My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 248 The huge improvement brought by martial arts

the following few days.

Su Xin studied in the Zhanfeng Sect in a low-key manner, and asked questions when he didn't understand anything. He was not ashamed to ask even the most basic questions, and sometimes even attracted strange looks and whispers of ridicule from some of his fellow disciples.

However, the deacon responsible for teaching did not dare to neglect Su Xin's every question. After all, the status of the inner disciples was no lower than theirs, especially that of 'Xiao Lei', a recognized genius.

Therefore, they will answer patiently.

This made Su Xin's understanding of martial arts improve by leaps and bounds. He gradually began to understand the martial arts secrets he had read before and learned how to practice.

What he lacks is these basics.

After understanding these basics, he was qualified to study the secrets of martial arts in this world.

Next, there is no need to study.

Su Xin returned to the small world, and after giving some inscrutable instructions, he put Xiao Lei back to the other world, while he practiced in the small world.

It is worth mentioning that when he met Xiao Lei, he always used the appearance of an ordinary person from Baishan Star and did not show his true face in front of the other person.

In this way, if there is a chance to meet again in the future, or if he makes trouble in another world, Xiao Lei should not recognize him.

In a small world.

Su Xin stood at the foot of the volcano, practicing the basic techniques of the Wind Slayer Sect one by one.

After several days of study, he was already familiar with this basic technique, and he had already practiced it to the Dacheng level on the third day.

That is the peak of the body refining realm.

The reason why he continues to practice is just to consolidate this skill and reach the level of Dzogchen as much as possible, so that he can teach it to others.

at the same time.

He also wanted to try to see if it would be useful to practice this technique in another world. Is there really some kind of special spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the other world that would enable them to embark on the path of martial arts? Is there any hope for Baishanxing to embark on this path?

Of course.

Su Xin did not treat this matter as a top priority. What he cared about most was his own cultivation.


Those who practice boxing here are only incarnations.

The real Su Xin has entered a state of hiding. He carefully reviewed the mental formulas of Suzaku Six Yang Kung several times, combined with the basic martial arts knowledge learned these days, and started practicing.

Because his body is different from ordinary people and far more powerful than anyone he knows, he can achieve both the Tongli realm and the Body Refining realm in one go.

The first realm of martial arts in another world, the Tongli realm.

The emphasis is on applying force throughout the body, opening up martial arteries, tempering strength, and laying the foundation for martial arts.

Su Xin's strength reaches tens of thousands of kilograms, and his so-called martial arteries are all unobstructed. It is no exaggeration to say that he is equivalent to the legendary innate Taoist body. His power control is better than anyone else's, and he does not need to practice. Able to exert strength throughout the body.

At the first level of martial arts, there is no need to practice at all.

And the second realm of martial arts is the body refining realm.

It requires skin refining, bone refining, tendon refining, membrane refining, organ refining, blood refining, marrow refining...

He doesn't need to practice these things.

It is no exaggeration to say that Su Xin's body is now very perfect, so perfect that these cultivation techniques cannot improve it at all.

He only needs to be familiar with the first two realms and then start practicing from the third realm.

The third realm is the Qi Sea realm.

This is the starting point for martial arts to enter the extraordinary world, and it is also the first dividing line between the strong and the weak.

At the same time, this realm is also the starting point for human beings to extend their lifespan through martial arts.

Once you successfully enter the Qi Sea Realm, your life span will be increased to between 150 and 300 years.

This is the realm that Su Xin attaches most importance to.

If this realm can be promoted in Baishan Star and a large number of powerful people emerge, everyone can contribute a lot of causal points to him.

He then planted life talismans on all these strong men and let them fight with each other.


There will be an endless supply of causal points.

But then again, there are so many powerful people in this world, so he can ignore Baishan Star and simply regard it as his main battlefield in the future. Earning Karma Points through these natives of other worlds will definitely have a very high rate of return.

But Baishan Star is also my hometown. I have done so much for the Shenglong Project before, and I really don’t want to give it up in vain.


Su Xin's plan is that the next step will indeed be to focus on other worlds, but the transformation of Baishan Star will never stop, but will continue to be promoted.

Single-handedly changing a world from the technological era to the martial arts era, such a grand gesture will give him a great sense of accomplishment.

the most important is--

Su Xin also wants to practice.

He wanted to see if he could find a new way to practice extraordinary martial arts with such a terrifying physique.

Nowadays, he is strong and strong, but apart from his body that is so powerful that it is almost evil, the rest can be said to be all due to system powers.

He didn't object to this.

