My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 246 Exploring a Different World

After completing the changes to the world environment.

Su Xin consumed a biological mark, turned into an ordinary person, and jumped into the volcano.

Soaking in the hot magma, Su Xin felt like his whole body was constantly dissolving and recovering rapidly.

He had endured this extreme pain countless times and was used to it.

He could clearly feel that the pain points were growing rapidly, at fifteen points every second.

"Great! It really works!"

"Now I feel relieved!"

Su Xin turned back to his true self and flew out of the magma, with a bright smile on his face.

With the active volcano he carries with him, if the pain point is not enough, he can enter the small world and spend some time to accumulate it again, so that no matter where he goes, he can use his telekinesis at will.

While he was smiling, dense information suddenly appeared in Su Xin's mind - that was the basic identity information about many people received in his mind when he was triggered to become free in batches.

But he couldn't help but be startled.


"Why don't they have any?"

Su Xin frowned slightly.

Among the large amount of identity information he obtained, there was no information about Qingtian and others.

"Is it because we are not in the same world that we can't trigger the other transformation?"

"Or did they find out?"

Su Xin thought about it and felt that both situations were very possible.

The prerequisite for his ability to transform freely is that he can get other people's items without being noticed. However, in the God Realm, Luo Juncong has a deep control over the God Realm, and it is very likely that he will notice the action of tying his hair.

As for why he didn't notice that his hair was quietly taken away by Su Xin, it was probably because Luo Juncong was almost killed at that time, and he was in such a state of excitement that he didn't notice it at all.

Later, I observed in secret, concentrated my attention, and observed very carefully, so I was able to discover such inconspicuous little actions as Su Xin.

Another possibility.

Being in a different world, it is very likely that the other transformation will fail.

"Forget it, it's just a few useless powers."

Su Xin shook his head slightly and didn't take this matter too seriously.

Now that the matter in the God Realm is settled, he is ready to officially explore another world next.

But before that, he still needs to explain some things in case he doesn't come back soon.

In the past, he encouraged everyone to spend their lives casually and promised to replenish life talismans for everyone regularly. If he stayed for a month or two before coming back this time, he might trick many people to death——

Many people are used to training and fighting desperately, and are used to dying once or twice from time to time. If they wait until the life talisman is used up, and suddenly find that Su Xin will not give everyone the replenishing talisman, maybe some people will be careless. died.

He also had to explain the follow-up development of Dawn Club and Gaowu Alliance.

If something is delayed, I won't worry about the problem here.

Su Xin teleported back to the Dawn Club headquarters.

Calling all the management at the headquarters, he announced to everyone that he would go into seclusion to further study the gene lock.

"...I'm not sure how long this retreat will take. It may be a few hours, a day or two, a month or two, or it may even take several years. In short, you must be prepared for my long-term absence. ”

"The Dawn Society has grown. It has basically achieved the goal I promised at the beginning. You are also able to survive on your own."

"In the next period of time, before I take the initiative to show up, you have to deal with everything by yourself and face all troubles by yourself."


"After the meeting, you inform all important members of the organization to gather at several major bases as soon as possible. I will replenish everyone's life talismans to twenty. There will be no need to replenish them until I come back, so everyone can save their time. Use it.”

After some advice.

Su Xin came to the Gaowu Alliance headquarters again and gave similar instructions.

The next two days.

Su Xin traveled around the world and stocked up on some items that might be needed. After the organization members gathered at the nearest major bases, he teleported there and replenished enough life talismans for everyone.

After all this is done.

Su Xin teleported to the Antarctic ice zone.

The low temperature, which is tens of degrees below zero, is blown by the cold wind like biting ice knives over the empty glacier.

Su Xin, however, was wearing thin casual clothes and standing majestically on an iceberg.

Before heading to another world, he still had one very important thing to test.

Su Xin raised his hand, tapped his index finger lightly in the void, and activated the master key ability at the same time.

