The test of free movement made Su Xin extremely satisfied with the power of Iron Will.

He felt like he had truly turned into a ball of light, moving at will, almost to the extreme.

This ability not only gives Su Xin extreme movement speed, but also gives him super attack and defense capabilities.

From now on, even if he transforms into an ordinary person, his combat effectiveness will not be much weaker.


There is also no test of the incarnation of telekinesis.

There are more than 300 pain points left.

Su Xin activated his special characteristics to let part of his telekinesis escape from himself, forming a half-real and half-illusion hand, floating beside him.

From the appearance, the incarnation of telekinesis looks like a humanoid creature made of light blue light, the size and shape of which can be controlled by Su Xin.


Su Xin had an idea.

Large waves of mental power poured into the body of the incarnation of mental power, causing the body of the incarnation of mental power to expand continuously, from more than one meter to five or six meters high, and soon became seven or eight meters, more than ten meters...

By the end, the light blue humanoid creature had grown to more than thirty meters tall, standing like a towering giant in the wilderness.


Su Xin had an idea.

The incarnation of telekinesis flew far away at super fast speed, reaching its limit in the blink of an eye——

It's about two or three kilometers away.

Su Xin has a feeling that if he goes any further, the incarnation of telekinesis will lose control and collapse soon.

Different from the true and false phantom bodies when entering the hidden state, the true and false phantom bodies have a separate consciousness that is synchronized with the main body, which is like a simplified version of the backup for Su Xin's consciousness.

The incarnation of telekinesis must be controlled by Su Xin himself at any time, otherwise it will appear dull.

He has no ability to act autonomously.

Fortunately, Su Xin barely has the ability to multi-task, and he can control his own body and the incarnation of telekinesis to do many things at the same time.

So far.

All features have been tested.

Su Xin is quite satisfied with the Iron Will power and is ready to upgrade it again when he collects 100,000 causal points.

Prepare more cause and effect points.

The higher the chance of refreshing good features.

However, thinking of his previous decision to save some causal points to upgrade the balance of life and death, he could only sigh slightly in his heart:

"It seems that the upgrade of the balance of life and death will have to be delayed a little longer."

"There are too many useful powers, which is also a worry... There are simply not enough causal points to allocate."

Think of cause and effect points.

Su Xin thought of a more pressing question.

There are no more empty ability slots.

The training madman needs to reach LV12 to unlock the new ability column, which still requires more than 600,000 causal points.

The new mission should be triggered in six days.

In these six days, he would either accumulate 700,000 causal points or forget a certain power.


He looked at the current ability panel.

[Name: Su Xin]

[Powers: Hidden Prayer LV8, Unyielding Dead LV5, Self-Deception LV5, Self-Deception LV5, Sword God's Cut LV5, Exercise Madman LV11, Explosive Shooter LV5, Balance of Life and Death LV5, Information Dislocation LV5, Master Key LV5, Iron Will LV4 . 】

[Cause and effect point: 42263]

Looking at the abilities one by one, Su Xin felt that the effects of these abilities were not small, and most of them were even indispensable.

"Forget it, let's go earn some karma points."

"The 10 billion should be available in the next few days, and it will be faster to earn Karma Points by then."

"By the way, the equity transfer of Yonghui Zaibatsu is almost over. It shouldn't be a problem for me to withdraw one or two billion from it, right?"

Su Xinxin made a decision.

He planted five more life talismans for himself, and after absorbing enough vitality, he would save some pain points in the magma so that he could use his telekinesis powers at any time in the future.

In magma, under extreme conditions, fifteen pain points can be accumulated every second, and fifty-four thousand pain points can be accumulated in one hour.

Using level one telekinesis is enough for fifteen hours of non-stop use.

Still quite useful.

Now, Su Xin's first goal is to earn 700,000 causal points as soon as possible.

He communicated with Zuo Shuanghui thousands of miles away through his mind and asked:

“How much cash can you pull out right now?”

Zuo Shuanghui was not prepared in advance, so of course he couldn't answer such a question, so he had to say: "I have to check first."

"Then as soon as possible, I need money, preferably one or two billion, the more the better. As long as it does not affect the operation of the organization, give me as much as you can, including the funds from the Yonghui Chaebol. , you can also turn it around.”

"Okay, I'll have someone summarize it."