But it’s better to have your own power.

Judging from his current limited understanding of the martial arts in this world, there are merits.

It is said that people in the ninth level of martial arts in the fairyland have reached the point where they can live as long as the heaven and the earth. A thought can travel thousands of miles in an instant, a breath of breath can move mountains and seas, and a wave of a hand can turn the sky and the earth upside down...

Su Xin also yearned for this kind of strength.

He believes that by combining his system powers with the martial arts methods and resources of this world, he is qualified to surpass all the sages in this world, and he can become the supreme power through his martial arts cultivation alone.

The various extraordinary methods of a martial arts expert cannot be achieved by his powerful physical body alone. Therefore, even if his physical body is invincible, he must practice martial arts to match it, so that his methods are more comprehensive.

as time flows.

Su Xin consolidated the Tongli Realm and the Physical Refining Realm according to the first two levels of Suzaku Six Yang Gong, and then continued to practice the third level without stopping.

To reach this level, the prerequisite is that one's own martial arts veins are unobstructed, the body is perfected, and the qi and blood are abundant, and then the vitality of heaven and earth is introduced for one's own use, and it is integrated with one's own qi and blood to generate true qi.

Su Xin has already met the previous conditions.

Now only the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is missing.

This is also a kind of test for him——

The environment in the small world is an active volcano area in the Baishan Star. It stands to reason that the aura environment should be the same. Whether he can succeed in cultivation here... can also be regarded as an indirect verification of whether other people in the Baishan Planet have a chance to succeed in cultivation.

Su Xin was not in a hurry.

I have been cultivating in the small world for a month without any hurry, but there has been no progress in my cultivation. I have not sensed the vitality of heaven and earth at all, and naturally there is no sign of breakthrough.


He returned to Baishan Star to practice for another month.

But the result is still unable to break through.


Su Xin sighed secretly.

Until this moment, he was completely sure that the vitality of heaven and earth did not exist in the small world or Baishan Star.

Therefore, Bai Shanxing cannot practice the third realm of martial arts that requires the vitality of heaven and earth to break through. At most, he can only practice the first two realms.

But he is not discouraged either.

Instead, he spent half a day memorizing all the basic skills of the Slashing Wind Sect, the Suzaku Six Yang Skill, and some martial arts common sense.

Of course, it was translated into Baishan language.

With his ability to understand both languages ​​and his understanding of martial arts, these translations are accurate and easy to understand.

After he copied these secrets, he gave one copy each to the Gaowu Alliance and the Dawn Society, telling them to study it themselves and to pass it on to others at will.

Then he returned to another world.

With the master key property, Su Xin can easily travel between the two worlds even without Xie Fan's ability to travel through time.

And more relaxed and freehand.

After all, the master key is a system power, and there is no consumption at all when using it.

Su Xin also thought about it. The reason why he was unable to open the door to another world and travel through it before was mainly because he had never been there and had no clear goal in his mind. This was equivalent to not being able to find the door and not being able to enter even with the master key.

This also gave him a guess——

It should be that as long as you have been to places, even in different worlds, you can travel back and forth at will with the master key.

In addition to this martial arts world, there may be other different worlds in the future. As long as you find the door, you may be able to travel freely through the worlds.

And Xie Fan's ability to travel through time is the greatest hope for finding other worlds.

So Xie Fan is still valuable to him.

When he went back just now, he specially took some of Xie Fan's hair and told Zuo Shuanghui to train Xie Fan well.

If Xie Fan succeeds in martial arts in the future, his ability to travel through time may become stronger, and his chances of discovering other worlds will be greater.

These are not listed for now.

When Su Xin traveled to another world again.

He immediately came to Zhanfeng Sect and took a rubbing of the sect's environment.

When I returned to the small world, I immediately recreated it.

Then he entered the small world again to practice.

"I want to see if the recreated environment contains spiritual energy and can it help me practice."

Su Xinxin was eager to give it a try.

In the reproduced environment, there is a complete mountain gate building, but there are no creatures.

He randomly found a martial arts arena.

He started practicing according to the third level of Suzaku Six Yang Kung Fu. With each punch and kick, he became fierce and powerful, and his momentum was quite astonishing.

Just a few minutes later.

Su Xin, who was practicing boxing, could not help but move his eyes slightly. He felt a huge energy instilled into his body from between heaven and earth, and integrated into every inch of his skin, every piece of flesh and blood, and even every cell at an extremely fast speed. .

Su Xinfu understood with all his heart——

This is the vitality of heaven and earth!

He broke through!

