Su Xin withdrew his right hand from the forehead of the man he had just resurrected, followed the sound of gunfire, and teleported to chase the two groups of troops that had just left.

A corpse was found from time to time along the way, Su Xin casually resurrected it, and then continued to chase forward.

The gun battle between the two sides lasted for a long time, and the fighting gradually subsided until all one side was wiped out.

At this time, Su Xin, who had followed and resurrected many people, was also discovered by this group of people.

However, seeing Su Xin masked in black cloth and possessing the ability to teleport, these people immediately thought of Su Xin and fled in fear, not daring to take action against Su Xin.

Su Xin teleported out calmly and resurrected several corpses on the field one by one.

"Ding! [Double Faces of God and Demon] Redemption Value +1"

"Ding! [Double Faces of God and Demon] Redemption Value +1"

Seeing that there were no corpses around, only a few injured moaning in pain, Su Xin withdrew his gaze and opened the mission panel to take a look.

[Both sides of gods and demons: God and demon are the two sides of your soul. Good and evil coexist in your heart. You must achieve the perfect balance between killing and redemption, that is, the killing value and the redemption value are equal. 】

[Mission progress: Kill value is 423, redemption value is 39. 】

"It's only thirty-six o'clock."

Su Xin shook his head in disappointment.

So many people had been resurrected just now, and the system prompts sounded from time to time. He thought he would have at least fifty or sixty points of redemption value.

The result was much lower than he imagined.

"It seems we have to keep working hard."

Su Xin, who was extremely weak, teleported away from here, raised a knife to kill himself again in a dark corner, and then re-transformed after being resurrected.

After continuing to walk around the city and finding that there were no other large-scale conflicts, he searched for suitable targets in other surrounding cities.

However, because it was already late, Su Xin could not find many suitable targets. He only gained a total of 93 redemption points after a busy night.

During the day, Su Xin still did not stop taking action. Instead, he used his identity to make some thousand-changing masks, and wore the masks every time he transformed into Zhai Shiquan.

In this way, he still maintains his original appearance, and at the same time possesses Zhai Shiquan's resurrection ability.

The reason for doing this is to scare others so as not to cause trouble when rescuing people.

After all, his body is very fragile now, and he doesn't want to waste too much of Zhai Shiquan's biological signature, otherwise Zhai Shiquan might be bald.

And on the Internet.

The news that Su Xin appeared in Silver Moon Continent and was suspected of showing the ability to resurrect caused a great sensation around the world.

After all, Su Xin saved many people. It is difficult to hide this kind of thing, especially those who kill people. When they see the people they killed stand up again, they will naturally know that something is wrong. Needless to say, the people who were killed also know it. What happened to me.

In addition, many of these people are companions from the same force. Once they communicate with each other, they know that there is indeed a resurrection.

This kind of thing is really amazing. It is impossible for these people and these forces to hide it, so these news appeared on the Internet and also appeared in the eyes of high-level forces from all parties.

For this reason, countless people are going a little crazy.

The major forces held discussions on this.

If Su Xin can only resurrect by himself as before, there is no need for everyone to be so excited. After all, no matter how powerful this resurrection ability is, it will not bring any benefits to everyone.

But the ability to resurrect others is completely different. This ability is a great temptation for all high-ranking officials.

Although everyone still doesn’t know, Su Xin’s resurrection ability can only resurrect people who died accidentally, or does it include people who died naturally such as disease and aging? But no matter what the situation is, this resurrection ability has extremely huge value.

In this world, who can guarantee that they will never encounter an accident? Who is not afraid of death?

Even if Su Xin can only resurrect people who died accidentally, everyone is extremely looking forward to becoming friends with Su Xin or reaching cooperation, because that means that the risk of death caused by accidents will be greatly reduced.

If Su Xin could resurrect people who died under various circumstances, then Su Xin's value would be even greater, and he might be able to make other people immortal.

Who can not be moved by these?

If it weren't for the fact that Su Xin's ability was too difficult to deal with, many forces would have begun to arrest Su Xin at all costs.

After ruling out the arrest plan, the first choice of major forces and many powerful people was to try to establish a relationship with Su Xin, or to discuss cooperation - cooperation on resurrection.

