This night, the moon and stars were sparse.

Su Xin was covered in a black robe and walked slowly on the spacious street. The moonlight and street lights stretched his shadow very long.

As a tourist attraction, Tongwa City has street lights in many places that stay on all night. Coupled with many 24-hour shops, neon lights of various colors make the night very beautiful.

Therefore, many foreigners who come to Tongwa City from across the country also like to play around outside at night and enjoy the night colors of foreign countries.

Not long after, Su Xin saw a couple walking hand in hand from the convenience store, laughing and walking into a small road.

However, they did not notice that there were several young people scattered in different directions outside the convenience store, quietly surrounding them after they walked out of the convenience store.

Before the couple had gone far.

The five young men completed the encirclement, three in front and two in back blocking their way.

Su Xin was far behind them and did not immediately step forward to stop them. Instead, he hid behind a tree and chose to wait and see what happened.

I saw the young man in the couple reaching out to protect his girlfriend behind him, leaning sideways, nervously looking at the surrounding people on both sides, and said loudly:

"What do you want to do? Don't mess around! We have eight friends who are traveling together. They are right in front and will come over later."

"LOL, really?"

A dark-skinned young man among the five laughed and then said disdainfully:

"From the moment you appeared in Tongwa City, everything was under our control. How many people are there, what group you signed up for, how much money you spent on the way, where you went, and what hotel you stayed in. We all know It’s clear, otherwise why do you think we would target you?”

"You still want to shout loudly to recruit people to come and rescue you? Just shout loudly and see if anyone dares to come over, haha! Idiot!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!"

Another person interrupted him and immediately ordered:


The five people suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the pale couple.

"Split up and run!"

The young man shouted, let go of his girlfriend's hand without hesitation, and rushed to the flower bed aside, leaving only his girlfriend dumbfounded.

Facing the crisis, this fashionably dressed young woman also burst out with unprecedented potential. The sadness and resentment of being abandoned was suppressed by her as soon as it came to her heart. She quickly reacted and rushed to the other side of the road.

She knew that if two people ran in the same direction, the other five would definitely catch up in a swarm. At that time, she who was lagging behind would soon be caught by the other party, and her end would be tragic.

And if you run in the opposite direction, the other party will definitely split up. Considering that you are a girl and you start late, there will definitely be fewer people chasing you, and you will have greater hope of escaping.

She understood that since the other party had made such thorough preparations and dispatched five people, the purpose could not be as simple as making money.

At this moment, she thought of all the vicious crime plots she had seen in the movie, which made her hair stand on end, and her feet unconsciously burst out faster.

at this time.

A black shadow suddenly appeared in front of her sight, like a teleportation in a movie, abrupt and silent.

Her brain hasn't reacted yet.

The instinct of survival made her rush past the opponent not far away from him while maintaining extreme speed.

The strong wind while running at high speed caused the black robe on the opponent's body to flutter slightly. The woman subconsciously turned her head, wanting to explore what kind of creature was inside the black robe.

Only then did the brain turn around.

"Huh? Did this person teleport here?"

The young woman felt horrified in her heart.

At the same time, the two people chasing behind her saw clearly the scene when Su Xin appeared. They couldn't help but were shocked by this extraordinary phenomenon and stopped in their tracks, looking at each other in horror.

Su Xin looked at the two of them calmly.

His eyes fell behind the other party, he used his mind to set a time and space anchor point, and his hands hidden in the black robe quietly clasped together.

A teleport appears behind the opponent.

And it was facing the back of one of them.

The right fist was clenched, and the metal finger-tiger exposed ferocious protrusions, like the sharp teeth of a beast, biting down hard with Su Xin's punch.


The other party screamed and fell down.

The other person didn't care about helping his companions or fighting back, but ran away in fear.

Su Xin withdrew his fist, gathered strength, and positioned himself for punching, with his eyes locked three meters in front of the opponent.

Set the space-time anchor point.

Put your hands together again and teleport.

His teleportation will not change his posture, but his direction can be adjusted freely.

Therefore, when he reappeared, he was half-crouched in front of the opponent, maintaining the posture of about to punch, facing the opponent directly.

The opponent's frantic escape seemed to come to the door on his own initiative, just in time to meet Su Xin's powerful and heavy punch with his chest.


The opponent's body fell limply.

"Ding! Get 80 causal points."

Su Xin turned to look at the woman, then turned to look in the direction of the man's escape. While walking slowly, he set his sights ten meters away.

Set the space-time anchor point and teleport.

Continuing to step slowly, his eyes still fall ten meters away, he sets a time and space anchor point and teleports.

This action is repeated.

The picture that appeared in the eyes of the young woman was - Su Xin seemed to be walking slowly and leisurely, but his figure kept flickering, and the distance between each flicker was as precise as if he had measured it with a ruler.

The young woman was so stunned by this miraculous scene that she completely forgot about the crisis just now.

"Is he a god?"

the other side.

The man was chased by three men and beaten severely before lying weakly on the ground.

At this time, Su Xin teleported and appeared behind one of them, punching him hard on the back.


The shocking screams startled the other two people.

When the two people were instinctively preparing to counterattack, Su Xin had already set his sights behind the other person and set a new time and space anchor point.

When the opponent was about to swing the stick, Su Xin teleported behind the opponent and landed another punch.

Although Zhihu is not a sharp weapon like a sword, it is a metal product after all, and it is extremely painful when hit on the body. Moreover, there is a small protrusion at the front of each knuckle, which makes the punch seem to be able to penetrate the opponent's body, making it very lethal.

Without any precautions, a normal person would lose his fighting ability if he received such a heavy blow in the back.

What's more, Su Xin's ghostly teleportation left several people unable to resist at all.

Soon, the three of them were brought down one after another.

"Ding! Get 65 causal points."

After hearing the system prompt, Su Xin turned around and left without hesitation.

As for what will happen to the couple in the future, that's not something he needs to worry about. After saving the other party once, if the other party doesn't know how to escape from here as soon as possible, then they deserve to be caught.

However, the number of causal points obtained these two times made Su Xin quite concerned.

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