"The door to space! Open!"

He silently thought about the God Realm in his mind.

As his super power was activated, ripples actually appeared in the void.

A small black dot appeared in the void where his index finger landed, and expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, forming a small black mirror that continued to expand...

"It really works!"

Su Xin looked happy.

But the next moment, the black mirror flashed for a while, then suddenly shattered and disappeared.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Su Xin was stunned.

"Since the door to space has been opened, why did it later... By the way, it couldn't have been artificially closed by the guy from Chuangshi, right?"

"That's right. The God Realm is his personal world. If I open a door to the space, I will definitely alert him immediately and he will close the door."

"It's just like breaking into someone else's house by unlocking the door. Even if the door is unlocked successfully and someone is at home, he can force the door to be locked."

In fact.

Su Xin's guess was indeed correct.

When he used the master key to open the door to space, Chuangshi sensed this situation immediately, and was so frightened that he quickly mobilized the power of heaven and earth in the God Realm to close the door to space.

"never mind……"

"It doesn't matter whether I can enter the God Realm or not. Anyway, I'm just trying this ability."

"Since the master key can open the space door of the God Realm, then it should also be able to open the space door of another world..."

Su Xin stretched out his hand and felt a little empty again.

A small black spot began to expand from his fingertips again, and soon formed a space door that was more than one person tall.

Su Xin stepped into it.

Beside a towering mountain.

Su Xin's figure appeared out of thin air.

Different from the first time he traveled through time, Su Xin was mentally prepared to stay here for a long time this time, and he was not worried about attracting anyone's attention by using his powers.

He tried out his various powers.

From seclusion and prayer, to self-deception, Sword God's Slash, Explosive Shooter, Iron Will, Lord of the World, etc., all abilities can be used normally without any attenuation in their effects.

This actually reassured him a lot.

Since these abilities can be used normally, then the Unyielding Dead ability must be no problem either.

He no longer has to worry about death.

Su Xinxin felt a lot more relaxed all of a sudden.

However, before he has learned enough information about the world, he will not make too much noise rashly to avoid causing trouble.

For example, if this world is the prehistoric world in the myths and legends of the previous life, or other similar dangerous worlds, and you jump out carelessly, and end up being sealed by spells, or more mysterious means, you will be in trouble.

When he first came in, he didn't try any supernatural powers rashly, that's why.

Even though he acted very arrogantly on Baishan Star before, it was all based on his sufficient understanding of the world.

In fact, he is still very cautious.

Especially when facing a completely unfamiliar new world, Su Xin did not dare to be careless at all, even though he had so many invincible powers.


The most important thing is to understand the information of this world and learn the language of this world.

Listen for a moment.

Su Xin soon heard the faint conversation coming from the mountain. Although he could not understand the content, he could also tell that it was the communication of intelligent creatures.

He closed his eyes.

After entering the invisible state, he followed the direction of the sound, flew into the mountain, and found two humans talking.

Su Xin, who is in a hidden state, cannot see the other party's whole face clearly, and can only perceive the outline of the other party's body through the super-sensory shape tracing characteristics——

The other person's height is not much different from his.

There are only some small differences in the details of the facial features.

Judging from the bows and arrows and other items carried by the other party, they should be hunters in the mountains. One of them seemed to be injured and limped behind the other. The two walked carefully through the mountains and forests, watching the progress. The direction should be to prepare to go down the mountain and leave.

Su Xin did not interfere with the other party.

He just followed the other person silently in a hidden state, listening to the other person's conversations from time to time.

Nearly an hour later.

The two returned to a small village.

There are more than fifty households in the village, totaling more than a hundred people.

Su Xin simply stayed here, but stayed in hiding and did not show up.

Observe the other person’s routine.

Listen to the other person's conversation.

Perceive the other person’s actions.

For example, if they shouted something and the family came back to eat, then this sentence must be the name of the family or related to eating.

