My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 221 Enemy of All Living Beings

After canceling the sharing of five senses, Su Xin also thought of these core members who were performing tasks outside.

After all, these people are contributing to the organization. They often go through life and death, so you have to prepare more life charms for them.

more importantly--

"Ding! Get 66 causal points!"

"Ding! Get 63 causal points!"

"Ding! Get 84 causal points!"...

The series of system prompts that sounded in his mind just now made him feel that these core members worked hard and deserved more life talismans from him.

So, Su Xin gave instructions to Zuo Shuanghui, who was thousands of miles away, through his thoughts:

"Next, I will plant life talismans in batches for all the core members of the organization. Five talismans for each person, which is equivalent to five resurrection opportunities for each person. Remember to arrange for everyone to go to the headquarters in batches, and then notify me past."

"In addition, you remember to count the number of deaths of each core member, and arrange for people to return to the headquarters regularly to receive new talismans."

"From now on, as long as I am free, I will continue to give life talismans to all core members of the organization to ensure everyone's safety."

Amid Zuo Shuanghui's surprise and touching thanks, Su Xin interrupted the communication with a few words of instruction.

But a few minutes later.

Su Xin noticed that the Life Talisman was being triggered one after another, and it was still the same group of people.

He turned on the sharing of five senses again and observed the situation over there through Tao Long's perspective.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

Hundreds of artillery shells fell like rain, blowing several low-rise houses into ruins and filling the concrete floor with dents.

Some innocent residents lay in the ruins without making a sound, while some residents who survived by chance wailed helplessly.

Tao Long activated his superpower with all his strength, wrapped his whole body tightly with shadow flow, and huddled in a corner, not daring to move at all.

He heard the cries of pain and screams of some brothers, but faced with such a heavy fire coverage attack, he had no energy left to help his brothers at this time, so he could only hide here to protect himself.

"Damn it! What are these guys going to do? Are they going to start such a big battle?"

Tao Long shrank in the corner for a while, but saw no sign of any weakening of firepower. While feeling angry in his heart, he couldn't help but have some guesses about the mission goal of this trip:

"To be able to pull off such a big move, the murderer is undoubtedly a high-level official in the country. And when he saw us investigating, he wanted to get rid of us at such a high cost, even if he knew that behind us was the Dawn Society, and behind the Dawn Society was Su Shen will openly use heavy firepower to kill us..."

"What on earth were they thinking?"

"Don't you know that even if you kill us, you will face more revenge from the Dawn Society?"

"Or do they have something that they have to destroy, or are they sure they can escape during this period, so they want to kill us quickly?"

When he was lost in thought, Su Xin's voice suddenly rang in his mind:

"Tao Long, do you need my support?"

Hearing this, Tao Long was immediately shocked.

He had not yet understood Su Xin's method, but at this time it was too late to think too much, let alone face and so on, so he immediately responded:

"We need it! Please ask Su Shen for support!"

"Hold on for a while, I'll be there soon."

After Su Xin finished speaking, he used Tao Long's position as the coordinates and teleported all the way there.

The positioning of the rune network only allowed him to clearly sense the opponent's real-time position, but it did not mean that he could teleport directly there. After all, he did not set a time and space anchor beside the opponent in advance.

Fixed-point teleportation requires a space-time anchor point.

But fortunately, he usually stores a lot of time and space imprints, consuming dozens of imprints at a time, and the limit distance of a single random teleport is more than two thousand kilometers. As the distance gets closer, the consumption of time and space imprints will be reduced, and it will continue to approach. destination.

No matter how bad your luck is, you can still reach your destination by teleporting dozens of times randomly.

Therefore, it only took him two minutes to teleport to Tao Long's side.

By this time the artillery fire had stopped.

Tao Longzheng faced the siege of dozens of gun-wielding soldiers alone. There were two helicopters in the sky, and machine guns fired continuously at the ground.

Obviously these people already knew that Tao Long could fly. After all, two helicopters had been destroyed by the opponent just a few minutes ago, so they directly used heavy machine gun fire to suppress it, giving Tao Long no chance to fly.

After Su Xin appeared, he glanced around and saw the entire battlefield clearly.

Then he soared into the sky without warning, flying straight towards the helicopter in mid-air like a rocket. His flying speed was so fast that he directly set off a clear sound of breaking through the air, and stirred up waves. of air waves.

