The cultivation of the Creation Realm focuses on understanding, but it also has extremely high requirements for the refining of the vitality of heaven and earth, and both are indispensable.

Su Xin sometimes refines the vitality of heaven and earth in a hidden state, and sometimes appears in a specially set aside area at the edge of the small world to appreciate nature.

In the realm of creation, one can initially understand the laws of heaven and earth. Su Xin chose the law of fire, so he embodied the volcanic environment in a corner of the small world, and would be immersed in the depths of magma when he understood the laws.


The magma was constantly churning, and the terrifying high temperature enveloped Su Xin's body, but he could not feel the slightest burning heat.

"Could it be... that it's because my body is too strong and I can't feel the high temperature of the magma that I can't comprehend the law of fire?"

Su Xinxin thought to himself.

At this moment, the top management of the Dawn Society almost simultaneously sent him a distress message through the talisman.

In the magma, Su Xin suddenly opened his eyes.

With a thought, he asked the new president Fang Dingqiang through the talisman:

"what happened?"

"Shen Su, a very scary strong man suddenly appeared above the headquarters and said he wanted to see you. All our attack methods had no effect on him, and he was easily suppressed by him."

"In addition, his methods are very magical. He can control space at will... In short, the whole world can do nothing about him now."

"Control space? A mysterious and powerful person?"

When Su Xin's eyes moved, he immediately thought of the ancestor Xuanzhen who defeated him.

He is now many times stronger than before, but he is still not sure how to deal with the ability that Ancestor Xuanzhen showed last time.

"Since the other party can find this world from Luotian Continent, there is no point in hiding anymore. I can't stay in a small world forever."

"What's more, since the other party can find Baishan Star, will he directly find me in my little world one day?"

Su Xin's face became more and more solemn.

The only good news is that during this period, he was comprehending the laws and had not refined the vitality of heaven and earth. The suffocation barrier had been charged for several days, and its defensive power should have been very terrifying.

After thinking about it, Su Xin decided to go out.

Although stability is important, if you only know stability all your life, and you only know how to avoid the slightest risk, then what's the point of living? So what's the point of becoming stronger?

You have to face it.

"I don't believe it. What can you really do to me? It's just a fairyland! Let me fight you again to see your limits!"

Su Xinxin made a decision.

Perhaps even he himself has not noticed that after his last defeat at the hands of Ancestor Xuanzhen, a shadow has appeared in his heart over the years. He has never dared to take another step into another world, and has also developed a certain resistance to other worlds.

It's like a big entrepreneur who has been successful for many years. After entering a new industry, he was beaten black and blue. So he never dared to enter a new industry again. He only guarded his own one-third of an acre and lost what he once had. Sharpness and edge.

Although he thought about reaching the human immortal realm and then entering another world again, after he actually reached the human immortal realm, he felt that there might be someone stronger than the human immortal, and his strength still had a lot of room for improvement. We need to continue to become stronger, to become infinitely stronger, and to be stronger than ever before.

But in fact.

There is no end to getting stronger. He is bound by his own heart. No matter how strong he becomes, he may not dare to take that step again.

He hides in his own little world forever, so what if he becomes infinitely stronger? So what if it can really crush all the heavens and worlds?

His heart is too weak.

Not even daring to take a step.

His journey has been so smooth, and he has gained such great strength in just a dozen years thanks to his system powers, but he has experienced too little. Like a flower in a greenhouse, he looks very healthy and full of vitality. Exuberant, but in fact, the mood becomes unstable after a slight setback.

Now, after he had been hiding for so long, Ancestor Xuanzhen came to visit him, which finally aroused Su Xinxin's arrogance and passion again.

How can he be considered a strong person if he has so many magical powers and still acts so timid!

"Fight! Then fight!"

Su Xin became confident in his heart, as if all the delicacy had been washed away, his heart and bones had been transformed, and some undetectable changes had taken place in his whole person from the inside out.

"The laws of heaven and earth..."

"I see!"

Su Xin raised his hand, and a ball of flame burned quietly above his palm out of thin air.

This is the law of fire.

To understand the law, we not only observe the natural phenomena between heaven and earth, but also need to truly understand the essence and nature of this law.

How could a timid person understand the cruel and ferocious law of fire?

This slight change in mood, like a domino, caused Su Xin to have a series of subsequent chain changes.

This trace of flame law did not change Su Xin's strength much, but it also further strengthened his thoughts and decisions.


Although you have decided to have a battle with the opponent, you still have to be cautious. You cannot go out like this. If the opponent follows the spatial fluctuations and finds the small world, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, Su Xin first closed his eyes and entered a state of invisibility. After leaving the small world, he teleported a certain distance in a certain direction.

Finally opened my eyes.

A teleport appears at the Dawn Society headquarters.

As soon as he appeared, his warrior spiritual sense sensed the existence that was as dazzling as the sun in the sky. The other party took the initiative to show his body, obviously showing his power to him.

Su Xin did sense it.

"So strong, but..."

"It seems not to be the Xuanzhen Patriarch?"

Su Xin was stunned, and after teleporting out of the headquarters building, he flew straight up.

I saw a man with a handsome face standing in the void with a smile on his face, quietly watching him flying all the way up.

"Who are you?"

"Daoyou, you are Su Xin, right?"

Su Xin was stunned, but seeing that the other party did not show hostility for the time being, he did not take the initiative to attack, so as not to destroy this world.

He nodded: "Yes, Daoyou, who are you?"

"You can call me Yuntai."

"Where are you from? Why are you looking for me?"

