confidence.

Moreover, this organization is also backed by Su Xin.

This is like a new product on the market. If the brand is willing to spend a lot of money on advertising from the beginning and invites the top celebrities to endorse it, even a brand new brand can quickly gain everyone's recognition and attract everyone to buy it. .

If not for anything else, it is because these behaviors fully show that this brand has strong capital and is willing to spend money, which shows that he has confidence, strength, and full confidence and support for this brand.

Such a brand is worthy of trust.

The same is true for the Dawn Society.

Su Xin is more secure than the top stars, and he is also a superpower, and is recognized as the strongest superpower in the world.

With his endorsement, almost no one would think that this organization would be an evil organization that deceives people. It must be an organization of superpowers that really benefits the community of superpowers and helps each other.

For a time, many people with super powers sent their intelligence information to the Dawn Society, and a few who were bolder went directly to the Dawn Society branches announced by Zuo Shuanghui.

And forces such as the officials of various countries and the Yonghui Conglomerate have also begun to urgently discuss whether they should release the superpowers in their hands as soon as possible as Su Xin said, and whether they should make a public commitment?

There is no doubt about the result——

Do as Su Xin asks.

As the decision-makers of various forces, they did not dare to gamble with their own lives.

Now that Su Xin has made his position clear, if he doesn't do what he says, Su Xin will definitely find him and he will definitely be killed.

Yonghui Zaibatsu is a lesson learned from the past.

As a result, in the next few days, officials successively expressed their stance in official news that they were willing to coexist peacefully with people with special abilities and resolutely resisted discrimination or hostility against people with special abilities.

At the same time, officials from various countries have successively issued joint statements with the Dawn Society, requiring people with special abilities to register their identities as soon as possible with the Dawn Society.

After registration, no matter what the crime is, members of the Dawn Society will be asked to participate in supervision during the trial and disposal stages of registered superpowers.

As soon as these statements came out, the Dawn Society became an officially recognized organization of superpowers in various countries around the world. The prestige of the Dawn Society rose sharply and attracted more and more superpowers to join.

It seems that only those who join the Dawn Society are officially recognized by the world as superpowers. Those who do not join the Dawn Society are all undercover.

This status can no longer be regarded as a private organization, but more like the existence of international institutions such as the White Mountain Star United Council.

However, international institutions such as the White Mountain Star Joint Council are jointly established by countries around the world, and all parties have a certain say.

The Dawn Society is just a private organization, but it has the power to recruit and manage all superpowers in the world, and it also has the power to talk to all countries in the world on an equal footing.

Of course, these are all things for later.

The end of this press conference does not mean that the Dawn Society will immediately conquer the superpowers around the world, nor will it immediately be on an equal footing with other countries in the world. This all requires a process.

Su Xin ignored these mundane things and decided to wait until the Dawn Society stabilized, and then select some people with superpowers to copy their biological signatures based on the data.

After he left the press conference that day, he transformed into Feng Qian again and appeared in another small country in the Silver Moon Continent that was at war.

Silver Moon Continent is a very ordinary continent among the nine continents of Baishan Star. The economic conditions are relatively backward, and the development level of various countries is in the lower middle range among the nine continents. This is mainly because the people of this continent are strong and strong, and more than a dozen of them have long-term It was in civil strife and wars were frequent.

The original Nirvana Society had two branches and several small bases in Silver Moon Continent, and the headquarters was not far from Silver Moon Continent. This was because it was relatively chaotic and the chaebol's control was weak.

The Dawn Society was established by seizing the Nirvana Society, confiscating its members and property, and temporarily focused the organization's focus on Silver Moon Continent.

Su Xin also had a certain understanding of Silver Moon Continent based on the organization's information, and felt that this place was a treasure for him.

When Su Xin appeared in the face of Feng Qian in this war-torn small country, he happened to encounter a small group of warlords bullying others.

After Su Xin quietly appeared in a deserted alley, he walked out of the alley and blended into the crowd.

I saw a group of soldiers holding submachine guns and wearing dark green camouflage uniforms walking through the middle of the street with arrogant faces. Two of the soldiers rushed into the crowd and pulled a girl who kept crying back to the squad's formation. .

The passers-by around him were all silent, as if they had long been accustomed to such things.

Su Xin thought for a while, picked up a stone from the roadside, weighed it in his hand, and then gently threw it in the direction of the team.

Under the influence of the trajectory correction feature, the stone hit one of the soldiers in the calf accurately.

Even though Su Xin only used less than 10% of his strength and had not activated the Explosive Shooter ability, the blow still caused great damage to the soldier, causing him to lie on the ground and scream in agony. I couldn't get up for a while.