He continued to practice boxing, meticulously.

The huge energy of heaven and earth was continuously poured into his body from between heaven and earth, just like a heavy rain falling on a dry and cracked field, as much as it fell was absorbed.

No one will be refused!

Su Xin's monster-powerful body... actually showed signs of getting stronger.

However, this is not because of a breakthrough in cultivation.

It’s because the workout freak triggered it.

After all, his strength reaches tens of thousands of kilograms, and his physique has already exceeded the limit that mortals can imagine. A mere breakthrough in Qi Sea Realm cultivation is not enough to improve his physical body in the slightest.

But even so, Su Xin is quite happy with the current changes——

He didn't turn on the gravity assistance, but he only relied on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to fill his body, which was equivalent to effective exercise. It could trigger the exercise madman and let his body continue to improve. This is good news!

This means that in the future, when he practices martial arts, the ability of the Exercise Madman can be continuously triggered. He no longer has to worry about ordinary methods not meeting the effective training conditions and thus being unable to trigger the Exercise Madman.

His physique...

Will start to soar again!

Maybe it will never stop again!

Another half hour or so passed.

The huge spiritual energy of heaven and earth is still pouring into Su Xin's body, as if it is endless and will never stop.

Su Xin's eyes couldn't help but flash slightly.

He thought about the knowledge about the Qi Sea Realm.

When martial arts breaks through the Qi Sea realm, the body will be nourished by the vitality of heaven and earth. The extent to which it is nourished depends on the body's potential and the concentration of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Just like a dry farmland, under the irrigation of rainwater, it will continue to absorb the rainwater. Unless the rain stops midway, the farmland will be filled with excess rainwater before excess rainwater flows.

The Qi Sea realm means that after the body absorbs sufficient vitality of heaven and earth, there will still be some surplus true energy flowing in the martial veins in the body.

The cultivation of the Qi Sea realm is to continue to refine the Qi, so that more and more Zhen Qi remains in the body, gathering in the Dantian to form a Qi sea.

But Su Xin's body is too strong.

The huge energy of heaven and earth that ordinary people can break through hundreds of thousands of times is probably less than one ten thousandth of what he needs to break through the sea of ​​​​qi.

If it were in the outside world, Su Xin's breakthrough might not be accomplished at once, but would require the assistance of a large amount of elixirs to achieve it.

After all, although the vitality of heaven and earth is endless, if he absorbs all the vitality of heaven and earth in one place, the vitality of heaven and earth in the distance will not be able to fill the area where he is so quickly.

But it's different in the small world.

In the recreated environment, perhaps due to a strange law of cause and effect, the environment can always remain in the same state as when it was recreated.

For example.

The wind will blow continuously, I don't know where it starts and where it will end, but it can keep blowing and maintain a normal wind speed.

If it rains, the rain will continue to flow and maintain the same intensity, and the ground will not accumulate into lakes due to continuous rain.

This is the magic of replicating environments.

The same is true for the vitality of heaven and earth. If there is vitality of heaven and earth in the environment that Su Xin recreates, then there will always be vitality of heaven and earth here. No matter how he absorbs it, the vitality of heaven and earth will maintain the same concentration.

This was something he had guessed before, so he deliberately chose to break through his cultivation in the small world as a test.

Time passes slowly.

Several hours passed.

One day passed.

Two days passed.

Three days have passed...

When he died once every hour during the process, he would be resurrected in an instant, and the infusion of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth would not stop for a moment.

Until the seventh day passed.

Su Xin's breakthrough is finally complete!

As the infusion of heaven and earth spiritual energy gradually stopped, his movements also gradually stopped.

a long time.


He let out a sigh of relief.

I saw a white air column spurting out from his mouth and impacting more than fifty meters away.

next moment.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and a frightening divine light flashed in his eyes. If there were any outsiders here, they would definitely be shaken by this divine light and be unable to move for a long time.

"Qi Sea Realm..."

The corners of Su Xin's mouth raised slightly.

He raised his hands, shook them gently, feeling the surge of power in his body, and said calmly:


With his current control over his body, even if he doesn't exert any force, he can still feel the extent of his strength——

Twice as strong as before!

It reached one hundred and nine thousand catties!

For ordinary people, breaking through from the Body Refining Realm to the Qi Sea Realm will double their strength.

Su Xin didn't expect that his strength could be doubled.

Also doubled, Su Xin's improvement is completely different from that of ordinary people. After all, his power base is much stronger than ordinary people.

But thinking that he had consumed so much energy of heaven and earth, Su Xin felt relieved.

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