the next day.

Su Xin took out his mobile phone to browse the local news while he was studying. He happened to see a hot international news pop up——

During a trip to Tongwa City, an exotic couple was broken into and arrested in a hotel.

Such arrogant behavior caused an uproar in the international public opinion. Wanghai State officials immediately issued an announcement, announcing a strict investigation into the matter, and declared that they would give an explanation to the victims and the international community.

In a large number of news reports, basic information and photos of the couple were also released.

Su Xin recognized at a glance that the other party was the couple he saved yesterday.

"These two people were still arrested?"

"It should be the same group of people, right? Why are these people so persistent? Is there something special about these two people?"

Su Xin frowned in confusion.

He didn't feel at all that this was a deliberate provocation from the Black Wolf Society, but he just felt puzzled.

The official or the supernatural organization he imagined should have nothing to do with this matter. After all, he only saved these two people by chance. If those people want to investigate their identities, arresting these two people will not have any effect. It's impossible to expect to use these two unrelated people to force yourself out, right?

I thought about it for a while and didn't figure it out.

Su Xin turned off this news and continued to read other local news.


Another piece of news caught his attention.

"A fire broke out in a factory of the Lening Branch of Kangbo Biopharmaceutical Company, injuring six people. The police said that the fire was caused by arson. The murderer was caught on the spot. The police have launched an interrogation of the murderer. As of the time of publication, the police have provided details of the case. Not announced yet…”

"Huh? Fire?"

Su Xinxin was moved, and he opened the communication software and sent messages to his parents to inquire about the situation.

Although both parents are senior technicians and work in a laboratory, and fire protection measures should be very comprehensive, and they are unlikely to be involved in a fire in the factory, no one can guarantee whether there will be any accidents.

At noon, Su Xin breathed a sigh of relief when his parents made a video call to report that they were safe and mentioned their trip on Saturday.

The office on the top floor of the Golden Shield Association headquarters.

Fang Keyi was sitting in the office, looking at various report files on the computer.

In modern society, the operating procedures of associations are not much different from those of ordinary companies. However, their business is more inclined to various profit-making industries. It requires strong force to maintain the stability of the business, daily internal operations, and work reporting. As well as the uploading and issuing of instructions, most of them are also in the form of files.

As the leader of a club, Fang Keyi is not only good at killing and club management, he is also very skilled in these basic document processing tasks.

In today's work report, he didn't see any news about the man in black robe, but he didn't take it too seriously.

Just not showing up for a day doesn't mean anything. Anyway, he has sent his cronies to pay attention to the news about the man in black robe. If you observe for a while, there will be results.

at this time.

His cell phone suddenly rang.

Fang Keyi picked it up and took a look.

Unknown caller.

He suddenly looked serious.

His personal mobile phone is set up to block unknown calls. When a stranger calls, it will prompt that the number is empty. Unless the other party calls three times within ten seconds, the call can be answered.

Real strangers don't do that.

Fang Keyi carefully locked the office door before choosing to answer the phone.

"Hello. Who is this?"

"I'm not looking for anyone, let's chat casually."

"let's talk tomorrow."

After an inexplicable opening statement, the tone on the other end of the phone became indifferent:

"Go to the forum to communicate."


Fang Keyi responded.

After hanging up the phone, he entered the secret forum in the same way as last time, clicked on a private message sent by an unknown user, and clicked on the small icon in the lower left corner to decrypt it.

"Has the new mission started?"

Fang Keyi responded: "Not yet, I am investigating the intelligence and making preparations."

"Okay, a core member will come over tomorrow and will cooperate with your actions. By the way, we will investigate the message you sent."

Fang Keyi knew that the other party was talking about the teleporting man in black robes he mentioned in his private message yesterday, and quickly explained: "I haven't confirmed whether the other party exists. He didn't show up last night."

"I know, just cooperate."

"OK, I see."

"By the way, the news said that there was a fire in Kangbo Biotechnology today. What is this?"

"I don't know. I didn't arrange it. I'm currently trying to find out the inside story, but I'm worried that my identity will be exposed and will affect my next actions, so I don't dare to inquire openly, so I don't have accurate information for the time being."

"Okay, then don't act yet."

"I see."

After the communication, Fang Keyi exited the forum and cleaned up the background data and traces.

Leaning on the boss's chair, he couldn't help but secretly sigh: "It seems that the pressure on the organization is increasing. For a teleportation power user who is not sure whether it is true or not, it is so serious to send a core member here." , probably to recruit new organizational members.”

"That's right. Facing the dragnets of several major international plutocrats, it would be great to survive."

"It just so happens that with the cooperation of core members, Kangbo Biotech's mission should be much simpler. I just hope that my identity will not be leaked."

at the same time.

On the other side, a luxury special plane landed at the airport, and four people walked out of it.

The leader was an average-looking middle-aged man, and the three young men following him all had short haircuts, black suits, and sunglasses, with indifferent expressions on their faces.

What is striking is that among the three young men with short hair, except for one of them who is more handsome, the other two have fleshy faces, and their muscles are as sharp and angular as iron blocks, and their arms are thicker than the thighs of many women. Thick, with the same dress and almost identical appearance, it is immediately obvious that they are twins.

A pair of twins as burly as bears.

After the four people got off the plane, they quickly got into a black seven-seater luxury business car and headed all the way to Tongwa City.

The commercial vehicle drove all the way into the parking lot downstairs of the Black Wolf Association headquarters. Yan Dingjiang, the president of the Black Wolf Association, personally came to the parking lot to greet him.

"Welcome, welcome. I am Yan Dingjiang, the president of the Black Wolf Society. The four of you, please follow me."

The middle-aged man nodded lightly and followed with three short-haired young men.

In the luxurious living room.

The five people took their seats respectively.

The middle-aged man sat in the first place and said calmly:

"Is there any news about the man in black robe?"

"not yet."

Yan Dingjiang smiled bitterly: "That person only appeared last night. He was wrapped too tightly and left no clues at all."

"The only thing we know so far is that the man was doing heroic things in Tongwa City last night. He may be a passionate young man who has just awakened his powers."

"Currently, I can only arrange for my men to catch more chickens and see if I can use this method to stimulate the other party to show up more. In this way, there may be a chance to find more clues and lock the identity of the other party."

The middle-aged man nodded:

"Okay, then you try this method first, but remember, you must not alert the snake. The higher-ups attach great importance to this person and must find out his true identity. For this, no matter the cost, do you understand?"

"Mr. Zheng, I understand!"


The middle-aged man known as Mr. Zheng tapped his index finger on the table and continued: "Combo Biotech has reached a critical period recently. You must take action and the supply of broilers must not be delayed."


Yan Dingjiang responded respectfully.

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