This movement immediately alerted other soldiers.

Everyone took their guns off their shoulders, looked for cover, and pointed their guns in all directions. The leader of the team nervously shouted:


"who is it?!"

This team looked like a mob at first glance, and behaved so unprofessionally in the face of unexpected events. However, no matter what, they still had guns in their hands, which still frightened everyone around them, fearing that they would be shot and taken away in a wave. .

Some people began to flee in panic.

The soldier captain seemed ready to fire.

At this time, Su Xin walked out step by step.

Among the panicked and nervous crowd, Su Xin's performance was extremely eye-catching. In addition, he carried a sheathed long knife on his back. His clothes and appearance were also very clean, and his energy was obviously different. He looked extremely eye-catching, and everyone immediately noticed his presence.

The soldiers immediately turned their guns on him.

The captain asked loudly: "Stop! Answer me! Did you attack my soldiers just now?"

Su Xin grinned:


"you wanna die!"

The captain yelled angrily and at the same time pulled the trigger in Su Xin's direction without hesitation.

"Da da da!!"

Several bullets flew out of the air.

Su Xin did not hide, nor did he intend to hide.

Being under the assistance of five times gravity at all times, he does move much faster than ordinary people, but his speed is also limited, and it is difficult to completely avoid the continuous shooting of submachine gun bullets.

Besides, his plan was to fight head-on, so there was no need to dodge all the opponent's attacks.

Su Xin suddenly kicked his feet.

The concrete floor under his feet suddenly exploded, showing a spiderweb-shaped crack area with a diameter of more than one meter. A hole the size of a basketball directly exploded where his right foot stood.

Under this terrifying force, Su Xin's body rushed forward quickly, almost turning into a light blue afterimage.

"Boom boom boom!!"

There was a dull crashing sound.

All the bullets hit Su Xin's body accurately, but without exception, they were blocked by his extremely strong skin, and then fell to the ground feebly, making crisp sounds.

Today, Su Xin's strength is close to three thousand kilograms, and he has thirty times the physical fitness of ordinary people, and from the inside to the outside, from top to bottom, as small as a hair and a cell, as large as muscles and bones, Thirty times in all directions.

Human skin is not considered strong. Measured by Mohs hardness, it is only 1.5. However, after thirty times increase, the Mohs hardness is as high as 45.

Data alone may not reveal much.

But it is very intuitive to compare with certain substances. For example, the well-known diamond has a Mohs hardness of 10, ordinary glass has a Mohs hardness of 6, and fingernails have a Mohs hardness of 2.5.

In other words, today's Su Xin's skin is more than ten times harder than fingernails, six times harder than glass, and 4.5 times harder than diamonds.

The difference between the hardness of his skin and that of diamond is larger than the difference between the hardness of glass and normal human skin.

Therefore, the order of thirty times, although it seems inconspicuous in terms of strength, has actually caused Su Xin's body to undergo a fundamental transformation, making him invincible in more invisible aspects. In terms of physical strength alone, it is stronger than The Man of Steel is much more powerful. Even if an ordinary person holds a chainsaw, sparks fly out, and the saw teeth are ground flat, it may not be able to cut through his skin.

Although the bullet's destructive power is strong, its armor-breaking ability is not necessarily comparable to that of a saw. How could it penetrate Su Xin's skin?

In addition to the strength of his skin, Su Xin's muscle and bone strength also increased by about thirty times. Under the continuous impact of multiple bullets, it was like scratching an itch, without any injury or even pain.

It can be said that Su Xin's strength at this time can only be regarded as his weakest point, because strength is relatively easiest for ordinary people to improve, and the strength gap between people is also the most obvious, while other physical qualities are basically the same. Not big.

However, Su Xin has the property of physical transformation.

All physical qualities will increase proportionally with the improvement of strength. This is why Su Xin, while possessing three thousand kilograms of strength, has reached a level of other physical qualities that is unimaginable for ordinary people and is completely beyond the scope of human beings.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is Superman.

This is the magic of the physical transformation property. It almost lifts the effect of exercising the madman's superpowers to several levels. This is countless times more powerful than simply increasing the strength, and is even more terrifying than Su Xin imagined before. many.

The scene of Su Xin holding the bullet hard made the captain who fired the gun not far away completely dumbfounded.

The other team members were equally stunned.

Some of the passers-by in the distance who had not had time to escape also noticed this scene, subconsciously slowed down their steps, and looked at Su Xin stupidly.

But Su Xin ignored the other party's reaction, rushed to the captain in a few steps, and punched him hard, hitting the door in front of him.


The captain's head exploded like a watermelon.

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