They were unable to contact Su Xin, so they could only contact the Dawn Club, hoping to use the Dawn Club as an intermediary to contact Su Xin and propose conditions for cooperation.

For example, if they died unexpectedly, how much would it cost to ask Su Xin to revive them? Or in exchange for other conditions.

Some people also asked whether Su Xin could use his resurrection power to save terminally ill patients or resurrect people who died of natural old age. They were willing to pay a lot of money and pay various other prices.

For a time, the powerful and high-ranking officials all over the world heard the news and took the initiative to contact the Dawn Society.

In a war-torn country in Silver Moon Continent.

According to the intelligence from the Dawn Meeting, Su Xin arrived here after half an hour of teleportation, and indeed saw the two armies fighting.

This is a small city that is almost in ruins, with ruins everywhere. Some teams and a few tanks shuttle around the city, exchanging fire with enemies hidden in the ruined city from time to time, killing the enemies or leaving a few corpses.

Su Xin, who was standing on the roof of an incomplete tall building, had a rough look at the situation, then teleported to a certain place and resurrected the two corpses lying on the ground.

It is worth mentioning that Zhai Shiquan's resurrection ability, the vitality consumed by resurrecting different people is also different, mainly depending on their injuries.

For example, if someone is shot in a vital part and dies, he only needs to use his life force to restore it, squeeze the bullet out of the wound, and generally recover the vital part to be resurrected.

But if the opponent has been hit by dozens of bullets, or his body has been blown to pieces, and you have to use your life force to restore him, the life force consumed may be equivalent to resurrecting a dozen people who are less dead.

On this battlefield, there were also soldiers who died in miserable conditions. Su Xin could only selectively resurrect some people, and they were all barely resurrected without fully restoring their injuries.

But even so, he only resurrected a dozen people before feeling seriously lacking in vitality.

After finding a place to resurrect, he once again consumed one of Zhai Shiquan's biomarks, and put on the thousand-changing mask of his own appearance again. Su Xin continued to wander around the battlefield.

With the ability to teleport flexibly at will, Su Xin's search efficiency was quite high, and he found three more corpses after a while.

Eye locking, orientation correction.

A teleport appears next to the corpse.

The three corpses were resurrected one after another. When Su Xin turned his head, he accidentally caught a glimpse of two legs exposed from the ruins of a house nearby. Judging from the style and color of the pants, it seemed that they were not soldiers, but civilians.

With a thought, Su Xin silently teleported into the house and saw clearly what was going on inside. He saw a middle-aged man and two children lying in a pool of blood that had not completely dried up.

The legs he saw just now belonged to this middle-aged man.

Su Xin squatted next to the body of one of the little girls and gently pressed his hand on the other's forehead.

The resurrection ability is activated.

A steady stream of life force flowed from his body into the little girl's body. The flesh and blood on the wound on the girl's chest squirmed, and a golden bullet was slowly squeezed out, and the wound gradually recovered.

The girl slowly opened her eyes, her eyes blank. She thought for a moment before remembering what happened to her. She was so shocked that she quickly got up from the ground, ignoring the strange Su Xin in front of her, and crawled towards the middle-aged man and another person. Next to them, a child called their names with sobs.

"Give way."

Su Xin walked over, and in the little girl's shocked and dull eyes, he revived another child and a middle-aged man one by one.

Considering that the middle-aged man had to take two children to survive in this chaotic battlefield, Su Xin consumed a lot of vitality and tried his best to restore the three people's injuries to a relatively complete state.

The price is a serious overdraft of vitality.

After the middle-aged man was resurrected, he was both shocked and delighted. He hugged his two children excitedly, and then he remembered Su Xin who had resurrected his father and son.

"Su Shen! Thank you! Thank you!"

The middle-aged man burst into tears.

Su Xin didn't have the energy to say much to them, so he just asked, "Do you want to leave here?"

The middle-aged man nodded without hesitation:


"Okay, hold each other tight."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man hugged his son and daughter tightly in his arms and looked at Su Xin nervously and expectantly. He could guess what Su Xin was going to do.

