My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 255 Breaking into Longquan Holy Land

The reason why Su Xin did not go directly to the top sects was because the locations were difficult to find and it would be troublesome to go there.

Secondly, it's because he has always been wary of the world's top experts and doesn't want to rush there without being absolutely sure.

Even if he wants to find the top-level skills in the Life Aperture Realm, he plans to start from Shantideva Sect, a superior sect, and go up level by level until he finds the best Life Aperture skills.

It would be best not to have contact with the top experts.

But it's different now.

With the temptation of the cave heaven and paradise, he can't control that much. At worst, he will hide if he can't fight, or return to the world of Baishan Star Lord.

For Su Xin, the importance of Cave Heaven Paradise is far higher than anyone else.

After all, the concentration of the vitality of heaven and earth in the environment he imprinted will remain unchanged forever. It can be said that the vitality of heaven and earth is inexhaustible.

Even if ordinary people stay in the best Cave Heaven Paradise to practice, the energy of heaven and earth provided by the environment is limited. If there are too many people, the energy of heaven and earth will be absorbed too quickly, and the energy of heaven and earth will not be very high.

Even so, the Cave Heaven Paradise is a battleground for many sects. Each sect will break their heads and sacrifice the lives of many disciples in order to fight for the best Cave Heaven Paradise.


For Su Xin who can maximize the role of Cave Heaven Paradise, it is even more necessary to take risks in order to obtain the best Cave Heaven Paradise.

The concentration of heaven and earth vitality increases several times.

The speed of cultivation may be increased several times.

This was quite a temptation for him.

When the temptation far outweighs the risks, Su Xin doesn't care about the so-called risks.


What Su Xin didn't know was that the reason why he didn't see any records about Dongtian Paradise in the Zhanfeng Sect's classics was because these low-level sects often deliberately concealed these.

Otherwise, if all the disciples are envious of the paradise of those big sects and find ways to change jobs once a genius appears, how can the sect develop?

Not only that, the role of basic exercises will also be deliberately weakened in the sect's classics.

There are also similar conditions. Whatever these small sects cannot possess, their value will be weakened and their existence concealed as much as possible.

Su Xin didn't know this.

He doesn't care either.

He only knew that he now had a new goal - to go to those top sects.

The Shantideva Sect in front of him was no longer taken seriously by him. The vitality of heaven and earth with three times the concentration was definitely impossible to compare with those high-level sects, super sects, and the holy land of martial arts.

His goal is the Holy Land of Martial Arts.

With a new goal in mind, Su Xin landed at Shantideva Sect. After some wandering, he quickly found the location of the Sutra Pavilion.

Su Xin released information filtering on himself.

He suddenly appeared in the Sutra Pavilion, ignored the presence of other people, and began to read various classics, especially various miscellaneous books——

He needs to supplement his knowledge.

The omissions in the knowledge about Dongtian Paradise made him realize that his understanding of martial arts and the world was still very limited, and perhaps there were mistakes in some places.

He needs to continue reading, increase his knowledge reserve, check for gaps and update them in a timely manner.

"Sure enough... sects in small places are just frogs in the well after all. They don't even know about such an important existence as the Cave Heaven Paradise, so their knowledge of the truly powerful must not be comprehensive."

"Since the Shantideva Sect is a superior sect, the introduction to the powerful ones must be more comprehensive."

"And...the location of the Holy Land."

Su Xin read the books carefully.

Occasionally, he would pass by Shantideva disciples, but they would completely ignore his presence.

"Luotian Continent, the three major holy lands, all have more than one Zhenwu realm powerful person in charge..."

Looking at the books, Su Xin's eyes flashed.

According to his guesses from the past few days——

A powerful person in the sixth realm of Tongtian Realm can force out his full strength.

A powerful person in the seventh realm of creation can crush him head-on.

Then in the eighth level of true martial arts, I can only use the death talisman to make a sneak attack while hiding.

The key problem is that he is not sure whether the powerful person in the true martial arts realm has mastered the power of the law and can find himself in the hidden state.

In the past, he used the system's law of causality to no avail, because most of the time he faced ordinary people. Even powerful people with powers such as Luo Juncong were essentially just ordinary people with limited abilities.

The martial arts masters in this world, after countless years of practice, have already surpassed the level of ordinary people in terms of strength and methods.

