My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 218 Qualified Experimental Subject

Soon, the staff came in with a cup of hot water and put it respectfully on the desk.

Su Xin had already walked out from behind the desk, patted the other party on the shoulder, said with a warm smile:

"Thank you for your hard work, go down."

As he spoke, the information dislocation ability was activated.

The staff didn't seem to notice anything unusual. They said with excitement that this was what they should do, and then left the office.

Su Xin was sitting in the office. With his strong hearing, he soon heard clearly many people shouting "Su Shen" respectfully, and they all took the initiative to say hello to the staff member just now.

After the staff member asked in surprise, everyone figured out his identity.


"People can also initiate information dislocation!"

Su Xin smiled and was extremely satisfied.

He retracted the misplaced information and then upgraded his abilities.

In the past two days, he spent all the money he earned from the last resurrection transaction and accumulated 670,000 causal points. At that time, he decisively spent 600,000 causal points to upgrade the exercise maniac to LV10.

There are now more than 70,000 causality points left.

This is the perfect time to upgrade.

To Su Xin's surprise, the upgrade went very smoothly, and features that satisfied him appeared for the first time.

Then simply upgrade to LV3.

After refreshing it three times, characteristics that satisfied him appeared.

[Mirage: The information of an object can be projected into the void, and the state of the object can be chosen to be synchronized with the projection in real time. 】

[Information filtering: The information of an object can be blurred. When others see the object, they will automatically ignore its existence. However, when the object information changes significantly or is touched, the effect of information filtering will be weakened or even invalid. 】

With more than 20,000 causal points left, Su Xin does not plan to upgrade for the time being, but is planning to find a place to try out the two major characteristics he just acquired.

A few minutes later.

Su Xin appeared on the streets of a city.

He still kept his true colors, but he just activated information filtering on himself.

The effect of information filtering is really good.

When Su Xin stood on the roadside, everyone ignored his existence, as if they regarded him as a stone blocking the road or some other obstacle, and naturally walked around him.

Even if Su Xin moved slowly, no one around him recognized his identity.

Su Xin also tried to find someone to ask for directions, but the other person just regarded him as an ordinary passerby, glanced at him casually, gave him directions casually, and left in a hurry.

"This effect is very good!"

Su Xin was extremely satisfied.

Then start experimenting with Mirage.

He took out his mobile phone, projected it onto the roadside, then walked a certain distance and stood in a certain position to observe other people's reactions.

Soon, a sharp-eyed young man discovered the 'mobile phone' on the roadside and quickly bent down to pick it up.

But when he stretched out his hand to fish it out, he found that he had caught nothing. The mobile phone he saw just now seemed like a flower in the mirror or the moon in the water. After being passed through by his palm, it shattered like a phantom, leaving no trace behind. Leave no trace.

The young man was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had just hallucinated, so he had to stand up with an embarrassed look on his face and pretended to leave as if nothing had happened.

Su Xin, who was not far away, had a thought and activated the mirage again, projecting his mobile phone onto the roadside in front of the young man.

The young man who had been fooled just now thought he was dazzled again, but when he rubbed his eyes, he found that the mobile phone was still on the ground, and it was exactly the same as the one he saw just now.

He clearly sensed something was wrong.

Even if you are really dazzled twice in a row, you can't see exactly the same things, right?

"Could it be..."

"Is there someone with superpowers playing a prank?"

Thinking of this, the young man suddenly panicked and walked away quickly.

In his opinion, the only person who can do such a supernatural thing is a person with super powers.

And no matter what the purpose of this superpower is for committing such a mischievous act, ordinary people like him can only hide as far away as possible.

These thoughts flashed through his mind, and he quickly passed this phone that looked obviously valuable.

While walking by, he happened to see a young couple also discovering a mobile phone on the side of the road. The boy among them quickly bent down to pick it up.

Naturally, the result was all in vain.


The young man felt a chill in his heart, quickened his pace again, and hurriedly left the street.