This is not because of his super physical fitness, but because of his flying ability.

[Using the body as an arrow: Using oneself as a projectile, the initial speed of the launch depends on the ultimate explosive power when throwing the object with bare hands. 】

This is the fifth characteristic acquired by the Explosive Shooter when he upgrades to LV5. It can record the explosive power of throwing objects with his bare hands and use this power to launch himself in any direction.

His current strength reaches more than 20,000 kilograms. Such a huge force acts directly on himself, which is almost like an ordinary person throwing stones, and the speed is much faster than an arrow from a string.

Since there is no cool-down time for the human arrow's characteristics, Su Xin can completely activate the characteristics continuously to carry out ultra-long-distance continuous flight at a speed that is not slower than a civilian airliner.

If it is supplemented by the amplification effect of the Explosive Shooter's ability itself, which increases the kinetic energy tenfold, then his flying speed will increase several times, directly breaking through the speed of sound, comparable to top fighter jets.

However, this method of flying is not without its shortcomings, such as poor steering flexibility and troublesome braking phases, so it is rarely used.

Seeing a dark figure coming through the sky, several people in the helicopter hurriedly turned their guns around and fired wildly at Su Xin before they could see Su Xin's face clearly.

Unfortunately, these bullets could only barely break Su Xin's clothes and could not cause any harm to him.

in a blink.

Su Xin braved the hail of bullets and flew to the underbelly of the helicopter, punching the bottom of the helicopter's cabin hard.


The helicopter suddenly shook violently and uncontrollably lifted upwards for a certain distance. The helicopter also completely lost control and spun downwards. Two of them even crashed together with their guns. The other two could only scream and hug each other. He tightened everything that could fix his body, barely holding his body in place.

Su Xin's body directly broke through the helicopter's fuselage, and he flew into the cabin.

Seeing that the two people in the helicopter ignored him, he directly manifested the horizontal knife in his body and killed them with two swipes.

Another two raw talismans were obtained.

Then he flew out of the helicopter and caught up with the two people who were falling in mid-air. He also sent them back to the west and obtained two more life talismans.

Then it flew to the second helicopter.

At this time, Tao Long below saw that the two helicopters were no longer suppressing fire on him. He suddenly stopped walking between the buildings and turned around to meet the chasing team.

With his Shadow Stream ability, he wouldn't be afraid of these ordinary bullets at all if it weren't for the constant heavy machine gun suppression from the two helicopters in the sky. As long as he wasn't continuously shot by too many bullets, he wouldn't have even a single flesh wound on his body.

In addition, he can use the shadow flow to create a glider-like structure at any time, allowing him to fly over walls and walls between buildings. His maneuverability is terrifying, and at least he won't feel any pressure when fighting, not just chopping melons and vegetables.

Soon, he killed dozens of pursuers until they left their armor and wailed.

At this time, a flaming arrow flew from a distance and penetrated the body of a gun-wielding soldier.

Tao Long looked happy.

He knew that this was his companion's ability.

Since the companion who died just now was able to attack, he must have been resurrected by Su Xin, so the other companions must also...

Just as he was thinking this, another comrade rushed into the battlefield, covered with a gray substance that looked like rock, crashing into the crowd like a tank.

"Sure enough... they are all resurrected!"

Tao Long looked delighted and quickened his pace to chase the enemy, who had basically entered the stage of retreat.

It turned out that after Su Xin destroyed the two helicopters, he did not continue to kill other people. Instead, he teleported elsewhere and transformed into Zhai Shiquan. After putting on his own mask, he returned to the scene and resurrected the members of the organization one by one.

After a few minutes, the battle was over.

Tao Long led a dozen people to Su Xin and shouted respectfully in unison:

"Su Shen!"

Su Xin nodded and asked casually:

"How's it going? What trouble have you encountered? How could you face such a large-scale attack?"

Tao Long took two steps forward and whispered:

"I suspect that there are people with special abilities who have climbed to the top of this country and have taken control of the country's military power. Otherwise, it would be impossible for one or two high-level officials to convince others to launch such a large-scale military strike against us... After all, this is their country.”

Su Xin said: "Then apply for support from the organization and protect yourself these days."