Except for a few extremely special superpowers, the vast majority of superpowers are just weak ants in front of these martial arts experts.

It has only been a few years since Su Xin's rise.

Having the opportunity to threaten the world's top powerhouse through special means is already an exaggeration. To say that he can crush it with absolute certainty...

Su Xin couldn't guarantee it either.

It's true that his powers are all at the law of cause and effect level, but many of his abilities have specific limitations.

It’s like deceiving oneself and others.

[Self-deception LV10: Close your eyes for more than 0.7 seconds and enter a hidden state. 】

This ability only allows him to enter a state of concealment, and does not explain the principle of concealment.

What really enhances his concealment ability to the extreme is the [non-sense interaction] feature.

[No sense interaction: In the hidden state, all interactions between oneself and the outside world will not cause the slightest change in the outside world. 】

The effect of this ability and characteristic is stronger than the stronger, but the effect is not to cause changes in the outside world, but not that others cannot sense his existence.

Strictly speaking, these are two different things.

After countless uses in the past few years, as well as the side confirmation of the last [Around the World] mission, Su Xin understood that the non-sensory interaction feature turned his hiding state into void hiding, that is, in the body Space mezzanine.


Su Xin guessed that as long as the other party could sense the changes in space, he might be able to discover his whereabouts through sensing the space.

It's not that his law of cause and effect is inferior to the law of space, but that the effect of this power itself is not comprehensive enough. It only makes him well hidden, but it doesn't mean that no one can discover him.

"So, we have to make some preparations first."

Su Xinxin said secretly.

He never fights an unprepared battle.

In fact, it is not impossible for him to quickly improve his strength now.

for example.

[Explosive Shooter] ability, as long as it continues to be upgraded, the kinetic energy multiplier of the launched object will continue to increase, which can be said to have an immediate effect on the increase in lethality.

Currently it's only ten times.

If it is subsequently increased to dozens or hundreds of times, the lethality of his sword light will also be increased several times.

in addition.

You also need to accumulate some death talismans.

Su Xin spent two days and continued to read all the classics in the Sutra Pavilion, and his understanding of martial arts also deepened a lot.

Among them, he focused on the top skills of the Life Aperture Realm, but there were only sixty-three skills at most, which were not considered the top ones. Su Xin naturally had no need to practice, so he just memorized them. Use as a reference.


Su Xin returned to the main world and supplied all the living talismans to the elite members of the Dawn Society. He also went to Silver Moon Continent to resurrect some people. While earning some causal points, he also accumulated dozens of living talismans.

And all the causal points he accumulated during this period were added to the Explosive Shooter, upgrading it to five levels in a row, reaching LV10.

[Explosion Shooter LV10: When launching an object, any one of the three attributes of kinetic energy, size, and distance can be increased up to fifty times. 】

Compared with his fighting power with bare hands, using the sword light is his full strength.

The super-speed slashing characteristic of the Sword God Yi Zhan doubles the speed of the sword and quadruples the kinetic energy. This is combined with the fifty-fold increase of the Explosive Shooter——

That's an increase of two hundred times.

Based on Su Xin's current strength, a single strike can split mountains and seas. After increasing the power by two hundred times, he has supreme power.

If someone catches him and launches a cross-border counterattack... it shouldn't be a big problem...

"By the way, there are also weapons."

"There are spiritual weapons in this world. I have to prepare a better weapon for myself."

Su Xin suddenly remembered this.

He quickly came to another world, entered the hidden state, teleported to the Shantideva Sect, found the Shantideva Sect's treasure house where various precious items were stored, and swept away the items inside.

It includes not only spiritual stones, elixirs, spiritual weapons, and various rare treasures, but also several obviously unusual secret books.

Su Xin glanced casually.

There is a life orifice technique among them, but it is only eighty-one orifice techniques, not the best.

The other few books were all higher-level exercises and special secrets, and were of little value to him.

But I still took it into the small world first.

So far.

Everything is ready.

"It's time to go."

Su Xin's figure rose from the ground, flew through the roof into the sky, opened his eyes, and revealed his figure.

"Eight hundred miles outside the pilgrimage city, Longquan Mountain."

He silently recited the address of Longquan Holy Land and looked around, feeling a little embarrassed for a moment.

"There's no navigation, how can I find it?"