Su Xin, who was standing not far away, silently watched all this and thought to himself:

"It seems that even when the other party clearly knows that there is a problem, as long as it is not clearly seen through, the effect of misplaced information still exists."

"That's pretty much it."

In Su Xin's opinion, the ability of information dislocation is not bad, it has some value, but not high. It just gives him an additional illusion method.

It's worth staying for now.

Anyway, his training madman has now been upgraded to LV10, and his ability slots are sufficient, so the triggering of the next mission will not be affected.

Then let’s keep it for now.

The test was almost done. Su Xin tried teleporting on the street again. This time, others could not ignore his presence. Some people looked at Su Xin who suddenly appeared with surprise on their faces, obviously recognizing him. identity of.

The information filtering feature completely fails.

Before there was a commotion around him, Su Xin teleported away from the city.

Baohuazhou, where the Kingdom of Heaven is located.

In a small, inconspicuous country, there is a large secret base underground in a mountainous area.

Three helicopters flew in from a distance. When they arrived above the base, a piece of land rumbled to the left and right, revealing the empty apron below, into which three helicopters flew in one after another.

As the earth slowly closed, everything returned to its original appearance, and no trace of the existence of the base could be seen.

And next to the tarmac inside the base.

Base director Liu Weida, chief research director Professor Ma Zhonglin, and several other management personnel were all dressed in formal attire and greeted the three helicopters with solemn expressions.

When the helicopter stopped, the people inside began to disembark, and Liu Weida and others took the initiative to greet them.

"Welcome Mr. Sun!"

"Welcome everyone!"

Several people headed by Liu Weida walked up to an old man with thick black hair, greeted him respectfully, and then smiled and nodded to the people behind him.

"Mr. Sun, I am Liu Weida, the base director. Please follow me here."

Mr. Sun said resolutely: "Take me directly to the laboratory. This batch of medicine is very important. Inject it into people immediately."


Liu Weida responded, glancing behind Mr. Sun, stopping for a moment on the boxes held in the arms of two of them, and then turned around and led everyone towards the laboratory.

Soon, the group changed into anti-static suits, and after several disinfection and sterilization procedures, they arrived at an extremely spacious laboratory.

There is a one-way bulletproof glass curtain wall at one end of the laboratory. Standing here, a group of people can see a huge rotunda on the other side of the curtain wall.

At this time, dozens of figures stood neatly in the hall, all of them energetic and high-spirited, like soldiers waiting for review.

Mr. Sun asked: "They are the qualified experimental subjects that you were asked to screen in advance, right?"



Mr. Sun said nothing nonsense and looked at the two people holding the box, who took a few steps forward.

"Arrange the injection."


Liu Weida responded, and asked a staff member to open a small door on the side, and led the two people holding the box in, and walked down the steps step by step to the rotunda.

Everyone stood above them and watched quietly as the two men injected medicine into all the experimental subjects one after another.

Chief Research Director Professor Ma Zhonglin was really itchy and asked cautiously:

"Mr. Sun, I would like to ask, what is the origin of this potion?"

"These experimental subjects have gone through a life of nine deaths and survived more than 10,000 experimental subjects. They have all awakened very good powers, and the sequelae are relatively small. They all have very strong potential. They can really be injected with other things without testing. Potion?”

Mr. Sun glanced at him and said calmly:

"Don't worry, these medicines are all successful products that have been proven for many years. They can greatly improve people's physical fitness and have a very high success rate."

"But don't get too petty. These medicines are only suitable for use on experimental subjects, because they will seriously overdraw their lives."

"They are the only experimental subjects who can't live long. This kind of sequelae is like nothing to them."

After hearing this, Professor Ma Zhonglin became more interested and continued to ask:

"Mr. Sun, may I ask what this medicine is called? Which research institute is it a product of? Can I communicate with them? Maybe we can draw parallels and make breakthroughs in our products."

Mr. Sun waved his hand and his expression became extremely serious: "Don't ask about the origin of this potion. It will not be good for you to know too much."

While the two were talking.