Su Xin did not wait for news here, but returned to the headquarters base, put on his clothes, and returned to the war-torn country of Silver Moon Continent.

Arriving outside a military camp, Su Xinfa started to move at will, his body turned into a stream of light, and he quickly shuttled through the military camp. When he passed each soldier, he lightly tapped the other's forehead.

Previously, Su Xin could only rely on his strong physical fitness and brute force to quickly run around the military camp and plant life talismans on each soldier.


While he is fast, the impact of any of his random movements is very large, which can easily cause accidental injuries and make movement very inconvenient.

But things are different now.

With the characteristic of moving at will, Su Xin's body is as fast as a stream of light and as light as a gentle breeze. He can run through the military camp in one or two breaths.

Not only is it easy to plant life talismans on everyone, but it also prevents accidental injuries.

Because when his body is moving, he basically has no impact.

Of course it is not lethal.

This is a shortcoming for ordinary people, but it is a great advantage for Su Xin.

Half an hour later.

Su Xin, who was waiting somewhere for the battle to begin, received a reply from Zuo Shuanghui——

"Su Shen, the funds we can allocate at present are about 38 billion."

Su Xin responded: "Forward it to me."

"Okay, due to the huge amount of funds, it will take at least three to five days to complete the transfer."

"no problem."

Su Xin responded happily.

With this money, he can earn at least a few million causal points, and he won't have to worry about it in the short term.

Long before, he had asked the Dawn Society to set up a charity website to count patients in need of support around the world, and the data would be updated regularly.

On the website, there is an introduction to the basic situation of the person seeking help, and a comprehensive rating is made from multiple dimensions such as the degree of illness, funding gap, difficulty of treatment, and expected remaining life span.

Anyone can view the data on this site at any time and make donations to those seeking help.

The bank accounts registered by the help seekers are charity accounts set up by the bank and the hospital. Once the donation limit is reached, transfers cannot be accepted, thus avoiding repeated donations.

And Su Xin has very high authority.

He can view more detailed information, and there is no limit on the amount, and he can make more efficient donations based on the level of the requester——

Try to ensure that the rate of return on causal points earned for each amount of money is the highest.

The reason why he opened up the channels for others to donate is to make this website operate better and get recognition from more people. After all, he can't always stay in front of the computer to donate.

After opening the donation channel, even if he does not donate, occasionally other people or other organizations will make donations.

Not long after Su Xin replied.

The first two billion funds were transferred to his bank account at once.

Su Xin immediately opened the charity software, logged in to his account, filtered and sorted the help seekers according to their level, and then clicked to donate one by one.

The charity website was completely created based on his needs. It’s hard to say anything else. Donating must be extremely convenient, especially since his account has special permissions and is bound to his own bank account. With one click, he can follow the other party’s instructions. The remaining amount will be donated in full.

"Ding! Get 77 causal points."

"Ding! Get 83 causal points."

"Ding! Get 76 causal points."

"Ding! Get 115 causal points."

In my mind, the system prompts kept ringing at a rate of more than once per second.

Su Xin doesn't even need to look.

He directly opened the quick donation mode and made the donation button appear below, occupying almost one-tenth of the entire phone screen.

Click once.

Just make a donation.

It doesn’t take a second to make a donation.

The efficiency is more than ten times higher than before.

At this time, Su Xin suddenly heard the sound of artillery fire, and began to make donations while paying attention to the situation on the battlefield.

When his life talisman continues to resurrect these soldiers, in addition to gaining causal points, he will also continue to obtain death talismans.

During this process.

He couldn't continue to accumulate life talismans, otherwise the two would cancel each other out, and his work would be in vain.

He could only wait for the other side's war to end, and then commit suicide to accumulate life talismans again, and then plant them for another group of soldiers.

This is also the main reason for low efficiency.

Fortunately, now that he has enough money, he can easily donate and earn Karma Points with his mobile phone while waiting for the outcome of the war.

The two methods almost do not interfere with each other.

that's all.

Just an hour or so.

Su Xin donated two billion.

It can truly be said that money is spent like water.

And it's like a waterfall.

But the benefits were considerable. Adding up donations and resurrections, he gained a total of 380,000 causality points in just one hour.

Among them, the resurrection income is about 10,000.

More than 90% of it is earned through donations.

Nowadays, the efficiency of donating money to earn causal points is at least ten or twenty times higher than before.