Combined with the communication between each family, he summarized the language of the world bit by bit. Even if he found any mistakes in the summary, he could quickly correct them through communication with other people.

Su Xin's brain works very quickly.

Even if you are learning a new language from scratch, it is not particularly difficult.

In just a few days, he was able to understand the communication of everyone in the village and accurately grasp the intonation and rhythm of each other's voices.

There is no problem listening or speaking.

at the same time.

Based on the new language he learned, he also gained some basic knowledge and understanding of the world from the other party's communication.

What surprised Su Xin the most was——

Martial arts exist in this world.

A magical martial art that can make people fly into the sky and escape from the earth, live forever, and move mountains and seas.

"If the extraordinary martial arts of this world are transmitted back to Baishan Star, so that everyone can improve their strength through practice, and combined with the gene lock, won't the Shenglong Plan be easily realized?"

Su Xinxin thought secretly.

"I still need to find a few people to try... to see if the martial arts in this world can be combined with the gene lock state..."

Although Su Xin is not yet sure what the limit of martial arts in this world is, judging from the information revealed in the exchanges between villagers, this seems to be a remote place on the edge of the dynasty, and there are no particularly powerful people around.

Although he is cautious at heart, he is not too timid in his actions.

After learning this basic information, he showed up in a carefree manner.

Then he used his mind power to fly into the sky.

With a glance, he saw a towering city in the distance, as well as some scattered pedestrians, carriages and horses on the roads. The whole world was full of vitality and vitality.

Su Xin immediately re-entered the hiding state and flew quickly towards the city.

In the hidden state, he had ten times the time acceleration effect, and there was no air resistance when flying. He was dozens of times faster than normal flying speed. In just one or two breaths, he entered the city dozens of kilometers away.

Immediately afterwards.

He cast an information filter on himself.

The information filtering characteristics can reduce his presence to a very low level, and other creatures will subconsciously ignore his existence.

As long as he doesn't do anything too exaggerated or conspicuous, others won't notice that his clothes, hairstyle, etc. are unusual.

Su Xin walked on the street like a leisurely stroll.

Look at the exotic customs around you, listen to the conversations of the natives of the foreign world, and learn more about the world from the other party's conversations.

His hearing is too strong.

If it weren't for the fact that the sound of people talking has a limited propagation distance and is blocked by walls and other objects and quickly attenuates, he might be able to capture everyone's conversation in the city from a long distance.

Even so, Su Xin could basically hear the conversations of everyone in the city clearly just by walking around the city.

From these conversations, he quickly captured an important existence——

"Slashing the Wind Sect..."

Su Xin recited the name silently.

Judging from the conversations among many people in the city, the Wind Slashing Sect should be a large local sect with strong Qi Sea Realm experts in it.

As for how strong the Qi Sea Realm was and what level of cultivation it was, he didn't hear it.

But it doesn’t matter.

It doesn't sound like he's very strong. At least, it's impossible for him to be harmed by breaking the rules. There shouldn't be any threat.

But Su Xin is not in a hurry to come and steal secret books.

He first took some gold, silver and clothes from a wealthy family, dressed himself up like a rich man, bought a house, and hired a teacher to teach him how to read and write.

By the way, I also learned some martial arts knowledge, such as some martial arts terminology, meridians and acupuncture points, etc.

These took another three days.

On the fourth day, Su Xin felt that he had barely succeeded in his studies, so he dismissed the teachers, left the city, and flew all the way to the outside of Zhanfeng Sect.

Zhanfeng Sect is located on several mountains. Even ordinary people can vaguely see the corners of several palaces from the bottom of the mountains. With Su Xin's eyesight, from a high position, he can clearly see the luxurious atmosphere on several mountain peaks. There are palace complexes and dense crowds of pedestrians coming and going.

Now that the target has been found.

Su Xin immediately went into hiding, flew into the Wind Slayer Sect, walked around like a leisurely stroll, and found a small building where martial arts secret books were stored.

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