"Pilgrimage City is located in the southeast of Xiangxue Prefecture..."

"But how to find Xiangxue Prefecture? Where exactly in the's really a headache."

It is not good to fly too fast. Even if he has read the map and written down the approximate direction, the map is not accurate enough, detailed enough, and does not have real-time positioning. He wants to find a place he has never been to in this huge world... …

It's really difficult.

"It's really troublesome, take your time."

Su Xin kept flying at high altitude, and his super eyesight searched the ground in real time to assist in positioning. It took him two full days to find the pilgrimage city.

Then I found Longquan Mountain.

That is where the Longquan Holy Land is located.

With his eyes locked on Longquan Holy Land, Su Xin slowly closed his eyes, waited 0.7 seconds, then entered the hidden state, and gave himself another information filtering feature.

Then, he flew forward at high speed.

In the hidden state, he can only use his supersensory description to 'see' the surrounding situation. In addition, he can only rely on his hearing to judge the environment.

As the distance quickly approached, he began to hear various sounds coming from Longquan Holy Land.

At this moment——

A majestic and majestic sound suddenly sounded in the void.


The air shook violently, as if a nuclear bomb was exploding here, and even the clouds in the sky were shaken away by the sound.

Su Xin was also shocked.

He felt like a ship on the sea, and the other party's voice was like a huge wave, sweeping over the sky and overwhelming him, making him sway uncontrollably.

It seemed like it was going to topple at any moment.

Since awakening the power of self-deception, this was the first time he was discovered in a hidden state, and it was also the first time he was attacked by others.

"Space is indeed the power of space."

Su Xinxin was shocked.

But he did not show up, but continued to fly towards Longquan Mountain at extreme speed.

Sensing all this, the mysterious strong man who didn't know where he was suddenly snorted coldly.

The next moment, the space vibration that Su Xin felt became more intense, as if the huge waves suddenly turned into an inversion of heaven and earth, and the endless sea water submerged his small boat.

But he still couldn't force him to show up.

"How brave!"

At this time, the strong man in the dark was completely angry.

From different locations in Longquan Mountain, five figures rose from the ground at the same time, flying towards Su Xin's direction, as if they wanted to intercept him.

The five of them can clearly sense Su Xin's position, and can also create fluctuations in the power of space to a certain extent to attack Su Xin.

It's like being in a room. Su Xin has the ability to get into the cracks in the wall and has been hiding in the wall. Although the five people can see the traces of Su Xin's movement through the wall, they can also attack through the wall. Facing Su Xin's movement, there was no very effective way to stop it.

In the endless violent spatial fluctuations, Su Xin's body endured great pressure, and tiny cracks appeared for the first time in a long time.

But then.

Under the huge vitality attached to the twenty living talismans, the cracks quickly recovered as before.

At this time.

After the five true martial arts masters chased and intercepted him, they finally forced Su Xin somewhere, gathered around Su Xin, and used their strength at the same time!

I saw uneven black cracks appearing out of thin air, and then quietly shattered like broken glass.

The space mezzanine is broken.

However, Su Xin, who was located in the mezzanine of space, still did not appear.

The expressions of the five people suddenly changed.

"How can it be?"

"He is clearly in the space mezzanine, why can't he be forced out even though he is doing this?"

"Who is this guy?"

"Do you want to ask the ancestor to come forward?"

"Don't worry, let's see what he wants to do first, and don't disturb the ancestor easily."

The five people exchanged words quickly.

But for a while, there was nothing he could do about Su Xin.

What they don't know is that Su Xin's power is the power of the law of cause and effect. The strongest point is that it is completely unreasonable and detached from the rules.

According to the characteristics of self-deception and non-sense interaction, he closed his eyes and met the prerequisites of the ability, and the result will definitely come true.

That is to say.

As long as he keeps his eyes closed, no matter what happens, nothing can stop him from hiding.

He is in a space mezzanine. When the space mezzanine is destroyed, he will automatically achieve his concealment in other ways.

In short, he must be in hiding.

Several people could sense Su Xin's presence and attack Su Xin, but they could not break Su Xin's concealment effect.

This is like a person who has the power of invisibility at the law of cause and effect level. Others may be able to sense his presence through touch or other methods, and they may also be able to attack him, but they cannot break his invisibility and make him appear.

Unless it is a higher level ability than the law of cause and effect.

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