Dozens of experimental subjects in the rotunda were experiencing great pain. Their muscles seemed to be torn and healed again and again. Under this unimaginable severe pain, dozens of people could endure it. He kept roaring.

But fortunately, they had experienced similar pain more than once before. Although they found it unbearable at this time, they still managed to endure it.

After this pain lasted for several minutes, the muscles on everyone's bodies became swollen and looked as hard as stone.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Sun, who had always looked serious, breathed a sigh of relief quietly and ordered to Liu Weida beside him:

"The injection of the medicine is complete. These experimental subjects can also be put to use. Let them rest for two days and they should be used soon."

Heaven, the 88th floor of Yonghui Building.

Deng Zhongquan, CEO of Yonghui Group, and several other senior executives held a senior executive meeting that lasted for dozens of minutes and walked out of the conference room slightly tired.

Amid respectful greetings from all the employees, he returned to his office with a sullen face, opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind him.

But at this moment, he suddenly found a figure sitting in his place.

This suddenly shocked him.

The secretary is guarding outside, and there are so many other employees outside. Who can walk into his office without permission and still sit in his seat?

When he saw clearly the figure sitting in his seat, he felt relieved.

"Mr. Su, you are here."

He suppressed the shock and panic in his heart and said hello pretending to be calm.

"Sit down, I have something to ask you."

Su Xin greeted in a master's tone.

Deng Zhongquan did not dare to show any dissatisfaction or resistance, and sat obediently at his desk.

Su Xin did not go directly to the topic, but looked around and asked:

"It should be convenient to talk about this environment, right?"

Deng Zhongquan understood that Su Xin must be talking about a confidential topic. He quickly got up and locked the office door. Then he returned to his desk and pressed a switch. All the blinds were automatically closed, and the faint red light on the monitoring equipment in the corner was quietly extinguished. Lost.

"That's all right, Mr. Su."

He sat back at his desk and said solemnly.

Su Xin looked at him calmly:

"Tell me what you know about the divine world, as well as all the information about the gods and divine attendants in it."

When he heard the word "God Realm", Deng Zhongquan was instantly shaken and his pupils shrank. Even though he quickly regained his composure, Su Xin still captured all these changes.

Facing Su Xin, Deng Zhongquan didn't dare to hide it at all, but he also kept secret about the existence of the God Realm, and he became entangled at this time.

But after only struggling for a moment, he decided to save his life first and said obediently:

"Mr. Su, I actually know very little about the God Realm, because I can only be regarded as a professional manager. I don't have a particularly strong foundation. I only accidentally learned about the existence of the God Realm through interactions with some top dignitaries. "

"Those who really know more about the God Realm are those aristocratic families with ancient heritage, as well as the top wealthy clubs, etc."

"With my limited knowledge, I only know that the God Realm has many superpowers, some top-notch technologies, and extremely powerful personal force."

"In addition, the God Realm will occasionally send invitations to the human world... They usually call our world the Human World. From time to time, they will send out invitations to ascend to certain people in the human world, and invite certain people who have made significant contributions to live in the God Realm. "

"After entering the God Realm, you have the opportunity to gain immortality. This should not be false. I once heard a friend from a wealthy family say at a gathering of a top wealthy club that an elder in their family had entered the God Realm. He has lived for nearly two hundred years, but his appearance is even younger than in the previous photos, and he looks like he is only in his fifties or sixties. "

"There is more than one similar example."

"Those people all spoke truthfully. Some of them I know, and some of them I am very familiar with. I can basically rule out the possibility of lying."

The reason why Deng Zhongquan said this obediently was not because he was so cowardly that he couldn't hide the secret at all. Before he was threatened, he spilled it all like beans.

Mainly because Su Xin's unpredictable acting style, killing people whenever he was told, left a deep impression on him. Now that he saw that Su Xin had accurately told the information about the divine world and gods, he was obviously well prepared, so he naturally Don't dare to talk nonsense.

Otherwise, he might be killed on the spot.

However, he also has a sense of discretion in what he can and cannot say, what must be told the truth, and what can be mixed with half truth and falsehood.

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