As he said that, he raised his hand and replenished five life talismans for Tao Long. As for the others, when he resurrected the opponent just now, he had already replenished five life talismans for everyone. Therefore, this battle is over for everyone. Only then can they all survive.

"I have given you all five life talismans. As long as you are not too reckless, it should not be a problem to save your life. Okay, I'll leave first."

After saying that, without waiting for anyone's reaction, Su Xin teleported away, leaving only faces filled with surprise.

"Ding! Trigger the mission [Enemy of All Living Things]"

[Enemy of all living beings: Issue provocations to ten different creatures, causing targets that are not originally hostile to you to become hostile to you and launch attacks with deadly intentions against you. 】

[Current progress: 0/10. 】

Looking at the mission introduction, Su Xin frowned.

Provoking is not difficult, but to make a non-hostile target become hostile to him means that the target he is looking for cannot be the kind of brutal beast that defies the sky and the earth, but must find a creature with a gentler temperament. , and then find a way to provoke the other party, the key is to make the other party launch an attack full of fatal intentions.

In other words, a relatively mild target must be completely offended to death.

Among the ten different creatures required for the mission, one of them must be a human being. Human beings have feelings and have the greatest fluctuations in mood.

But the other nine are hard to find.

For example, when people mention gentle creatures, many people will immediately think of cows. Under normal circumstances, when people appear in front of cows, cows will not be hostile to humans.

It is actually not difficult to provoke a cow to attack you. Just slap or kick it twice and it will be strange if the cow does not fight back.

The real difficulty is getting the cow to attack him with deadly intent.

After all, the reason why cows are said to have a gentle temperament is because they rarely kill people even when they are extremely angry.

But if Su Xin wanted to target a less gentle creature, then the other party would probably be hostile to him from the beginning, which would not meet the requirements of the mission at all.

"Forget it, let's try it first before talking."

"Anyway, human beings are probably the most suitable creatures for provocation..."

Su Xin thought for a moment, then teleported to Silver Moon Continent and transformed into an ordinary person.

He first went into hiding, stole a pistol from a house, and then returned to the street for a casual stroll.

Soon, he found a suitable target.

He was a tall young man with dark skin and strong muscles. When talking to other people on the side, he always had a gentle smile on his face, and he did not look like a cruel person.

Su Xin walked over and asked with a smile:

"Hello, how do I get to Fifth Street?"

The tall young man glanced at Su Xin and then pointed in a certain direction:

"Over there, just turn right at the second intersection and go straight on a main road."


Su Xin smiled and thanked him, then took out a pistol from his pocket and pointed it at the other person's chest:

"Man, can you lend me some money by the way? Not much, just fifty thousand."

The tall young man was dumbfounded.

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun in front of him, he tensed up unconsciously, but he really didn't have fifty thousand yuan, and even if he did, he wouldn't be able to give away such a large sum of money.

He could only stammer:

"I...I don't have that much."

"How many do you have?"

The tall young man quickly reached into his pocket and dug a few times, and finally took out a handful of crumpled money, which looked like only a few dozen dollars.

"That's all I have."

The other person next to the tall young man saw that Su Xin's attention was always on the tall young man, so he quietly moved to leave, but Su Xin immediately turned his eyes and said in a deep voice:


"If you dare to run away, I will shoot you!"

At this time, the tall young man got the courage from nowhere. Seeing that Su Xin's attention was diverted, he rushed forward, grabbed Su Xin's right wrist holding the gun, pointed the muzzle of the gun at the sky, struggled with Su Xin, and shouted road:

"Xiaojie, come and help!"

But his companion ran away without looking back.

However, Su Xin reluctantly turned the gun back at this time, and pointed it at his thigh under the tall young man's nervous gaze and strong resistance.


Gunfire rang out.

The tall young man couldn't help but groan, and a lot of his strength also dissipated.

Just when he was desperate.

But he found that Su Xin stood up in panic, accidentally dropped the gun in front of him, and then staggered away away.

The tall young man didn't have time to think too much at this time. He didn't even care about the pain in his body and quickly picked up the pistol.

With a gun in hand, evil arises from courage.

He was robbed with good intentions, and was shot in the end. This made him furious. In addition, he was abandoned by his companions just now. All kinds of negative emotions made him lose his mind for a moment. He aimed at Su Xin's fleeing back and shot him fiercely. The trigger was pulled.

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