Su Xin put his hand on his shoulder, teleported, and disappeared into the ruined house with the three of them.

The middle-aged man only felt his eyes blurred. When he came back to his senses, he found himself beside a deserted road. The surroundings were dusty, windy and sandy. Everywhere he looked was deserted.

The two children were even more stunned.

After Su Xin brought the three of them here, he teleported away again and came to a deserted valley. He skillfully killed himself with a knife. After resurrecting, he put on a thousand-changing mask with his own face.

Then return to the battlefield.

Beside the highway, it took the father and son a while to come back to their senses. The older girl asked with admiration on her face:

"Dad, who was that person just now? Why can he resurrect us? And can he bring us here in the blink of an eye?"

The middle-aged man touched the girl's head, with a smile on his face:

"Bingyan, we must remember his name, and we must always remember his life-saving grace."

"His name is Su Xin. He is different from ordinary people and has all kinds of incredible abilities. Therefore, many people are used to calling him...Su Shen."

"Su Shen..."

The eyes of the two children shone brightly, full of admiration for Su Xin who had just shown a miracle.

In a dark conference room.

Seven figures sat around the desk.

The leader was Jiang Shandong, the divine envoy who represented the creation of the world. At this time, he looked solemn and said:

"Master Chuangshi personally ordered to find out all the information about Su Xin's abilities as soon as possible."

Hearing this, the other six people were suddenly shocked.

They all know that as the Lord of the God Realm, Master Chuangshi has basically ignored things for many years. He is basically too lazy to care about the affairs of the God Realm, and he basically doesn't care about the affairs of the human world.

It has been a rare thing for many years to issue special instructions on Su Xin's affairs before. Now he actually ordered the investigation of Su Xin personally, which is enough to show how much Master Chuangshi attaches great importance to Su Xin.

However, when they thought that the target was Su Xin, several of them were a little overwhelmed. Although Su Xin's rise was still very short, they knew that even if the six of them worked together, they would not be able to defeat each other, even if they used all the power in the world. , and it is impossible to really hurt Su Xin.

Just by relying on the two powers of teleportation and resurrection, Su Xin left the whole world helpless. How should they force out Su Xin's trump card?

If you can't force out Su Xin's trump card, how can you figure out all the information about Su Xin's abilities?

One of them said with a troubled face:

"Su Xin's abilities are too difficult to deal with. If we act head-on, it's impossible to test out his trump card. We can only think of other plans."

"We might as well make side analysis and inferences through intelligence, and then plan some targeted actions to prompt him to take the initiative to show his trump card."

"In the month since he was born, many of his abilities have been exposed on his own initiative. This shows that he doesn't particularly care about covering up. This is our opportunity to test his trump card."

Another person also spoke:

"Based on the existing information, I think Su Xin has a high probability of being able to continuously awaken various powers."

"Otherwise, if he had so many magical powers from the beginning, there would be no need to deliberately hide his identity at first, especially the resurrection ability. If he had it from the beginning, he would definitely choose to resurrect his parents."

"Also, Su Xin basically didn't show up when Feng Qian appeared some time ago. Now when Su Xin reappears, Feng Qian has disappeared again. Coupled with some previous doubts, it can be basically concluded that Su Xin and Feng Qian are the same person. .”

"Based on this point of view, Feng Qian's sword energy abilities, the ability to divide objects, the ridiculously accurate shooting ability, and the incredibly strong physical fitness, all of these are also what Su Xin believes Possessed superpowers.”

"Coupled with Su Xin's teleportation, resurrection, damage transfer, resurrecting others, etc., he has at least seven or eight powers."

"If nothing else, this kind of strong physical fitness is definitely something Su Xin didn't have before."

"These clues are enough to show that Su Xin awakened new powers during this time."

"A person who is so powerful that he is almost invincible is not so scary sometimes. As long as we can figure out his trump card, there is always a way to deal with it. But if this invincible person can continue to get stronger, it would be incredible. "

"No wonder even Master Chuangshi personally ordered an investigation into Su Xin. He is really terrible."

"Perhaps even Master Chuangshi has begun to be afraid of him."

The man sighed deeply.

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