"These questions... If you don't mind, we can find a suitable place to talk slowly."

Su Xin was silent for a moment, and pointed down:

"I'll have someone arrange a meeting room, and we'll sit down and talk."


The handsome boy nodded.

Su Xin moved his mind and communicated with Fang Dingqiang through the Shengfu, asking the other party to arrange a meeting room, and then the two came to the meeting room and sat down.

"Let me introduce myself briefly. I am a terrestrial immortal from the Luotian Continent. Last time, I accidentally discovered your battle with a human immortal and found that your ability seems to be very special."

"At that time, I wanted to catch you and study you, but you ran away, so I spent some time to find you here."

Su Xin raised his eyebrows, used telekinesis to control the vibration of the air, and made a slightly unhappy voice:

"Did you catch me last time?"


Yuntai nodded readily. "Since you arrested me for no reason last time, you are my enemy. Why are you communicating with me in a nice tone this time?"

"Because I found that your ability is very special and you are qualified to communicate with me on an equal footing... From the perspective of your world culture, this behavior seems a little unfriendly, but looking at the heavens and the worlds, this behavior is very normal. The weak are just ants. When I found that you are qualified to communicate with me on an equal footing, we have the need to communicate normally."

Su Xin was too lazy to delve into this issue. He also had many questions to ask the other party, so he asked before the other party asked:

"You just said that you are an earthly immortal. Is it a martial arts realm above human immortals? Is there a higher realm like heavenly immortals or gods above it?"

"Yes, earthly immortals are the realm above human immortals, and there is indeed a heavenly immortal realm above them. As for whether there are higher realms, I can answer you clearly - yes, I just don't know what they are specifically. "

"What are the myriad worlds you mentioned? Or, can you and other strong men above the Earthly Immortal Realm freely travel through the myriad worlds?"

"You asked me a few questions, and now it's my turn to ask you. This is fair, what do you think?"

"Okay, ask."

"You have various abilities such as unlimited resurrection. Where do these abilities come from? Are there any restrictions on resurrecting others?"

"Su Xin said lightly: "I just asked you some common sense you know, and you asked me about my own secrets as soon as you opened your mouth. Do you think this is fair?"

"Yun Tai smiled: "Well, I will only ask you one question, which will not involve your deep secrets. As long as you answer all my questions seriously, I will tell you the common sense I know about the myriad worlds."

"Su Xin thought about it and agreed. Yuntai asked again: "What are the limitations of your ability to resurrect others? Can people whose souls are close to annihilation be resurrected?"

"I have two ways to resurrect others."

Su Xin answered honestly:

"The first is the life talisman. As long as I plant the life talisman for others in advance, I can resurrect them at any time after they die."

"The biggest flaw of this method is that the life talisman can only be planted when the target is alive. If the target is already dead, it cannot be resurrected."

"I haven't tested the limit of resurrection. What I can be sure of is that even if the body is incomplete at the time of death, it can be perfectly resurrected. As for the situation of being shattered or the soul being annihilated, I am not sure whether it can be resurrected."

"The second is the ability to revive life."

"This is when the target is already dead. In the case, the resurrection is very limited, and the illness or aging dies. Even if you are reluctant to resurrect, you can only survive for a while, and you will die. " For a long time, the body has completely lost its activity, just like it has become a desert. It can not let it recover for a long time. "" Since you have understood the situation of this world, you should understand this metaphor? " Head. His so -called recovery of life is Zhai Shiquan's resurrection ability. The strength of this ability depends entirely on Zhai Shiquan.

But even if he has reached the late stage of body refining, Zhai Shiquan's own vitality is still not very strong. It is estimated that he can at most resurrect a few dead people with completely missing limbs.

Those who died more tragically would not be able to be resurrected, let alone those whose souls were annihilated.

Yuntai shook his head in disappointment, but continued: "I have a friend who was seriously injured and his soul is close to annihilation. I would like to ask you to try to save him, can you?"

Su Xin thought for a moment and said: "My life resuscitation ability can be improved, but it will take time. If your friend can continue to persist, then it is better to wait. The life resuscitation ability cannot be revived now, but it may be possible in the future. ”

"Can it still be improved?"

Yuntai looked surprised, then nodded and said: "My friend can still persist for decades, maybe even longer. If your ability can be improved, you might as well wait a few more years before trying again."

"In exchange, in addition to telling you some common sense about the world, I can also agree to some conditions that are not excessive."

Su Xin said: "Okay, the first and simplest condition is that I hope you won't reveal anything about this world and my various abilities. There should be no problem with this, right?"

"no problem."

"So, to go back to the question I just asked, what are the heavens and the worlds like? Do you and other powerful people above the Earthly Immortal Realm have the ability to travel through the heavens and the worlds at will?"

Yuntai organized his speech for a while and then began to speak:

"All the heavens and worlds...there are indeed countless worlds in the vast universe. If we use a simpler metaphor, they are like countless bubbles floating in the air."

"Every bubble is a world, and all the bubbles together are what we habitually call the heavens and the worlds... This is described in your language, so you may think this statement sounds strange. It looks familiar."

"The space where the bubbles are located is generally called the void, or the virtual world. This is different from the so-called void in your language, because it is the soil for the existence of all worlds, but it is not suitable for ordinary people to survive, even Even my level cannot survive in the void.”

"This is just to explain another question you asked. Earth Immortals...theoretically do not have the ability to travel through the world, because after we leave our own world, we cannot survive in the virtual world at all, so how can we travel through the world? "

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