Of course, although the total number of patients in the world is quite large, if Su Xin really keeps donating so efficiently, it may not be long before there will be no more donors.

Moreover, he sorted the patients according to their comprehensive ratings from high to low. The further the donations go, the lower the patient's comprehensive ratings will be, and the rate of return on donations of the same amount will continue to decrease.

Therefore, although this method is fast and has extremely high yield, it cannot last long.

It can only be harvested once in a while.

With enough causal points, Su Xin immediately upgraded Iron Will again.

Fortunately, after only two refreshes, a feature that satisfied him appeared.

[Psychic Armor: It consumes a large amount of telekinesis to condense it into tangible and qualitative underwear. The color and style can be freely customized. After the condensation is completed, it can be quickly dressed at any time. If it is damaged, it can be repaired with the same strength of telekinesis. 】

This feature also solved a little embarrassment for him——

When I took a bath in the lava before, all my clothes were burned, which was really inconvenient.

Now that he has the telekinetic armor feature, he can condense a set of clothes in advance, and after taking a lava bath, he can quickly dress up.

There are many other similar situations, and this telekinetic armor can solve his embarrassment.

In addition, since this feature is called telekinetic armor, its biggest function is of course defense. Even if Su Xin does not need additional defense, sometimes, when he transforms into an ordinary person, he may need the defense of telekinetic armor.

In short.

This feature is also very useful.

However, Su Xin now has only more than 200 pain points, and the lowest level telekinetic armor may not be able to condense successfully. He decided to try again after accumulating enough pain points.


He saw that the battle on the battlefield had come to an end, so he simply deactivated the life charms in the remaining soldiers' bodies-making them ineffective.

He currently has five life charms in his body, and there is no extra space for him to plant death charms, so he first consumes a life charm, and then starts to use the death charm to commit suicide again and again, consuming quickly.

Until all the death charms are consumed.

Su Xin transformed into an ordinary person and began to commit suicide in various ways to quickly accumulate life talismans.

When he accumulated eight or nine hundred, he found another military camp and began to plant life talismans for the soldiers.

This cycle repeated.

In the next few days, funds arrived one after another, and he quickly donated money and earned a lot of karma points.

In addition, he resurrected others countless times on the battlefield, and the karma points were also accumulating rapidly.

One night, he took time to go to a volcano and soaked in the magma bath for several hours, accumulating more than 200,000 pain points.

Then he used the fifteenth-level telekinesis to condense a set of stylish telekinesis armor, which consumed tens of thousands of pain points.

On the fourth day, when Su Xin was planting life talismans for hundreds of soldiers in a military camp, a request for consciousness communication suddenly came to his mind-from the person in charge of the small base where Qingtian was imprisoned.

Su Xin quickly completed the action of planting life talismans.

When he arrived not far from the military camp, he connected to the consciousness communication, and the other party immediately reported:

"Su Shen, that person used telekinesis to forcibly pull out all the chains, and then was swept by a colorful light, and the person disappeared."

"I know."

Su Xin responded casually.

With the ability to open the gene lock, Su Xin's interest in the God Realm had greatly decreased before, and now with the iron will ability, he has completely lost interest in the God Realm.

A mere Qingtian, just go away.

When one day he has absolute confidence to travel between the human world and the God Realm, he will take some time to go to the God Realm to see the scenery.

Before this, the God Realm had been crossed out from the ranks of his opponents by him-whether it was the so-called Seven Gods or the entire God Realm, he did not take it seriously.

Now he only wants to transform the human world.

To realize the vision of everyone being like a dragon.

Just when he was thinking about this, not long after, Song Chengyun, the owner of Jiuji Martial Arts Hall, also sent him a request for consciousness communication.

"Su Shen, we have already established the organization you asked us to set up a few days ago, and have found more than a hundred top martial arts masters around the world, whose strength is not much worse than mine. We would like to ask Su Shen if we can also open the gene lock for them..."

Su Xin looked at his personal panel.

After the crazy donations in the past few days, hundreds of billions of funds were consumed like water, and his causal points continued to soar, and now have reached 5.77 million.

It is definitely more than enough for the upgrade.

He responded:

"Okay, gather everyone and tell me the detailed address, I will go there later."

"Okay! Thank you Su Shen!"

Song Chengyun responded happily.

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